The “vibrancy” has already faded…after only 6 months

Why's that important? He's been kicking lefturds asses for months. That's way more fun. I can't wait for more crying from CNN and MSNBC like joe scarecrow. I heard he was looking for OZ to get a brain!

I never said it was important. A RWNJ was whining about the picture showing an active healthy Obama.
And? He's a putz, as well as, a bad ball player mr uncoordinated. He should just stay with reverend Wright!

Playing ball isn't really a requirement for president. It's nice to have one who is healthy and active instead of an obese orange clown whose heart could explode at any minute. Trump can't even walk along side other world leaders. He needs to be hauled like a sack of fertilizer in a golf cart.
Good thing trump is healthy then. It would have been ashame to have had the basket case Clinton in office, eh?

Yes, he's the picture of health. That's why when all those other world leaders were making that short walk his ass had to be hauled in a golf cart
But again, good thing the basket case Clinton isn't in, all we needed was a golf cart. Roosevelt had a wheelchair. History is on our side
I never said it was important. A RWNJ was whining about the picture showing an active healthy Obama.
And? He's a putz, as well as, a bad ball player mr uncoordinated. He should just stay with reverend Wright!

Playing ball isn't really a requirement for president. It's nice to have one who is healthy and active instead of an obese orange clown whose heart could explode at any minute. Trump can't even walk along side other world leaders. He needs to be hauled like a sack of fertilizer in a golf cart.
Good thing trump is healthy then. It would have been ashame to have had the basket case Clinton in office, eh?

Yes, he's the picture of health. That's why when all those other world leaders were making that short walk his ass had to be hauled in a golf cart
But again, good thing the basket case Clinton isn't in, all we needed was a golf cart. Roosevelt had a wheelchair. History is on our side

Clinton caught a cold during the campaign. She got over it. Trump is a massive heart attack and/or stroke waiting to happen.
And? He's a putz, as well as, a bad ball player mr uncoordinated. He should just stay with reverend Wright!

Playing ball isn't really a requirement for president. It's nice to have one who is healthy and active instead of an obese orange clown whose heart could explode at any minute. Trump can't even walk along side other world leaders. He needs to be hauled like a sack of fertilizer in a golf cart.
Good thing trump is healthy then. It would have been ashame to have had the basket case Clinton in office, eh?

Yes, he's the picture of health. That's why when all those other world leaders were making that short walk his ass had to be hauled in a golf cart
But again, good thing the basket case Clinton isn't in, all we needed was a golf cart. Roosevelt had a wheelchair. History is on our side

Clinton caught a cold during the campaign. She got over it. Trump is a massive heart attack and/or stroke waiting to happen.
Yeah, when I gat a cold, I do face plants into my car! What a fking kiss ass you are! Hahahaha

Heart attack? Omg good thing you know all!

You play the horses and win? Naw, you're a loser
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All presidents go through that initially. When the Deep State clones them, it takes a lot out of them.

Picture of Obama after 6 months in office.....(notice any difference?)


After 8 years, President Obama can still run rings around him.

Anyone see the video of [emoji521] getting off the helicopter this morning? nat4900'is right - he looks like death warmed over.

But, at his best, when he first announced, he looked like unbaked bread dough wrapped in an unmade bed. He's fat and getting fatter. Lives on crappy fat food and coke, says he doesn't exercise.

He couldn't even keep up with the heads of state when they walked 700 yards.

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As the criticism mounts.....

His kids may need pardoning

The most inept cabinet and staff

Horrible poll approval numbers

An agenda that is mired in that swamp he was going to clean up

Promises made that now seem ridiculous

……and this is the result……

View attachment 138911

the confused look, the body showing its age, while the brain is still that of a petulant, narcissistic child.

Were I a better person, I’d almost feel sorry for him……but I am not that nice.
All presidents go through that initially. When the Deep State clones them, it takes a lot out of them.

Picture of Obama after 6 months in office.....(notice any difference?)


After 8 years, President Obama can still run rings around him.

Anyone see the video of [emoji521] getting off the helicopter this morning? nat4900'is right - he looks like death warmed over.

But, at his best, when he first announced, he looked like unbaked bread dough wrapped in an unmade bed. He's fat and getting fatter. Lives on crappy fat food and coke, says he doesn't exercise.

He couldn't even keep up with the heads of state when they walked 700 yards.

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Still five times more life than any fking lib , funny you're one jealous punk

That's bad enough but trump is costing more in less than one year than President Obama did in eight.

And so far, drumpf hasn't done anything of importance. He's so desperate, he'll sign anything the crooked Repubs put in front of him.

Buy, he'd do that anyway.

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As the criticism mounts.....

His kids may need pardoning

The most inept cabinet and staff

Horrible poll approval numbers

An agenda that is mired in that swamp he was going to clean up

Promises made that now seem ridiculous

……and this is the result……

View attachment 138911

the confused look, the body showing its age, while the brain is still that of a petulant, narcissistic child.

Were I a better person, I’d almost feel sorry for him……but I am not that nice.
And yet worlds better than that traitor obummer
Obama had an over 50 % approval rating when leaving office. Trump has never surpassed 40%. If Barack could run against fat ass today, he'd win in a landslide.
No sane person doubts that.

Yeah, sure. By the same polling groups that claimed hillary was a shoe in. How did that work out for you again?
As the criticism mounts.....

His kids may need pardoning

The most inept cabinet and staff

Horrible poll approval numbers

An agenda that is mired in that swamp he was going to clean up

Promises made that now seem ridiculous

……and this is the result……

View attachment 138911

the confused look, the body showing its age, while the brain is still that of a petulant, narcissistic child.

Were I a better person, I’d almost feel sorry for him……but I am not that nice.
And yet worlds better than that traitor obummer
Obama had an over 50 % approval rating when leaving office. Trump has never surpassed 40%. If Barack could run against fat ass today, he'd win in a landslide.
No sane person doubts that.
Then why did the dems lose so many elections and Hitlery lost? Me thinks you're confused as usual. Oh yeah, the America first Putin didn't like Hitlery. Consistent with Americans

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