The vindication of Mitt Romney;Right on Mali-Jeep-Women-Guns

The Obama Biden website stated NO JEEPS TO BE BUILT IN CHINA, NONE , ZERO, GOOSE EGG

No it didn't.

Yea it did backed by the LIAR chief executive at Fiat.. CRONYISM honey buns.. You know, like Jeffrey Immelt, Obama's hand picked Coprorate GURU who ships American jobs overseas like rats packed in sewers.. No thanks for the clarification. All in a days work!
Why here he is:


Appearing on Bloomberg television Monday evening, GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt praised the Chinese economic system and said that state-run communism works in China, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

"China is changing. It may be being stabilized as we speak. What does that mean for China and what does it mean for the United States? Should it change expectations?" Charlie Rose asked.

"It is good for China," Immelt told Rose. "To a certain extent, Charlie, 11 percent is unsustainable. You end up getting too much stimulus or a misallocation of resources. They are much better off working on a more consumer-based economy, less dependent on exports."

"The one thing that actually works, state run communism a bit– may not be your cup of tea, but their government works," he added.

Immelt, who has served as the CEO of General Electric since September 2001, has been tapped to chair President Obama's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.

Spoken like a true Zombie Obama Fascist! WTG Jeffrey!
The Obama Biden website stated NO JEEPS TO BE BUILT IN CHINA, NONE , ZERO, GOOSE EGG

No it didn't.

Yea it did backed by the LIAR chief executive at Fiat.. CRONYISM honey buns.. You know, like Jeffrey Immelt, Obama's hand picked Coprorate GURU who ships American jobs overseas like rats packed in sewers.. No thanks for the clarification. All in a days work!

Really, you're making a fool out of yourself. Read your own link from the White House.
A fascinating look at how the pseudo-conservative mind justifies lying its ass right off.

Is "lying" anything which doesn't serve the party?

Will Obama appoint a "truth czar" to ensure that all spoken and printed words serve the party?

I think it's good that Pol Pot left you of the party a blue print to follow, but do you have to follow it so damned faithfully?
Somebody doesn't know the difference between opening ONE factory in China and moving all production to China.

Another epic fail from USMB's Queen Welsher, LadyDumbSlinger.
On the count of three.. Let's all cheer for Obama CORPORATE Cronyism!! Isn't it great?!
No it didn't.

Yea it did backed by the LIAR chief executive at Fiat.. CRONYISM honey buns.. You know, like Jeffrey Immelt, Obama's hand picked Coprorate GURU who ships American jobs overseas like rats packed in sewers.. No thanks for the clarification. All in a days work!

Really, you're making a fool out of yourself. Read your own link from the White House.

MAKING a fool? She already made herself out to look like a fool long ago.
Lies, betrayal.. A sitting US President who makes Richard Nixon look like Mother Teresa on steroids!

remember when conservatives had this much hatred for bill clinton? remember how that turned america against bill clinton and everyone hates him now? remember how bill clinton wasn't instrumental in getting barack obama re-elected?

please, by all means keep rubbing your tinfoil hat for more of these gems. stupid conservatives are like a fetish of mine.

Bill CLinton was attacked by the right just as every left president is attacked by the right and every right president is attacked by the loeft.

But Bill CLinton left office and now 1 and 1/2 decades later he has a legacy. Why? Becuase he was a great leader....and history does not remember the political rhetoric and remembers a great leader.

Barak Obama is no Bill Clinton. Barak Obama is no leader. History will show that. His legacy will be policies that proved to have been failures, and his lack of leadership will be evident by the lack of leading accolades attributed to him. His true legacy will always be one thing and one thing only...the first black President.
Lies, betrayal.. A sitting US President who makes Richard Nixon look like Mother Teresa on steroids!

remember when conservatives had this much hatred for bill clinton? remember how that turned america against bill clinton and everyone hates him now? remember how bill clinton wasn't instrumental in getting barack obama re-elected?

please, by all means keep rubbing your tinfoil hat for more of these gems. stupid conservatives are like a fetish of mine.

Did you join just to say that? LMAO Glad I made you mad enough to come in here and make a fool of yourself..

