The vindication of Mitt Romney;Right on Mali-Jeep-Women-Guns

Now that you've been called out on your reading comprehension problem, you want to attack, huh?

Ace, you're a lying hack.

Fiat Says Jeep Output May Return to China as Demand Rises
By Craig Trudell - 2012-10-22T15:10:54Z

Fiat SpA (F), majority owner of Chrysler Group LLC, plans to return Jeep output to China and may eventually make all of its models in that country, according to the head of both automakers’ operations in the region. }

I realize that to you, "truth" is simply that which serves the party. But as the above proves, you are lying.

Did you know that the Toyota Camry is built in Japan, Australia, and the US?
Oh what tangled webs we weave.....................................................

LIARS ON PARADE, right here in this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMFAO
oH LOOKIE LOOKIE.. Before it's scrubbed!! THE WH WEBSITE ITSELF on Romney's Jeeps to China:

Romney falsely claims Jeep is shipping jobs to China ? Barack Obama

Romney falsely claims Jeep is shipping jobs to China
October 26, 2012

Share This:
Share via Email In his latest attempt to distort President Obama’s consistent record of successfully betting on the American worker, Mitt Romney shamelessly tried to scare voters into thinking that Jeep is moving production to China and taking American jobs with it. The claim is blatantly false: As Chrysler made clear, “Jeep has no intention of shifting production of its Jeep models out of North America to China.”

Here’s what Romney said:

“I saw a story today, that one of the great manufacturers in this state, Jeep, now owned by the Italians, is thinking of moving all production to China. I will fight for every good job in America, I’m going to fight to make sure trade is fair, and if it’s fair, America will win.”

And here are the facts:

Chrysler has no intention to shift Jeep production from North America to China. As the company made clear, “a careful and unbiased” understanding of its clearly-stated business plans “would have saved unnecessary fantasies and extravagant comments.” In an effort to score cheap political points, Romney is deliberately distorting a Bloomberg News article that reported that, while it may consider expanding into China, Chrysler is not shifting any output from North America to China.

If Romney read the article, he’d know it reports that “Chrysler currently builds all Jeep SUV models at plants in Michigan, Illinois and Ohio,” and Mike Manley, the President and CEO of the Jeep brand, was referring to “adding Jeep production sites rather than shifting output from North America to China.” As Chrysler noted in a blog post, fooling Americans into thinking that it plans to shift all Jeep production to China and cut U.S. jobs requires a leap that would be “difficult even for professional circus acrobats.”

And not only will Jeep assembly lines continue to stay in operation, Chrysler is actually expanding U.S. production. The company’s assembly plant in Toledo, OH, for example, supports nearly 2,000 jobs—and last year, Chrysler announced it was adding a second shift of 1,100 workers to produce the next Jeep SUV. And next week, Chrysler will add a third shift of 1,100 workers at its Jefferson North plant in Detroit, MI to keep up with demand for the Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Thanks to President Obama’s bold and politically unpopular decision to rescue the U.S. auto industry and save more than 1 million jobs, America’s car manufacturers are in the midst of a roaring comeback. Now that they’ve paid back their loans, U.S. automakers have posted record profits, added thousands of jobs, and regained their place as leaders in the industry. In fact, 2011 marked “the first time in years that Chrysler, Ford, and GM have all been profitable at the same time.”

Mitt Romney knows that the auto industry is back on its feet—after all, he’s a “son of Detroit.” But voters in Ohio and Michigan also know that Romney would have “let Detroit go bankrupt” and sacrificed their jobs. As Chrysler made abundantly clear, Jeep’s not going anywhere.

What’s more, President Obama has fought against unfair Chinese trade practices that hurt the U.S. auto industry—filing a case against China at the WTO to stop tariffs that make it harder to export Jeeps and other cars to China. But while the President has fought to safeguard U.S. jobs from Chinese competition by filing trade complaints and imposing strict tariffs, Romney called President Obama’s effort to defend American tire workers from China’s unfair trade practices “bad for the nation and our workers.” President Obama has already filed more than twice as many trade complaints against China as the Bush administration did, and he plans to eliminate tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. Romney, on the other hand, would encourage outsourcing by eliminating taxes on Americans companies’ foreign profits, which could create 800,000 jobs in other countries, including China.

Whether it’s standing up to China or standing up for Detroit, when it comes to betting on the American worker, the choice in this election couldn’t be any clearer.

You just proved us right and yourself wrong.
That was original story you fool. Romney's lie was that American Jeep production was leaving the US.

Can't you people THINK for one minute before you post? Please?

Romney never claimed that - despite the lies that you goose-stepping thugs tell.

Romney stated that he read a report - which I have cited, that said this.

Romney did read it - as have your handlers.

Now repeat your mantra until you calm down; "The party is mother, the party is father. All allegiance is to the party alone."
Bishop Willard did in fact say that Jeep PRODUCTION was leaving the USA for China.

The report Willard said he read said that Jeep MODLES were going to be built in China, it did not say that that USA production would be moved to China, in fact it said it wouldn't!

