The US needs to tax American Jews more to pay for their aid package

wrong sweet heart ----there are truce lines. Unilaterally PROPOSED borders do not constitute established borders----they constitute ONLY proposals

oh dear there are no real borders so I guess there is nothing to do but keep stealing more and more land and alienating the world more and more??

The purported annexation of East Jerusalem was condemned by the United Nations Security Council as "a violation of international law" and declared "null and void" inUnited Nations Security Council Resolution 478 and has not been recognized by the international community; no country has its embassy in Jerusalem. Instead, the embassies are located in Tel Aviv, whilst Jerusalem remains home to many consulates.[39][40]

so?---that fact still does not create a border. It simply creates a non status ---status for east jerusalem

the international community can create a border and then we can move toward peace rather than nuclear anniliation

Oh-----you think so? the "international" community is going to CREATE A BORDER ------which will result in the international recognition of all of the states
which share those borders?. When do you imagine that Saudi Arabia is going to recognize the JEWISH STATE OF ISRAEL???

when the key countries in the world agree on the borders and impose them on the region led by the USA. Failing that stupid Israel keeps stealing land and we plunge closer and closer to nuclear annihilation.

you remain delusional. Israel is not "stealing" land. You have been brainwashed to imagine it. Just as you were brainwashed at age seven to believe DA JOOOOOS KILLED JESUS and ----at age 8 DA JOOOOS
Penelope you're a nazi - you have a disease. No one listens to anything you say, nor should they.

dear you're a bit of a might makes right Nazi yourself. What's your peace plan??

There cannot be peace unless both sides are interested in peace. Right now the Arabs aren't willing to make peace...and they won't be even if Israel returned to her 67' borders. Your plan is stupid.

dear, when 2 children are fighting the adults must break it up especially if its tearing the entire world apart. Do you understand now??

pooopsie-------the world is being torn apart? where do you live? UKRAINE?
Penelope you're a nazi - you have a disease. No one listens to anything you say, nor should they.

dear you're a bit of a might makes right Nazi yourself. What's your peace plan??

There cannot be peace unless both sides are interested in peace. Right now the Arabs aren't willing to make peace...and they won't be even if Israel returned to her 67' borders. Your plan is stupid.

dear, when 2 children are fighting the adults must break it up especially if its tearing the entire world apart. Do you understand now??

What if I'm right, that the main problem is the Arabs don't want to live with the Jews under any circumstance, what then can the world do? Nothing. And that's what we have now.
What does that have to do with what I said about both parties recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

the mainstream media seems to have missed the glaring fact that only the Democratic Party Platform recognizes Jerusalem as the current capital of Israel.

However, the Republican Party Platform takes a different view: (emphasis mine)

We support Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state with secure, defensible borders; and we envision two democratic states—Israel with Jerusalem as its capital and Palestine—living in peace and security.

Wow, Republicans “envision” all of that?
What if I'm right, that the main problem is the Arabs don't want to live with the Jews under any circumstance, what then can the world do? Nothing. And that's what we have now.

dear, thats why I said we need international support for internationally recognized borders imposed on the region.
What does that have to do with what I said about both parties recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

the mainstream media seems to have missed the glaring fact that only the Democratic Party Platform recognizes Jerusalem as the current capital of Israel.

However, the Republican Party Platform takes a different view: (emphasis mine)

We support Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state with secure, defensible borders; and we envision two democratic states—Israel with Jerusalem as its capital and Palestine—living in peace and security.

Wow, Republicans “envision” all of that?

yeah----the repubs ENVISION something that cannot be------muzzies believe that muzzies can have muzzie states-----but INSIST that JOOOOS cannot have
JOOOOISH states--------and islamo Nazi shit like you------agree------it is a
"puzzlement"-----that the islamo Nazi shit mind is-----a problem
What does that have to do with what I said about both parties recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

the mainstream media seems to have missed the glaring fact that only the Democratic Party Platform recognizes Jerusalem as the current capital of Israel.

However, the Republican Party Platform takes a different view: (emphasis mine)

We support Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state with secure, defensible borders; and we envision two democratic states—Israel with Jerusalem as its capital and Palestine—living in peace and security.

Wow, Republicans “envision” all of that?

yeah----the repubs ENVISION something that cannot be------muzzies believe that muzzies can have muzzie states-----but INSIST that JOOOOS cannot have
JOOOOISH states--------and islamo Nazi shit like you------agree------it is a
"puzzlement"-----that the islamo Nazi shit mind is-----a problem

childlike name calling, no peace process, so Israel can keep stealing land and growing the hate
What if I'm right, that the main problem is the Arabs don't want to live with the Jews under any circumstance, what then can the world do? Nothing. And that's what we have now.

dear, thats why I said we need international support for internationally recognized borders imposed on the region.

Yeah but hows that going to stop the suicide bombers, indiscriminate rockets, occupations, and so on and so on? International recognized borders won't stop the blood bath.
pooopsie-------the world is being torn apart? where do you live? UKRAINE?

dear, ISIS can attack us at any time with bio weapons. Time to grow up!!

Yes----I know ----and they probably will. so what else is new-----when it happens pay close attention to instructions------generally loudspeakers on cars and radio----the HOMELAND SECURITY PEOPLE are ready for everything and anything. There will be designated places to get necessary inoculations and other supplies
-----the stuff is being carefully warehoused--------try not to worry---just follow instructions-------we have been preparing for this for years. Muslims in the USA should be taxed at high rates in order to pay for HOMELAND SECURITY------
for example--- the meds to counter ANTHRAX are expensive. etc etc etc
What does that have to do with what I said about both parties recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

the mainstream media seems to have missed the glaring fact that only the Democratic Party Platform recognizes Jerusalem as the current capital of Israel.

However, the Republican Party Platform takes a different view: (emphasis mine)

We support Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state with secure, defensible borders; and we envision two democratic states—Israel with Jerusalem as its capital and Palestine—living in peace and security.

Wow, Republicans “envision” all of that?

yeah----the repubs ENVISION something that cannot be------muzzies believe that muzzies can have muzzie states-----but INSIST that JOOOOS cannot have
JOOOOISH states--------and islamo Nazi shit like you------agree------it is a
"puzzlement"-----that the islamo Nazi shit mind is-----a problem

childlike name calling, no peace process, so Israel can keep stealing land and growing the hate

Israel is not responsible for the fact that you HATE-----nor is it responsible for MUSLIM HATRED------in fact Pakistani muslims hate HINDUS just as much as they hate jews and IRANIANS ------hate just about everyone----mostly arab muslims
Muslims in the USA should be taxed at high rates in order to pay for HOMELAND SECURITY------
for example--- the meds to counter ANTHRAX are expensive. etc etc etc

stupid rant to hide Israel theft of land that is at heart of world's problems
Yeah but hows that going to stop the suicide bombers,

dear, Israel stopped the suicide bombers with a wall a long time ago.

The point still stands. The Arabs aren't going to all of sudden agree to peace because the international community agreed on boarders.

dear I said the world would impose peace on them under the weight of public opinion, economic threats, and military action.

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