The US Military Has Raided And Seized Servers In Germany, Tied To The Dominion Election System

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IF the data files are intact this will be the smoking gun and tell us where to look for the voter fraud. Having these is a game changer, if true.
It sounds like a 'rogue' army seizure - some of Brennan's holdovers...grabbing the evidence before (Gohmert) Ratcliffe and the president.
Lets hope not..... If it is an unsanctioned seizure it is an act of war.

I am confused-----who seized what and why?

From our source: The US government, once they determined that this Dominion server was involved in switching votes, then the intelligence community began a search for the server and discovered that the server was in Germany. In order to get access to that server and have it available for use in a legal manner they had to have the State Department work in tandem with the Department of Justice. They had to request that the government of Germany cooperate in allowing this seizure of this server.

The appropriate documents required to affect that kind of seizure were put in place, signed off on, and it appears there was also US military support in this operation. The US military was not in the lead. But this helps explain why Esper was fired and Miller and Kash Patel were put in place — so that the military would not interfere with the operation in any way.

By getting ahold of the server they now are going to have the direct evidence of when they were instructed to stop counting. They will also discover who gave the direction to stop counting and who initiated the algorithm that started switching votes. The CIA was completely excluded from this operation.

An unnamed "govt source" is 23 times better than a funny video reportedly showing a MASSIVE military raid.. And the possibility STILL EXISTS that this a red flag to get folks to scurry to cover-up and the "raid" was just the bait..

Use unnamed sources and the butt-hurt goes viral when things don't pan out that way..

I just have one question: Who are the idiots who keep reelecting Louie fucking Gohmert? :confused-84:

And again when I told Rod about it he told me he recalled seeing a Paragon delivery truck in one of the polling place videos being observed. Perhaps someone will see that again. Paragon has several subsidiaries of delivery and software ones too.
Is anyone asking if our election servers are actually in Germany? If so how is that acceptable? Raid or not. Where are these servers and who is running them?
There are no election servers online in Germany, or here, that gather all state votes....
Where the hell do you think these votes are tabulated?
Each state tabulates their own votes, offline. There are 50 state plus DC individual elections is how it has been explained....
They aren’t offline though. And that’s the point.
Is anyone asking if our election servers are actually in Germany? If so how is that acceptable? Raid or not. Where are these servers and who is running them?
There are no election servers online in Germany, or here, that gather all state votes....
Where the hell do you think these votes are tabulated?
Each state tabulates their own votes, offline. There are 50 state plus DC individual elections is how it has been explained....
They aren’t offline though. And that’s the point.
Really? Can you link to that???

From our source: The US government, once they determined that this Dominion server was involved in switching votes, then the intelligence community began a search for the server and discovered that the server was in Germany. In order to get access to that server and have it available for use in a legal manner they had to have the State Department work in tandem with the Department of Justice. They had to request that the government of Germany cooperate in allowing this seizure of this server.

The appropriate documents required to affect that kind of seizure were put in place, signed off on, and it appears there was also US military support in this operation. The US military was not in the lead. But this helps explain why Esper was fired and Miller and Kash Patel were put in place — so that the military would not interfere with the operation in any way.

By getting ahold of the server they now are going to have the direct evidence of when they were instructed to stop counting. They will also discover who gave the direction to stop counting and who initiated the algorithm that started switching votes. The CIA was completely excluded from this operation.

An unnamed "govt source" is 23 times better than a funny video reportedly showing a MASSIVE military raid.. And the possibility STILL EXISTS that this a red flag to get folks to scurry to cover-up and the "raid" was just the bait..

Use unnamed sources and the butt-hurt goes viral when things don't pan out that way..

I just have one question: Who are the idiots who keep reelecting Louie fucking Gohmert? :confused-84:

The same idiots who voted for Trump.
Gohmert seemed to think that, if this actually happened (and I have no idea if he really believes it did, or was just spouting nonsense to score some sort of political points), it was anti-Trump forces within the government that would have called for the raid. ;)
I dont know, but I can guess, and who got it is a mystery, or if it even happened at all.

Our intelligence/military operate in the shadows so much that you cannot know if something emanating out is real, imagination or decoy.

All I know is that:
1) Trump is not an idiot and he knew what was plausible from Democrats,
2) He didnt just fire Esper for the hell of it if he thinks he is out of office in two months,
3) This rumor is coming from multiple sources, which increases the likelihood that it is true.

1) What was plausible, exactly?
2) Wait, are you saying Trump would fire Esper for the hell of it if he thought he'd win reelection?
3) Are any of the multiple sources providing more information, or is it all based on Gohmert's comments?
Lol, you are really stupid if you cannot understand any of that.

