The US Military Has Raided And Seized Servers In Germany, Tied To The Dominion Election System

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the only way Trump can survive as president is to destroy American's faith in our system and he has proven he is quite willing to do just that.

the only way Trump can survive as president is to destroy Restore American's faith in our system and he has proven he is quite willing to do just that.

Fixed it for ya!
Watch them attack saying "your link is not credible" :D

The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared "National Emergency" that set an Election Day trap for the "unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure"


This story begins with the little-known executive order signed into existence on September 12, 2018, by President Donald J. Trump. That order, available at, is entitled, "Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election." In that executive order, which almost no one has covered since the day it was signed, President Trump declares a national emergency. That emergency is still in play to this day, and the 2020 election was conducted under this state of emergency, which is a crucial point to understand what's coming next.


Dominion is Canadian, Scytl is from Spain; both represent "foreign interference" in US elections... with data routed through servers in Germany


The votes cast by Americans were counted by a bankrupted Spanish company Scytl in Spain. Like Dominion Voting Systems, Scytl has a long history of election fraud in various nations including injecting backdoors in its election software. The issue has prompted experts to question why the sensitive job of counting votes was outsourced to a foreign company? How could a bankrupted Spanish company count American votes in Spain? Due to such widespread fraud, the Chairman of the US Federal Election Commission Trey Trainor believes that the 2020 US Presidential Elections is illegitimate. What people are missing in all this is that Trump's 2018 executive order gives the DOJ the power to seize all assets of individuals and companies that were complicit in aiding or covering up this foreign interference in U.S. elections.


The National Emergency order specifically calls for seizure of all assets of entities that have, "directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election." That would, of course, have to include practically every CNN fake news anchor, every Big Tech CEO, every fake news journo-terrorist from NBC News, the NY Times and the Washington Post.


Every organization involved in the election theft and cover-up can now be seized by the US government


any covert, fraudulent, deceptive, or unlawful actions or attempted actions of a foreign government, or of any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, undertaken with the purpose or effect of influencing, undermining confidence in, or altering the result or reported result of, the election, or undermining public confidence in election processes or institutions. Note the important words of "altering the result or reported result of the election." This is exactly what Big Tech and the lying fake news media have done to America. More that merely a crime, it's treason...


The raid appears to have targeted the CIA's Frankfurt server farm operation
We also now have confirmation from WikiLeaks documents that the CIA used a data center in Frankfurt as a remote hacking base to rig US elections. reported: WikiLeaks released a trove of CIA documents on Tuesday that it claimed revealed details of its secret hacking arsenal.


It appears the CIA was using the same foreign data center to hack the US elections... and got caught. This is precisely why, as the Gateway Pundit reports, the CIA was kept completely out of the server raid operation that just took place in Germany. The raid was likely leveled against the CIA's own server farm that ran the remote Dominion hacking operation the night of the election!


President Donald J. Trump will be able to:

Arrest and seize the assets of all the top Democrats and deep state traitors who attempted to steal the 2020 election.
Seize all the Big Tech corporations and left-wing media propaganda outlets that were complicit in the conspiracy. This could include seizing their domain names such as,,, etc.
Defeat the DNC forever by revealing overwhelming evidence of widespread election fraud, which will also result in a nationwide call for a voter ID system for all future elections.
Solidify his own standing as the brilliant mastermind President of the USA for a second term (and perhaps a third, we dare say).


RECOUNTS no longer matter; the certification of votes is now irrelevant
The action plan to achieve all this is under way as you read this. Team Trump already has the full transaction logs of Dominion Voting Systems election alterations, and with raids taking place in Europe, more evidence of foreign interference is being secured. Importantly, this enormous cache of vote fraud evidence will be more than sufficient for President Trump to present this evidence to the American people, then declare an illegal insurrection attempt against the United States of America while deploying US Marshals or military police to arrest the treasonous actors in the United States who attempted to carry out this elaborate criminal fraud.

Quoted far less than 50%

BOMBSHELL: The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared

View attachment 416125
I'm tiny bit skeptical of your source,
DISTRIBUTED NEWS, Top Stories from Independent Journalists Across the Web.
And who is this great independent journalist, HEALTHRANGER??? Like most conspiracy theories, proving it could be true is not the same as proving it is true.
Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

Foreign Policy

Issued on: September 12, 2018

BOMBSHELL: The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared “National Emergency” that set an Election Day trap for the “unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure”

Did the US Raid European Software Company Scytl and Seize their Servers in Germany? — Company Refutes Claims?

