The US was the best prepared nation when it comes to the virus.

Your conclusions would seem to be incorrect when you compare us to China.

The Chinese government is renowned for being honest and transparent.
Yeah...just like ours.

Did we lie about a new virus strain spreading throughout our country, purposely expose our people to it, and then let it escape our borders to infect the world? Did we kill and imprison doctors for trying to warn about the dangers?

Your moral equivalency is quite striking.
If you were the best prepared, how is it that the USA will have the most cases in the world in a matter of days?

Maybe because we have 320 million people with millions living in densely packed areas like NYC and LA?

Why are hospitals out of supplies and beds?

Which hospital has run out of beds?

Where is your plan to slow transmissions?

Did you happen to notice that well over half the country is under a shut down order, Dragonbreath, or did that escape your attention?
Your conclusions would seem to be incorrect when you compare us to China.

Actually Gipper his comment is spot on and you using China is funny as hell!

Dragonlady does not offer links to her opinion and just spew that America sucks and caused all this which it seem you agree with her but both of you are wrong.

Did you know the first outbreak was known since December 1st 2019 and how many people left China infected and entered the U.S. between that first noted date until our first confirm case in the States?

Over a month and a half and let me be clear if one person can infect two people then the spread of the virus was already happening here in the States before the first confirmed case.

So as you defend dragonlady nonsense let me make it clear the virus has been here longer than the first confirmed case and many have already been infected but I am sure you and dragonlady will disagree while chanting China is better prepared than the U.S. when the fact is the reason why we have this virus is because of China Government in the first place!
As long as asshole Trumper's continue to defend and facilitate our moron President Americans will continue dying and America will continue to lose the war against Covid-19.

Token negro killed more people during his flu outbreak. Token negro played golf while his people announced a national emergency. You people are retarded. Only way it works out better for y'all is if there is a school shooting at a pre K
If you were the best prepared, how is it that the USA will have the most cases in the world in a matter of days?

Maybe because we have 320 million people with millions living in densely packed areas like NYC and LA?

Why are hospitals out of supplies and beds?

Which hospital has run out of beds?

Where is your plan to slow transmissions?

Did you happen to notice that well over half the country is under a shut down order, Dragonbreath, or did that escape your attention?
Your conclusions would seem to be incorrect when you compare us to China.

Actually Gipper his comment is spot on and you using China is funny as hell!

Dragonlady does not offer links to her opinion and just spew that America sucks and caused all this which it seem you agree with her but both of you are wrong.

Did you know the first outbreak was known since December 1st 2019 and how many people left China infected and entered the U.S. between that first noted date until our first confirm case in the States?

Over a month and a half and let me be clear if one person can infect two people then the spread of the virus was already happening here in the States before the first confirmed case.

So as you defend dragonlady nonsense let me make it clear the virus has been here longer than the first confirmed case and many have already been infected but I am sure you and dragonlady will disagree while chanting China is better prepared than the U.S. when the fact is the reason why we have this virus is because of China Government in the first place!
China has a lot more people then the US. Their cities are just as densely populated as the US, if not more so. Up in smoke!
LOL. No, it's not. It's a Fox news fluff-up-Trump piece built on cherry picked data. All it took was a visit to the linked site to figure out it was a ranking based on data collected largely before the Trump administration started implementing their cuts and dismantling the agencies that could have helped with this outbreak. If you are honest and objective, look around, do you really think that we were prepared for this? South Korea was prepared for this. Japan was prepared for this. China flattened its curve by force. Unfortunately for us, you get what you get when you have a reality TV star as President.

The Fox piece is just an attempt to explain away Trump's myriad of failures, inaction, and incompetence.
But spin away, I've gotten off the ride. Ran out of dramamine.

What does Fox have to do with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security?

Fox parroted a study that was gathered with cherry picked information that was already outdated when they published their Trump fluffing opinion piece.
Again, do you really think we were prepared for this?

Course if you listen to our media this would never be known.

Don't let Fox's spin on this get in the way of facts.
From Reuters, not the Trump Channel:

MARCH 22, 2020 / 4:25 PM / A DAY AGO
Exclusive: U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before virus outbreak

Fox parroted a study that was gathered with cherry picked information that was already outdated when they published their Trump fluffing opinion piece.

And your evidence for that is where?

Course if you listen to our media this would never be known.

And it appears that neither of these groups knew what they were talking about.

If you were the best prepared, how is it that the USA will have the most cases in the world in a matter of days? Why are hospitals out of supplies and beds?

Where is your plan to slow transmissions?

State and local governments have closed almost everything, so what more do you want?

Martial Law?

Shoot, gas or bake Coronavirus victims that got infected because China Government plan was lie, deny and infect the world?

