The US Military Has Raided And Seized Servers In Germany, Tied To The Dominion Election System

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What is it you like about this, exactly? Louie Gohmert saw a tweet claiming the US military had raided a server in Germany, he implies it could have been ordered by someone in the government opposed to Trump, and you are liking it? I thought you were a Trump supporter...

Of course, the more important point is that this is all speculation based on a German tweet. :lol:
Tweet from whom?

I have no idea. He didn't say. That's part of what makes it sound so unreliable.
And who at that facility was returning fire? The army of George Soros or Q'Anon itself????


That video was hilarious. "It's a bankrupt tech company! Suppressive fire!" :rofl:

I doubt they're going to recover any accessible servers from that site. ;)
Did you see who this BANKRUPTED company was sharing office space with----HINT HE's one the richest psychopaths in the world.

And you think that led to the kind of firepower the video claimed was used to recover the servers? :lol: Seriously...did you watch the video you linked? Do you really think that's what happens when a business is raided to recover computer drives/servers?
Did you not read my comments under the video? At this point---no one knows what is happening...I am only gathering and depositing information here. I've even tried german news sources. When I have a firm opinion about the validity of anything--Trust Me I will make it bluntly clear sparing no ones feelings. As for now--- I love the video---it gives me a warm fuzzy happy feeling while giving the dems NIGHTMARES for tonight.
WatchTower picked up the story---3rd article I have seen reporting BILL GATES involvement with this fraud election company. Bankrupt would then not be accurate as it has been getting in millions from the worlds elite billionaire manipulators. Yes Gates has always been a pit buying influence and screwing the world over.
I though this was very .....very interesting! I am liking this more and more :mm:

The Spanish election manipulation company behind Dominion software was RAIDED by a large US ARMY force in Germany during which they seized servers.

  • November 13, 2020

Be nice if it is true.
And who at that facility was returning fire? The army of George Soros or Q'Anon itself????


That video was hilarious. "It's a bankrupt tech company! Suppressive fire!" :rofl:

I doubt they're going to recover any accessible servers from that site. ;)
Did you see who this BANKRUPTED company was sharing office space with----HINT HE's one the richest psychopaths in the world.

And you think that led to the kind of firepower the video claimed was used to recover the servers? :lol: Seriously...did you watch the video you linked? Do you really think that's what happens when a business is raided to recover computer drives/servers?
Did you not read my comments under the video? At this point---no one knows what is happening...I am only gathering and depositing information here. I've even tried german news sources. When I have a firm opinion about the validity of anything--Trust Me I will make it bluntly clear sparing no ones feelings. As for now--- I love the video---it gives me a warm fuzzy happy feeling while giving the dems NIGHTMARES for tonight.

Your comments don't, in any way, make the video claiming to be footage from a raid by the US military on Scytl in Frankfurt any less funny.
What is it you like about this, exactly? Louie Gohmert saw a tweet claiming the US military had raided a server in Germany, he implies it could have been ordered by someone in the government opposed to Trump, and you are liking it? I thought you were a Trump supporter...

Of course, the more important point is that this is all speculation based on a German tweet. :lol:
Tweet from whom?

I have no idea. He didn't say. That's part of what makes it sound so unreliable.
The US Army raiding a software company in Germany seems about as likely as the Canadian military raiding Trump Tower.

Perhaps they are talking about a cyberattack rather than a raid and it's getting mistranslated?
What is it you like about this, exactly? Louie Gohmert saw a tweet claiming the US military had raided a server in Germany, he implies it could have been ordered by someone in the government opposed to Trump, and you are liking it? I thought you were a Trump supporter...

Of course, the more important point is that this is all speculation based on a German tweet. :lol:
Tweet from whom?

I have no idea. He didn't say. That's part of what makes it sound so unreliable.
The US Army raiding a software company in Germany seems about as likely as the Canadian military raiding Trump Tower.

Perhaps they are talking about a cyberattack rather than a raid and it's getting mistranslated?
Perhaps they're just making shit up.
I love that you guys aren’t even trying to be serious.

I'm in a hold pattern---------waiting for the facts to come out.

So far they are saying that our military wasn't actually the ones who seized the servers but the germans were---our forces it sounds like played a back up my dreams of Soros being hit with military artillery have been dashed.