UPDATE: Scytl reportedly refuted the claims on Saturday morning.
Then their website crashed.

WikiLeaks released a trove of CIA documents on Tuesday that it claimed revealed details of its secret hacking arsenal.

The release included 8,761 documents that it claimed revealed details of "malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized 'zero day' exploits, malware remote control systems and associated documentation."

The leaks purportedly revealed that a top secret CIA unit used the German city of Frankfurt am Main as the starting point for numerous hacking attacks on Europe, China and the Middle East.

Don't attack the messenger. Focus on the message.

Frankfurt used as remote hacking base for the CIA: WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks documents reveal CIA agents were given cover identities and diplomatic passports to enter the country. The base was used to develop hacking tools as part of the CIA's massive digital arsenal.
What does this all mean?

And forgive the idiot above me. I being open-minded and such, like hearing explanations, instead of just laughing at stuff like a fucking hyena.
The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared "National Emergency" that set an Election Day trap for the "unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure"


This story begins with the little-known executive order signed into existence on September 12, 2018, by President Donald J. Trump. That order, available at, is entitled, "Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election." In that executive order, which almost no one has covered since the day it was signed, President Trump declares a national emergency. That emergency is still in play to this day, and the 2020 election was conducted under this state of emergency, which is a crucial point to understand what's coming next.


Dominion is Canadian, Scytl is from Spain; both represent "foreign interference" in US elections... with data routed through servers in Germany


The votes cast by Americans were counted by a bankrupted Spanish company Scytl in Spain. Like Dominion Voting Systems, Scytl has a long history of election fraud in various nations including injecting backdoors in its election software. The issue has prompted experts to question why the sensitive job of counting votes was outsourced to a foreign company? How could a bankrupted Spanish company count American votes in Spain? Due to such widespread fraud, the Chairman of the US Federal Election Commission Trey Trainor believes that the 2020 US Presidential Elections is illegitimate. What people are missing in all this is that Trump's 2018 executive order gives the DOJ the power to seize all assets of individuals and companies that were complicit in aiding or covering up this foreign interference in U.S. elections.


The National Emergency order specifically calls for seizure of all assets of entities that have, "directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election." That would, of course, have to include practically every CNN fake news anchor, every Big Tech CEO, every fake news journo-terrorist from NBC News, the NY Times and the Washington Post.


Every organization involved in the election theft and cover-up can now be seized by the US government


any covert, fraudulent, deceptive, or unlawful actions or attempted actions of a foreign government, or of any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, undertaken with the purpose or effect of influencing, undermining confidence in, or altering the result or reported result of, the election, or undermining public confidence in election processes or institutions. Note the important words of "altering the result or reported result of the election." This is exactly what Big Tech and the lying fake news media have done to America. More that merely a crime, it's treason...


The raid appears to have targeted the CIA's Frankfurt server farm operation
We also now have confirmation from WikiLeaks documents that the CIA used a data center in Frankfurt as a remote hacking base to rig US elections. reported: WikiLeaks released a trove of CIA documents on Tuesday that it claimed revealed details of its secret hacking arsenal.


It appears the CIA was using the same foreign data center to hack the US elections... and got caught. This is precisely why, as the Gateway Pundit reports, the CIA was kept completely out of the server raid operation that just took place in Germany. The raid was likely leveled against the CIA's own server farm that ran the remote Dominion hacking operation the night of the election!


President Donald J. Trump will be able to:

Arrest and seize the assets of all the top Democrats and deep state traitors who attempted to steal the 2020 election.
Seize all the Big Tech corporations and left-wing media propaganda outlets that were complicit in the conspiracy. This could include seizing their domain names such as,,, etc.
Defeat the DNC forever by revealing overwhelming evidence of widespread election fraud, which will also result in a nationwide call for a voter ID system for all future elections.
Solidify his own standing as the brilliant mastermind President of the USA for a second term (and perhaps a third, we dare say).


RECOUNTS no longer matter; the certification of votes is now irrelevant
The action plan to achieve all this is under way as you read this. Team Trump already has the full transaction logs of Dominion Voting Systems election alterations, and with raids taking place in Europe, more evidence of foreign interference is being secured. Importantly, this enormous cache of vote fraud evidence will be more than sufficient for President Trump to present this evidence to the American people, then declare an illegal insurrection attempt against the United States of America while deploying US Marshals or military police to arrest the treasonous actors in the United States who attempted to carry out this elaborate criminal fraud.

