The US Military Has Raided And Seized Servers In Germany, Tied To The Dominion Election System

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She repeated it again today

I not only like but trust Sidney! you go lady!:up:

"Trump attorney Sidney Powell told radio host Glenn Beck Friday that she has heard that “our forces” confiscated the server of an electronic voting system company in Germany with alleged ties to the president’s voter fraud accusations."

When you have important evidence about the US voting system, evidence of massive fraud, where do you go with it? Glenn Beck, of course! :rofl:


Sidney didn't show any evidence......that will wait for the courts. ;)

She just expressed her opinion.

I guess they are just waiting for the right moment to disclose this evidence...

And I guess they won't be using the evidence from the raid, since according to her own words (which you posted), she doesn't even know who has it. ;)
Of course she would say that she doesn't know who has it... Wouldn't you do the same in the current environment ??

I or anyone else would have screamed at the top of my lungs what the evidence is and who has it.

All she did was repeat a debunked bit of fiction.

SHe is a liar and full of shit
Ok, and you say that without evidence of her being a liar, yet you make your choices based on having no evidence to contridict her claim's. Doesn't that make you feel a fool ?? Why not let the investigation play out, and stop saying someone is a liar when you don't know that to be true ?? Come onnn mannnnnn...
There is massive evidence of her being a liar.

This raid did not happen.

That is proven and inarguable and she is a liar who is full of shit.

Grow up and deal with,

Calm down Francis, you're hyperventilating. There actually is evidence the raid happened.
There is no evidence

You would have posted it by now

It never happened and you fell for a stupid fairy tale like a weak little sap

Because all I have is second hand from people in the Spec Ops community. And as for falling for crap like a sap, look in the mirror, dude. You were spouting Trump russia collusion with no evidence at all.
Then you have no evidence and There is none.

You are also claiming out right lies

I never believed the allegations of collusion and consistently opposed those allegations

I fucking dare you to find one post from me claiming there was collusion and until you do YOU are the only gullible sap here and there is no fucking evidence of this raid

In fact you do not have a second hand rumor from anyone in the spec ops community, You do not even know anyone in that community. The closest you ever came to that community was playing video games

Ummm, no video games for me, and yes, two Green Beret colonels (retired) are close friends. Add to that a couple of Delta guys, a 160th pilot, and several force recon Marines, and yeah, I have a pretty extensive network of operators who are close friends.

You do not know anyone even remotely connected to that community

Little bullshit claims like that abound on the internet but you are a zit faced kid who plays video games and never met anyone in civil air patrol much less spec ops

Try selling lies somewhere else junior
For a zit faced kid, he sure makes alot more sense when speaking than does all the leftist adults here. Fact.
This thread not conspiracy at did happen. is General Flynn's first interview after his pardon along with Lt General Thomas McInerney

REPORT: Lt Gen McInerney Reports US Special Forces Attacked CIA Server Farm In Germany In Server Seizure Operation, 5 Soldiers Killed, Servers Secured

November 28, 2020

Biden and the dems working with China and Iran to undermine US elections.

Yes many stupid and baseless conspiracy theories can be interesting
Yes, interesting because some do come true. That's when the leftist whining and excuses
She repeated it again today

I not only like but trust Sidney! you go lady!:up:

"Trump attorney Sidney Powell told radio host Glenn Beck Friday that she has heard that “our forces” confiscated the server of an electronic voting system company in Germany with alleged ties to the president’s voter fraud accusations."

When you have important evidence about the US voting system, evidence of massive fraud, where do you go with it? Glenn Beck, of course! :rofl:


Sidney didn't show any evidence......that will wait for the courts. ;)

She just expressed her opinion.

I guess they are just waiting for the right moment to disclose this evidence...

And I guess they won't be using the evidence from the raid, since according to her own words (which you posted), she doesn't even know who has it. ;)
Of course she would say that she doesn't know who has it... Wouldn't you do the same in the current environment ??

I or anyone else would have screamed at the top of my lungs what the evidence is and who has it.

All she did was repeat a debunked bit of fiction.

SHe is a liar and full of shit
Ok, and you say that without evidence of her being a liar, yet you make your choices based on having no evidence to contridict her claim's. Doesn't that make you feel a fool ?? Why not let the investigation play out, and stop saying someone is a liar when you don't know that to be true ?? Come onnn mannnnnn...
There is massive evidence of her being a liar.

