The US is becoming USSR 2.0


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
The author lays out some very interesting points about how we're becoming what the USSR used to be. (and in many ways, still is). Note this doesn't cover what's happened during the Biden administration. It was posted in 2021.

The US is becoming USSR 2.0

An overconfident America risks going down same path as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, warned Russian President Vladimir Putin at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
We are turning into Russia. A friend of mine was just arrested for being at the Jan 6 protest. He is the nicest guy, devoted churchgoer and humanitarian that I know. He got locked up for having an opinion that is unpopular with todays totalitarian Democrats, much like Trump did. It's a sad time for what's left of our country. MAGA
The author lays out some very interesting points about how we're becoming what the USSR used to be. (and in many ways, still is). Note this doesn't cover what's happened during the Biden administration. It was posted in 2021.

The US is becoming USSR 2.0

An overconfident America risks going down same path as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, warned Russian President Vladimir Putin at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

I don't think it's going the way of the USSR. It's going its own way, and it's not a good way. The rich are controlling the country and the poor are getting screwed. Why? No democracy.

Unless the people stand up and demand Proportional Representation, the country is screwed.
The author lays out some very interesting points about how we're becoming what the USSR used to be. (and in many ways, still is). Note this doesn't cover what's happened during the Biden administration. It was posted in 2021.

The US is becoming USSR 2.0

An overconfident America risks going down same path as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, warned Russian President Vladimir Putin at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

WE should be so lucky; we're becoming Venezuela and Guatemala, and the cities will become Haiti.
I don't think it's going the way of the USSR. It's going its own way, and it's not a good way. The rich are controlling the country and the poor are getting screwed. Why? No democracy.

Unless the people stand up and demand Proportional Representation, the country is screwed.

When it is easy to control people by law and through minds ( just simple mind control -- see Pandemic as an obvious example)--- no specific election process will make the slightest difference and the result most preferred by Deep State will always prevail .
When it is easy to control people by law and through minds ( just simple mind control -- see Pandemic as an obvious example)--- no specific election process will make the slightest difference and the result most preferred by Deep State will always prevail .
Exactly how fascism has crept in 'Lu...

The most prevalent uptick being the 'patriot act' an extensive doc that took the feds a mere few weeks to produce post 9/11

Homeland Insecurity, our own gestapo , followed suit

The terrorist industrial complex accommodations slowly evolving from foreign to domestic keeping the jingo's goosestepping to to congressional comrades constitutional demise


Exactly how fascism has crept in 'Lu...

The most prevalent uptick being the 'patriot act' an extensive doc that took the feds a mere few weeks to produce post 9/11

Homeland Insecurity, our own gestapo , followed suit

The terrorist industrial complex accommodations slowly evolving from foreign to domestic keeping the jingo's goosestepping to to congressional comrades constitutional demise

Fully agree .
9/11 was 90%+ about the Patriot Act in my opinion - and many others . Although blowing up the W7 tower block remains interesting because of the destroyed paperwork.

From there we got the Sheeple into the Axis of Terror and buying lying and mind control on a scale almost never seen before -(excluding Pearl Harbour , Bay of Tonkin and Titanic !!! ).
I don't think it's going the way of the USSR. It's going its own way, and it's not a good way. The rich are controlling the country and the poor are getting screwed. Why? No democracy.

Unless the people stand up and demand Proportional Representation, the country is screwed.

Yeah..and who are most of those rich people? Democrats. You are all getting shafted by your own people, but because they ARE “your own people”, the dems will never pass a wealth tax, though, I certainly hope they would. They’d lose a lot of support from those wealthy people.
Yeah..and who are most of those rich people? Democrats. You are all getting shafted by your own people, but because they ARE “your own people”, the dems will never pass a wealth tax, though, I certainly hope they would. They’d lose a lot of support from those wealthy people.

No, it's not just Democrats.

The two rich people who have changed politics the most since the 1980 US presidential election are the Koch brothers. And they were definitely Republican.

Must be hard living in a world where you can't even be bothered to look at things properly, every answer is "blame the Democrats".
The author lays out some very interesting points about how we're becoming what the USSR used to be. (and in many ways, still is). Note this doesn't cover what's happened during the Biden administration. It was posted in 2021.

The US is becoming USSR 2.0

An overconfident America risks going down same path as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, warned Russian President Vladimir Putin at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
I have to disagree somewhat. We are already there.
I think of things like how the selfie takers at the capital were rounded up and jailed. How the government can & does spy on Americans. How everything we do is monitored in some form or fashion. How the government is constantly abusing the constitution. These and a few other things means we're definitely not the 1980's USA.
No, it's not just Democrats.

The two rich people who have changed politics the most since the 1980 US presidential election are the Koch brothers. And they were definitely Republican.

Must be hard living in a world where you can't even be bothered to look at things properly, every answer is "blame the Democrats".

Ok, are we looking to 44 years ago? Who are the “rich” now days? It’s the dems right? Sure there are rich repubs, but the rich we hear about today are people like zuck, bezos, soros.

Those rich people who are controlling the country today are all lefty’s.

I say have at it. Tax the hell out of them.
I don't think it's going the way of the USSR. It's going its own way, and it's not a good way. The rich are controlling the country and the poor are getting screwed. Why? No democracy.

Unless the people stand up and demand Proportional Representation, the country is screwed.

We need to lift the cap on the size of the House and expand it. Smaller fiefdoms, more localized representation.

And let them make votes from their home districts instead of needing a quorum in D.C. for every single thing.
Ok, are we looking to 44 years ago? Who are the “rich” now days? It’s the dems right? Sure there are rich repubs, but the rich we hear about today are people like zuck, bezos, soros.

Those rich people who are controlling the country today are all lefty’s.

I say have at it. Tax the hell out of them.


There's no point in having this conversation. You don't live in reality.
We need to lift the cap on the size of the House and expand it. Smaller fiefdoms, more localized representation.

And let them make votes from their home districts instead of needing a quorum in D.C. for every single thing.

Won't change anything. PR changes everything.

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