The US Flag Is Now School Contraband

I'd send a new flag every day, if the kid was up for it. Which he probably wouldn't be. How depressing. Even more depressing, people refuse to believe it. They refused to believe Obama was a nutjob as well. Also refused to believe the negative consequences the health plan would have.

Well, you refuse to except that you are a nutjob. So, your opinion really holds no weight. Just sayin!

And Allie, giving the fact our feud was a few months ago, your sig line isn't helping your nut job status.

My sig has nothing to do with "our" feud. Which was never a "feud" anyway. Our "feud" was you going off the deep end. You've never been able to hold your own in any argument, and when you start with your victimization crap, you're just plain crazy.

So my sig remains to remind you of just what degree of looney toons you are, Luser.

Well, it actually proves what a moron and a liar you are. But whatever!

I think the donkey dick thing is hilarious! Mostly because you are too stupid to realize what it means. :lol:

Our feud went off the deep end, because you decided to comment on something you knew nothing about. You had no idea that the muscle relaxer is not addictive, and you pretty much were called out for being a fool by everyone in the thread. You have no clue how bat shit crazy you are, and it is quite sad.
"'Our Hispanic, you know, kids will, you know, bring their Mexican flags and they'll display it, and then of course the kids would do the American flag situation, and it does cause kind of a racial tension which we don't really want.
'We want them to appreciate the cultures.'
The teenagers parents said he flies the flag from his bike as a tribute to service veterans in his family.
His father Robert Kisner said: 'He's got that flag on his bike because he's proud of where he comes from.'

Read more: Student, 13, told to remove Stars and Stripes from his bike... to avoid 'racial tensions' with other pupils | Mail Online
I have a feeling there is more to the story, since the only links I can find are from Fox News, Hot Air, and Michelle Malkin, and another website that talks about how socialism is evil.



The reason you're not seeing more is that this is the type of story that the MSM usually ignore.

This incident in Sacramento is very similar to when a few high school boys were told not to wear clothing featuring the U.S. flag on Cinco de Mayo because it was racially insensitive.

Enough. This is the United States. Anyone should be able to display the flag.
Well, you refuse to except that you are a nutjob. So, your opinion really holds no weight. Just sayin!

And Allie, giving the fact our feud was a few months ago, your sig line isn't helping your nut job status.

My sig has nothing to do with "our" feud. Which was never a "feud" anyway. Our "feud" was you going off the deep end. You've never been able to hold your own in any argument, and when you start with your victimization crap, you're just plain crazy.

So my sig remains to remind you of just what degree of looney toons you are, Luser.

Well, it actually proves what a moron and a liar you are. But whatever!

I think the donkey dick thing is hilarious! Mostly because you are too stupid to realize what it means. :lol:

Our feud went off the deep end, because you decided to comment on something you knew nothing about. You had no idea that the muscle relaxer is not addictive, and you pretty much were called out for being a fool by everyone in the thread. You have no clue how bat shit crazy you are, and it is quite sad.

it's not about it being racist. it's about them having racial tensions at the school and trying to keep them tamped down. i think they went overboard. but honestly? i think flying a flag from one's bike is silly and you have to ask why the kid is doing it.


Uh I dunno. Maybe because he is a kid.

Fuck'n a...

or maybe because when he goes home, his parents scream about the f'ing mexicans???

just sayin'

a "kid" puts a sticker on his bike. no?

I call shenanigans.

There is absolutely no evidence that his parents are teaching him to be a racist.

To insinuate such is disgusting, and says far more about you than it does about the boy and his family.
Luser must have hit the bottom of her stash. She's getting antsy.

What stash would that be? I want to know what new drugs I am on now.
Have I moved to oxycotins? How about meth?

Do you know what donkey dick means?:lol:
The school admin is probably saving the kid from getting his ass kicked. Of course, his parents are probably too stupid to realize that.

So you are assuming that there are a bunch of kids at school who are incited to violence at the sight of the American Flag?

I'd say that is pretty Racially Insentive of you.
The school admin is probably saving the kid from getting his ass kicked. Of course, his parents are probably too stupid to realize that.

So you are assuming that there are a bunch of kids at school who are incited to violence at the sight of the American Flag?

I'd say that is pretty Racially Insentive of you.
Mostly, NCLR, CPLC, MS13, and the various other mexican gangs.
So, were the Mexican kids asked to not fly their flags?

It's a pretty safe assumption that if they were, the poor little tykes would be featured prominently on ABCCBSNBCCNN with full page spreads in the NYT, Time, and Newsweek...and much coverage on all the leftwing blogs.
Reading through some of these lib's responses only further makes the case that liberalism truly is a mental disorder. SERIOUSLY!

Do us all a favor, ya' fucking assclowns......Move to Venezuala and get the fuck out o' this great country. You'll fit right in over there. Ya' whiney, sniveling losers!

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