The US needs to tax American Jews more to pay for their aid package

Uses wars as an opportunity to keep stealing land? No dear it's called the spoils of war, it's always been that way and will always be that way.

100% stupid of course which explains gulf 1 and many other conflicts!! Do you have the IQ to understand?
who agreed to them-----darling? ?
dear I just said the UN agreed on them. Don't you read??????

The sentence "the UN agreed on them" is not a true statement.

dear, there are green line borders, '67 borders, 73 borders and even borders proposed by Israel all along the way. Israel is the only country on earth trying to steal land in the 21st Century!! Oh wait maybe Putin and Bibi have something in common?
who agreed to them-----darling? ?
dear I just said the UN agreed on them. Don't you read??????

The sentence "the UN agreed on them" is not a true statement.

dear, there are green line borders, '67 borders, 73 borders and even borders proposed by Israel all along the way. Israel is the only country on earth trying to steal land in the 21st Century!! Oh wait maybe Putin and Bibi have something in common?

wrong sweet heart ----there are truce lines. Unilaterally PROPOSED borders do not constitute established borders----they constitute ONLY proposals
who agreed to them-----darling? ?
dear I just said the UN agreed on them. Don't you read??????

The sentence "the UN agreed on them" is not a true statement.

dear, there are green line borders, '67 borders, 73 borders and even borders proposed by Israel all along the way. Israel is the only country on earth trying to steal land in the 21st Century!! Oh wait maybe Putin and Bibi have something in common?

wrong sweet heart ----there are truce lines. Unilaterally PROPOSED borders do not constitute established borders----they constitute ONLY proposals

oh dear there are no real borders so I guess there is nothing to do but keep stealing more and more land and alienating the world more and more??

The purported annexation of East Jerusalem was condemned by the United Nations Security Council as "a violation of international law" and declared "null and void" inUnited Nations Security Council Resolution 478 and has not been recognized by the international community; no country has its embassy in Jerusalem. Instead, the embassies are located in Tel Aviv, whilst Jerusalem remains home to many consulates.[39][40]
Uses wars as an opportunity to keep stealing land? No dear it's called the spoils of war, it's always been that way and will always be that way.

100% stupid of course which explains gulf 1 and many other conflicts!! Do you have the IQ to understand?

If the Arabs don't attack Israel, Israel doesn't annex any territory. Don't blame the Israelis. It's a simple concept, but I fear you don't have the IQ to understand.
If the Arabs don't attack Israel, Israel doesn't annex any territory.

dear, Israel annexed East Jerusalem not because of war but because they want the land.

The purported annexation of East Jerusalem was condemned by the United Nations Security Council as "a violation of international law" and declared "null and void" inUnited Nations Security Council Resolution 478 and has not been recognized by the international community; no country has its embassy in Jerusalem. Instead, the embassies are located in Tel Aviv, whilst Jerusalem remains home to many consulates.[39][40]
who agreed to them-----darling? ?
dear I just said the UN agreed on them. Don't you read??????

The sentence "the UN agreed on them" is not a true statement.

dear, there are green line borders, '67 borders, 73 borders and even borders proposed by Israel all along the way. Israel is the only country on earth trying to steal land in the 21st Century!! Oh wait maybe Putin and Bibi have something in common?

wrong sweet heart ----there are truce lines. Unilaterally PROPOSED borders do not constitute established borders----they constitute ONLY proposals

oh dear there are no real borders so I guess there is nothing to do but keep stealing more and more land and alienating the world more and more??

The purported annexation of East Jerusalem was condemned by the United Nations Security Council as "a violation of international law" and declared "null and void" inUnited Nations Security Council Resolution 478 and has not been recognized by the international community; no country has its embassy in Jerusalem. Instead, the embassies are located in Tel Aviv, whilst Jerusalem remains home to many consulates.[39][40]

so?---that fact still does not create a border. It simply creates a non status ---status for east jerusalem
dear I just said the UN agreed on them. Don't you read??????

The sentence "the UN agreed on them" is not a true statement.

dear, there are green line borders, '67 borders, 73 borders and even borders proposed by Israel all along the way. Israel is the only country on earth trying to steal land in the 21st Century!! Oh wait maybe Putin and Bibi have something in common?

wrong sweet heart ----there are truce lines. Unilaterally PROPOSED borders do not constitute established borders----they constitute ONLY proposals

oh dear there are no real borders so I guess there is nothing to do but keep stealing more and more land and alienating the world more and more??

