The US switched places with the UN


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
Essentially the UN is an organization where the imperialists decide a lot. Until 2009, the United States was a bastion of Freedom and the rights of peoples to their lands against occupation. These were the US obligations under the Monroe Doctrine, and the US was considered the defenders of freedom.
George W. Bush destroyed the Ba'ath terrorists in defiance of the UN.

No one could even imagine such a shame.

Now even the UN looks more decent than the corrupt American feds.

Israel isn't expanding into someone else's land. Hamas is squatting on Israeli land.

Blatant lie
Essentially the UN is an organization where the imperialists decide a lot. Until 2009, the United States was a bastion of Freedom and the rights of peoples to their lands against occupation. These were the US obligations under the Monroe Doctrine, and the US was considered the defenders of freedom.
George W. Bush destroyed the Ba'ath terrorists in defiance of the UN.

No one could even imagine such a shame.

Now even the UN looks more decent than the corrupt American feds.

Globalism, like Liberalism and Marxism, is a cancer that spreads, weakens, and ultimately kills their hosts. The allure of money and power have corrupted almost every American politician. The moral code of America has been attacked and diluted to such a degree that the People of the USA are horribly divided. So much so that America's elected officials are equally divided. This adds credence to the old saying “divide and conquer.” America has been conquered, and most Americans don't even know it.
Israel isn't expanding into someone else's land. Hamas is squatting on Israeli land.
The land belonged to Britain, not Arabs. Britain gave the land to the Jews. Then, Egypt told the Muslims residing and working in peace in Israel to get out of Israel because Egypt was going to invade Israel. Egypt lost and those Muslims who evacuated were not let into Egypt. So they squatted on Israeli land. The King of Jordan called what Egypt did to those that evacuated, ridiculous and criminal.

And the first thing Egypt just did when Hamas just invaded Israel was to close their border to the Palestinians.
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The land belonged to Britain, not Arabs. Britain gave the land to the Jews. Then, Egypt told the Muslims residing and working in peace in Israel to get out of Israel because Egypt was going to invade Israel. Egypt lost and those Muslims who evacuated were not let into Egypt. So they squatted on Israeli land. The King of Jordan called what Egypt did to those that evacuated, ridiculous and criminal.

And the first thing Egypt just did when Hamas just invaded Israel was to close their border to the Palestinians.
Britain never owned anything. The imperialists once seized lands, but the United States put an end to it, defeated the imperialists, and they are waiting for their tribunal. Arabs have nothing to do with this. This is the land of Palestine (Philistines)
Britain never owned anything. The imperialists once seized lands, but the United States put an end to it, defeated the imperialists, and they are waiting for their tribunal. Arabs have nothing to do with this. This is the land of Palestine (Philistines)
To the victor, go the spoils. At least that is what all the countries that have invaded Israel believed.

As you can see, no Palestine exists. And the Philistines and Palestinians are 2 separate peoples and 2 separate cultures.
What did exist was invasion after invasion of the Jewish land, and the land has been over run and claimed by Assyrians, Babylonia, Persia, Greeks, etc. It was part of the Roman empire. It was part of the Ottoman empire. It was part of the British empire. Who gave it back to Israel. And as soon as they did, the Arabs pounced.

It is the only land that God himself gave the deed to. To Abraham and his descendants. And God means for them to keep it this time. He is not fooled by presidents who claim to be an ally but funds Israel's enemies.

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As you can see, no Palestine exists. And the Philistines and Palestinians are 2 separate peoples and 2 separate cultures.
This is a lie
What did exist was invasion after invasion of the Jewish land, and the land has been over run and claimed by Assyrians, Babylonia, Persia, Greeks, etc. It was part of the Roman empire. It was part of the Ottoman empire. It was part of the British empire. Who gave it back to Israel. And as soon as they did, the Arabs pounced.
there was never any “Jewish land” there. Even if you believe the fictional Jewish myths, this was a seizure of Canaanite lands.
It is the only land that God himself gave the deed to. To Abraham and his descendants. And God means for them to keep it this time. He is not fooled by presidents who claim to be an ally but funds Israel's enemies.
I don't care about the "document" of a fictional "god".The people who is still in savagery and religious obscurantism may believe it.
Globalism, like Liberalism and Marxism, is a cancer that spreads, weakens, and ultimately kills their hosts. The allure of money and power have corrupted almost every American politician. The moral code of America has been attacked and diluted to such a degree that the People of the USA are horribly divided. So much so that America's elected officials are equally divided. This adds credence to the old saying “divide and conquer.” America has been conquered, and most Americans don't even know it.
sad SMH.gif
This is a lie

there was never any “Jewish land” there. Even if you believe the fictional Jewish myths, this was a seizure of Canaanite lands.

I don't care about the "document" of a fictional "god".The people who is still in savagery and religious obscurantism may believe

Stop lying. The land belongs to the Jews. It doesn't matter what you believe. It doesn't change history.
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Blatant lie
That part of history that the Mainstream Media and Mainstream Churches will NOT discuss is the fact that the Zionist "Jews" that claimed Palestinian land in the mid 1940s have no relationship whatsoever to Biblical Israel. Two, very different groups.

The Bible tells us outright that there will be a people who "call themselves Jews but are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan." Today's Jews (both religious and secular) reject Jesus Christ, hands down. They worship in synagogues, and they teach some pretty horrendous things from the Babylonian Talmud.

Revelation 2:9, “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”
Revelation 3:9, "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

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