The US is wasting its arsenal on Ukraine

Massive deliveries to Ukraine are taking place. So massive that it would need a long time to replace them. The West has delivered 60.000 anti-tank weapons and 25.000 anti-air weapons already. Among them an entire third of all of America´s Javelin weapons. More arms deliveries worth 800 Million USD are being prepared by the US government.
According to the author, the West is giving up on its own defense for Ukraine.

Biden and Selensky shake hands:
View attachment 631493
We should nuke Russia. Stocks need to be renewed anyways.
Cool. Can we go back to Afghanistan and try it again?

We already have the equipment there, we just need to put some boots on the ground.

Good plan !
Make a couple stops on the way.
Vietnam, Korea, bay of pork(great fishing)
Nobody remembers Putin's whining in Munich about how the fall of the Soviet Union was the 'biggest disaster of the Century' and his dream of retaking all those countries back. There is no gain in letting the KGB thug have all he wants and then having to go and retake that ground later under far worse conditions, in fact that is the height of stupidity and repeating history over and over again, just because of domestic Party politics.
I agree with that, without a doubt. The only question is what the US will be willing to do to stop this dictator. A big fight is supposed to take place in the Donbas in the coming weeks or even days. What outcome will be, who knows.

If Putin gets a decisive victory, he can go to other important directions. Kharkov, Dnepr, Zaporozhie and so on. If he suffers significant losses and get stuck there, then he may escalate the war by say using the tactic of carpet bombing or something like that.

And, as I said above, the only question is what the US are ready to do in either of these scenarios.
Maybe the views differ here a little bit. Russia and Germany are big trading partners and what we buy from Russia is more essential than the sensitivities of other countries. These other countries even profit from it. Tass reported that Russian gas is still flowing through Ukraine into the EU. That means Russia is still paying Ukraine transit fees. Poland is still using Russian gas although they didn´t renew the contract with Russia. They receive their gas now from Germany, for much higher price than before. That´s the price for living in the past. If North Stream 1 woudn´t exist, we would not be able to supply Poland. That was a close one for Poland and just an own goal. For being against Russia for no reason at all
It seems you should be ready to look for gas and crude oil for your country in some other places.
The head of NASA called on the world to abandon the testing of anti-satellite weapons
Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris said on April 18 that the United States undertakes not to conduct such tests, calls on other countries to join and establish this as a new norm of responsible behavior in space.
There is only one conclusion to be drawn from this - the United States is losing the race in this area.
There is only one conclusion to be drawn from this - the United States is losing the race in this area.
We've demonstrated ASAT capabilities air and ground launched. Standard Missile has ASAT capability.

We want everyone else to stop developing ASAT's because the US military is so heavily dependent on satellites. We know they know- take out our military communications satellites, we're deaf and blind. No more Reaper missions on the other side of the planet flown from a command station in Nevada.

We have redundancy, but they build more ASAT's and then we have to build more redundancy...

And every time another one is tested, there's that much more space junk to track (which is getting to be a big job).
Why people here so gun ho to support WHITE Ukraine but no support for any warring BLACK nations of Africa?

How come NO alliances with any nations of Africa?

Maybe some unexplained bigotry here?
USA has supported many Christian and democratic leaders in Africa. You probably just ignore those donations.

But the sad fact of the matter is that Ukraine GAVE UP IT'S NUCLEAR ARSENAL for the sake of peace. That's right, thousands of nuclear warheads, they gave them up in hopes of a better future for mankind. The USA agreed to give them support and defend them in the event they were invaded or threatened by another country (the old Soviet Union or Russia or any country). They most likely would not have given up those deterrents if the USA had not made the promise of security.

As I see it, we owe them MUCH more than a few (failed) shipments of arms that haven't even been delivered as yet to the men who need them.
But the sad fact of the matter is that Ukraine GAVE UP IT'S NUCLEAR ARSENAL for the sake of peace. That's right, thousands of nuclear warheads, they gave them up in hopes of a better future for mankind.
For God's sake, grow up, and stop saying such shameful nonsense!
All the launch codes for these Soviet missiles in Ukraine were in Moscow. And you should also thank God that there are no atomic weapons left in Ukraine, otherwise these thieves would have sold it to someone.
By the way, did you know that Russia has taken over the payment of all Soviet debts? And then for almost 20 years, she sold gas to Ukraine cheaper than it cost for Russians inside Russia?
For God's sake, grow up, and stop saying such shameful nonsense!
All the launch codes for these Soviet missiles in Ukraine were in Moscow. And you should also thank God that there are no atomic weapons left in Ukraine, otherwise these thieves would have sold it to someone.
By the way, did you know that Russia has taken over the payment of all Soviet debts? And then for almost 20 years, she sold gas to Ukraine cheaper than it cost for Russians inside Russia?
Russians are losing, that must really suck for you. 20,000+ dead. Hell now has a long line to get in.
For God's sake, grow up, and stop saying such shameful nonsense!
All the launch codes for these Soviet missiles in Ukraine were in Moscow. And you should also thank God that there are no atomic weapons left in Ukraine, otherwise these thieves would have sold it to someone.
By the way, did you know that Russia has taken over the payment of all Soviet debts? And then for almost 20 years, she sold gas to Ukraine cheaper than it cost for Russians inside Russia?
Why do call the Ukrainians "thieves"?
Why do call the Ukrainians "thieves"?
Because this is a feature of the ukrainian national elite. I remember that before the war in the West, the topic of ukrainian corruption was very popular, as well as the topic of ukrainian nazis in the army and society.
Now they have forgotten about corruption and the nazis seem to have already become good and kind.
Well, it's common for western politicians and the press to lie. As for Ukrainians - to steal.

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