Mitt Romney says Trump has failed the presidency character test and that's hurt the United States

The GOP worms are turning on Trump and feeding on the Trump cadaver as it rots. Especially those GOP worms that don't need Trump's support to ensure their election.

Mitt Romney is saying what a lot of GOP lawmakers are thinking but are too afraid to say. Trump's character is badly flawed by lies and criminality. Not just lies, but blatant, brazen lies repeated ad infintum.

The American public is tired of Trump, his lies and his childish tantrums and will be looking to a new POTUS in 2020. Trump knows this and won't run in 2020.

Mitt Romney says Trump has failed the presidency character test and that's hurt the United States

Mitt Romney is a wonderful DC insider, and the DC bots will love and adore him. The rest of the nation, including Dems, Independents, and Republicans, not so much.

Could tell me which Washington DC job this man ever had...

This man had a privileged background but unlike Trump didn't hangout with mob bosses and cheat on his wife.... I might not agree with the guy much but at least he acts in a dignified manner...

Thank you for weighing in from Ireland. I don't really care what you think of our president. In fact, I don't care at all. Not even one little tiny iota.

Thanks for the comment... I didn't say what I think of your President, not even one little tiny iota... I just stated facts, Trump like to hangout with mob bosses and cheat on his wives...

I notice while to spread dubious information about Romney, when confronted by information about Trump you attack the poster... Is this because you unable to defend him?

No it's because I don't know why you care, from Ireland. And I don't know why you think WE care what you think, from Ireland. You will note not many of us are commenting on Ireland's ruling bodies and rulers here, from America. That's for starters. For enders, I won't be spending any time defending Trump to you, since you are not even a citizen and cannot vote in our elections at any rate.

I'm glad you made that clear.

Mitt Romney represents everything that is wrong about the Republican Party that Trump is trying to fix.

My guess is the Bilderberg Group gave Romney the go-ahead to write this editorial.
Romney "The Globlalist"

YUCK YUCK and more YUCK.
Mitt Romney represents everything that is wrong about the Republican Party that Trump is trying to fix.

My guess is the Bilderberg Group gave Romney the go-ahead to write this editorial.

It certainly wasn't the GOP because then it would have been more pictorial.
Well said Senator! Well said!:clap2: :113::113::113:

7:14 AM - 2 Jan 2019

Senator Rand Paul‏Verified account @RandPaul

Like other Big Government Republicans who never liked Reagan, Mitt Romney wants to signal how virtuous he is in comparison to the President. Well, I’m most concerned and pleased with the actual conservative reform agenda @realDonaldTrump has achieved

You're kidding, "actual conservative reform agenda" like Trump's lying, money laundering, scamming the public, tax evasion, robbing his charities, colluding with Russians to pervert POTUS elections etc. etc. etc.
Well said Senator! Well said!:clap2: :113::113::113:

7:14 AM - 2 Jan 2019

Senator Rand Paul‏Verified account @RandPaul

Like other Big Government Republicans who never liked Reagan, Mitt Romney wants to signal how virtuous he is in comparison to the President. Well, I’m most concerned and pleased with the actual conservative reform agenda @realDonaldTrump has achieved

You're kidding, "actual conservative reform agenda" like Trump's lying, money laundering, scamming the public, tax evasion, robbing his charities, colluding with Russians to pervert POTUS elections etc. etc. etc.
Link to prove any of these assertions?

Or are you just blowing smoke out your ass?
Romney is the worst the Republicans have to offer. That's why he won the nomination in 2012, because none of the good Republicans wanted to run, he was the chump left holding the bag.
The GOP worms are turning on Trump and feeding on the Trump cadaver as it rots. Especially those GOP worms that don't need Trump's support to ensure their election.

Mitt Romney is saying what a lot of GOP lawmakers are thinking but are too afraid to say. Trump's character is badly flawed by lies and criminality. Not just lies, but blatant, brazen lies repeated ad infintum.

The American public is tired of Trump, his lies and his childish tantrums and will be looking to a new POTUS in 2020. Trump knows this and won't run in 2020.

Mitt Romney says Trump has failed the presidency character test and that's hurt the United States

Mitt Romney says Trump has failed the presidency character test and that's hurt the United States
Christian Edwards 2h

In an op-ed for The Washington Post, the former Republican presidential candidate and incoming US senator, Mitt Romney says US President Donald Trump has failed to live up to the office of the presidency.
Some Trump policies are acceptable, but its is the president's character - or lack of it - that has hurt the United States, Romney wrote.

