The Usual Suspects Are At It Again

That is not factual
Fact. Hiding your head in the sand won't change the truth. Again, people like you refuse to ask questions and think logically. run with that from your alt-right source.
Meanwhile, everything I said about Palestinians paying a three to five times higher price in deaths than Israeli's did, is coming to pass.
They should pay a higher price. They are the evil that needs to be exterminated.
Fuck Ukraine. No treaty. Not my country, not my war. No more US taxpayer $$$ to Ukraine.
Who do you think was behind the Korean War? The Viet Nam War? The 'Malayan Emergency'? Pol Pot, East Germany, Cuba, South Africa, Rhodesia, Venezuela, most of the trouble in Africa, most of the trouble in the MidEast, including Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc, etc?

Who do you think was, and still is, behind all that shit? Martians? Simon Bolivar? George Washington?

Here's a clue -- How about Russia, aka; the USSR.

But that's okay, let's not support a good and decent people trying to free themselves of the yoke of Russian Totalitarianism, instead let's wait until we have to fight another major War and sacrifice more thousands upon thousands of young Americans.

That's the ticket, huh? Just keep you safe for another little while until it's not your problem anymore.

got it run with that from your alt-right source.
Meanwhile, everything I said about Palestinians paying a three to five times higher price in deaths than Israeli's did, is coming to pass.
Yeah, especially when those Dirty Joos™ purposely bomb a hospital and kill 500 Palestinians, huh?

And all the Palestinian deaths in the months and years beforehand at the hands of the IDF and Israeli settlers didn't contribute to those attacks two weeks

Nope, they didn't. This is pure visceral indoctrinated hate of israel/jews. Hamas indoctrinates these kids. This really isn't even about gaza. Its much deeper than that.
Nope, they didn't. This is pure visceral indoctrinated hate of israel/jews. Hamas indoctrinates these kids. This really isn't even about gaza. Its much deeper than that.
It is often (always) ignored or brushed aside that the tenents of Islam specifically target the Jews to be HATED. The People of the Book (Christians) don't fare well either in the BIGOTRY SATURATED Qur'an, Haddths, and Sunnah.
THAT is the ROOT of the problem...... :eusa_whistle:
What do you expect? Hamas spends all its money on weapons and attack infrastructure while hiding behind civilian human shields instead of building shelters and defensive infrastructure to protect its civilians. Gazan civilian casualties are always going to be higher as long as Hamas continues to commit these war crimes.

No argument to be made there. Cowards gonna coward.
Fact. Hiding your head in the sand won't change the truth. Again, people like you refuse to ask questions and think logically.

I think this statement by a member of the PLO’s Executive Council, made during an interview with the Dutch newspaper “Trouw” is about the most authoritative statement available:

“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.

“For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.” – Interview with Zuheir Muhsin, a member of the PLO Executive Council, published in the March 31, 1977 edition of the Dutch Newspaper “Trouw”.

In addition, Yasser Arafat’s official biography credits him with saying “If there is any such thing as a ‘Palestinian people’, it is I, Yasser Arafat, who created them!”

Who are we to contradict people who should actually know?
If? We're not dealing in hypotheticals here. Why don't you start with facts and substantiate them.

Edgetho made the accusation, so it's up to him or you to prove it.

Fact - The U.S. is planning on financing Humanitarian Aid to Gaza.

Accusation - That Humanitarian aid will be used to support Hamas.

Now, prove it or STFU.
Just keep you safe for another little while
The time for the US to be the world's policeman has long ago passed--if there ever was a justified reason for it in the first place. We don't have mutual defense treaties with either Ukraine OR Russia. We have no obligation to enter into a regional conflict. Tell the truth. You just think the US is your private cash cow to advance whatever agenda it is that you want to advance today.
I don't agree with sending Hamas anything. Palestinians allowed them to control the government, so aid to Gaza is going to be controlled by the government--which is Hamas. Now STFU

There are NGOs operating in Gaza that can handle the Humanitarian aid.

Even if Hamas manages it, how are they going to use humanitarian aid to harm Israel?

Throw baby diapers at Israeli jets?
Thats a lot of diapers. A country that makes a sneak attack on an unsuspecting civilian population deserves no sympathy from me. You reap what you sow. Run along with your bullshit.

I agree with your sentiment, but the reality is that the world is not going to just sit by while over a million people die from starvation, dehydration or exposure.

That's the reality.

So, please STFU!

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