The purported annexation of East Jerusalem was condemned by the United Nations Security Council as "a violation of international law" and declared "null and void" inUnited Nations Security Council Resolution 478 and has not been recognized by the international community; no country has its embassy in Jerusalem. Instead, the embassies are located in Tel Aviv, whilst Jerusalem remains home to many consulates.[39][40]

so?---that fact still does not create a border. It simply creates a non status ---status for east jerusalem

the international community can create a border and then we can move toward peace rather than nuclear anniliation
The sentence "the UN agreed on them" is not a true statement.

dear, there are green line borders, '67 borders, 73 borders and even borders proposed by Israel all along the way. Israel is the only country on earth trying to steal land in the 21st Century!! Oh wait maybe Putin and Bibi have something in common?

wrong sweet heart ----there are truce lines. Unilaterally PROPOSED borders do not constitute established borders----they constitute ONLY proposals

oh dear there are no real borders so I guess there is nothing to do but keep stealing more and more land and alienating the world more and more??

The purported annexation of East Jerusalem was condemned by the United Nations Security Council as "a violation of international law" and declared "null and void" inUnited Nations Security Council Resolution 478 and has not been recognized by the international community; no country has its embassy in Jerusalem. Instead, the embassies are located in Tel Aviv, whilst Jerusalem remains home to many consulates.[39][40]

so?---that fact still does not create a border. It simply creates a non status ---status for east jerusalem

the international community can create a border and then we can move toward peace rather than nuclear anniliation

Oh-----you think so? the "international" community is going to CREATE A BORDER ------which will result in the international recognition of all of the states
which share those borders?. When do you imagine that Saudi Arabia is going to recognize the JEWISH STATE OF ISRAEL???
dear, there are green line borders, '67 borders, 73 borders and even borders proposed by Israel all along the way. Israel is the only country on earth trying to steal land in the 21st Century!! Oh wait maybe Putin and Bibi have something in common?

wrong sweet heart ----there are truce lines. Unilaterally PROPOSED borders do not constitute established borders----they constitute ONLY proposals

oh dear there are no real borders so I guess there is nothing to do but keep stealing more and more land and alienating the world more and more??

The purported annexation of East Jerusalem was condemned by the United Nations Security Council as "a violation of international law" and declared "null and void" inUnited Nations Security Council Resolution 478 and has not been recognized by the international community; no country has its embassy in Jerusalem. Instead, the embassies are located in Tel Aviv, whilst Jerusalem remains home to many consulates.[39][40]

so?---that fact still does not create a border. It simply creates a non status ---status for east jerusalem

the international community can create a border and then we can move toward peace rather than nuclear anniliation

Oh-----you think so? the "international" community is going to CREATE A BORDER ------which will result in the international recognition of all of the states
which share those borders?. When do you imagine that Saudi Arabia is going to recognize the JEWISH STATE OF ISRAEL???

when the key countries in the world agree on the borders and impose them on the region led by the USA. Failing that stupid Israel keeps stealing land and we plunge closer and closer to nuclear annihilation.
If the Arabs don't attack Israel, Israel doesn't annex any territory.

dear, Israel annexed East Jerusalem not because of war but because they want the land.

The purported annexation of East Jerusalem was condemned by the United Nations Security Council as "a violation of international law" and declared "null and void" inUnited Nations Security Council Resolution 478 and has not been recognized by the international community; no country has its embassy in Jerusalem. Instead, the embassies are located in Tel Aviv, whilst Jerusalem remains home to many consulates.[39][40]

Yet both parties in America disagree with United Nations Security Council Resolution 478 and recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Uses wars as an opportunity to keep stealing land? No dear it's called the spoils of war, it's always been that way and will always be that way.

100% stupid of course which explains gulf 1 and many other conflicts!! Do you have the IQ to understand?

If the Arabs don't attack Israel, Israel doesn't annex any territory. Don't blame the Israelis. It's a simple concept, but I fear you don't have the IQ to understand.
Uses wars as an opportunity to keep stealing land? No dear it's called the spoils of war, it's always been that way and will always be that way.

100% stupid of course which explains gulf 1 and many other conflicts!! Do you have the IQ to understand?

If the Arabs don't attack Israel, Israel doesn't annex any territory. Don't blame the Israelis. It's a simple concept, but I fear you don't have the IQ to understand.

The Israeli gov is stealing land every night, bulldozing homes and taking their land. Also why are they occupying the Golan Heights?
Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.

It is amazing how haters will make shit up and tell all kind of lies when they are hating.