This raid did not happen.

That is proven and inarguable and she is a liar who is full of shit.

Grow up and deal with,

Calm down Francis, you're hyperventilating. There actually is evidence the raid happened.
There is no evidence

You would have posted it by now

It never happened and you fell for a stupid fairy tale like a weak little sap

Because all I have is second hand from people in the Spec Ops community. And as for falling for crap like a sap, look in the mirror, dude. You were spouting Trump russia collusion with no evidence at all.
Then you have no evidence and There is none.

You are also claiming out right lies

I never believed the allegations of collusion and consistently opposed those allegations

I fucking dare you to find one post from me claiming there was collusion and until you do YOU are the only gullible sap here and there is no fucking evidence of this raid

In fact you do not have a second hand rumor from anyone in the spec ops community, You do not even know anyone in that community. The closest you ever came to that community was playing video games

Ummm, no video games for me, and yes, two Green Beret colonels (retired) are close friends. Add to that a couple of Delta guys, a 160th pilot, and several force recon Marines, and yeah, I have a pretty extensive network of operators who are close friends.

You do not know anyone even remotely connected to that community

Little bullshit claims like that abound on the internet but you are a zit faced kid who plays video games and never met anyone in civil air patrol much less spec ops

Try selling lies somewhere else junior
For a zit faced kid, he sure makes alot more sense when speaking than does all the leftist adults here. Fact.
How does it make sense to claim there is evidence but I can't post it?
This thread not conspiracy at did happen. is General Flynn's first interview after his pardon along with Lt General Thomas McInerney

REPORT: Lt Gen McInerney Reports US Special Forces Attacked CIA Server Farm In Germany In Server Seizure Operation, 5 Soldiers Killed, Servers Secured

November 28, 2020

Biden and the dems working with China and Iran to undermine US elections.

Wouldn't surprise me.
This thread not conspiracy at did happen. is General Flynn's first interview after his pardon along with Lt General Thomas McInerney

REPORT: Lt Gen McInerney Reports US Special Forces Attacked CIA Server Farm In Germany In Server Seizure Operation, 5 Soldiers Killed, Servers Secured

November 28, 2020

Biden and the dems working with China and Iran to undermine US elections.

Yes many stupid and baseless conspiracy theories can be interesting
Yes, interesting because some do come true. That's when the leftist whining and excuses
It is reasonable that out of the tens of thousands of conspiracy theories dreamed up over time a small number may have been true

However all of the major ones have been disproven .

The typical conspiracy theory does not come true
She repeated it again today

I not only like but trust Sidney! you go lady!:up:

"Trump attorney Sidney Powell told radio host Glenn Beck Friday that she has heard that “our forces” confiscated the server of an electronic voting system company in Germany with alleged ties to the president’s voter fraud accusations."

When you have important evidence about the US voting system, evidence of massive fraud, where do you go with it? Glenn Beck, of course! :rofl:


Sidney didn't show any evidence......that will wait for the courts. ;)

She just expressed her opinion.

I guess they are just waiting for the right moment to disclose this evidence...

And I guess they won't be using the evidence from the raid, since according to her own words (which you posted), she doesn't even know who has it. ;)
Of course she would say that she doesn't know who has it... Wouldn't you do the same in the current environment ??

I or anyone else would have screamed at the top of my lungs what the evidence is and who has it.

All she did was repeat a debunked bit of fiction.

SHe is a liar and full of shit
Ok, and you say that without evidence of her being a liar, yet you make your choices based on having no evidence to contridict her claim's. Doesn't that make you feel a fool ?? Why not let the investigation play out, and stop saying someone is a liar when you don't know that to be true ?? Come onnn mannnnnn...
There is massive evidence of her being a liar.

This raid did not happen.

That is proven and inarguable and she is a liar who is full of shit.

Grow up and deal with,

Calm down Francis, you're hyperventilating. There actually is evidence the raid happened.
There is no evidence

You would have posted it by now

It never happened and you fell for a stupid fairy tale like a weak little sap

Because all I have is second hand from people in the Spec Ops community. And as for falling for crap like a sap, look in the mirror, dude. You were spouting Trump russia collusion with no evidence at all.
Then you have no evidence and There is none.

