The utter asinine claim that none of Biden's $6 billion to the terror state of Iran did not go to attack Israel.

Because of this:

1) Wiki can be altered, everyone KNOWS this.
2). Don't take WIKI as FACT w/out verification.
3). Do you agree with #2? HereWeGoAgain
4) WIKI is still a great starting point, but NOT final verification.
5). Do your OWN research based on the "INFO" you have received.
6). HereWeGoAgain ???????
In case you folks missed it, wiki uses links.

The link used in this case was a Pentagon report
All the equipment the military has is engraved or tagged with serial numbers. They know what equipment was left in Afghanistan which most of it sent to Iran. Some how, amazingly, a lot of that equipment was in the possession of dead and captured Hamas fighters the past 3 days. It's been talked about on all the news channels, even the Fake News Networks.
The equipment that was given to the Afghan Army over many years by Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden by proxy, all of us.
Let's see, I, as a terrorist purveyor have a bunch of money set aside. I KNOW I have a huge wad of cash coming, soooooo, do I wait for that cash to arrive, or do I launch the attack now knowing my bank will be refilled soon.


They can't hear that.
You want to buy a new car, and you have the money in the bank to pay for it.
However, after going over your yearly budget thoroughly, you realize you are going to need a lot of that money to pay other essential things.

Out of the blue, your uncle dies, and in his will he is giving you $50K!!!!
Upon closer reading however, he stipulates you MUST spend the money ONLY on essential living expenses, such as rent, food, utility bills.

You go to bed that night heartbroken (you're a Democrat) that you can't spend any of the $50K on a car! You cry yourself to sleep.
As we all so clearly understand, money is fungible. Sure, you're not allowed to use the $50K for a car, but ta-da! you find that all of the money you had earmarked for essentials is now free to use on a car! It is truly mind-boggling that people still want to believe we can give these regimes money and it won't help them fund their less than appealing activities.
Actually, if anything it helps Biden because it let's him look presidential.

It took 12 hours for his aides to tell him that Isreal was at war.
They put a lid on his day before noon yesterday.

I get that you are a mouthpiece for the lunatic left, but geez.
Whore yourself out a little less than that.
The SOS has already gone on the tele and said none of it went to the groups that did this.
Until you can provide concrete proof otherwise, you're just tossing gasoline on the fire.
You have a budget in which you give $100 to a terrorist organization and pay $1000 for your rent. You wish you could give more, but then you couldn't pay your rent. Uncle Sam gives you $1000, but only if you use it to pay your rent. Great, now what about the $1000 you had budgeted for rent? Miraculously, even though you didn't spend any of Uncle Sam's money on your terrorist charity, somehow you manage to send them $1000. Isn't that amazing?

IOW, if I pour 5 gallons of water in the deep end of the pool, the water level rises at both the deep and shallow ends.
The SOS has already gone on the tele and said none of it went to the groups that did this.
Until you can provide concrete proof otherwise, you're just tossing gasoline on the fire.
None of the 6 billion. Are you trying to say that Iran had no other funds ?
In this tragedy of the Israeli people shitheads like the OP want to use it for conspiracy nonsense. Special place in hell for him.

This is really simple, I would have expected EVEN people like you would get it, but looks like I'm mistaken.
trump has been BORROWING money, from Foreign Countries, for Decades.

PROVE me Wrong.
No you prove yourself right... that's how this works... you make a claim so you should back it up if you can... I'm not sure what Trump has to do with this but I'm use to the ravages of TDS so I won't ask... but you must find evidence of what you said or I'm calling bullshit.... you play pretty fast and loose with the truth don't you....
They don't care to hear it.

Big difference.

In some cases they literally cant,
Their devices are set to not go to any non Democrat Media Bubble Cult approved site.
Especially academia.
All non approved sites show as non safe.

The utter asinine claim that none of Biden's $6 billion to the terror state of Iran did not go to attack Israel.​

The funds have not been released yet. Even now there are calls to re-freeze it.
So far the only claims that Iran had any involvement are in the US - warmonger politicians and corporate media.

The utter asinine claim that none of Biden's $6 billion to the terror state of Iran did not go to attack Israel.​

The funds have not been released yet. Even now there are calls to re-freeze it.
So far the only claims that Iran had any involvement are in the US - warmonger politicians and corporate media.
Also, Trump by pushing for a cut in the supply of Oil with OPEC actually pushed up the price of Oil and made Iran have plenty of money to sped the way they like...
Iran is far richer for Trump's intervention....

So where is the condemnation of Trump?

And please don't try your fake news shit, you are just showing your ignorance..
Also, Trump by pushing for a cut in the supply of Oil with OPEC actually pushed up the price of Oil and made Iran have plenty of money to sped the way they like...
Iran is far richer for Trump's intervention....

So where is the condemnation of Trump?

And please don't try your fake news shit, you are just showing your ignorance..
Dumfuckery thy name is Ted.

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