The Virus Rages and Trump Says/Does Nothing

Oh and just what would that national strategy be?? Wear your masks and practice social distancing which is what has been done from the begining any other ideas you'd like to pass along??

We need mask mandates in ALL states. We don't have that. We need to close down schools. We may need regional lockdowns. We can NOT just let this thing do as it will.
Nothing can deal with a pandemic shit for brains.
Bullshit you stupid %*^%. Look at South Korea for instance. They took this serious from the beginning and STILL have less that 1,000 deaths

No, we don't. France and Spain are the most highly masked countries in the world and the virus is surging. Masks do nothing when it comes to viruses. They do not prevent the spread either way. I don't wear one now nor will I comply with bidens mandate.

Here, the New England Journal of Medicine:

"We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic. "

I can't even comprehend the ignorance. Its easily proven under a microscope ie the size of a virus and the fabric of a mask. There is a contrast there that shows the amount of open space between the fabric lines and the actual measurements vs the size of a virus, in microns.

“The CDC Accidentally Admits Cloth Masks Are Not Effective

…wildfires have been ravaging the State of California, sending people literally running for their lives….They just told us that smoke particulates are too small to be stopped by a cloth mask. While N95 masks will protect up to 95% of particles, down to .1 microns in size. A quick Google search will tell us that smoke particles and debris are usually .4 to .7 microns in size. According to the CDC, cloth masks are not effective in stopping materials that size.

Even if we factor for the “respiratory droplets” that are allegedly to blame for the spread of coronavirus, those droplets are as small as .5 microns, or as small or smaller than smoke and fire debris particulate.

The CDC cannot, on one hand, demand we wear masks because of the prevention of the spread of a disease (or droplets containing the disease) and then tell us that those same masks are ineffective in stopping particles that are bigger than the disease we are trying to prevent.”

If they want us to believe the hype......shouldn't they try to be consistent????

Its easily provable but the masses dont even question and follow blindly along.
Oh and just what would that national strategy be?? Wear your masks and practice social distancing which is what has been done from the begining any other ideas you'd like to pass along??

We need mask mandates in ALL states. We don't have that. We need to close down schools. We may need regional lockdowns. We can NOT just let this thing do as it will.
Nothing can deal with a pandemic shit for brains.
Bullshit you stupid %*^%. Look at South Korea for instance. They took this serious from the beginning and STILL have less that 1,000 deaths

No, we don't. France and Spain are the most highly masked countries in the world and the virus is surging. Masks do nothing when it comes to viruses. They do not prevent the spread either way. I don't wear one now nor will I comply with bidens mandate.

Here, the New England Journal of Medicine:

"We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic. "

I can't even comprehend the ignorance. Its easily proven under a microscope ie the size of a virus and the fabric of a mask. There is a contrast there that shows the amount of open space between the fabric lines and the actual measurements vs the size of a virus, in microns.

“The CDC Accidentally Admits Cloth Masks Are Not Effective

…wildfires have been ravaging the State of California, sending people literally running for their lives….They just told us that smoke particulates are too small to be stopped by a cloth mask. While N95 masks will protect up to 95% of particles, down to .1 microns in size. A quick Google search will tell us that smoke particles and debris are usually .4 to .7 microns in size. According to the CDC, cloth masks are not effective in stopping materials that size.

Even if we factor for the “respiratory droplets” that are allegedly to blame for the spread of coronavirus, those droplets are as small as .5 microns, or as small or smaller than smoke and fire debris particulate.

The CDC cannot, on one hand, demand we wear masks because of the prevention of the spread of a disease (or droplets containing the disease) and then tell us that those same masks are ineffective in stopping particles that are bigger than the disease we are trying to prevent.”

If they want us to believe the hype......shouldn't they try to be consistent????

Its easily provable but the masses dont even question and follow blindly along.

I'm not an optimist about the future of America.

Bad link last time

Texas tops one MILLION infections. They're resorting refrigerated trucks to hold the bodies

130,000 Americans catch this every day and 1200 die daily

And Trump isn't bothering being President anymore

We are so fucked

Most of us are doing fine and dont need him
Oh and just what would that national strategy be?? Wear your masks and practice social distancing which is what has been done from the begining any other ideas you'd like to pass along??

