The US needs to tax American Jews more to pay for their aid package

Muslims in the USA should be taxed at high rates in order to pay for HOMELAND SECURITY------
for example--- the meds to counter ANTHRAX are expensive. etc etc etc

stupid rant to hide Israel theft of land that is at heart of world's problems

Yeah the world would be full of joy if it wasn't for israel. Are you sure you're not an anti Semite?
Yeah but hows that going to stop the suicide bombers,

dear, Israel stopped the suicide bombers with a wall a long time ago.

The point still stands. The Arabs aren't going to all of sudden agree to peace because the international community agreed on boarders.

dear I said the world would impose peace on them under the weight of public opinion, economic threats, and military action.

The world is going to take military action against the Palestinians for, let's say, firing rockets into israel?
The world is going to take military action against the Palestinians for, let's say, firing rockets into israel?

if they did that after the world imposed a settlement . NExt question

First of all the world has proven time after time that it is not a fair arbitrar when it comes to israel. Second of all there's no way your ideas will ever come to fruition.
First of all the world has proven time after time that it is not a fair arbitrar when it comes to israel.

thats goofy, the world supported Oslo and the 2 state solutions that came within a hairs breath of being implemented. Many proposals were fair and very nearly agreed upon by both sides and the world
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stupid rant to hide Israel theft of land that is at heart of world's problems

:lmao:Is that supposed to be your drunken Mel Gibson imitation?
"Fucking Jews. The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world."
ignorant foolish rant playing the anti Semitic card because he lacks the IQ for substance.

notice Rosie left the room. Yesterday she was claiming they purchased the land all fair and square!!
Penelope you're a nazi - you have a disease. No one listens to anything you say, nor should they.

ASHINGTON (AP) — The US Supreme Court struck down a disputed law Monday that would have allowed Americans born in Jerusalem to list their birthplace as Israel on their US passports in an important ruling that underscores the president’s authority in foreign affairs

US Supreme Court Jerusalem-born Americans can t list Israel as birthplace The Times of Israel

I guess you need to listen to the Supreme Court then. :biggrin:

What does that have to do with what I said about both parties recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

Simple Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel, as it does not belong to Israel so how can it be the capital of Israel?
Muslims in the USA should be taxed at high rates in order to pay for HOMELAND SECURITY------
for example--- the meds to counter ANTHRAX are expensive. etc etc etc

stupid rant to hide Israel theft of land that is at heart of world's problems

Yeah the world would be full of joy if it wasn't for israel. Are you sure you're not an anti Semite?

Anti Semitism was caused by Jewish behavior and has now become a useful tool, as when people have something in common they tend to feel like a family, so anti Semitism is something that the Jews themselves now use , the whole world is against us, so we must stick together. They loved being talked about , but only in a positive way, and if neg, they use anti Semitic to shut one up. They invented it and use it to the max. and keep it going, and going and going. Without it they would not have a common thread amongst them. Its like their religion, its what binds them together, because its not really Judaism.
Muslims in the USA should be taxed at high rates in order to pay for HOMELAND SECURITY------
for example--- the meds to counter ANTHRAX are expensive. etc etc etc

stupid rant to hide Israel theft of land that is at heart of world's problems

Yeah the world would be full of joy if it wasn't for israel. Are you sure you're not an anti Semite?

Anti Semitism was caused by Jewish behavior and has now become a useful tool, as when people have something in common they tend to feel like a family, so anti Semitism is something that the Jews themselves now use , the whole world is against us, so we must stick together. They loved being talked about , but only in a positive way, and if neg, they use anti Semitic to shut one up. They invented it and use it to the max. and keep it going, and going and going. Without it they would not have a common thread amongst them. Its like their religion, its what binds them together, because its not really Judaism.

whatever, so what's your peace plan?? I don't think hatred is a good plan.
Muslims in the USA should be taxed at high rates in order to pay for HOMELAND SECURITY------
for example--- the meds to counter ANTHRAX are expensive. etc etc etc

stupid rant to hide Israel theft of land that is at heart of world's problems

Yeah the world would be full of joy if it wasn't for israel. Are you sure you're not an anti Semite?

