The US needs to tax American Jews more to pay for their aid package

You are a piece of Human garbage, your hatred of Jews is ignorant and pathetic. But to your desire to tax one group of Americans more then others based on either race or religion? It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and Illegal, which you either know and don't care or are to stupid to know how the US works.

Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.

It is amazing how haters will make shit up and tell all kind of lies when they are hating.

Further information: International rankings of Israel
As of 2012, Israel ranks 26th in Global Competitiveness Report by World Economic Forum, and 16th among 187 world nations on the UN's Human Development Index, which places it in the category of "Very Highly Developed". Israel's economy also ranks 17th among the world's most economically developed nations, according to IMD's World Competitiveness Yearbook rankings. The Israeli economy was ranked as the world's most durable economy in the face of crises, and was also ranked first in the rate research and development center investments.[151] The Bank of Israel was ranked first among central banks for its efficient functioning, up from the 8th place in 2009. Israel was ranked first also in its supply of skilled manpower.[151] Israeli companies, particularly in the high-tech area, have enjoyed considerable success raising money on Wall Street and other world financial markets: as of 2010 Israel ranked second among foreign countries in the number of its companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges.[152]

Hey you lieing fucking Jew hating Kunt, need to take your shit talking ass on somewhere else .....................

They are crooks, their bank are being investigated, the white collar crime here by jews is unprecedented.
American Jews and Israel are not one in the same.
You are a piece of Human garbage, your hatred of Jews is ignorant and pathetic. But to your desire to tax one group of Americans more then others based on either race or religion? It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and Illegal, which you either know and don't care or are to stupid to know how the US works.

Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.

It is amazing how haters will make shit up and tell all kind of lies when they are hating.

Further information: International rankings of Israel
As of 2012, Israel ranks 26th in Global Competitiveness Report by World Economic Forum, and 16th among 187 world nations on the UN's Human Development Index, which places it in the category of "Very Highly Developed". Israel's economy also ranks 17th among the world's most economically developed nations, according to IMD's World Competitiveness Yearbook rankings. The Israeli economy was ranked as the world's most durable economy in the face of crises, and was also ranked first in the rate research and development center investments.[151] The Bank of Israel was ranked first among central banks for its efficient functioning, up from the 8th place in 2009. Israel was ranked first also in its supply of skilled manpower.[151] Israeli companies, particularly in the high-tech area, have enjoyed considerable success raising money on Wall Street and other world financial markets: as of 2010 Israel ranked second among foreign countries in the number of its companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges.[152]

Hey you lieing fucking Jew hating Kunt, need to take your shit talking ass on somewhere else .....................

They are crooks, their bank are being investigated, the white collar crime here by jews is unprecedented.
American Jews and Israel are not one in the same.

You are wasting your breath...
You are a piece of Human garbage, your hatred of Jews is ignorant and pathetic. But to your desire to tax one group of Americans more then others based on either race or religion? It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and Illegal, which you either know and don't care or are to stupid to know how the US works.

Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.

It's only you the one who nauseates people, whenever you open your mouth and spew your garbage.:puke:

Make no mistake.

No many people feel like me , just don't have the guts to say it. I'm an American and we need our taxes, it high time Israel fend for itself. Then I read opinion in Jew newspapers and down talk the US. Let the jews take care of themselves , for once instead of them hoarding their money and living off of others.

So when you read a news article or opinion piece by a Palestinian that slams the United States of America you will want their Aid taken from them, right?

The Palestinian Territories get over 400 million dollars in aid, and shouldn't that money be used here in the states?
You are a piece of Human garbage, your hatred of Jews is ignorant and pathetic. But to your desire to tax one group of Americans more then others based on either race or religion? It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and Illegal, which you either know and don't care or are to stupid to know how the US works.

Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.

It's only you the one who nauseates people, whenever you open your mouth and spew your garbage.:puke:

Make no mistake.

No many people feel like me , just don't have the guts to say it. I'm an American and we need our taxes, it high time Israel fend for itself. Then I read opinion in Jew newspapers and down talk the US. Let the jews take care of themselves , for once instead of them hoarding their money and living off of others.

So when you read a news article or opinion piece by a Palestinian that slams the United States of America you will want their Aid taken from them, right?

The Palestinian Territories get over 400 million dollars in aid, and shouldn't that money be used here in the states?


1) Israel gets about 5 billion a year
2) Palestine gets about $450 million

our policy toward Israel is opposed by most of the world as it should be since Israel keeps stealing land and thus keeps deepening the crisis that may engulf the entire world.
The correct policy is to confine Israel to internationally agree upon borders and to defend those borders and then pay the Palestinians off.
You are a piece of Human garbage, your hatred of Jews is ignorant and pathetic. But to your desire to tax one group of Americans more then others based on either race or religion? It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and Illegal, which you either know and don't care or are to stupid to know how the US works.

Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.

It is amazing how haters will make shit up and tell all kind of lies when they are hating.

Further information: International rankings of Israel
As of 2012, Israel ranks 26th in Global Competitiveness Report by World Economic Forum, and 16th among 187 world nations on the UN's Human Development Index, which places it in the category of "Very Highly Developed". Israel's economy also ranks 17th among the world's most economically developed nations, according to IMD's World Competitiveness Yearbook rankings. The Israeli economy was ranked as the world's most durable economy in the face of crises, and was also ranked first in the rate research and development center investments.[151] The Bank of Israel was ranked first among central banks for its efficient functioning, up from the 8th place in 2009. Israel was ranked first also in its supply of skilled manpower.[151] Israeli companies, particularly in the high-tech area, have enjoyed considerable success raising money on Wall Street and other world financial markets: as of 2010 Israel ranked second among foreign countries in the number of its companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges.[152]

Hey you lieing fucking Jew hating Kunt, need to take your shit talking ass on somewhere else .....................

They are crooks, their bank are being investigated, the white collar crime here by jews is unprecedented.
American Jews and Israel are not one in the same.

Really, just what is the difference?
I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence...

Too fucking bad. You are impotent and irrelevant. Go shove your bigotry up your worthless ass.

Really so my tax dollars I should just keep, thank you. See since I am so irrelevant I would get audited and fined, but a rich Jew starting a non profit has a way out to launder his money and well they can put it in the Swiss bank or private bank.

Time to cut the cord, and let Israel be the independent country it claims to be.
I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence...

Too fucking bad. You are impotent and irrelevant. Go shove your bigotry up your worthless ass.

Hey if your going to quote me, use everything I said, not part of my message. Israel is a pig, and sucks every penny it can out the US, its time to stop.
I am fascinated, Penelope-----could you think about it a bit -----how old were you
when you first knew that jews have lots more money than catholics? I have
stated ---truthfully---that I grew up in a kind of Nazi town.-------until the post world
war II era the whole place was completely "restricted" and even when I was a kid
not a single black family lived in the whole town.--------Italians were called
"wops" ------the fact that lots had black hair seemed to bother lots of my blue-eyed
neighbors. Interestingly enough---I was just short of five years old when we moved in ------and was five in kindergarten when little girls my own age---who attended the "catholic school" let me know that I am a jew-------same crap like----
-----"jewish money" and "you killed (some guy named...) jesus"----five year old
kids. I did not even know them other than the fact that they wore plaid catholic school jumpers ----but somehow it must have been important to their PARENTS---
that I was one of the kids from the "jewish family". How old were you when you first "knew"----
You are a piece of Human garbage, your hatred of Jews is ignorant and pathetic. But to your desire to tax one group of Americans more then others based on either race or religion? It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and Illegal, which you either know and don't care or are to stupid to know how the US works.

Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.

It is amazing how haters will make shit up and tell all kind of lies when they are hating.

Further information: International rankings of Israel
As of 2012, Israel ranks 26th in Global Competitiveness Report by World Economic Forum, and 16th among 187 world nations on the UN's Human Development Index, which places it in the category of "Very Highly Developed". Israel's economy also ranks 17th among the world's most economically developed nations, according to IMD's World Competitiveness Yearbook rankings. The Israeli economy was ranked as the world's most durable economy in the face of crises, and was also ranked first in the rate research and development center investments.[151] The Bank of Israel was ranked first among central banks for its efficient functioning, up from the 8th place in 2009. Israel was ranked first also in its supply of skilled manpower.[151] Israeli companies, particularly in the high-tech area, have enjoyed considerable success raising money on Wall Street and other world financial markets: as of 2010 Israel ranked second among foreign countries in the number of its companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges.[152]

Hey you lieing fucking Jew hating Kunt, need to take your shit talking ass on somewhere else .....................

They are crooks, their bank are being investigated, the white collar crime here by jews is unprecedented.
American Jews and Israel are not one in the same.

Really, just what is the difference?

American Jews are brainwashed to blindly support Israel. In Israel you have more open debate about policy.
Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.

It is amazing how haters will make shit up and tell all kind of lies when they are hating.

