The US Military Has Raided And Seized Servers In Germany, Tied To The Dominion Election System

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Not saying I'm sold on this but the timing works. Earlier this week Trump tweets about ballot swapping, Giuliani mentions Dominion whistleblowers coming forward, Espers is fired, and it occurs after the first day of the Georgia recount (potentially adding proof). Personally I hope it's true because liberal sore winners are showing themselves to petty vindictive assholes.
Yeah, same here.

In fact, I dread to assume it is true and get disappointed with it all.

But Trump has something he is going to do. Trump does NOT bluff, as it fuels the presumption of bluffing in the next negotiations.
Not saying I'm sold on this but the timing works. Earlier this week Trump tweets about ballot swapping, Giuliani mentions Dominion whistleblowers coming forward, Espers is fired, and it occurs after the first day of the Georgia recount (potentially adding proof). Personally I hope it's true because liberal sore winners are showing themselves to petty vindictive assholes.
I'm not petty or vindictive, I just think YOU ALL are trying to STEAL the election win from Joe Biden and the 77 million Americans, who voted for him.....

And you all have done so, non stop, with every imaginable faux conspiracy, made up bull crud, starting before the election even began....with president Trump being the conspiracy pusher....and his team of goons.... stop the steal, Roger Stones PAC, Steve Bannon with Breibart, Rudy Giuliani with OANN..... and their network of fake news outlets shared with Russian bots spreading at nuke speed.

It's shameful how easily you all become putty in this liar n chief's hands......
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I though this was very .....very interesting! I am liking this more and more :mm:

The Spanish election manipulation company behind Dominion software was RAIDED by a large US ARMY force in Germany during which they seized servers.

  • November 13, 2020


They followed the meta data from the infected Dominion Equipment and software. IF the data files are still intact the democrat election fraud will be provable.

I wondered why the dims went silent yesterday. Trump has the goods on the globalists and democrats.. This is going to be very interesting... And to think some lib moved my thread on the Dominion systems and software into conspiracy theories.

IF you think for one minuet that even our voices here are not being silenced you would be wrong.
I'm dubious about this. Aint a single news outlet reporting this.

Oh give me a break!

CNN never reported that they stopped counting on election night. They never mentioned hunter bidens laptop!

I don't thunk the grass is green because TV hasn't told me so.

And the thing that started this raid was a random tweet in Germany? Who authorized the raid? Under what legal pretense.. Having our military RAID a private company in Germany is an act of war.. Unless the German Govt approved it..

Anyone ring up the DOD and ask them for comment? How about any Germans asking their govt to VERIFY they gave consent to this "raid"? This is horseshit at the moment..
i am currently in a pow camp. the large us force has occupied southern germany and put all undesirables in camps.
I though this was very .....very interesting! I am liking this more and more :mm:

The Spanish election manipulation company behind Dominion software was RAIDED by a large US ARMY force in Germany during which they seized servers.

  • November 13, 2020

You definately giving the poor libs nightmares.

I like that!!!! I really do! :laugh::laugh::laugh: lol!
So do I......
I though this was very .....very interesting! I am liking this more and more :mm:

The Spanish election manipulation company behind Dominion software was RAIDED by a large US ARMY force in Germany during which they seized servers.

  • November 13, 2020

I can't get USAA website fully up but they are saying something about that Dominion Germany was sharing floor space with the Soros group...........If true and accurate and they find anything on that server---Soros's goose is cooked as well. Take the psychopath down--------help the world.

Yes. This news it's all out there. The criminal left is not going to be able to censored it.....much as they try. :up:

So the US staged a raid in Germany. A raid staged by a “Large US ARMY” force. And the only people who know about it are the whackjob right wing “news” sites.
Your so called "news sites" refuse to cover it just like the criminal money laundering conspiracy of the Biden family in China and across the world.
There are no election servers online in Germany, or here, that gather all state votes....
Prove it, lol
Are our voting machines on an online system all tied in with each other in order to work?

You will have your PROOF when the Georgia hand recount is complete, with only minor adjustments to the count....

You will know if your vote switching happened with the voting machines.
No, the GA 'recount' is only a canvas/audit. They are not doing a hand recount according to their SoS.
I thought the SOS said it was a manual recount not an automated?

So, what does a canvas audit entail Jim?

ALSO, voting in person is done on an actual voting machine,

But mail in ballots is simply an optical scanner, scanning the paper ballots.....

