The US, Ukraine & Russia: Why Putin Will Never Abandon USSR's Seaport

Would a reasonable person expect Putin to withdraw their strong presence adjacent to the Black Sea?

  • No, just like we wouldn't on our boders if we were in their shoes.

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • Yes, Russia might walk away there if enough pressure is put on them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
In the poll question "boders" should be "borders"
The United States is now considering sending lethal aid to help the Ukrainian government fend off attacks from pro-Russian rebels in the eastern part of Ukraine. U.S. shifts stance on military aid to Ukraine -

Well, the title says it all. Putin's Russia will no more likely abandon their interests on the Black Sea than we would our oil straws via Israel, or our presence in the Mediterranean Sea.

Vote in the poll. Enjoy.
She already had it, she wants a land bridge to it, it's about logistics, surprised Putin backed down bet you he is trying to figure out another game this summer.

But the Saudis are making him, Iran and the small US fracking companies go broke :)
She already had it, she wants a land bridge to it, it's about logistics, surprised Putin backed down bet you he is trying to figure out another game this summer.

But the Saudis are making him, Iran and the small US fracking companies go broke :)
Darn you for exposing the factual "misstatement" of the OP. (-:
She already had it, she wants a land bridge to it, it's about logistics, surprised Putin backed down bet you he is trying to figure out another game this summer.

But the Saudis are making him, Iran and the small US fracking companies go broke :)
Russia never backs down. They just appear to and then pop up with another strategy, often using proxies. How new are you to this game anyway?

Sometimes when it's quiet and I'm just sitting listening to the birds or the neighbor's lawnmower on Saturday afternoon, I ponder on the collosal resources homo sapiens expends defending and expanding its silverbacks' territories. And all due to some accident of birth on a certain GPS location on the globe. I was born here so I'm such and I will fight blindly to the death for some rich guys I've never met and who will use me like toothpaste to expand their immense banana collections even larger...

....It's just mind boggling really...then you think about that same theme back through ancient history and none of it really matters in the end. Even the strongest and largest and most powerful nation always falls; every life lost for those phantom gains was in vain.
We'll give up gitmo shortly after hell freezes over

Checked the weather lately? It would not surprise me if Obama releases/trades/moves the remaining detainees and abandons Gitmo under the cover of some "deal" with Cuba. Think it can't happen? Remember Jimmy Carter giving away the Panama Canal? Obama has two more years to punish America for its racist past, and he will take full advantage of that opportunity. Just watch.
Sevastopol and all of the Crimea were Russian long before there was ever an USSR.

Eric Margolis points out the folly that is sending US solders to the Ukraine. A bad idea. There is no strategic interest for the United States there to defend, and the responsibility for any death of US troops sent there as "advisors" should be laid at the feet of the warmongering neocons in this country and no one else.
Sevastopol and all of the Crimea were Russian long before there was ever an USSR...

Yes and before them was Og the Caveman... Where do the claims of territory end?

In the US, the whole of its ownership was various segments of Native American Tribes' territories. Don't see the US returning all that land to them anytime soon..

...and so on...
Sevastopol and all of the Crimea were Russian long before there was ever an USSR...

Yes and before them was Og the Caveman... Where do the claims of territory end?

In the US, the whole of its ownership was various segments of Native American Tribes' territories. Don't see the US returning all that land to them anytime soon..

...and so on...

So then shut up about Crimea you hypocritical sack of dog shit?
Sevastopol and all of the Crimea were Russian long before there was ever an USSR...

Yes and before them was Og the Caveman... Where do the claims of territory end?

In the US, the whole of its ownership was various segments of Native American Tribes' territories. Don't see the US returning all that land to them anytime soon..

...and so on...

So then shut up about Crimea you hypocritical sack of dog shit?
I'm not being a hypocrite. I'm merely pointing out the futility of all of it.

All of it.

My point ultimately being that Russia will not walk away from the Ukraine any more than we would walk away from Texas. And to entertain the delusion that anything but that is true is the act of a madman.

Besides, many Ukrainians consider themselves faithful Russians, just as many Native Americans consider themselves patriots to the USA. Call it Stockholm Syndrome or whatever you like, but they seem comfortable with their overlords and even part of them now.
Sevastopol and all of the Crimea were Russian long before there was ever an USSR...

Yes and before them was Og the Caveman... Where do the claims of territory end?

In the US, the whole of its ownership was various segments of Native American Tribes' territories. Don't see the US returning all that land to them anytime soon..

...and so on...

So then shut up about Crimea you hypocritical sack of dog shit?
I'm not being a hypocrite. I'm merely pointing out the futility of all of it.

All of it.

My point ultimately being that Russia will not walk away from the Ukraine any more than we would walk away from Texas. And to entertain the delusion that anything but that is true is the act of a madman.

Besides, many Ukrainians consider themselves faithful Russians, just as many Native Americans consider themselves patriots to the USA. Call it Stockholm Syndrome or whatever you like, but they seem comfortable with their overlords and even part of them now.
At least you ARE honest then.

Now if the rest of America could get their heads out of their ass.
At least you ARE honest then.

Now if the rest of America could get their heads out of their ass.

My hope is that silverbacks everywhere in every troope of homo sapiens that has a territory will pull their heads out of their asses and start acting more like higher evolved beings. I'm a fanciful thinker, I know...

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