Nothing on local German news that I have found----but I don't speak the language. Usually,if you want the truth about a story---go to the local news. National media for most part are all liars.
I though this was very .....very interesting! I am liking this more and more :mm:

The Spanish election manipulation company behind Dominion software was RAIDED by a large US ARMY force in Germany during which they seized servers.

  • November 13, 2020

This is a lie – completely false.

Conservatives are as pathetic as they are desperate and dishonest.
My guess is the three of the following:

1: Deep State fake leaked this information, to give conservatives "peace of mind," so they relax and think Trump can do it alone (he can't, he needs all Patriots)...meanwhile the actual event never happened (like the fake leak of the watermark ballots by the ex CIA agent).

2: It's real, but Trump wants to keep it secret and didn't mean for the news to get out; while mainstream media can't even acknowledge because it would smash their own narrative.

3: It's simply fake.

Since it's allowed to show up in the google searches on the front page, I'm leaning on number 1.

This is the sick part about the Deep State skye ; they know conservatives aren't dumb enough to accept the fraud as legitimate, so they prey on your desire for justice with a fake leak to keep you happy.

There's an old painting of the Populist President Andrew Jackson fighting the Greek "Hydra" when he dismantled the Second Bank of the United States, because he was facing the same demonic globalist forces and fake news as Trump is today; Trump also has personal painting of Andrew Jackson and has said Jackson is his inspiration.

Trump knew what he was getting into and how difficult it would be.

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I though this was very .....very interesting! I am liking this more and more :mm:

The Spanish election manipulation company behind Dominion software was RAIDED by a large US ARMY force in Germany during which they seized servers.

  • November 13, 2020

You definately giving the poor libs nightmares.

I like that!!!! I really do! :laugh::laugh::laugh: lol!

Let us guess – the ‘liberal media’ aren’t reporting this because they’re ‘in the bag’ for Biden.

Too funny.
I though this was very .....very interesting! I am liking this more and more :mm:

The Spanish election manipulation company behind Dominion software was RAIDED by a large US ARMY force in Germany during which they seized servers.

  • November 13, 2020

You definately giving the poor libs nightmares.

I like that!!!! I really do! :laugh::laugh::laugh: lol!

Let us guess – the ‘liberal media’ aren’t reporting this because they’re ‘in the bag’ for Biden.

Too funny.
they wouldn't be reporting now regardless of true or fake. If true, the media is in shock and will await their marching orders on what the narrative should be to help the communists---if fake, the lib media will wonder around clueless, if planted then they also wouldn't post because they are going to use it as their other stories--they spring the facts in a few days after it has been past around hoping to smear republicans and blow smoke about the real voter fraud going on.
Why would Louie Gohmert lie to the world? no reason at all.

I trust him. I trust that he knows more than many of us here! ;)


Louie Gohmert is in the same darkness we are concerning the entire election fraud situation, because Main Stream Media abdicated their responsibility and censors everything.

We're experiencing an information blackout (thanks to Deep State and corrupt MSM), and no longer have the official capacity to verify anything until its proven in a court of law.

Btw we're in the middle of a Communist Insurrection.

They took Trump's "President" title away on facebook today, even though he remains President until January (at the very least), while they bombard us with the "Office of the President Elect" which doesn't even exist.

And the moment we start "winning" the Deep State will unleash the full fury of BLM/antifa.
What is it you like about this, exactly? Louie Gohmert saw a tweet claiming the US military had raided a server in Germany, he implies it could have been ordered by someone in the government opposed to Trump, and you are liking it? I thought you were a Trump supporter...

Of course, the more important point is that this is all speculation based on a German tweet. :lol:
Tweet from whom?

I have no idea. He didn't say. That's part of what makes it sound so unreliable.
The US Army raiding a software company in Germany seems about as likely as the Canadian military raiding Trump Tower.

Perhaps they are talking about a cyberattack rather than a raid and it's getting mistranslated?
Perhaps they're just making shit up.
I know that Scytl provides an electronic ballot delivery service for overseas military personnel and we have thousands of military personnel stationed in Germany.

That's about all I can confirm right now. :dunno:
Why would Louie Gohmert lie to the world? no reason at all.

I trust him. I trust that he knows more than many of us here! ;)
Screwy Louie lies almost as much as Tramp and has less credibility,
To give you an idea of just how out of touch with reality Screwy Louie is, he famously nominated Allen West for Speaker of the House AFTER West LOST his reelection.
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