Here is the link to the report Willard lied about:

Fiat Says Jeep Output May Return to China as Demand Rises - Bloomberg

Fiat SpA (F), majority owner of Chrysler Group LLC, plans to return Jeep output to China and may eventually make all of its models in that country, according to the head of both automakers’ operations in the region.


Chrysler currently builds all Jeep SUV models at plants in Michigan, Illinois and Ohio. Manley referred to adding Jeep production sites rather than shifting output from North America to China.

Pathological liar Willard changed the report to:

Romney cites incorrect auto manufacturing claim in Ohio - CBS News

"I saw a story today that one of the great manufacturers in this state Jeep -- now owned by the Italians -- is thinking of moving all production to China. I will fight for every good job in America. I'm going to fight to make sure trade is fair, and if it's fair America will win."

As anyone can clearly see Willard changed "MODLES" to "PRODUCTION." But you will continue to play dumb and repeat your lie again and again.
Last edited:
This is why no one can take you guys seriously.

Anyone who disagrees with you is a "fascist" who wants to put you in "death camps".

Do you think any of us take you seriously?

Look at you all, openly lying because party comes before all. Facts and proof have no impact on you, party is the ONLY concern.

I use hyperbole liberally, I'm a liberal after all, but we all know there is a strong nut of truth to it. In better days, hyperbole could shock some self-reflection. But the line between hype and reality is blurred nearly out of existence.

The mantra from the first Khmer Rouge isn't very far from the reality of today's democrats.

Did Mike Manley say that all models of Jeep could eventually be manufactured in China? Well of course, that's been proven. Does it have any impact on the party members here?

None at all, because truth is only that which serves the party.
oH LOOKIE LOOKIE.. Before it's scrubbed!! THE WH WEBSITE ITSELF on Romney's Jeeps to China:

Romney falsely claims Jeep is shipping jobs to China ? Barack Obama

Romney falsely claims Jeep is shipping jobs to China
October 26, 2012

Share This:
Share via Email In his latest attempt to distort President Obama’s consistent record of successfully betting on the American worker, Mitt Romney shamelessly tried to scare voters into thinking that Jeep is moving production to China and taking American jobs with it. The claim is blatantly false: As Chrysler made clear, “Jeep has no intention of shifting production of its Jeep models out of North America to China.”

Here’s what Romney said:

“I saw a story today, that one of the great manufacturers in this state, Jeep, now owned by the Italians, is thinking of moving all production to China. I will fight for every good job in America, I’m going to fight to make sure trade is fair, and if it’s fair, America will win.”

And here are the facts:

Chrysler has no intention to shift Jeep production from North America to China. As the company made clear, “a careful and unbiased” understanding of its clearly-stated business plans “would have saved unnecessary fantasies and extravagant comments.” In an effort to score cheap political points, Romney is deliberately distorting a Bloomberg News article that reported that, while it may consider expanding into China, Chrysler is not shifting any output from North America to China.

If Romney read the article, he’d know it reports that “Chrysler currently builds all Jeep SUV models at plants in Michigan, Illinois and Ohio,” and Mike Manley, the President and CEO of the Jeep brand, was referring to “adding Jeep production sites rather than shifting output from North America to China.” As Chrysler noted in a blog post, fooling Americans into thinking that it plans to shift all Jeep production to China and cut U.S. jobs requires a leap that would be “difficult even for professional circus acrobats.”

And not only will Jeep assembly lines continue to stay in operation, Chrysler is actually expanding U.S. production. The company’s assembly plant in Toledo, OH, for example, supports nearly 2,000 jobs—and last year, Chrysler announced it was adding a second shift of 1,100 workers to produce the next Jeep SUV. And next week, Chrysler will add a third shift of 1,100 workers at its Jefferson North plant in Detroit, MI to keep up with demand for the Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Thanks to President Obama’s bold and politically unpopular decision to rescue the U.S. auto industry and save more than 1 million jobs, America’s car manufacturers are in the midst of a roaring comeback. Now that they’ve paid back their loans, U.S. automakers have posted record profits, added thousands of jobs, and regained their place as leaders in the industry. In fact, 2011 marked “the first time in years that Chrysler, Ford, and GM have all been profitable at the same time.”

Mitt Romney knows that the auto industry is back on its feet—after all, he’s a “son of Detroit.” But voters in Ohio and Michigan also know that Romney would have “let Detroit go bankrupt” and sacrificed their jobs. As Chrysler made abundantly clear, Jeep’s not going anywhere.

What’s more, President Obama has fought against unfair Chinese trade practices that hurt the U.S. auto industry—filing a case against China at the WTO to stop tariffs that make it harder to export Jeeps and other cars to China. But while the President has fought to safeguard U.S. jobs from Chinese competition by filing trade complaints and imposing strict tariffs, Romney called President Obama’s effort to defend American tire workers from China’s unfair trade practices “bad for the nation and our workers.” President Obama has already filed more than twice as many trade complaints against China as the Bush administration did, and he plans to eliminate tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. Romney, on the other hand, would encourage outsourcing by eliminating taxes on Americans companies’ foreign profits, which could create 800,000 jobs in other countries, including China.

