The US is becoming USSR 2.0


There's no point in having this conversation. You don't live in reality.

Well, if you refuse to accept that the rich today are the democrats, the social media giants, news network moguls, most of your major corporation CEO’s, tech industry execs, Hollywood celebrities, top selling music acts…those are all your democrats, most of them. If you refuse to see that, then yes, there is no point to this conversation
Well, if you refuse to accept that the rich today are the democrats, the social media giants, news network moguls, most of your major corporation CEO’s, tech industry execs, Hollywood celebrities, top selling music acts…those are all your democrats, most of them. If you refuse to see that, then yes, there is no point to this conversation

Bye then
Won't change anything. PR changes everything.

Exactly. We'd still end up with the same type of politicians on both sides. There'd only be more politicians arguing over the same stupid things for the same stupid reasons. And the end results would still be stupid.
The author lays out some very interesting points about how we're becoming what the USSR used to be. (and in many ways, still is). Note this doesn't cover what's happened during the Biden administration. It was posted in 2021.

The US is becoming USSR 2.0

An overconfident America risks going down same path as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, warned Russian President Vladimir Putin at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

Yeah, all true. Thankfully, Biden engaged the warp drive to Fascism and started using the Law against his political enemies
Yeah, all true. Thankfully, Biden engaged the warp drive to Fascism and started using the Law against his political enemies

And Trump is planning on doing the same thing. And his supporters are fantasizing about it. Tit for tat politics is retarded.
And Trump is planning on doing the same thing. And his supporters are fantasizing about it. Tit for tat politics is retarded.

Prosecuting your favorite gangsters for real crimes and treason isn't remotely the same thing as what your crime syndicates are doing. Just a fact.
What's necessary is for traitors to face multiple life sentences in Leavenworth or a firing squad

There's a thousand more important things that need to be done. Things that would garner a lot more support for the party. Things like debt reduction, balanced budget and ending our occupations around the world.
There are way worse criminals to go after.

Organized crime mobs like Democrats contribute to all kinds of crimes; see your BLM and 'anti-fa' thuggz for examples, and they advocate pedophilia and sexual mutilations of children, along with aiding Hamas and other like-minded vermin, so no, there aren't.
The author lays out some very interesting points about how we're becoming what the USSR used to be. (and in many ways, still is). Note this doesn't cover what's happened during the Biden administration. It was posted in 2021.

The US is becoming USSR 2.0

An overconfident America risks going down same path as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, warned Russian President Vladimir Putin at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

That article is 3 year old.

And no, we aren't becoming ussr.

At least they still loved and believed and had pride in their country. They didn't let dopeheads, drug dealers, crazies and criminals run rampant. They didn't have a open border filling their country with illegals demanding the country conform to them, they didn't let muslims run the show, the people didn't constantly protest in the name of other countries, prices weren't skin high, they were bombarded with faggotry, men weren't running around in wigs preying on kids and telling everyone to call them a woman and so on.

I don't want to live in Russia but with the way America is going if it isn't stopped in another 10 or 15 years Russia will be the better choice for decent white folks.
I don't think it's going the way of the USSR. It's going its own way, and it's not a good way. The rich are controlling the country and the poor are getting screwed. Why? No democracy.

Unless the people stand up and demand Proportional Representation, the country is screwed.

The goal is to bypass the electoral College?
No, it's not just Democrats.

The two rich people who have changed politics the most since the 1980 US presidential election are the Koch brothers. And they were definitely Republican.

Must be hard living in a world where you can't even be bothered to look at things properly, every answer is "blame the Democrats".

They were not Republicans.

But carry on -
And Trump is planning on doing the same thing. And his supporters are fantasizing about it. Tit for tat politics is retarded.

Yet here you are -

Isn't there a sewing forum or something that you could actually participate in?
Yea. Remember when Russia was an economic powerhouse where its citizens voted for their leaders and laws protected people equally? No? Me either.
An overconfident America risks going down same path as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, warned Russian President Vladimir Putin at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

I for one won't be converting my American dollars for Russian Rubles anytime soon.



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We are turning into Russia. A friend of mine was just arrested for being at the Jan 6 protest. He is the nicest guy, devoted churchgoer and humanitarian that I know. He got locked up for having an opinion that is unpopular with todays totalitarian Democrats, much like Trump did. It's a sad time for what's left of our country. MAGA
tell your friend to "not drop the soap" in the shower and hang on until January 2025. Trump will pardon all the patriots.
The author lays out some very interesting points about how we're becoming what the USSR used to be. (and in many ways, still is). Note this doesn't cover what's happened during the Biden administration. It was posted in 2021.

The US is becoming USSR 2.0

An overconfident America risks going down same path as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, warned Russian President Vladimir Putin at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
Hyperbolic nonsense.

The US is not becoming the Soviet Union; such a premise is a ridiculous lie.

The threat is a political system both undemocratic and antimajoritarian, resulting in the tyranny of minority rule.

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