The vaccine safety myth


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Vaccine are proven safe, right? You may be surprised to find how non-evidence based this belief really is….

A few days ago, The Washington Post published an op-ed piece by a medical ethicist who thinks that all doctors who have concerns about vaccines should lose their licenses. Last week, it was parents who don’t vaccinate their children should be jailed or sued. There are case reports where not vaccinating has been used as proof of neglect for CPS to remove children and terminate parental rights. Whatever you think about vaccination, think hard before you endorse the idea that the government should be able to mandate a profitable but invasive medical procedure without informed consent. This is a very dangerous precedent to set and one you may not be happy about when vaccines are mandated for adults to protect our “herd immunity”. It is not about the measles. It is about your freedom to choose what goes into your body and your child’s body.

Oh but you never listen to the fact even when scientists. warn you......................

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