You are also claiming out right lies

I never believed the allegations of collusion and consistently opposed those allegations

I fucking dare you to find one post from me claiming there was collusion and until you do YOU are the only gullible sap here and there is no fucking evidence of this raid

In fact you do not have a second hand rumor from anyone in the spec ops community, You do not even know anyone in that community. The closest you ever came to that community was playing video games

Ummm, no video games for me, and yes, two Green Beret colonels (retired) are close friends. Add to that a couple of Delta guys, a 160th pilot, and several force recon Marines, and yeah, I have a pretty extensive network of operators who are close friends.

You do not know anyone even remotely connected to that community

Little bullshit claims like that abound on the internet but you are a zit faced kid who plays video games and never met anyone in civil air patrol much less spec ops

Try selling lies somewhere else junior
For a zit faced kid, he sure makes alot more sense when speaking than does all the leftist adults here. Fact.
How does it make sense to claim there is evidence but I can't post it?
Most evidence is known by the preponderance of it when spoken by a majority of citizen's once the ole "cat gets out of the bag" so to speak. Then of course the scrambling to cover up the evidence is then implemented big time by those trying to hide it, thus revealing the motives of most leftist when the evidence begins hurting their chances in an election as we've seen.
She repeated it again today

I not only like but trust Sidney! you go lady!:up:

"Trump attorney Sidney Powell told radio host Glenn Beck Friday that she has heard that “our forces” confiscated the server of an electronic voting system company in Germany with alleged ties to the president’s voter fraud accusations."

When you have important evidence about the US voting system, evidence of massive fraud, where do you go with it? Glenn Beck, of course! :rofl:


Sidney didn't show any evidence......that will wait for the courts. ;)

She just expressed her opinion.

I guess they are just waiting for the right moment to disclose this evidence...

And I guess they won't be using the evidence from the raid, since according to her own words (which you posted), she doesn't even know who has it. ;)
Of course she would say that she doesn't know who has it... Wouldn't you do the same in the current environment ??

I or anyone else would have screamed at the top of my lungs what the evidence is and who has it.

All she did was repeat a debunked bit of fiction.

SHe is a liar and full of shit
Ok, and you say that without evidence of her being a liar, yet you make your choices based on having no evidence to contridict her claim's. Doesn't that make you feel a fool ?? Why not let the investigation play out, and stop saying someone is a liar when you don't know that to be true ?? Come onnn mannnnnn...
There is massive evidence of her being a liar.

This raid did not happen.

That is proven and inarguable and she is a liar who is full of shit.

Grow up and deal with,

Calm down Francis, you're hyperventilating. There actually is evidence the raid happened.
There is no evidence

You would have posted it by now

It never happened and you fell for a stupid fairy tale like a weak little sap

Because all I have is second hand from people in the Spec Ops community. And as for falling for crap like a sap, look in the mirror, dude. You were spouting Trump russia collusion with no evidence at all.
Then you have no evidence and There is none.

You are also claiming out right lies

I never believed the allegations of collusion and consistently opposed those allegations

I fucking dare you to find one post from me claiming there was collusion and until you do YOU are the only gullible sap here and there is no fucking evidence of this raid

In fact you do not have a second hand rumor from anyone in the spec ops community, You do not even know anyone in that community. The closest you ever came to that community was playing video games

Ummm, no video games for me, and yes, two Green Beret colonels (retired) are close friends. Add to that a couple of Delta guys, a 160th pilot, and several force recon Marines, and yeah, I have a pretty extensive network of operators who are close friends.

You do not know anyone even remotely connected to that community

Little bullshit claims like that abound on the internet but you are a zit faced kid who plays video games and never met anyone in civil air patrol much less spec ops

Try selling lies somewhere else junior
For a zit faced kid, he sure makes alot more sense when speaking than does all the leftist adults here. Fact.
How does it make sense to claim there is evidence but I can't post it?
Most evidence is known by the preponderance of it when spoken by a majority of citizen's once the ole "cat gets out of the bag" so to speak. Then of course the scrambling to cover up the evidence is then implemented big time by those trying to hide it, thus revealing the motives of most leftist when the evidence begins hurting their chances in an election as we've seen.