You are quick to bash the U.S. while never offering anything to support your opinion but I can State the Cities of Houston, Dallas, El Paso, Brownsville, San Antonio and Austin are under shelter in place except for a few exceptions and even then the shelter in place is not Martial Law which is what you are advocating!

Course if you listen to our media this would never be known.

Wrong again kool aid drinker. The rest of the world is looking at us as to how not to handle the crisis.
Last edited:
And further......

"""May 10, 2018 at 4:32 p.m. EDT
The top White House official responsible for leading the U.S. response in the event of a deadly pandemic has left the administration, and the global health security team he oversaw has been disbanded under a reorganization by national security adviser John Bolton.
The abrupt departure of Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer from the National Security Council means no senior administration official is now focused solely on global health security. Ziemer’s departure, along with the breakup of his team, comes at a time when many experts say the country is already underprepared for the increasing risks of a pandemic or bioterrorism attack."""

Oh yeah, Donald didn't have anything to do with it.

Trump and the Hive Mind are positively schizophrenic.

One the one hand, they were calling the coronavirus a hoax. Nothing to worry about. No worse than the flu.

At the very same time, they are mad at China for supposedly not taking the coronavirus seriously.

If these tards had any cognition, their heads would explode from the internal contradictions.

If the study by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security is flawed, explain how.

If the USA was the best prepared nation on earth, why is it having the fastest spread of the disease, and why are your hospitals now being overwhelmed with cases?

Canada had its first case or corona virus at the same time as the USA, as did Korea. Korea has managed to shut the disease down in the same time frame that the USA frittered away preparation time while Dumb Donald claimed it was all a hoax to bring down his Presidency. While the USA has gone to 55,000 cases, Canada has gone to 2750 in the same time frame. Given your population is 10 times ours, our rate of infection is half that of the USA. That's because we agressively tested and quarantined those returning to Canada with the virus at the very beginning, and we encourage everyone returning to Canada from hot spots, to self-quarantine for 14 days.

While Korea used massive testing and social distancing to stop the spread, Canada has slowed transmission rates to a crawl that our health care system can deal with. Our people and businesses have all been social distancing for the past three weeks, and our schools are headed into the third week of shut down. All non-essential businesses are closed.

If the USA was the best prepared nation, you wouldn't be having the fastest rate of transmission in the world. This sounds just like "America has the best health care system in the world". You don't. It's not even in the top 30 health care systems in the world, and you're the only first nation in the world with a declining life expectancy, but Americans still believe the lie that they have the best health care system in the world.

Course if you listen to our media this would never be known.

Don't let Fox's spin on this get in the way of facts.
From Reuters, not the Trump Channel:

MARCH 22, 2020 / 4:25 PM / A DAY AGO
Exclusive: U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before virus outbreak


And tell the kind board how that CDC advisor would have prevented the spread of the Virus when it was well documented that China lied, denied and allowed the spread of the virus?

You believe China Government would have told the truth to the CDC working there and if so what is it like to live in your alternative reality?
Trump and the Hive Mind are positively schizophrenic.

One the one hand, they were calling the coronavirus a hoax. Nothing to worry about. No worse than the flu.

At the very same time, they are mad at China for supposedly not taking the coronavirus seriously.

If these tards had any cognition, their heads would explode from the internal contradictions.

If the study by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security is flawed, explain how.

If the USA was the best prepared nation on earth, why is it having the fastest spread of the disease, and why are your hospitals now being overwhelmed with cases?

Canada had its first case or corona virus at the same time as the USA, as did Korea. Korea has managed to shut the disease down in the same time frame that the USA frittered away preparation time while Dumb Donald claimed it was all a hoax to bring down his Presidency. While the USA has gone to 55,000 cases, Canada has gone to 2750 in the same time frame. Given your population is 10 times ours, our rate of infection is half that of the USA. That's because we agressively tested and quarantined those returning to Canada with the virus at the very beginning, and we encourage everyone returning to Canada from hot spots, to self-quarantine for 14 days.

While Korea used massive testing and social distancing to stop the spread, Canada has slowed transmission rates to a crawl that our health care system can deal with. Our people and businesses have all been social distancing for the past three weeks, and our schools are headed into the third week of shut down. All non-essential businesses are closed.

If the USA was the best prepared nation, you wouldn't be having the fastest rate of transmission in the world. This sounds just like "America has the best health care system in the world". You don't. It's not even in the top 30 health care systems in the world, and you're the only first nation in the world with a declining life expectancy, but Americans still believe the lie that they have the best health care system in the world.
We really need the Winner tag back.

Course if you listen to our media this would never be known.

The problem with your post is you're not addressing the fact that Trump did nothing for 3 months after the warnings came from Wuhan in December.

