The utter asinine claim that none of Biden's $6 billion to the terror state of Iran did not go to attack Israel.

You're trying to claim that without the promise of this 6 billion an oil rich country like Iran couldn't have come up with the scratch to fund this attack if they wanted to?

Clearly that's wrong because they DID. And now they may not GET that 6 billion
Fungible your humongous ass
I understand that it's not Democrat Media Bubble Cult Approved Thinking.

No thinking is Democrat Media Bubble Cult approved
Honey… you’re batshit crazy and too far gone to realize it

You’re Roody Crazy

Kraken Lady Krazy
NONE of that money has been released you idiots

Let's see, I, as a terrorist purveyor have a bunch of money set aside. I KNOW I have a huge wad of cash coming, soooooo, do I wait for that cash to arrive, or do I launch the attack now knowing my bank will be refilled soon.

Let's see, I, as a terrorist purveyor have a bunch of money set aside. I KNOW I have a huge wad of cash coming, soooooo, do I wait for that cash to arrive, or do I launch the attack now knowing my bank will be refilled soon.

A. Iran isn’t exactly cash strapped

B. When these weapons were built, bought, moved into position they had no idea that the 6 billion would be unfrozen.

C. That money has NOT actually been released and because of this action it could very well be REfrozen
A. Iran isn’t exactly cash strapped

B. When these weapons were built, bought, moved into position they had no idea that the 6 billion would be unfrozen.

C. That money has NOT actually been released and because of this action it could very well be REfrozen

Actually they are. The mad mullahs have been robbing the country blind.
Why use it if you have a real source already?
Because of this:

1) Wiki can be altered, everyone KNOWS this.
2). Don't take WIKI as FACT w/out verification.
3). Do you agree with #2? HereWeGoAgain
4) WIKI is still a great starting point, but NOT final verification.
5). Do your OWN research based on the "INFO" you have received.
6). HereWeGoAgain ???????
You want to buy a new car, and you have the money in the bank to pay for it.
However, after going over your yearly budget thoroughly, you realize you are going to need a lot of that money to pay other essential things.

Out of the blue, your uncle dies, and in his will he is giving you $50K!!!!
Upon closer reading however, he stipulates you MUST spend the money ONLY on essential living expenses, such as rent, food, utility bills.

You go to bed that night heartbroken (you're a Democrat) that you can't spend any of the $50K on a car! You cry yourself to sleep.
Has a single dollar of that $6 billion been released to Iran yet?

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