There simply is no evidence

Just like any other conspiracy theory

If anyone says there is evidence then the burden is on that person to show it otherwise that person is a liar
She repeated it again today

I not only like but trust Sidney! you go lady!:up:

"Trump attorney Sidney Powell told radio host Glenn Beck Friday that she has heard that “our forces” confiscated the server of an electronic voting system company in Germany with alleged ties to the president’s voter fraud accusations."

When you have important evidence about the US voting system, evidence of massive fraud, where do you go with it? Glenn Beck, of course! :rofl:


Sidney didn't show any evidence......that will wait for the courts. ;)

She just expressed her opinion.

I guess they are just waiting for the right moment to disclose this evidence...

And I guess they won't be using the evidence from the raid, since according to her own words (which you posted), she doesn't even know who has it. ;)
Of course she would say that she doesn't know who has it... Wouldn't you do the same in the current environment ??

I or anyone else would have screamed at the top of my lungs what the evidence is and who has it.

All she did was repeat a debunked bit of fiction.

SHe is a liar and full of shit
Ok, and you say that without evidence of her being a liar, yet you make your choices based on having no evidence to contridict her claim's. Doesn't that make you feel a fool ?? Why not let the investigation play out, and stop saying someone is a liar when you don't know that to be true ?? Come onnn mannnnnn...
There is massive evidence of her being a liar.

This raid did not happen.

That is proven and inarguable and she is a liar who is full of shit.

Grow up and deal with,

Calm down Francis, you're hyperventilating. There actually is evidence the raid happened.
There is no evidence

You would have posted it by now

It never happened and you fell for a stupid fairy tale like a weak little sap

Because all I have is second hand from people in the Spec Ops community. And as for falling for crap like a sap, look in the mirror, dude. You were spouting Trump russia collusion with no evidence at all.
Then you have no evidence and There is none.

You are also claiming out right lies

I never believed the allegations of collusion and consistently opposed those allegations

I fucking dare you to find one post from me claiming there was collusion and until you do YOU are the only gullible sap here and there is no fucking evidence of this raid

In fact you do not have a second hand rumor from anyone in the spec ops community, You do not even know anyone in that community. The closest you ever came to that community was playing video games

Ummm, no video games for me, and yes, two Green Beret colonels (retired) are close friends. Add to that a couple of Delta guys, a 160th pilot, and several force recon Marines, and yeah, I have a pretty extensive network of operators who are close friends.

You do not know anyone even remotely connected to that community

Little bullshit claims like that abound on the internet but you are a zit faced kid who plays video games and never met anyone in civil air patrol much less spec ops

Try selling lies somewhere else junior
For a zit faced kid, he sure makes alot more sense when speaking than does all the leftist adults here. Fact.
How does it make sense to claim there is evidence but I can't post it?
Most evidence is known by the preponderance of it when spoken by a majority of citizen's once the ole "cat gets out of the bag" so to speak. Then of course the scrambling to cover up the evidence is then implemented big time by those trying to hide it, thus revealing the motives of most leftist when the evidence begins hurting their chances in an election as we've seen.

There simply is no evidence

Just like any other conspiracy theory

If anyone says there is evidence then the burden is on that person to show it otherwise that person is a liar
Go back in their and write 1000 times on the chalk board "there is no evidence" says your handlers to you, and then come back all refreshed for the battle rounds. Rotflmbo.
She repeated it again today

I not only like but trust Sidney! you go lady!:up:

"Trump attorney Sidney Powell told radio host Glenn Beck Friday that she has heard that “our forces” confiscated the server of an electronic voting system company in Germany with alleged ties to the president’s voter fraud accusations."

When you have important evidence about the US voting system, evidence of massive fraud, where do you go with it? Glenn Beck, of course! :rofl:


Sidney didn't show any evidence......that will wait for the courts. ;)

She just expressed her opinion.

I guess they are just waiting for the right moment to disclose this evidence...

And I guess they won't be using the evidence from the raid, since according to her own words (which you posted), she doesn't even know who has it. ;)
Of course she would say that she doesn't know who has it... Wouldn't you do the same in the current environment ??

I or anyone else would have screamed at the top of my lungs what the evidence is and who has it.

All she did was repeat a debunked bit of fiction.