Made worse by new info:


Don't let Fox's spin on this get in the way of facts.

What does Fox have to do with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security?

MARCH 22, 2020 / 4:25 PM / A DAY AGO
Exclusive: U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before virus outbreak

From your link

"U.S. CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield maintained the agency’s presence in China “is actually being augmented as we speak,” without elaborating.

In a statement to Reuters before the report was published, the CDC said the elimination of the adviser position did not hinder Washington’s ability to get information and “had absolutely nothing to do with CDC not learning of cases in China earlier.”

The agency said its decision not to have a resident adviser “started well before last summer and was due to China’s excellent technical capability and maturity of the program.”

The CDC said it has assigned two of its Chinese employees as “mentors” to help with the training program. The agency did not respond to questions about the mentors’ specific role or expertise."

Course if you listen to our media this would never be known.

And it appears that neither of these groups knew what they were talking about.

If you were the best prepared, how is it that the USA will have the most cases in the world in a matter of days? Why are hospitals out of supplies and beds?

Where is your plan to slow transmissions?

State and local governments have closed almost everything, so what more do you want?

Martial Law?

Shoot, gas or bake Coronavirus victims that got infected because China Government plan was lie, deny and infect the world?

You are quick to bash the U.S. while never offering anything to support your opinion but I can State the Cities of Houston, Dallas, El Paso, Brownsville, San Antonio and Austin are under shelter in place except for a few exceptions and even then the shelter in place is not Martial Law which is what you are advocating!

Everything has has been done to this point is a day late and a dollar short. When did you close everything? Over the past couple of days. When should you have closed everything - three weeks ago?

What is the federal government doing to coordinate and allocate resources to where they are needed most? Almost nothing. They had two months to prepare. We heard about this flu in early December, and Trump dismissed it then. Canada started preparing then.

The time to act is not while the virus is raging, but before it gets started. You don't start digging a well when your house is already on fire. You need to have a well on your property BEFORE your house catches fire. As usual, Trump has no plan, he's just making this up as he goes along, and looking for someone else to blame.

Course if you listen to our media this would never be known.

Don't let Fox's spin on this get in the way of facts.
From Reuters, not the Trump Channel:

MARCH 22, 2020 / 4:25 PM / A DAY AGO
Exclusive: U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before virus outbreak


And tell the kind board how that CDC advisor would have prevented the spread of the Virus when it was well documented that China lied, denied and allowed the spread of the virus?

You believe China Government would have told the truth to the CDC working there and if so what is it like to live in your alternative reality?

That's why the advisor was THERE, idiot. How nice for the Chinese that Trump got rid of her.

If you were the best prepared, how is it that the USA will have the most cases in the world in a matter of days?

Maybe because we have 320 million people with millions living in densely packed areas like NYC and LA?

Why are hospitals out of supplies and beds?

Which hospital has run out of beds?

Where is your plan to slow transmissions?

Did you happen to notice that well over half the country is under a shut down order, Dragonbreath, or did that escape your attention?
Your conclusions would seem to be incorrect when you compare us to China.

Actually Gipper his comment is spot on and you using China is funny as hell!

Dragonlady does not offer links to her opinion and just spew that America sucks and caused all this which it seem you agree with her but both of you are wrong.

Did you know the first outbreak was known since December 1st 2019 and how many people left China infected and entered the U.S. between that first noted date until our first confirm case in the States?

Over a month and a half and let me be clear if one person can infect two people then the spread of the virus was already happening here in the States before the first confirmed case.

So as you defend dragonlady nonsense let me make it clear the virus has been here longer than the first confirmed case and many have already been infected but I am sure you and dragonlady will disagree while chanting China is better prepared than the U.S. when the fact is the reason why we have this virus is because of China Government in the first place!

It was likely the virus was here before December of 2019. And you are mistaking preparation with response and action. China was not better prepared than we were. But they acted faster than we did. Locked the province of Wuhan down first (January 23rd) and finally, the entire country by February 20th. Entirely locked down. 2.5 months to flatten their curve. I see they are going to let Wuhan back up starting on April 8th. Bottom line, they acted faster and contained the spread within their own borders.

Contrast that with our response. January 22nd, Trump says virus won't be a big deal. Dismisses it. January 31st, under increasing pressure to at least address the virus, he locks down all travel from China. An appropriate step. January 31st to March 11th...crickets chirping, Trump campaigning, virus spreading. No action. No response. March 11th, Trump addresses the nation and the next day, all hell breaks loose. March 13th, Pence and the experts sideline Trump and we begin to respond. We wind up slowly but surely to locking things down starting on March 15th but we really still aren't completely locked down.

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