The Vikings were not Germans

You need to see a doctor. Scientific facts of archeology and genetics with a common origin with representatives of the Afanasiev culture are hired by slave owners. This is fully supported by the greatest minds in the world.
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You need to see a doctor. Scientific facts of archeology and genetics with a common origin with representatives of the Afanasiev culture are hired by slave owners. This is fully supported by the greatest minds in the world.
your pathetic buffoonery impresses no one, calm down.
It impresses people who do not find your baseless claims compelling.
Impresses Pan-German alcoholics and corporate slaves.

The progressive person studies the facts instead of believing the feds and German agents.
Impresses Pan-German alcoholics and corporate slaves.

The progressive person studies the facts instead of believing the feds and German agents.

Oh, so you are admitting that you are not a progressive? Because many of your "facts" are laughable.
Vikings did not wear helmets with horns in reality. It was added later when operas and films began exploiting the Vikings.
Agreed, it would be very foolish to put something on your helmet that could hang up on something or provide a niche for a sword strike.
I don't need to impress anyone. I can see by the comments along the way that others already see the outrageous twists in your chicanery accompanied by no logic with which to channel you toward a sensible conclusion.
you know nothing about logic, otherwise you would understand the totality of facts and conclusions
Let's see how many people agree with you.
My predictions always come true. Last year, I predicted that Trump would be tried and that there would be a cold snap. Predictiveness is a sign of science. And you just copy information from cheap publications for the plebeians
My predictions always come true. Last year, I predicted that Trump would be tried and that there would be a cold snap. Predictiveness is a sign of science. And you just copy information from cheap publications for the plebeians
You can't even predict "the totality" of which horizon the sun will be seen tomorrow morning. That's how bad your "predictiveness" is. :badgrin:
My predictions always come true. Last year, I predicted that Trump would be tried and that there would be a cold snap. Predictiveness is a sign of science. And you just copy information from cheap publications for the plebeians
Mmmm, there was always going to be some sort of Trump trial, as the criminal accusations against him were going to be addressed legally one way or the other.

And there’s almost always a cold snap at some point every year.

Not exactly Nostradamus.
Wrong - the term Normandy (land of the Northmen) derives from Northman aka Vikings, - Rollo aka Hrólfr (around 900AD) a Viking from today's Norway became the first Duke of a Northmen fief in today's Normandy. Henceforth called Rollo Duke of Normandy.
He is rather wrongly depicted in the TV series Vikings - as the half brother of Ragnar.

That these Normans who conquered England 150 years later (Hastings 1066AD) were mixed with Breton's and locals living in Normandy is understood.
the Normans once had their own impressive empire and had nothing to do with fact they fought them rather often
Mmmm, there was always going to be some sort of Trump trial, as the criminal accusations against him were going to be addressed legally one way or the other.

And there’s almost always a cold snap at some point every year.

Not exactly Nostradamus.
I predicted the trial even before it became known about his criminal offenses.
the Normans once had their own impressive empire and had nothing to do with fact they fought them rather often
There were no Normans or a duchy of Normandy before Rollo (a Norseman with a mostly Danish army at his side) became Duke of Normandy in around 900AD. After having beleaguered Paris and the surrounding areas.
Due to intermixing with the locals they developed within 20-50 years their own language - abandoning their Scandinavian languages to form a French related language. And by 1000 AD they spoke Norman-French, also termed Norman and were all Christians.

The Normans were Vikings who settled in northwestern France in the 10th and 11th centuries and their descendants. These people gave their name to the duchy of Normandy, a territory ruled by a duke that grew out of a 911 treaty between King Charles III of West Francia and Rollo, the leader of the Vikings.

That the Normans then, were also targets of Norsemen raiders (Vikings) is understood.

The Norseman were a lose federation (mostly fighting each other) of Scandinavian tribes and fiefs concentrating their trade and raids onto Europe - also taking possession/control of some coastal areas of today's Germany, Poland, the Baltic and Russia. Those who settled in the Baltic and Northern Russia were members of a tribal association who called themselves Rus and not Vikings.
Those who went on raids called themselves Vikings - since the meaning/term of Viking "víkingris" (those going on a raid or pirate raid) and were referred to by all others as Northman or Norseman.

But do feel free to provide a source that would back up your claim
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