So which machines were tied in online, in your conspiracy? The voting machines as your conspiracy claims, or the optical scanners?

Homeland security, cyber division, just came out and reported that there were NO CYBER breaches to our election systems in the election....They gave themselves a huge applause f o r completing their mission of keeping our elections safe.
And who at that facility was returning fire? The army of George Soros or Q'Anon itself????
That video was hilarious. "It's a bankrupt tech company! Suppressive fire!" :rofl:
It was bought by another company and still operates.

As to the military force, it was likely brought in to overwhelm with a show of force the private security I am sure the people in charge put in place to keep nosey journalists away.

Just keep in mind that the motto of the US intelligence community is "Admit to nothing, deny everything, and make counter-accusations."

This is all very plausible, you wouldnt believe the stuff they have built underground in Washington DC and across this country, as did the NAzis in their own country during WW2, that we then seized and use over their by our own military/intelligence community.

As far as getting permission from the Germans, they gave it but we dont have to have it since we are legally still at war with Germany. We can legally do whatever the hell we want there and if the Germans dont like it they can go pound sand.

we are legally still at war with Germany.

Are you sure?


I though this was very .....very interesting! I am liking this more and more :mm:

The Spanish election manipulation company behind Dominion software was RAIDED by a large US ARMY force in Germany during which they seized servers.

  • November 13, 2020

Since that would pretty much be an act of war I'm kinda skeptical there is any tRuth here.
This from the squirming brain of Louie Gohmert and Gateway Pundit. Why do you people keep falling for this shit?

Following several erroneous statements that have been published in digital and social media, Scytl would like to clarify the following:
  • The technologies implemented by Scytl in the US are both hosted and managed within the US by a local subsidiary, SOE Software, based in Tampa, Florida.
  • We do not tabulate, tally or count votes in the US
  • We do not provide voting machines in the US.
  • We did not provide online voting to US jurisdictions for the US elections.
  • We do not have servers or offices in Frankfurt.
  • The US army has not seized anything from Scytl in Barcelona, Frankfurt or anywhere else
  • We are not owned by George Soros and have never been connected to him
  • We are not tied to Smartmatic, SGO, Dominion or Indra
  • We have no ties with Russia either
I though this was very .....very interesting! I am liking this more and more :mm:

The Spanish election manipulation company behind Dominion software was RAIDED by a large US ARMY force in Germany during which they seized servers.

  • November 13, 2020

Louie Gomer... Ha Ha Hah!

Why are you casting aspersions on Louie's asparagus? :laugh:

This from the squirming brain of Louie Gohmert and Gateway Pundit. Why do you people keep falling for this shit?

Following several erroneous statements that have been published in digital and social media, Scytl would like to clarify the following:
  • The technologies implemented by Scytl in the US are both hosted and managed within the US by a local subsidiary, SOE Software, based in Tampa, Florida.
  • We do not tabulate, tally or count votes in the US
  • We do not provide voting machines in the US.
  • We did not provide online voting to US jurisdictions for the US elections.
  • We do not have servers or offices in Frankfurt.
  • The US army has not seized anything from Scytl in Barcelona, Frankfurt or anywhere else
  • We are not owned by George Soros and have never been connected to him
  • We are not tied to Smartmatic, SGO, Dominion or Indra
  • We have no ties with Russia either
It is amazing but not surprising how incredibly programmed to receive bull shit lies, these Trumpists are..... seriously a danger to America and its democratic Republic. Where are the sane ones? I've just about had it, with all of their complete and utter lies they regurgitate, without thought, reason or logic..... It's scary and really sad to watch them being played by him and his goons..... :(
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Probably why the SecDef was fired. He was probably against it.
The fix was in on the picnic basket being stolen by the racoons, and Trump is on their trail like a prize coon-dog on a prize racoon. And Trump ain't using no unloyal coon-dogs anymore, so the Sec is out.
It is amazing but not surprising how incredibly programmed to receive bull shit lies, these Trumpists are..... seriously a danger to America and its democratic Republic. Where are the sane ones? I've just about had it, with all of their complete and utter lies they regurgitate, without thought, reason or logic..... It's scary to watch them.... :(

We see this at least once a day:

Turd floats by.
They all hop on.
Turd breaks apart and they frantically swim to shore
Their Mommies have to clean them up and wash their clothes.

I too am afraid of these idiots. Like an orange zombie, Trumpism has eaten away at their brains. There is little left but mush up there. Sad :confused:
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