Further information: International rankings of Israel
As of 2012, Israel ranks 26th in Global Competitiveness Report by World Economic Forum, and 16th among 187 world nations on the UN's Human Development Index, which places it in the category of "Very Highly Developed". Israel's economy also ranks 17th among the world's most economically developed nations, according to IMD's World Competitiveness Yearbook rankings. The Israeli economy was ranked as the world's most durable economy in the face of crises, and was also ranked first in the rate research and development center investments.[151] The Bank of Israel was ranked first among central banks for its efficient functioning, up from the 8th place in 2009. Israel was ranked first also in its supply of skilled manpower.[151] Israeli companies, particularly in the high-tech area, have enjoyed considerable success raising money on Wall Street and other world financial markets: as of 2010 Israel ranked second among foreign countries in the number of its companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges.[152]

Hey you lieing fucking Jew hating Kunt, need to take your shit talking ass on somewhere else .....................

They are crooks, their bank are being investigated, the white collar crime here by jews is unprecedented.
American Jews and Israel are not one in the same.

Really, just what is the difference?

American Jews are brainwashed to blindly support Israel. In Israel you have more open debate about policy.
And Evangelicals and the rest of us are forced to.
If the Arabs don't attack Israel, Israel doesn't annex any territory.

dear, Israel annexed East Jerusalem not because of war but because they want the land.

The purported annexation of East Jerusalem was condemned by the United Nations Security Council as "a violation of international law" and declared "null and void" inUnited Nations Security Council Resolution 478 and has not been recognized by the international community; no country has its embassy in Jerusalem. Instead, the embassies are located in Tel Aviv, whilst Jerusalem remains home to many consulates.[39][40]

Yet both parties in America disagree with United Nations Security Council Resolution 478 and recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Well its not. I notice Bibi loves to bring it up as the capital as Israel but he is wrong in saying it.
Penelope you're a nazi - you have a disease. No one listens to anything you say, nor should they.
If the Arabs don't attack Israel, Israel doesn't annex any territory.

dear, Israel annexed East Jerusalem not because of war but because they want the land.

The purported annexation of East Jerusalem was condemned by the United Nations Security Council as "a violation of international law" and declared "null and void" inUnited Nations Security Council Resolution 478 and has not been recognized by the international community; no country has its embassy in Jerusalem. Instead, the embassies are located in Tel Aviv, whilst Jerusalem remains home to many consulates.[39][40]

Yet both parties in America disagree with United Nations Security Council Resolution 478 and recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 478, adopted on 20 August 1980, is one of seven UNSC resolutions condemning Israel's attempted annexation of East Jerusalem. In particular, UNSC res 478 notes Israel's non-compliance with UNSC res 476[1] and condemned Israel's 1980 Jerusalem Law which declared Jerusalem to be Israel's "complete and united" capital, as a violation of international law. The resolution states that the Council will not recognize this law, and calls on member states to accept the decision of the council. This resolution also calls upon member states to withdraw their diplomatic missions from the city.

The resolution was passed with 14 votes to none against, with the United States abstaining

now you can see why hate of Israel is growing
Penelope you're a nazi - you have a disease. No one listens to anything you say, nor should they.

ASHINGTON (AP) — The US Supreme Court struck down a disputed law Monday that would have allowed Americans born in Jerusalem to list their birthplace as Israel on their US passports in an important ruling that underscores the president’s authority in foreign affairs

US Supreme Court Jerusalem-born Americans can t list Israel as birthplace The Times of Israel

I guess you need to listen to the Supreme Court then. :biggrin:
Penelope you're a nazi - you have a disease. No one listens to anything you say, nor should they.

dear you're a bit of a might makes right Nazi yourself. What's your peace plan??

There cannot be peace unless both sides are interested in peace. Right now the Arabs aren't willing to make peace...and they won't be even if Israel returned to her 67' borders. Your plan is stupid.
Penelope you're a nazi - you have a disease. No one listens to anything you say, nor should they.

dear you're a bit of a might makes right Nazi yourself. What's your peace plan??

There cannot be peace unless both sides are interested in peace. Right now the Arabs aren't willing to make peace...and they won't be even if Israel returned to her 67' borders. Your plan is stupid.

dear, when 2 children are fighting the adults must break it up especially if its tearing the entire world apart. Do you understand now??
Penelope you're a nazi - you have a disease. No one listens to anything you say, nor should they.

ASHINGTON (AP) — The US Supreme Court struck down a disputed law Monday that would have allowed Americans born in Jerusalem to list their birthplace as Israel on their US passports in an important ruling that underscores the president’s authority in foreign affairs

US Supreme Court Jerusalem-born Americans can t list Israel as birthplace The Times of Israel

I guess you need to listen to the Supreme Court then. :biggrin:

What does that have to do with what I said about both parties recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

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