The very confusing message of the GOP

Why are these guys attacking me? There aren't any lies here. Look at what one of them wrote: I'm virulently anti-PC because I feel it is counter-productive, cowardly, dishonest and ultimately destructive.

Republicans complain they are being shackled by Political Correctness. They want the freedom to call an African American a "n!gger" and a Homosexual a "f@g".
I also pointed out that I'm neither a conservative nor a Republican. You chose to infer the opposite.

And I pointed out that "One of the common fallacies of PC zealots is that those of us who are against PC only feel that way because we want to say nasty words. Of course, it's almost impossible to be any more shallow, simplistic or intellectually dishonest than that."

And then you jumped right back and did it again.

This is why I call PC zealots "zealots". It appears they're so programmed that they simply can't control themselves from being dishonest and parroting talking points.
Republicans complain they are being shackled by Political Correctness. They want the freedom to call an African American a "n!gger" and a Homosexual a "f@g".

Republicans complain endlessly about political correctness.

And yet, they admire murderers like Vladimir Putin. They admire the Russian style of government. They participate in voter suppression, throwing voters off the roles and gerrymandering.

They admire a president who curtsies before a foreign despot/king.

They admire the very thing they claim they hate. It's all a matter of perspective.

When one of their candidates body slams a reporter, many Republicans say that makes them more likely to vote for that candidate.

Donald Trump shoves a European leader out of the way and his base admires his manly behavior.

Is this the new normal for the GOP?

This is so far off as to ask why this person is not locked up and under suicide watch...

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