"To a great degree, a presidency shapes the public character of the nation. A president should unite us and inspire us to follow 'our better angels.'"
But this is where Trump is at his worst, Romney says.

In an op-ed for The Washington Post, the former Republican presidential candidate and incoming US senator, Mitt Romney says Trump has failed to live up to the office he was elected for.

Some Trump policies could work, but it is the president's character - or lack of it - that has hurt the United States, Romney, wrote on Wednesday.

"To a great degree, a presidency shapes the public character of the nation. A president should unite us and inspire us to follow "our better angels.""

But this is where Trump, and therefore America, is falling down, Romney claims.
"As a nation, we have been blessed with presidents who have called on the greatness of the American spirit. With the nation so divided, resentful and angry, presidential leadership in qualities of character is indispensable," Romney said.

"And it is in this province where the incumbent's shortfall has been most glaring."
Romney pointed out the weight of global respect for a US under Trump has been falling quickly and with it a cost in allies and authority that accompanies reliable leadership.

"To reassume our leadership in world politics, we must repair failings in our politics at home. That project begins, of course, with the highest office once again acting to inspire and unite us," Romney said.
According to Romney, the Trump presidency fell to new lows in December, hit as it was by losses of experience in Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly.

But it was the sealing appointment "of senior persons of lesser experience," and the jettison of willing allies that hurt the nation more, he said.
"The president's thoughtless claim that America has long been a "sucker" in world affairs all defined his presidency down," Romney said.
"It is well known that Donald Trump was not my choice for the Republican presidential nomination. After he became the nominee, I hoped his campaign would refrain from resentment and name-calling."
"It did not," he lamented.

In a nutshell, Trump's behavior over the past two years, and particularly his actions in December are proof "that the president has not risen to the mantle of the office," Romney asserted.
Romney, a Republican from Utah and the party's 2012 nominee for president, will be sworn into the Senate on Thursday and emphasized his willingness to work with both the White House and fellow senators to achieve policy change.
So Romney is relevant now, funny he wasn't when he was running for President. Lefty loons are all kinds of bipolar crazy.

Romney is relevant in the Trump context.

In fact horses anuses have become relevant in the Trump context.
Ok crazy.
Mitt Romney represents everything that is wrong about the Republican Party that Trump is trying to fix.

My guess is the Bilderberg Group gave Romney the go-ahead to write this editorial.

Yes, the grand Bilderberger/Tripalteralist/Illuminati/Lizard People Conspiracy has decided that Trump has served his purpose and needs to go now...

Romney's hedge fund buys companies and then chops them up throwing many people out of work,

Um, wasn't this what the Democrats were saying about him in 2012, and you guys were all like, "What are you a bunch of Communists?"

Yes, Trump followers are like cultists, they turn on their own.

The point where Romney should have denounced Trump and his racism was 2012, not now.
I am thinking very hard of writing to Romney to tell him my feelings about his attack on the president.

He claims to be an active member of the LDS church and held several positions of responsibility in the Boston area. My point is that a basic tenet of that religion is "speak no evil" and charitability towards others.

He is showing his hypocrisy as part of his personal drive for political power. I once supported him but no longer respect him.

So sad.
you cant be a mormon and a patriotic american at the same time

The Right wing has discovered the Mormons are bad again? I mean, they were against them in 2008, which is why Romney didn't get the nomination.

And then in 2012 OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE! Romney could have been sacrificing virgins to C'Thulhu and the Right Wing would have still supported him.

Now he is criticizing Orange Jesus and Mormons are bad again.
"Would someone please tie Willard Romney to the roof of a station wagon and drive him back to Massachusetts?"
no wonder Romney lost 4 years ago, he's dumb as a rock, and desperate for attention.

the idea that Romney is giving you personality advice, that's like Michael Moore giving ya diet tips!
ROMNEY'S TALKING ABOUT CHARACTER? he's treasonous and betrayed the folks of Utah. he says whatever he needs to say at any moment to get what he wants politically. the big reason he failed was he was an out of touch rich guy. Rich Donald WON!
I might take Romney more seriously if he hadn’t sat back and let the Obama campaign and the media portray him as the evil rich millionaire who sits in his mansion sipping brandy and lighting cigars with hundred dollar bills during the 2012 election. They made him into Mister Burns from the Simpsons and he did nothing congratulations to Mitt on finding his balls at long last but far to late.

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