SHe is a liar and full of shit
Ok, and you say that without evidence of her being a liar, yet you make your choices based on having no evidence to contridict her claim's. Doesn't that make you feel a fool ?? Why not let the investigation play out, and stop saying someone is a liar when you don't know that to be true ?? Come onnn mannnnnn...
There is massive evidence of her being a liar.

This raid did not happen.

That is proven and inarguable and she is a liar who is full of shit.

Grow up and deal with,

Calm down Francis, you're hyperventilating. There actually is evidence the raid happened.
There is no evidence

You would have posted it by now

It never happened and you fell for a stupid fairy tale like a weak little sap

Because all I have is second hand from people in the Spec Ops community. And as for falling for crap like a sap, look in the mirror, dude. You were spouting Trump russia collusion with no evidence at all.
Then you have no evidence and There is none.

You are also claiming out right lies

I never believed the allegations of collusion and consistently opposed those allegations

I fucking dare you to find one post from me claiming there was collusion and until you do YOU are the only gullible sap here and there is no fucking evidence of this raid

In fact you do not have a second hand rumor from anyone in the spec ops community, You do not even know anyone in that community. The closest you ever came to that community was playing video games

Ummm, no video games for me, and yes, two Green Beret colonels (retired) are close friends. Add to that a couple of Delta guys, a 160th pilot, and several force recon Marines, and yeah, I have a pretty extensive network of operators who are close friends.

You do not know anyone even remotely connected to that community

Little bullshit claims like that abound on the internet but you are a zit faced kid who plays video games and never met anyone in civil air patrol much less spec ops

Try selling lies somewhere else junior
For a zit faced kid, he sure makes alot more sense when speaking than does all the leftist adults here. Fact.
How does it make sense to claim there is evidence but I can't post it?
Most evidence is known by the preponderance of it when spoken by a majority of citizen's once the ole "cat gets out of the bag" so to speak. Then of course the scrambling to cover up the evidence is then implemented big time by those trying to hide it, thus revealing the motives of most leftist when the evidence begins hurting their chances in an election as we've seen.

There simply is no evidence

Just like any other conspiracy theory

If anyone says there is evidence then the burden is on that person to show it otherwise that person is a liar
Go back in their and write 1000 times on the chalk board "there is no evidence" says your handlers to you, and then come back all refreshed for the battle rounds. Rotflmbo.
Rather than having me repeat there is no evidence, post some evidence.

Until You do there is none
Does anyone really trust the CIA? Remember that "operative" who was reportedly to have been killed in Somalia a couple days ago?

CIA Officer Killed in Somalia: US Media

He died in Germany. O)f course the official report released was that he didn't succumb to his wounds until after he was transported to Germany...

"One of the people familiar with the attack said Goodboe was flown to Germany, where the U.S. has a military hospital, and later died of his injuries."

CIA Contractor Dies in Secret U.S. War in Somalia

If anyone knows about "plausible deniability", it would be the CIA. The CIA operative was 54 years old. Are we really going to believe a 54 year old CIA agent is still dangerous stuff in a field like Somalia?
Last edited:
Does anyone really trust the CIA? Remember that "operative" who was reportedly to have been killed in Somalia a couple days ago?

CIA Officer Killed in Somalia: US Media

He died in Germany. O)f course the official report released was that he didn't succumb to his wounds until after he was transported to Germany...

"One of the people familiar with the attack said Goodboe was flown to Germany, where the U.S. has a military hospital, and later died of his injuries."

CIA Contractor Dies in Secret U.S. War in Somalia

If anyone knows about "plausible deniability", it would be the CIA.
Why is it implausible that he died of his injuries after being taken to the hospital ?
Does anyone really trust the CIA? Remember that "operative" who was reportedly to have been killed in Somalia a couple days ago?

CIA Officer Killed in Somalia: US Media

He died in Germany. O)f course the official report released was that he didn't succumb to his wounds until after he was transported to Germany...

"One of the people familiar with the attack said Goodboe was flown to Germany, where the U.S. has a military hospital, and later died of his injuries."

CIA Contractor Dies in Secret U.S. War in Somalia

If anyone knows about "plausible deniability", it would be the CIA.
Why is it implausible that he died of his injuries after being taken to the hospital ?

