The US Military Has Raided And Seized Servers In Germany, Tied To The Dominion Election System

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Probably why the SecDef was fired. He was probably against it.
The Secretary of defense was fired because he publicly spoke out against a president illegally breaking the Posse Comitatus act, OOPS, the Insurrection act, when Barr sent federal troops in to gas a peaceful protest so Trump could take a stroll in the Lafayette Park to the Church, for a photo op.

Trump obviously plans on using the military/federal agents AGAIN to quash we the people that will protest when he STEALS the election of our President from us....:rolleyes:
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Probably why the SecDef was fired. He was probably against it.
The Secretary of defense was fired because he publicly spoke out against a president illegally breaking the Posse Comitatus act, when Barr sent federal troops in to gas a peaceful protest so Trump could take a stroll in the Lafayette Park to the Church, for a photo op.

Trump obviously plans on using the military/federal agents AGAIN to quash we the people that will protest when he STEALS the election of our President from us....:rolleyes:

Guaranfuckingtee you that Dotard plans on having his new stooges in the Military hierarchy to help him utilize the Insurrection Act to retain power by coup. But it won't do any good. The military isn't gonna obey an illegal order such as that. But try he might!

"The option to use active duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort, and only in the most urgent and dire of situations," Esper told reporters at the Pentagon on June 3, his last meeting with reporters in the briefing room. "We are not in one of those situations now. I do not support invoking the Insurrection Act."​

So the big question is --is this Trump's US Army or Biden's ?
Breaking news, of course blacked out in the MSM press.

Go to 30:35....
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U.S Army Seized Servers in Germany Tied to Dominion Voting System - GNEWS

This is why Trump has been tight lipped.... They now posses the keys to the election fraud. This is about to get real interesting...
yeah. the cytoplasm storm is about to be released any day now.
This really doesn’t pass the smell test. The US Army doesn’t have the legal authority to raid anything in Germany.

From our source: The US government, once they determined that this Dominion server was involved in switching votes, then the intelligence community began a search for the server and discovered that the server was in Germany. In order to get access to that server and have it available for use in a legal manner they had to have the State Department work in tandem with the Department of Justice. They had to request that the government of Germany cooperate in allowing this seizure of this server.

The appropriate documents required to affect that kind of seizure were put in place, signed off on, and it appears there was also US military support in this operation. The US military was not in the lead. But this helps explain why Esper was fired and Miller and Kash Patel were put in place — so that the military would not interfere with the operation in any way.

By getting ahold of the server they now are going to have the direct evidence of when they were instructed to stop counting. They will also discover who gave the direction to stop counting and who initiated the algorithm that started switching votes. The CIA was completely excluded from this operation.

An unnamed "govt source" is 23 times better than a funny video reportedly showing a MASSIVE military raid.. And the possibility STILL EXISTS that this a red flag to get folks to scurry to cover-up and the "raid" was just the bait..

Use unnamed sources and the butt-hurt goes viral when things don't pan out that way..
Probably why the SecDef was fired. He was probably against it.
The Secretary of defense was fired because he publicly spoke out against a president illegally breaking the Posse Comitatus act, when Barr sent federal troops in to gas a peaceful protest so Trump could take a stroll in the Lafayette Park to the Church, for a photo op.

Trump obviously plans on using the military/federal agents AGAIN to quash we the people that will protest when he STEALS the election of our President from us....:rolleyes:

Guaranfuckingtee you that Dotard plans on having his new stooges in the Military hierarchy to help him utilize the Insurrection Act to retain power by coup. But it won't do any good. The military isn't gonna obey an illegal order such as that. But try he might!

"The option to use active duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort, and only in the most urgent and dire of situations," Esper told reporters at the Pentagon on June 3, his last meeting with reporters in the briefing room. "We are not in one of those situations now. I do not support invoking the Insurrection Act."​

Biden being unqualified due to medical reasons, and his alkedg past corruption that needs to be seriously investigated to the fullest might actually call for the invoking of the act.
This really doesn’t pass the smell test. The US Army doesn’t have the legal authority to raid anything in Germany.

According to the "unnamed source" Germany signed off on this.. And the US military was just there to back them up and protect "chain of custody" of the "evidence"..
And who at that facility was returning fire? The army of George Soros or Q'Anon itself????
That video was hilarious. "It's a bankrupt tech company! Suppressive fire!" :rofl:
It was bought by another company and still operates.

As to the military force, it was likely brought in to overwhelm with a show of force the private security I am sure the people in charge put in place to keep nosey journalists away.

Just keep in mind that the motto of the US intelligence community is "Admit to nothing, deny everything, and make counter-accusations."

This is all very plausible, you wouldnt believe the stuff they have built underground in Washington DC and across this country, as did the NAzis in their own country during WW2, that we then seized and use over their by our own military/intelligence community.

As far as getting permission from the Germans, they gave it but we dont have to have it since we are legally still at war with Germany. We can legally do whatever the hell we want there and if the Germans dont like it they can go pound sand.

Did you watch the video purporting to show the raid?
Probably why the SecDef was fired. He was probably against it.
The Secretary of defense was fired because he publicly spoke out against a president illegally breaking the Posse Comitatus act, when Barr sent federal troops in to gas a peaceful protest so Trump could take a stroll in the Lafayette Park to the Church, for a photo op.

Trump obviously plans on using the military/federal agents AGAIN to quash we the people that will protest when he STEALS the election of our President from us....:rolleyes:

Guaranfuckingtee you that Dotard plans on having his new stooges in the Military hierarchy to help him utilize the Insurrection Act to retain power by coup. But it won't do any good. The military isn't gonna obey an illegal order such as that. But try he might!

"The option to use active duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort, and only in the most urgent and dire of situations," Esper told reporters at the Pentagon on June 3, his last meeting with reporters in the briefing room. "We are not in one of those situations now. I do not support invoking the Insurrection Act."​

Biden being unqualified due to medical reasons, and his alledged past corruption that needs to be seriously investigated to the fullest, might actually call for the invoking of the act.
I love that you guys aren’t even trying to be serious.

I'm in a hold pattern---------waiting for the facts to come out.

So far they are saying that our military wasn't actually the ones who seized the servers but the germans were---our forces it sounds like played a back up my dreams of Soros being hit with military artillery have been dashed.

Nothing on local German news that I have found----but I don't speak the language. Usually,if you want the truth about a story---go to the local news. National media for most part are all liars.

Der speigel has an english site.. A couple others I found while in Germany.
I though this was very .....very interesting! I am liking this more and more :mm:

The Spanish election manipulation company behind Dominion software was RAIDED by a large US ARMY force in Germany during which they seized servers.

  • November 13, 2020

I'm dubious about this. Aint a single news outlet reporting this. WHich isn't unusual of course.. But even Breitbart or Daily Caller are not on this.. So -- I'll wait.. I think the rumor mill is melting.

from the mouths of thieves
U.S Army Seized Servers in Germany Tied to Dominion Voting System - GNEWS

How gullible are you? What country runs GNews? Did ya read the byline for the AUTHOR of that piece?

He she it is

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U.S Army Seized Servers in Germany Tied to Dominion Voting System
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