The US needs to tax American Jews more to pay for their aid package

Know what would be an even bigger money maker?
Tax all the monies going to mexico from immigrants of the southern persuasion.
Second largest income for mexico next to Pemex.

The amount in tax dollars is staggering.

yes----Mexicans do send money home-----does not bother me-----does it bother you? -------Mexicans in Mexico are poor----charity is charity-------now lets deal with ZAKAT----the money used to tie bombs to the stinking asses of muzzie sluts

Holy Mother of God you're stupid.
Think of the tax dollars being spent on these people,add what they send to mexico that doesnt get spent in America? Yeah it's a fuck load of money.
Know what would be an even bigger money maker?
Tax all the monies going to mexico from immigrants of the southern persuasion.
Second largest income for mexico next to Pemex.

The amount in tax dollars is staggering.

yes----Mexicans do send money home-----does not bother me-----does it bother you? -------Mexicans in Mexico are poor----charity is charity-------now lets deal with ZAKAT----the money used to tie bombs to the stinking asses of muzzie sluts

Holy Mother of God you're stupid.
Think of the tax dollars being spent on these people,add what they send to mexico that doesnt get spent in America? Yeah it's a fuck load of money.

So? the Mexicans are our fellow americans-----I wish the best for them and do
not begrudge them a bit of help from their own sons and daughters who manage to work in the USA
Know what would be an even bigger money maker?
Tax all the monies going to mexico from immigrants of the southern persuasion.
Second largest income for mexico next to Pemex.

The amount in tax dollars is staggering.

yes----Mexicans do send money home-----does not bother me-----does it bother you? -------Mexicans in Mexico are poor----charity is charity-------now lets deal with ZAKAT----the money used to tie bombs to the stinking asses of muzzie sluts

Holy Mother of God you're stupid.
Think of the tax dollars being spent on these people,add what they send to mexico that doesnt get spent in America? Yeah it's a fuck load of money.

So? the Mexicans are our fellow americans-----I wish the best for them and do
not begrudge them a bit of help from their own sons and daughters who manage to work in the USA

Yeah....whatever you say MoonFlower...
Israel is not continually expanding-----

too stupid!! settlements are always being built to steal territory and most of the world is turning against Israel because of this very devious tactic. Bibi made this truth clear in the last election and now the world can't make excuses for Israel.
Israel is not continually expanding-----

too stupid!! settlements are always being built to steal territory and most of the world is turning against Israel because of this very devious tactic. Bibi made this truth clear in the last election and now the world can't make excuses for Israel.

bullshit-------Israel has no borders. the entire Islamic cesspit has so determined. Are you disagreeing with a BILLION AND A HALF people?
Israel has no borders------they INSIST
bullshit-------Israel has no borders. T
so it claims which explains why it is continuously stealing land and continuously threatening world peace and continuously alienating the entire universe..

wrong-----it is arabs and their Nazi allies who claim Israel has no borders. ----
they have been so claiming since 1948-------are you very young?.

dear, do you approve of Bibi always building new settlements.
bullshit-------Israel has no borders. T
so it claims which explains why it is continuously stealing land and continuously threatening world peace and continuously alienating the entire universe..

wrong-----it is arabs and their Nazi allies who claim Israel has no borders. ----
they have been so claiming since 1948-------are you very young?.

dear, do you approve of Bibi always building new settlements.

who is "BIBI"? sounds like a nickname for use by those who are friendly.------ POOPSIE.-----but I do get your point-----I absolutely approve of complete jewish ownership of east Jerusalem and of Hebron------for a very simple reason----jews OWN those lands-------by purchase. Do you approve of shariah laws that denies jews the right own any land at all? but endorses the concept of
ISLAMIC LAND as any land upon which muslims rampaged, murdered, pillaged and enslaved-----during the course of history over the past 1400 years?....... well of course you do----it is catholic canon law. How about Ayodhiya-----also
"muslim land" ------TOLEDO AND CORDOBA? -----of course you do. ------do you approve of the eternal enslavement of persons of the negro race? of course you do...........

for the record-----SICILY ITALY is MUSLIM LAND------bet you didn't know that----neither did THE GODFATHER
You are a piece of Human garbage, your hatred of Jews is ignorant and pathetic. But to your desire to tax one group of Americans more then others based on either race or religion? It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and Illegal, which you either know and don't care or are to stupid to know how the US works.

Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.

It's only you the one who nauseates people, whenever you open your mouth and spew your garbage.:puke:

Make no mistake.
You are a piece of Human garbage, your hatred of Jews is ignorant and pathetic. But to your desire to tax one group of Americans more then others based on either race or religion? It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and Illegal, which you either know and don't care or are to stupid to know how the US works.

Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.

It's only you the one who nauseates people, whenever you open your mouth and spew your garbage.:puke:

Make no mistake.

issue is should Israel be allowed to keep stealing more and more land?
I am absolutely against my hard earned money being wasted on aid packages for Pakistan, Israel, Egypt, and any other nation. Before you drag India into this, let me preempt you: I do not think India receives any aid packages similar to the countries I mentioned but if you think India does receive aid packages then I am against that too.

I support Israel's right to self defense but they have to do this on their own. If Jewish Americans feel compelled to help Israel monetarily, there is nothing wrong with it; they have every right to help Israel. However, non-Jewish Americans should not have to shoulder the burden of Israeli defense.

At the end of the day, what we say here does not matter much because Israeli lobby is very strong in the U.S. This will ensure that American resources will be continually used to further Israeli interests for foreseeable future.
White House reportedly offers to boost military aid to Israel after Iran deal

Published July 16, 2015

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President Obama has offered to increase U.S. military aid to Israel in the wake of the Iran nuclear agreement, according to a published report.

The Times reports that under a memorandum of understanding that runs until 2018, the U.S. provides Israel with $3 billion per year in aid, most of which is used to buy military hardware, such as jets. An official familiar with ongoing negotiations told the paper that Israel has asked for between $4.2 and $4.5 billion per year for 10 years in a new aid agreement. According to The Times, negotiations on the agreement began long before the Iran talks ramped up.

Defense Secretary Ashton Carter is scheduled to visit Israel next week, while Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog has said that he will soon visit the U.S. to discuss "security measures to suit the new situation."

White House reportedly offers to boost military aid to Israel after Iran deal Fox News

this needs to end when Americans need the money. We can't support Israel, with our tax dollars, esp since their elites send money to them.

Name one thing Israel does for us, besides gives us a huge headache. We do not owe them anything anymore and well we never did. Let Britain take care of them , they gave them part of Palestine.

Name one thing Egypt does for us?

What does that have to do with your wish to tax the Jewish community, well if you hate giving aid to Israel and want to Tax the Jewish community then why not tax Egyptians, Chinese, or Japanese?

My bet is you will argue against being fair and just want to Tax a community you hate with a passion...
Because Israel doesn't need our money, the rich elite Jews donate billions to Israel, and Israel does not need our money. Neither does any other country, esp. the one we pay to get along with Israel. They have plenty of non profit Jew organizations here that send money to them. Most of the rich ones hide their money in the Swiss bank and don't pay taxes.

Time to stop the blood leaches. The US needs the money.
Because Israel doesn't need our money, the rich elite Jews donate billions to Israel, and Israel does not need our money. Neither does any other country, esp. the one we pay to get along with Israel. They have plenty of non profit Jew organizations here that send money to them. Most of the rich ones hide their money in the Swiss bank and don't pay taxes.

Time to stop the blood leaches. The US needs the money.

So you just want to Tax a community of people because of your hatred for them?

How sad, pathetic, and illegally stupid of you!

You have Egyptians sending money to Egypt, so using your theory we should stop the aid right?
You are a piece of Human garbage, your hatred of Jews is ignorant and pathetic. But to your desire to tax one group of Americans more then others based on either race or religion? It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and Illegal, which you either know and don't care or are to stupid to know how the US works.

Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.

It's only you the one who nauseates people, whenever you open your mouth and spew your garbage.:puke:

Make no mistake.

No many people feel like me , just don't have the guts to say it. I'm an American and we need our taxes, it high time Israel fend for itself. Then I read opinion in Jew newspapers and down talk the US. Let the jews take care of themselves , for once instead of them hoarding their money and living off of others.
I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence...

Too fucking bad. You are impotent and irrelevant. Go shove your bigotry up your worthless ass.

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