The USPS' Semi-Secret Internet Surveillance Apparatus


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
I think this snooping and spying by the Post Office is absoluteley outrageous....just another example of how government can use its power and ability in inappropriate ways. whilst protecting the mails and going after the bad guys is not a bad thing....the problem being how such an operation can be used against good Americans.....particuarly when we have a evil regime in power.

I think this snooping and spying by the Post Office is absoluteley outrageous....just another example of how government can use its power and ability in inappropriate ways. whilst protecting the mails and going after the bad guys is not a bad thing....the problem being how such an operation can be used against good Americans.....particuarly when we have a evil regime in power.

Invasions of privacy is never a good thing unless they get a warrant. The idea that it is ok because they say they are going after bad guys is simply justification for spying on us all.

And it doesn't matter who is in the White House.
Those who ignore this or mock others for being concerned will learn a harsh lesson from history. It only BEGINS with their political opponents. That machine will always need to justify its existence and budget. As a Stephen King character once opined:
"It stops being funny when it STARTS being YOU"
I think this snooping and spying by the Post Office is absoluteley outrageous....just another example of how government can use its power and ability in inappropriate ways. whilst protecting the mails and going after the bad guys is not a bad thing....the problem being how such an operation can be used against good Americans.....particuarly when we have a evil regime in power.

Invasions of privacy is never a good thing unless they get a warrant. The idea that it is ok because they say they are going after bad guys is simply justification for spying on us all.

And it doesn't matter who is in the White House.
Apparently, it does matter as far as the law is concerned. Obama's people used those levers of power to actively investigate the opposition and even attempt to derail a presidential candidacy, then his actual administration. NOT ONE of them has been or will be held to account. All the proof one needs is the Tucker Carlson FISA warrant being rubber-stamped so he could be unmasked for reasons of their own. I'd think that even the most hate-filled partisans on the Left would have some misgivings about a government that has no fear of legal consequences at all.
I think this snooping and spying by the Post Office is absoluteley outrageous....just another example of how government can use its power and ability in inappropriate ways. whilst protecting the mails and going after the bad guys is not a bad thing....the problem being how such an operation can be used against good Americans.....particuarly when we have a evil regime in power.

It's been a few years since I noticed you were becoming more and more like Canada. Less about accountability in power, more following our dirty tactics, such as "Mr.Big" and the like.

Once your constitution falls the rest of your pillars will as well.

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