Further information: International rankings of Israel
As of 2012, Israel ranks 26th in Global Competitiveness Report by World Economic Forum, and 16th among 187 world nations on the UN's Human Development Index, which places it in the category of "Very Highly Developed". Israel's economy also ranks 17th among the world's most economically developed nations, according to IMD's World Competitiveness Yearbook rankings. The Israeli economy was ranked as the world's most durable economy in the face of crises, and was also ranked first in the rate research and development center investments.[151] The Bank of Israel was ranked first among central banks for its efficient functioning, up from the 8th place in 2009. Israel was ranked first also in its supply of skilled manpower.[151] Israeli companies, particularly in the high-tech area, have enjoyed considerable success raising money on Wall Street and other world financial markets: as of 2010 Israel ranked second among foreign countries in the number of its companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges.[152]

Hey you lieing fucking Jew hating Kunt, need to take your shit talking ass on somewhere else .....................

They are crooks, their bank are being investigated, the white collar crime here by jews is unprecedented.
American Jews and Israel are not one in the same.

Really, just what is the difference?

American Jews are brainwashed to blindly support Israel. In Israel you have more open debate about policy.

I am fascinated-----how is this brainwashing done?. subliminal messages via TV or radio? special chemicals in Hebrew National hot dogs?. I grew up in a
very WHITE BREAD----Christian town My public school ----kindergarten thru
12th grade taught nothing about Israel but it did present Christian stuff ----a Christmas tree in December in every classroom. ----jelly beans on easter. ---well--the Monday after. ----A CHRISTMAS PLAY complete with a blond blue eyed Mary done by the Local catholic school each year-------santa showed up in
the lower grades----conveyed into the playground of the school in a fire engine---he ho ho ed himself into the kindergartens and first grade. I never attended Hebrew school------(that is a little after school session ---twice per week in synagogues) How did this brainwashing take place?
. Israel is a pig, and sucks every penny it can out the US, its time to stop.
its really not about the money its about world peace which can be achieved if Israel is confined to internationally defined and agreed upon borders.

there are no internationally defined borders and, certainly no "AGREED"
borders. Were you born yesterday?

there may not be a recently agreed upon border but that is not to say that there could not be an international meeting to confirm the green line, or 67 borders etc etc. Do you understand?

you're a fanatic who uses the wars and chaos as an opportunity to keep stealing land and who could care less about world peace which explains why much of the world has turned against Israel..
. Israel is a pig, and sucks every penny it can out the US, its time to stop.
its really not about the money its about world peace which can be achieved if Israel is confined to internationally defined and agreed upon borders.

there are no internationally defined borders and, certainly no "AGREED"
borders. Were you born yesterday?

there may not be a recently agreed upon border but that is not to say that there could not be an international meeting to confirm the green line, or 67 borders etc etc. Do you understand?

there has never been an "agreed upon" border between Israel and the surrounding arab states. A state of war still exists between Lebanon and
Syria and Israel. "AN international meeting" to determine borders between states without the participation of the states themselves and without the
recognition of the state by its neighbors? Why the "green line" ? it was
never a recognized border------it is a truce line.
there has never been an "agreed upon" border.

actually dear you love to imagine that so Israel is free to keep stealing land!!! The UN created Israel with agreed upon borders, for example!!

who agreed to them-----darling? you seem to imagine that the parties
involved "agreed" to some borders-----can you name the parties that "agreed"
to them? --------uhm --------mexico agreed to them?
. Israel is a pig, and sucks every penny it can out the US, its time to stop.
its really not about the money its about world peace which can be achieved if Israel is confined to internationally defined and agreed upon borders.

there are no internationally defined borders and, certainly no "AGREED"
borders. Were you born yesterday?

there may not be a recently agreed upon border but that is not to say that there could not be an international meeting to confirm the green line, or 67 borders etc etc. Do you understand?

you're a fanatic who uses the wars and chaos as an opportunity to keep stealing land and who could care less about world peace which explains why much of the world has turned against Israel..

Uses wars as an opportunity to keep stealing land? No dear it's called the spoils of war, it's always been that way and will always be that way.
who agreed to them-----darling? ?
dear I just said the UN agreed on them. Don't you read??????

The sentence "the UN agreed on them" is not a true statement. In 1948
the UN voted to recognize Israel as a state member and recognized truce lines
that created a truce in reference to the war between Israel and its neighboring
arab states. That vote specifically did not include "borders". The neighboring
arab states not only refused to recognize Israel as a state----they ALSO refused
to recognize borders. I was not present for the vote and did not take part
in determining its details. Borders were never defined by the UN or by Israel or
by its arab neighbors -----you are delusional. In order for a border to exist----the parties
on both sides of the border must recognize its existence. Both the USA and Mexico
recognize the border between the USA and Mexico
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