Do you know that for a fact? You seem to be pretty darned adamant about disputing the entire server farm story, and yet you haven't provided a single link or any other information to prove otherwise.
She repeated it again today

I not only like but trust Sidney! you go lady!:up:

"Trump attorney Sidney Powell told radio host Glenn Beck Friday that she has heard that “our forces” confiscated the server of an electronic voting system company in Germany with alleged ties to the president’s voter fraud accusations."

When you have important evidence about the US voting system, evidence of massive fraud, where do you go with it? Glenn Beck, of course! :rofl:


Sidney didn't show any evidence......that will wait for the courts. ;)

She just expressed her opinion.

I guess they are just waiting for the right moment to disclose this evidence...

And I guess they won't be using the evidence from the raid, since according to her own words (which you posted), she doesn't even know who has it. ;)
Of course she would say that she doesn't know who has it... Wouldn't you do the same in the current environment ??

I or anyone else would have screamed at the top of my lungs what the evidence is and who has it.

All she did was repeat a debunked bit of fiction.

SHe is a liar and full of shit
Ok, and you say that without evidence of her being a liar, yet you make your choices based on having no evidence to contridict her claim's. Doesn't that make you feel a fool ?? Why not let the investigation play out, and stop saying someone is a liar when you don't know that to be true ?? Come onnn mannnnnn...
There is massive evidence of her being a liar.

This raid did not happen.

That is proven and inarguable and she is a liar who is full of shit.

Grow up and deal with,

Calm down Francis, you're hyperventilating. There actually is evidence the raid happened.
There is no evidence

You would have posted it by now

It never happened and you fell for a stupid fairy tale like a weak little sap

Because all I have is second hand from people in the Spec Ops community. And as for falling for crap like a sap, look in the mirror, dude. You were spouting Trump russia collusion with no evidence at all.
Then you have no evidence and There is none.

You are also claiming out right lies

I never believed the allegations of collusion and consistently opposed those allegations

I fucking dare you to find one post from me claiming there was collusion and until you do YOU are the only gullible sap here and there is no fucking evidence of this raid

In fact you do not have a second hand rumor from anyone in the spec ops community, You do not even know anyone in that community. The closest you ever came to that community was playing video games

Ummm, no video games for me, and yes, two Green Beret colonels (retired) are close friends. Add to that a couple of Delta guys, a 160th pilot, and several force recon Marines, and yeah, I have a pretty extensive network of operators who are close friends.

You do not know anyone even remotely connected to that community

Little bullshit claims like that abound on the internet but you are a zit faced kid who plays video games and never met anyone in civil air patrol much less spec ops

Try selling lies somewhere else junior
For a zit faced kid, he sure makes alot more sense when speaking than does all the leftist adults here. Fact.
How does it make sense to claim there is evidence but I can't post it?
Most evidence is known by the preponderance of it when spoken by a majority of citizen's once the ole "cat gets out of the bag" so to speak. Then of course the scrambling to cover up the evidence is then implemented big time by those trying to hide it, thus revealing the motives of most leftist when the evidence begins hurting their chances in an election as we've seen.

There simply is no evidence

Just like any other conspiracy theory

If anyone says there is evidence then the burden is on that person to show it otherwise that person is a liar
Go back in their and write 1000 times on the chalk board "there is no evidence" says your handlers to you, and then come back all refreshed for the battle rounds. Rotflmbo.
Rather than having me repeat there is no evidence, post some evidence.

Until You do there is none
We could post evidence 2000 times a day, and you would still claim no evidence. Fact.

I watch the news, and to think that they would jeopardize their credibility to just fake it in hopes to make it is preposterous.

Now for the leftist news, well they are excluded from the comment above.
Does anyone really trust the CIA? Remember that "operative" who was reportedly to have been killed in Somalia a couple days ago?

CIA Officer Killed in Somalia: US Media

He died in Germany. O)f course the official report released was that he didn't succumb to his wounds until after he was transported to Germany...

"One of the people familiar with the attack said Goodboe was flown to Germany, where the U.S. has a military hospital, and later died of his injuries."

CIA Contractor Dies in Secret U.S. War in Somalia

If anyone knows about "plausible deniability", it would be the CIA.
Why is it implausible that he died of his injuries after being taken to the hospital ?

