The Virus Rages and Trump Says/Does Nothing

When playing politics takes precedence over the lives of the people they swore to protect then it’s clear we have a serious problem.
I am willing to predict Biden’s administration will first provide access to Government Personnel and the young then for those of us over 65 after everyone else is taken care of. I am also willing to predict that those in assisted living centers and Ill at home will be required to remain at home.
When playing politics takes precedence over the lives of the people they swore to protect then it’s clear we have a serious problem.
I am willing to predict Biden’s administration will first provide access to Government Personnel and the young then for those of us over 65 after everyone else is taken care of. I am also willing to predict that those in assisted living centers and Ill at home will be required to remain at home.

quarantines are playing politics

The only country in the west that had non politicans decide their policy (sweden) has no soft quarantines or mask mandates because there is no replicatable science to suggest either of those things will help over the long term. The only reason to soft quarantine is if your hospital system is truly under great strain. Which in the AMericna context we now know is basically impossible even if this virus was 10x as deadly. We have plenty of capacity to deal with this if necessary. Can spend literally trillions on it if it was called for. Already have for these ridiculous GDP crushing lockdowns that hurt the poor the most.

How you can't see this I have no idea. Everything is political.

The response advocated by Biden and his team, fauci, and others are not rational.

East Asians send their kids to acupuncture and drink tiger dick soup for virility. Imagining anything they do has any scientific backing is absurd. Whatever they're doing to keep the rates low it has nothing to do with masks that's for sure.

All people need to do is cough into the crook of their arm instead of the air and wash their hands, the same advice we've always had. Not breathe through dirty very porous masks all day.
So global warming was going to kill liberals and now it is a virus with a less that 1% death rate. Once this blows over, they will be back beating the extinction of the human race by man-made global warming. Sissy lemmings...every last one of them.
about climate killing liberals, its "defining issue of our time" according to UN. Blame the united nations, the rest of the world, not "liberals".

For the virus, its about hospitals overflowing, causing them to not be able to service health issues that happen regardless.

More lies and propaganda. What a joke.
We need a national strategy NOW to deal with this virus

You got a new commission to "study it"... That's essentially what you voted for.. A bunch of rookies that havent been on front lines of this war against the plague.. Good luck with ANY Biden plan...
Biden and his people have done this before. They aren't reinventing the wheel and they DO take it seriously.

But'll be a tough row to hoe given how bad this thing has been allowed to get
We need a national strategy NOW to deal with this virus

You got a new commission to "study it"... That's essentially what you voted for.. A bunch of rookies that havent been on front lines of this war against the plague.. Good luck with ANY Biden plan...
Biden and his people have done this before. They aren't reinventing the wheel and they DO take it seriously.

But'll be a tough row to hoe given how bad this thing has been allowed to get
they do not take it seriously

We all saw the superspreader parties by his people
We need a national strategy NOW to deal with this virus

You got a new commission to "study it"... That's essentially what you voted for.. A bunch of rookies that havent been on front lines of this war against the plague.. Good luck with ANY Biden plan...
Biden and his people have done this before. They aren't reinventing the wheel and they DO take it seriously.

But'll be a tough row to hoe given how bad this thing has been allowed to get's so so so so terrible......


Bad link last time

Texas tops one MILLION infections. They're resorting refrigerated trucks to hold the bodies

130,000 Americans catch this every day and 1200 die daily

And Trump isn't bothering being President anymore

We are so fucked
Well, Trump’s not exactly doing nothing – he’s wasting time and money on ridiculous, meritless lawsuits while Americans continue to get sick and die.

Trump is at least consistent at placing his interests before what’s best for the country.

I keep hoping you'll be one of them.
The reason that trump and the far-right governors actively encouraged the spread was in order to cut down on entitelment spending before they turn the country over to Putin.

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