Anti Semitism was caused by Jewish behavior and has now become a useful tool, as when people have something in common they tend to feel like a family, so anti Semitism is something that the Jews themselves now use , the whole world is against us, so we must stick together. They loved being talked about , but only in a positive way, and if neg, they use anti Semitic to shut one up. They invented it and use it to the max. and keep it going, and going and going. Without it they would not have a common thread amongst them. Its like their religion, its what binds them together, because its not really Judaism.

whatever, so what's your peace plan?? I don't think hatred is a good plan.

Funny that one who just hours ago posted "Israel theft of land that is at heart of world's problems" would notice that Pene is a hateful. knuckle-dragging Neanderthal.
Muslims in the USA should be taxed at high rates in order to pay for HOMELAND SECURITY------
for example--- the meds to counter ANTHRAX are expensive. etc etc etc

stupid rant to hide Israel theft of land that is at heart of world's problems

Yeah the world would be full of joy if it wasn't for israel. Are you sure you're not an anti Semite?

Anti Semitism was caused by Jewish behavior and has now become a useful tool, as when people have something in common they tend to feel like a family, so anti Semitism is something that the Jews themselves now use , the whole world is against us, so we must stick together. They loved being talked about , but only in a positive way, and if neg, they use anti Semitic to shut one up. They invented it and use it to the max. and keep it going, and going and going. Without it they would not have a common thread amongst them. Its like their religion, its what binds them together, because its not really Judaism.

whatever, so what's your peace plan?? I don't think hatred is a good plan.

AT this point, Israel reimburse the Palestinians for the land they have confiscated to build their settlements on, and no more settlements , state that Jerusalem is a neutral city, and either decide on a one state plan, or cut Israel in half, the Palestinians get 1/2 and the Jews get the other half, and Jerusalem is neutral. After years of watching this there wont be peace, as Israel wants all the land and to build a third temple, so its mute. In any case the west bank and Gaza need to be united. I imagine separating it like that Britain thought they'd live together, but they were wrong.

I suggest let the Jews fend for themselves, our tax dollars are needed at home and some places need foreign aid , Israel does not.
Second of all there's no way your ideas will ever come to fruition.

dear, a peace process is far far better than nuclear war and anthrax which is what your ignorance, in effect, makes the alternative.

poopsie------to whom are you addressing your post? The only people
who might use anthrax as a weapon right now are your fellow islamo Nazi
pigs There is no question that I will not. Nuclear weapons war ? Under
what circumstances to you and your fellow islamo Nazi dogs envision a nuclear
Penelope you're a nazi - you have a disease. No one listens to anything you say, nor should they.

ASHINGTON (AP) — The US Supreme Court struck down a disputed law Monday that would have allowed Americans born in Jerusalem to list their birthplace as Israel on their US passports in an important ruling that underscores the president’s authority in foreign affairs

US Supreme Court Jerusalem-born Americans can t list Israel as birthplace The Times of Israel

I guess you need to listen to the Supreme Court then. :biggrin:

What does that have to do with what I said about both parties recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

Simple Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel, as it does not belong to Israel so how can it be the capital of Israel?

actually it does belong to Israel. But medina does not belong to Saudi arabia
Penelope you're a nazi - you have a disease. No one listens to anything you say, nor should they.

ASHINGTON (AP) — The US Supreme Court struck down a disputed law Monday that would have allowed Americans born in Jerusalem to list their birthplace as Israel on their US passports in an important ruling that underscores the president’s authority in foreign affairs

US Supreme Court Jerusalem-born Americans can t list Israel as birthplace The Times of Israel

I guess you need to listen to the Supreme Court then. :biggrin:

What does that have to do with what I said about both parties recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

Simple Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel, as it does not belong to Israel so how can it be the capital of Israel?

actually it does belong to Israel. But medina does not belong to Saudi arabia

Not according to international law it doesn't . (but hey jews are above the law) . Who does Median belong to?

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