Do you know that for a fact? You seem to be pretty darned adamant about disputing the entire server farm story, and yet you haven't provided a single link or any other information to prove otherwise.
No I do not know it for a fact I asked why you think it is implausible that someone died of injuries at the hospital

The Burden is not on me to prove it did not happen. The burden is on all the knuckelheads who claim it did happen to provide evidence. No one can, no one will and the story is a fairy tale. It has been weeks now and not even a microscopic SPECK of evidence,

For someone using the avatar J Galt you are WOEFULLY ignorant of logic.
She repeated it again today

I not only like but trust Sidney! you go lady!:up:

"Trump attorney Sidney Powell told radio host Glenn Beck Friday that she has heard that “our forces” confiscated the server of an electronic voting system company in Germany with alleged ties to the president’s voter fraud accusations."

When you have important evidence about the US voting system, evidence of massive fraud, where do you go with it? Glenn Beck, of course! :rofl:


Sidney didn't show any evidence......that will wait for the courts. ;)

She just expressed her opinion.

I guess they are just waiting for the right moment to disclose this evidence...

And I guess they won't be using the evidence from the raid, since according to her own words (which you posted), she doesn't even know who has it. ;)
Of course she would say that she doesn't know who has it... Wouldn't you do the same in the current environment ??

I or anyone else would have screamed at the top of my lungs what the evidence is and who has it.

All she did was repeat a debunked bit of fiction.

SHe is a liar and full of shit
Ok, and you say that without evidence of her being a liar, yet you make your choices based on having no evidence to contridict her claim's. Doesn't that make you feel a fool ?? Why not let the investigation play out, and stop saying someone is a liar when you don't know that to be true ?? Come onnn mannnnnn...
There is massive evidence of her being a liar.

This raid did not happen.

That is proven and inarguable and she is a liar who is full of shit.

Grow up and deal with,

Calm down Francis, you're hyperventilating. There actually is evidence the raid happened.
There is no evidence

You would have posted it by now

It never happened and you fell for a stupid fairy tale like a weak little sap

Because all I have is second hand from people in the Spec Ops community. And as for falling for crap like a sap, look in the mirror, dude. You were spouting Trump russia collusion with no evidence at all.
Then you have no evidence and There is none.

You are also claiming out right lies

I never believed the allegations of collusion and consistently opposed those allegations

I fucking dare you to find one post from me claiming there was collusion and until you do YOU are the only gullible sap here and there is no fucking evidence of this raid

In fact you do not have a second hand rumor from anyone in the spec ops community, You do not even know anyone in that community. The closest you ever came to that community was playing video games

Ummm, no video games for me, and yes, two Green Beret colonels (retired) are close friends. Add to that a couple of Delta guys, a 160th pilot, and several force recon Marines, and yeah, I have a pretty extensive network of operators who are close friends.

You do not know anyone even remotely connected to that community

Little bullshit claims like that abound on the internet but you are a zit faced kid who plays video games and never met anyone in civil air patrol much less spec ops

Try selling lies somewhere else junior
For a zit faced kid, he sure makes alot more sense when speaking than does all the leftist adults here. Fact.
How does it make sense to claim there is evidence but I can't post it?
Most evidence is known by the preponderance of it when spoken by a majority of citizen's once the ole "cat gets out of the bag" so to speak. Then of course the scrambling to cover up the evidence is then implemented big time by those trying to hide it, thus revealing the motives of most leftist when the evidence begins hurting their chances in an election as we've seen.

There simply is no evidence

Just like any other conspiracy theory

If anyone says there is evidence then the burden is on that person to show it otherwise that person is a liar
Go back in their and write 1000 times on the chalk board "there is no evidence" says your handlers to you, and then come back all refreshed for the battle rounds. Rotflmbo.
Rather than having me repeat there is no evidence, post some evidence.

Until You do there is none
We could post evidence 2000 times a day, and you would still claim no evidence. Fact.

I watch the news, and to think that they would jeopardize their credibility to just fake it in hopes to make it is preposterous.

Now for the leftist news, well they are excluded from the comment above.


I have asked 1000 times and no one has posted any.'

Much like the JFK assassination or the 911 attacks or the lunar landing none of you conspiracy theorists is able to produce evidence.
We could post evidence 2000 times a day, and you would still claim no evidence. Fact.

