The US Flag Is Now School Contraband

The school admin is probably saving the kid from getting his ass kicked. Of course, his parents are probably too stupid to realize that.

If that's the case, then it sure shoots the. "immigrants are assimilating nicely" theory right in the ass, doesn't it?

Kind of hard when the right treats them like garbage.

Assholes that would beat someone up for flying the American flag should be treated like the garbage they are!!!
it's not about it being racist. it's about them having racial tensions at the school and trying to keep them tamped down. i think they went overboard. but honestly? i think flying a flag from one's bike is silly and you have to ask why the kid is doing it.


Uh I dunno. Maybe because he is a kid.

Fuck'n a...

or maybe because when he goes home, his parents scream about the f'ing mexicans???

just sayin'

a "kid" puts a sticker on his bike. no?
Yes... a kid with a family member in the service flies a flag...

clearly, the only explanation is that his family is a bunch of racists :rolleyes:
Show me where I said he was equally quilty?
Do I think his parents are getting outraged over something stupid, and over his school trying to protect him? Yes

Yeah, the first amendment is ridiculously stupid. :rolleyes:

What would you say if the kid got beat up for flying the flag? I bet you would be outraged, and blame the same schoool for not doing anything.

I'd be outraged that the school didn't do more about the people that beat him up.

So would banning ALL flags be helping him from getting beat up, or from the school having a larger incident? Especially since the school already had problems? I am sorry! I would rather my child be safe. And they didn't just single him out, they banned all flags.
The school admin is probably saving the kid from getting his ass kicked. Of course, his parents are probably too stupid to realize that.
Kicked by...?

So you defend not the kid with a flag, but the anti-american people like yourself who would assault him for flying an American flag in America?
It's not the right that wants to keep Hispanics isolated in Spanish Language Only Barrios and prevent them from assimilating in to U.S. culture so they have a chance at careers above manual labor.
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Show me where I said he was equally quilty?
Do I think his parents are getting outraged over something stupid, and over his school trying to protect him? Yes
What would you say if the kid got beat up for flying the flag? I bet you would be outraged, and blame the same schoool for not doing anything.

"Saving his ass from getting kicked" positions the kids as being an ungrateful little weakling and hypocrite for daring to question the Dictats of the School Hemony.

Attacking the kids is a Cheap Shot.

No, going to the news media and making this issue more than it is, is a cheap shot. It is quite clear the school is trying to protect the child, but of course the parents have no clue.

It's sad that you don't understand this significance of a boy being told not to fly the American Flag in honor of his grandfather on Veterans' Day.
"'Our Hispanic, you know, kids will, you know, bring their Mexican flags and they'll display it, and then of course the kids would do the American flag situation, and it does cause kind of a racial tension which we don't really want.
'We want them to appreciate the cultures.'
The teenagers parents said he flies the flag from his bike as a tribute to service veterans in his family.
His father Robert Kisner said: 'He's got that flag on his bike because he's proud of where he comes from.'

Read more: Student, 13, told to remove Stars and Stripes from his bike... to avoid 'racial tensions' with other pupils | Mail Online

So they want him to cave in to anti-american punks who threaten violence if anyone denies that this is Mexico?

You sicken me

While you sicken the rest of us.
Yes... the partisan 'tard who thinks it must be wrong because it's on Fox, doesn't know how to use MSNBC's search box, and stands beside Jillian in demanding a reason for our youth to have a U.S. flag on their bike.... is sickened...


I'll let you know if your opinion ever starts to matter.

I think I was pretty clear about what came up on google when I first searched it, weirdo. MSNBC didn't come up at all, so it would have been hard to us their search box.
You are fucking wacko, I could care less if my opinion doesn't matter. But I have a feeling it does, since I just got a neg rep from you. Did I hurt your feelings?

Hi, you have received -102 reputation points from JBeukema.
Reputation was given for this post.

partsian \'tard


"Saving his ass from getting kicked" positions the kids as being an ungrateful little weakling and hypocrite for daring to question the Dictats of the School Hemony.

Attacking the kids is a Cheap Shot.

No, going to the news media and making this issue more than it is, is a cheap shot. It is quite clear the school is trying to protect the child, but of course the parents have no clue.

It's sad that you don't understand this significance of a boy being told not to fly the American Flag in honor of his grandfather on Veterans' Day.

And the kid can fly it all he wants on his way to school.
How is protecting the students, dishonoring the kids grandfather?
"Saving his ass from getting kicked" positions the kids as being an ungrateful little weakling and hypocrite for daring to question the Dictats of the School Hemony.

Attacking the kids is a Cheap Shot.

No, going to the news media and making this issue more than it is, is a cheap shot. It is quite clear the school is trying to protect the child, but of course the parents have no clue.

It's sad that you don't understand this significance of a boy being told not to fly the American Flag in honor of his grandfather on Veterans' Day.

Um...I don't think the kid went to school on Veteran's the school would have nothing to do with it....on that day.
No, going to the news media and making this issue more than it is, is a cheap shot. It is quite clear the school is trying to protect the child, but of course the parents have no clue.

It's sad that you don't understand this significance of a boy being told not to fly the American Flag in honor of his grandfather on Veterans' Day.

Um...I don't think the kid went to school on Veteran's the school would have nothing to do with it....on that day.

Er..did you read it, Luser?

Yes, they banned all flags, okay.

But he wasn't flying it in school. It was on his bike. Kids don't ride their bikes after school starts.
The school admin is probably saving the kid from getting his ass kicked. Of course, his parents are probably too stupid to realize that.

If that's the case, then it sure shoots the. "immigrants are assimilating nicely" theory right in the ass, doesn't it?

Kind of hard when the right treats them like garbage.
They have it a whole lot easier than the Irish, the Germans, the Italians, and the Chinese had it.

Not to mention the blacks.

So stfu, learn English, and become a part of this country and its people or go back where you come from.

Shove that mexican flag up your ass and go back to the shithole your family crawled out of if it's so great.

Some of us remember why our families came here.
Er..did you read it, Luser?

Yes, they banned all flags, okay.

But he wasn't flying it in school. It was on his bike. Kids don't ride their bikes after school starts.

Then why does it matter if he has to keep it in his backpack once he is on school grounds?

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