The US military is asking the public for help in locating a missing $80 million F-35 stealth fighter jet that disappeared

All joking aside if they are not responding to a bunch of 911 calls it would appear wherever this plane came down was not in a populated area, so that is a plus.

I don’t expect it to stay lost long, with all the tech in that aircraft I’m sure they have a good clue of its general location even if they did not have photos of the site.

That or some read-neck is about to have the fastest shit box dodge you‘ve ever seen.

We lost two 2000lb bombs that a crashing A-10 was carrying in Colorado. They found the plane but never found the Pilot and the bombs. It's a tough job to find things in the middle of a mountain range. Like the Senators and Congressmen that wen down that went down "Somewhere" in Alaska near a Mountain. To this day, they haven't found them. And trust me, we at Elmendorf flew tons of mission trying to find them in our C-130D models.
The Military has asked the public to help finding it. I ain't saying I know where it is but does anyone need a F-135 engine and a 36 in radome? I will sell them cheap. :dev3:
The big deal is that nobody reported a crash. So the next question is where did it land ( I think they can auto land ) and who has it?

Unless the autoland is turned on they can't autoland. There is a system called ILS where the bird can land but that is only on approach to assist an injured pilot. Otherwise, it's going to be damned hard to find if it lands in an area that it blends in with the ground. Trying to find it electronically is going to be damned impossible. Otherwise, it wouldn't be much of a negative RCS.
Trump said these planes are invisible.

So Trump's military advisors probably told him that the F-35 is "invisible to radar." Big fucking deal.

I didn't hire Trump to be my technical expert on military hardware, I hired him to run my country. Besides, what harm is there in telling your enemy that your aircraft are "invisible"? Reagan brought down the entire Soviet Union by announcing to the world about the Strategic Defense Initiative, a technology that didn't even exist at the time.

I swear, you idiots test my patience.
I suspect it's already been crated-up and sent to China by now.

No way, those bastards are smarter than that. They probably hacked into the onboard computer, ejected the pilot, then flew it remotely straight to Beijing while refueling it on the way. We'll most likely be seeing them on the shelves at Walmart in time for Christmas at $99.95.
Suddenly, all Charleston area Chinese restaurants and nail salons closed. The owners rented boats with nets.


Of course it could have crashed into a warehouse like that F-16 did years back.



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