Welcome to my ignore list fascist scumbag.
‘You dare to ask questions of me? I can’t have that!’
Both links are not credible links.... got anything else that is legitimate news sources?

Yup...on page 3...but you'll just say those links are not credible as well.

Do you have any proof they are not credible?

A link perhaps? Or am I just supposed to take your word for it?
And what in God's name does a SMALL fire in the church's basement have to do with Trump and Barr firing gas canisters and rubber bullets at the peaceful protesters, exercising their first Amendment rights to peacefully protest against their government? These people did not start a fire in the church's basement.... He had the Fed's fire on peaceful protesters, so he could take a stroll.....
Okay. You admit a fire was set in the basement of St. John's Methodist church. That's progress even after you first denied it and the truth does always find a way out eventually. Was the fire "small"?
Maybe when it was first set. It did substantial damage to walls and a nursery room there. Fire causes minor damage to St. John’s, the ‘church of presidents’ in Washington, during night of riots

Those "peaceful protestors" in Washington DC were like the peaceful protestors in Minneapolis, firing rocks, frozen water bottles and brick shards at police.

I'm gonna have to pass on 45 minutes of THAT guy.
I'll flip "PCP" a Rump Crying Towel! :cool-45:


Now you know that you're flipping that butt wiping paper over to the Democrats so they won't go without during Covid. So stop your bullcrapping us.... Rotflmbo.
How gullible are you? What country runs GNews?

You've posted the same tired hogwash about every link posted on this thread.

Links on page 6...and still you keep on shillin' with no proof or link to anything you claim.
Not saying I'm sold on this but the timing works. Earlier this week Trump tweets about ballot swapping, Giuliani mentions Dominion whistleblowers coming forward, Espers is fired, and it occurs after the first day of the Georgia recount (potentially adding proof). Personally I hope it's true because liberal sore winners are showing themselves to petty vindictive assholes.
I'm not petty or vindictive, I just think YOU ALL are trying to STEAL the election win from Joe Biden and the 77 million Americans, who voted for him.....

And you all have done so, non stop, with every imaginable faux conspiracy, made up bull crud, starting before the election even began....with president Trump being the conspiracy pusher....and his team of goons.... stop the steal, Roger Stones PAC, Steve Bannon with Breibart, Rudy Giuliani with OANN..... and their network of fake news outlets shared with Russian bots spreading at nuke speed.

It's shameful how easily you all become putty in this liar n chief's hands......
don't believe any of your post at all. Believe Trump over you any day of the week..
Both links are not credible links.... got anything else that is legitimate news sources?

Yup...on page 3...but you'll just say those links are not credible as well.

Do you have any proof they are not credible?

A link perhaps? Or am I just supposed to take your word for it?

I provided a link earlier. Time for you to stop posting and seek help. ;)
Probably why the SecDef was fired. He was probably against it.
The Secretary of defense was fired because he publicly spoke out against a president illegally breaking the Posse Comitatus act, OOPS, the Insurrection act, when Barr sent federal troops in to gas a peaceful protest so Trump could take a stroll in the Lafayette Park to the Church, for a photo op.

Trump obviously plans on using the military/federal agents AGAIN to quash we the people that will protest when he STEALS the election of our President from us....:rolleyes:
Really PEACEFUL PROTEST-----------really after all the riots and peaceful protests that have resulted in burnings of the cities?
How gullible are you? What country runs GNews?

You've posted the same tired hogwash about every link posted on this thread.

Links on page 6...and still you keep on shillin' with no proof or link to anything you claim.

Gateway pundit, Louie Gohmert and QAnon do NOT constitute proof of anything other than your gullibility.
Not saying I'm sold on this but the timing works. Earlier this week Trump tweets about ballot swapping, Giuliani mentions Dominion whistleblowers coming forward, Espers is fired, and it occurs after the first day of the Georgia recount (potentially adding proof). Personally I hope it's true because liberal sore winners are showing themselves to petty vindictive assholes.
I'm not petty or vindictive, I just think YOU ALL are trying to STEAL the election win from Joe Biden and the 77 million Americans, who voted for him.....

And you all have done so, non stop, with every imaginable faux conspiracy, made up bull crud, starting before the election even began....with president Trump being the conspiracy pusher....and his team of goons.... stop the steal, Roger Stones PAC, Steve Bannon with Breibart, Rudy Giuliani with OANN..... and their network of fake news outlets shared with Russian bots spreading at nuke speed.

It's shameful how easily you all become putty in this liar n chief's hands......
don't believe any of your post at all. Believe Trump over you any day of the week..

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