Hey remember when liberals hated/HATE Booooooosh so much?! ;-)

Don't go way mad.. Just go away.

what can i say? i'm drawn to dopey, dumbasses who are so far insulated from reality that they still think a fully debunked lie is true. like i said, dumb fucking conservatives are like a fetish of mine.

p.s. don't take that to mean i'd fuck you. i know i haven't seen what you look like, but i imagine if your brain is retarded, your vagina is too.
No it didn't.

Yea it did backed by the LIAR chief executive at Fiat.. CRONYISM honey buns.. You know, like Jeffrey Immelt, Obama's hand picked Coprorate GURU who ships American jobs overseas like rats packed in sewers.. No thanks for the clarification. All in a days work!

Really, you're making a fool out of yourself. Read your own link from the White House.

That is nothing new for her.
Jeffrey Immelt, the head of Barack Obama's highly touted "Jobs Council", is moving even more GE infrastructure to China. GE makes more medical-imaging machines than anyone else in the world, and now GE has announced that it "is moving the headquarters of its 115-year-old X-ray business to Beijing". Apparently, this is all part of a "plan to invest about $2 billion across China" over the next few years. But moving core pieces of its business overseas is nothing new for GE. Under Immelt, GE has shipped tens of thousands of good jobs out of the United States. Perhaps GE should change its slogan to "Imagination At Work (In China)". If the very people that have been entrusted with solving the unemployment crisis are shipping jobs out of the country, what hope is there that things are going to turn around any time soon?

GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, The Head Of Obama?s Jobs Council, Is Moving Jobs And Economic Infrastructure To China At A Blistering Pace

It can't be!?? Obama's hand chosen Tsar???
Mitt Romney "Jeep, now owned by the Italians, is thinking of moving all production to China."

Ace, you're a fucking liar, but a good goose-stepping party member.

Mitt Romney "I read a report today that Jeep, now owned by the Italians, is thinking of moving all production to China."

It's a lot different than your fucking lie - but you serve the party - you have no integrity nor even the capacity for integrity. Only the party matters.
Except the report did not say that ALL PRODUCTION was moving to China, in fact the report specifically said that PRODUCTION would NOT be MOVED to China.

From Bishop Willard's cited report:

"Chrysler currently builds all Jeep SUV models at plants in Michigan, Illinois and Ohio. Manley referred to adding Jeep production sites rather than shifting output from North America to China."
remember when conservatives had this much hatred for bill clinton? remember how that turned america against bill clinton and everyone hates him now? remember how bill clinton wasn't instrumental in getting barack obama re-elected?

please, by all means keep rubbing your tinfoil hat for more of these gems. stupid conservatives are like a fetish of mine.

Did you join just to say that? LMAO Glad I made you mad enough to come in here and make a fool of yourself..

Hey remember when liberals hated/HATE Booooooosh so much?! ;-)

Don't go way mad.. Just go away.

what can i say? i'm drawn to dopey, dumbasses who are so far insulated from reality that they still think a fully debunked lie is true. like i said, dumb fucking conservatives are like a fetish of mine.

p.s. don't take that to mean i'd fuck you. i know i haven't seen what you look like, but i imagine if your brain is retarded, your vagina is too.

TM in drag ^^^ Retarded vagina??? ROFL!!!!! yea sure.. whatever you say Weirdo.. Wow.. all the freaks coming out of the closet..It's great, isn't it when ya piss off total strangers and they join just to say stoooopid shit?? Like a puppet ;-)
This is a really funny thread. LDS is good at these types of threads.
A fascinating look at how the pseudo-conservative mind justifies lying its ass right off.

Is "lying" anything which doesn't serve the party?

Will Obama appoint a "truth czar" to ensure that all spoken and printed words serve the party?

I think it's good that Pol Pot left you of the party a blue print to follow, but do you have to follow it so damned faithfully?

Da Party, Pol Pot, and Czars, Oh my!
Da Party, Pol Pot, and Czars, Oh my!
Da Party, Pol Pot, and Czars, Oh my!
Da Party, Pol Pot, and Czars, Oh my!

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