the US economy is collapsing, & this time there'll be no recovery my friends. just ask Dave Stockman

like most bubbles, the longer it goes on, the worse the crash will be

Like what bubbles? What "bubble" will burst? Housing? Nope, that was fixed. Banks? Nope that was fixed.
The $22T National Debt? Sooner or later, but not under Trump, say about 2029.
Medicare goes bankrupt in 2026, is that a bubble? Nope. Old folks will need to pay for service or die.
SS goes bankrupt in 2034, is that a bubble? Nope. Old folks will just get 80% of what they are owed.
How about a "global recession"? Is that a bubble? Nope. The US economy is strong compared to the others.

I'm blanking on what fucking "bubble" you're predicting (projecting?).
from CNBC:

"As slowing growth, trade and political uncertainty take their toll on investor sentiment, the risk of a global recession is at its highest since August 2009, according to a survey of fund managers.⁠

Some 38% of investors polled expect a recession over the next year — that figure was 34% in August, the highest response since October 2011.⁠

The survey, conducted across 235 panelists with a combined $683 billion in assets under management, revealed that investors see German fiscal stimulus as carrying the most bullish potential for risk assets over the next six months.⁠

And the U.S.-China trade war continues to top the list of investor tail risks, with 40% citing trade as a key concern.⁠"

the economy can fall over a cliff in just one night. POOF! All the progress that's been done will vanish!
if the big enchilada, the ECONOMY tanks, Trump tanks with it, my friends! and so does my future and yours!
oh puuuUUlease Basq, for gawd's sake...pull your cranium outta your large intestine



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