It's not that we claim there is no evidence.

It's that the court says there is no evidence.

It's that Trump's own lawyers say there is no evidence.
Does anyone really trust the CIA? Remember that "operative" who was reportedly to have been killed in Somalia a couple days ago?

CIA Officer Killed in Somalia: US Media

He died in Germany. O)f course the official report released was that he didn't succumb to his wounds until after he was transported to Germany...

"One of the people familiar with the attack said Goodboe was flown to Germany, where the U.S. has a military hospital, and later died of his injuries."

CIA Contractor Dies in Secret U.S. War in Somalia

If anyone knows about "plausible deniability", it would be the CIA.
Why is it implausible that he died of his injuries after being taken to the hospital ?

Do you know that for a fact? You seem to be pretty darned adamant about disputing the entire server farm story, and yet you haven't provided a single link or any other information to prove otherwise.
No I do not know it for a fact I asked why you think it is implausible that someone died of injuries at the hospital

The Burden is not on me to prove it did not happen. The burden is on all the knuckelheads who claim it did happen to provide evidence. No one can, no one will and the story is a fairy tale. It has been weeks now and not even a microscopic SPECK of evidence,

For someone using the avatar J Galt you are WOEFULLY ignorant of logic.

Aside from your wordy rants, you still haven't produced one speck of evidence to substantiate that the story about the server farms in Germany, is untrue.

Video: Lt Gen McInerney Claims It Was Delta Forces Who Actually Raided A CIA Server Farm In Frankfurt To Seize Dominion Servers – 5 Soldiers Killed, Servers Secured

Video: Lt Gen McInerney Claims It Was Delta Forces Who Actually Raided A CIA Server Farm In Frankfurt To Seize Dominion Servers - 5 Soldiers Killed, Servers Secured | Red State Nation

Affidavit of Dr Navid Keshavarz-Nia Phd | Defense Intelligence Agency | National Security Agency
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See how closed-minded liberals are, folks? They ate up Hillary's stories of how "Macedonian content farmers" and "Russian internet trolls" cost her the 2016 election. They even eagerly-awaited the video of the Russian prostitutes Trump hired, in order to urinate on a bed Obama slept on.

And yet when something happens that doesn't support their little narrative, it's just a "conspiracy theory."

Does anyone really trust the CIA? Remember that "operative" who was reportedly to have been killed in Somalia a couple days ago?

CIA Officer Killed in Somalia: US Media

He died in Germany. O)f course the official report released was that he didn't succumb to his wounds until after he was transported to Germany...

"One of the people familiar with the attack said Goodboe was flown to Germany, where the U.S. has a military hospital, and later died of his injuries."

CIA Contractor Dies in Secret U.S. War in Somalia

If anyone knows about "plausible deniability", it would be the CIA.
Why is it implausible that he died of his injuries after being taken to the hospital ?

Do you know that for a fact? You seem to be pretty darned adamant about disputing the entire server farm story, and yet you haven't provided a single link or any other information to prove otherwise.
No I do not know it for a fact I asked why you think it is implausible that someone died of injuries at the hospital

The Burden is not on me to prove it did not happen. The burden is on all the knuckelheads who claim it did happen to provide evidence. No one can, no one will and the story is a fairy tale. It has been weeks now and not even a microscopic SPECK of evidence,

For someone using the avatar J Galt you are WOEFULLY ignorant of logic.

Aside from your wordy rants, you still haven't produced one speck of evidence to substantiate that the story about the server farms in Germany, is untrue.

Video: Lt Gen McInerney Claims It Was Delta Forces Who Actually Raided A CIA Server Farm In Frankfurt To Seize Dominion Servers – 5 Soldiers Killed, Servers Secured

Video: Lt Gen McInerney Claims It Was Delta Forces Who Actually Raided A CIA Server Farm In Frankfurt To Seize Dominion Servers - 5 Soldiers Killed, Servers Secured | Red State Nation

Affidavit of Dr Navid Keshavarz-Nia Phd | Defense Intelligence Agency | National Security Agency
Once again. The burden is not on me to prove it untrue.

The burden is on you to prove it did.

I do not need any evidence whatsoeevr you do anbd you STILL have NOTHING.

Seriously you are no objectivist Rand would laugh at you
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