Quoted far less than 50%

Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

Foreign Policy

Issued on: September 12, 2018

BOMBSHELL: The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared “National Emergency” that set an Election Day trap for the “unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure”

Did the US Raid European Software Company Scytl and Seize their Servers in Germany? — Company Refutes Claims?

UPDATE: Scytl reportedly refuted the claims on Saturday morning.
Then their website crashed.

WikiLeaks released a trove of CIA documents on Tuesday that it claimed revealed details of its secret hacking arsenal.

The release included 8,761 documents that it claimed revealed details of "malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized 'zero day' exploits, malware remote control systems and associated documentation."

The leaks purportedly revealed that a top secret CIA unit used the German city of Frankfurt am Main as the starting point for numerous hacking attacks on Europe, China and the Middle East.

Don't attack the messenger. Focus on the message.

Frankfurt used as remote hacking base for the CIA: WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks documents reveal CIA agents were given cover identities and diplomatic passports to enter the country. The base was used to develop hacking tools as part of the CIA's massive digital arsenal.

He should address the government challenges through this, and also, can he not sign an E.O for a full forensic and hand count of states that impact the federal election?

These states hiding behind it "being a state to state" issue are full of it. It was a federal election, for federal office. Surely there must be ways he can apply resources for full counts of signatures, access to Dominion Software and such? Surely there MUST be recourse for potential criminal activity against the U.S elections, if in fact, it occured.

Now I see. Interesting turn of events. Thanks and thanks to the OP for posting this.

Now will President Trump proceed with this, and will the DOJ be involved?
Uh, No and NO.

So you know something more than was in the articles?
You think Donnie is going to take over Facebook, YouTube, etc.. I don't either. As for the companies related to election software, forget it. Homeland Security trump appointee already said most secure election in history. I am a realist. This is just more BS to give the base hope.

Now I see. Interesting turn of events. Thanks and thanks to the OP for posting this.

Now will President Trump proceed with this, and will the DOJ be involved?
Uh, No and NO.

So you know something more than was in the articles?
You think Donnie is going to take over Facebook, YouTube, etc.. I don't either. As for the companies related to election software, forget it. Homeland Security trump appointee already said most secure election in history. I am a realist. This is just more BS to give the base hope.
My Supervisor knows dipshit about IT Operations.

Now I see. Interesting turn of events. Thanks and thanks to the OP for posting this.

Now will President Trump proceed with this, and will the DOJ be involved?
I'd say that it's more likely that CNN becomes TrumpTV

The Station That LOVES American Freedom!


IF THE ELECTION DOESN’T TURN OUT FOR HIM, TRUMP SHOULD BUY IT AND REBRAND AS TRUMPTV: AT&T reportedly looking to sell CNN after ‘hit’ from ‘hating Trump.’
Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election (Executive Order 13848)[120] – intended to enable automatic sanctions in response to election interference;[121][122] intelligence agencies are given 45 days after an election to assess any possible interference

45 days. It's now 11 days after the election and the DOJ has confiscated a Dominion server in Germany, with the aid of the US military.

34 days to go, although the President could revise the time constraint on the EO.
Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election (Executive Order 13848)[120] – intended to enable automatic sanctions in response to election interference;[121][122] intelligence agencies are given 45 days after an election to assess any possible interference

45 days. It's now 11 days after the election and the DOJ has confiscated a Dominion server in Germany, with the aid of the US military.

34 days to go, although the President could revise the time constraint on the EO.
and all that happens is, sanctions.
Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election (Executive Order 13848)[120] – intended to enable automatic sanctions in response to election interference;[121][122] intelligence agencies are given 45 days after an election to assess any possible interference

45 days. It's now 11 days after the election and the DOJ has confiscated a Dominion server in Germany, with the aid of the US military.

34 days to go, although the President could revise the time constraint on the EO.
The raid cannot be confirmed as actually happening.
Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election (Executive Order 13848)[120] – intended to enable automatic sanctions in response to election interference;[121][122] intelligence agencies are given 45 days after an election to assess any possible interference

45 days. It's now 11 days after the election and the DOJ has confiscated a Dominion server in Germany, with the aid of the US military.

34 days to go, although the President could revise the time constraint on the EO.
and all that happens is, sanctions.

It's much more serious than that. It was the CIA's own server farm that ran the remote Dominion hacking operation the night of the election. That's why they were kept completely out of the raid that took place in Germany.
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