Whether it’s standing up to China or standing up for Detroit, when it comes to betting on the American worker, the choice in this election couldn’t be any clearer.

directly from THE OBAMA-BIDEN CAMPAIGN website with the O seal!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How exactly do you think that backs your argument up? It directly contradicts you.
The Obama Biden website stated NO JEEPS TO BE BUILT IN CHINA, NONE , ZERO, GOOSE EGG
This is why no one can take you guys seriously.

Anyone who disagrees with you is a "fascist" who wants to put you in "death camps".

Do you think any of us take you seriously?

Look at you all, openly lying because party comes before all. Facts and proof have no impact on you, party is the ONLY concern.

I use hyperbole liberally, I'm a liberal after all, but we all know there is a strong nut of truth to it. In better days, hyperbole could shock some self-reflection. But the line between hype and reality is blurred nearly out of existence.

The mantra from the first Khmer Rouge isn't very far from the reality of today's democrats.

Did Mike Manley say that all models of Jeep could eventually be manufactured in China? Well of course, that's been proven. Does it have any impact on the party members here?

None at all, because truth is only that which serves the party.

Again, all models does not mean all production is being moved. Are you that dense or you just can't admit that you and Mitt were wrong?

My only concern is to rebuff people who can't stop lying. You qualify.
We’re going to be announcing the first step in the globalization of Jeep (in China). There’s another one that’s going to come in Russia. These things are part of a natural process of expansion.”

Marchionne said he will keep “the pillar cars of the [U.S.] Jeep (brand) … Wrangler is one. [as is] the Grand Cherokee. [These] need to be protected because they represent the best and the essence of Jeep. If you tell me I cannot make a Patriot somewhere else, I might as well go out of the market.”

?The Vindication of Mitt Romney? : NO QUARTER USA NET
Globalization of JEEP???? The first step?? NO way.. Obama said himself on his website, ZERO, NO jeeps made in China..
Mitt Romney "Jeep, now owned by the Italians, is thinking of moving all production to China."

Ace, you're a fucking liar, but a good goose-stepping party member.

Mitt Romney "I read a report today that Jeep, now owned by the Italians, is thinking of moving all production to China."

It's a lot different than your fucking lie - but you serve the party - you have no integrity nor even the capacity for integrity. Only the party matters.
Lies, betrayal.. A sitting US President who makes Richard Nixon look like Mother Teresa on steroids!

remember when conservatives had this much hatred for bill clinton? remember how that turned america against bill clinton and everyone hates him now? remember how bill clinton wasn't instrumental in getting barack obama re-elected?

please, by all means keep rubbing your tinfoil hat for more of these gems. stupid conservatives are like a fetish of mine.
This is why no one can take you guys seriously.

Anyone who disagrees with you is a "fascist" who wants to put you in "death camps".

Do you think any of us take you seriously?

Look at you all, openly lying because party comes before all. Facts and proof have no impact on you, party is the ONLY concern.

What "party" do you think I'm a member of?

I use hyperbole liberally, I'm a liberal after all, but we all know there is a strong nut of truth to it. In better days, hyperbole could shock some self-reflection. But the line between hype and reality is blurred nearly out of existence.

Your posts show that very clearly.

The mantra from the first Khmer Rouge isn't very far from the reality of today's democrats.

Did Mike Manley say that all models of Jeep could eventually be manufactured in China? ]Well of course, that's been proven. Does it have any impact on the party members here?

It's entirely besides the point. No American jobs have been, or planned to be, moved to China.

None at all, because truth is only that which serves the party.

Again, what "party" are you talking about?
Lies, betrayal.. A sitting US President who makes Richard Nixon look like Mother Teresa on steroids!

remember when conservatives had this much hatred for bill clinton? remember how that turned america against bill clinton and everyone hates him now? remember how bill clinton wasn't instrumental in getting barack obama re-elected?

please, by all means keep rubbing your tinfoil hat for more of these gems. stupid conservatives are like a fetish of mine.

Did you join just to say that? LMAO Glad I made you mad enough to come in here and make a fool of yourself..

Hey remember when liberals hated/HATE Booooooosh so much?! ;-)

Don't go way mad.. Just go away.
Mitt Romney "Jeep, now owned by the Italians, is thinking of moving all production to China."

Ace, you're a fucking liar, but a good goose-stepping party member.

Mitt Romney "I read a report today that Jeep, now owned by the Italians, is thinking of moving all production to China."

It's a lot different than your fucking lie - but you serve the party - you have no integrity nor even the capacity for integrity. Only the party matters.

No such report existed. Did Romney pull it out of his ass?
Yes he did. This is classic wingnut-ism. Tell a lie, get proven to be liars, ressurrect the lie a few weeks or months later.

Romney lost because he lied about Jeep and that sealed the deal in the midwest in places like Ohio where he had to win.

And you'll hold your breath until reality conforms to the wishes of your filthy party.

Romney lost because the democratic party and their press were able to overwhelm the public with propaganda and demagoguery.

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