We need mask mandates in ALL states. We don't have that. We need to close down schools. We may need regional lockdowns. We can NOT just let this thing do as it will.
Nothing can deal with a pandemic shit for brains.
Bullshit you stupid %*^%. Look at South Korea for instance. They took this serious from the beginning and STILL have less that 1,000 deaths

We already did that dummy. Schools were closed down for months and as I said. No POTUS can order a State to do anything. The Governor of that State has to order it.

South Korea isn't America dummy. We have 350 million people here so of course South Korea has a lower death rate. The population there is nothing compared to ours so a thousand deaths seems pretty high to me.
You stupid shit. Do you know what death RATE means? Per capita they are a fraction of where we are

Friggin dope

Bad link last time

Texas tops one MILLION infections. They're resorting refrigerated trucks to hold the bodies

130,000 Americans catch this every day and 1200 die daily

And Trump isn't bothering being President anymore

We are so fucked
Need a link to the truck thing.

You clearly exaggerate
Oh and just what would that national strategy be?? Wear your masks and practice social distancing which is what has been done from the begining any other ideas you'd like to pass along??

We need mask mandates in ALL states. We don't have that. We need to close down schools. We may need regional lockdowns. We can NOT just let this thing do as it will.
Nothing can deal with a pandemic shit for brains.
Bullshit you stupid %*^%. Look at South Korea for instance. They took this serious from the beginning and STILL have less that 1,000 deaths

We already did that dummy. Schools were closed down for months and as I said. No POTUS can order a State to do anything. The Governor of that State has to order it.

South Korea isn't America dummy. We have 350 million people here so of course South Korea has a lower death rate. The population there is nothing compared to ours so a thousand deaths seems pretty high to me.
You stupid shit. Do you know what death RATE means? Per capita they are a fraction of where we are

Friggin dope

Frigging asshole. People have it in this country and never know they have it cause they have no symptoms.

Sure they are a fraction. Their population is a fraction of what ours is.

Frigging dope.

Bad link last time

Texas tops one MILLION infections. They're resorting refrigerated trucks to hold the bodies

130,000 Americans catch this every day and 1200 die daily

And Trump isn't bothering being President anymore

We are so fucked
Suicide is always an option.
So global warming was going to kill liberals and now it is a virus with a less that 1% death rate. Once this blows over, they will be back beating the extinction of the human race by man-made global warming. Sissy lemmings...every last one of them.
So global warming was going to kill liberals and now it is a virus with a less that 1% death rate. Once this blows over, they will be back beating the extinction of the human race by man-made global warming. Sissy lemmings...every last one of them.
about climate killing liberals, its "defining issue of our time" according to UN. Blame the united nations, the rest of the world, not "liberals".

For the virus, its about hospitals overflowing, causing them to not be able to service health issues that happen regardless.
@Lesh said:
They took this serious from the beginning and STILL have less that 1,000 deaths
South Korea does take the virus very seriously

they test every person who enters the country and then quarantine them for two weeks with followup visits and phone calls to make sure they comply

then at the end of the two weeks they test them again

but they have a different political system in S Korea and not even Mighty Joe Biden can do that in America

i was hoping that Lesh would respond to that post

But he wisely chose not to
So global warming was going to kill liberals and now it is a virus with a less that 1% death rate. Once this blows over, they will be back beating the extinction of the human race by man-made global warming. Sissy lemmings...every last one of them.
about climate killing liberals, its "defining issue of our time" according to UN. Blame the united nations, the rest of the world, not "liberals".

For the virus, its about hospitals overflowing, causing them to not be able to service health issues that happen regardless.
The UN is not an authority they are howwver quite liberal and worthless
You folks have been claiming that the numbers were rigged to make Trump unelectable. Well he’s gone and the numbers are getting much worse very quickly.
That shoots THAT narrative to pieces.

Will you take this thing seriously now or are you so locked into denial that you will watch your friends and family die first?

Bad link last time

Texas tops one MILLION infections. They're resorting refrigerated trucks to hold the bodies

130,000 Americans catch this every day and 1200 die daily

And Trump isn't bothering being President anymore

We are so fucked

Pretty sure we're all gonna die. :pinkygirly:

Bad link last time

Texas tops one MILLION infections. They're resorting refrigerated trucks to hold the bodies

130,000 Americans catch this every day and 1200 die daily

And Trump isn't bothering being President anymore

We are so fucked

Pretty sure we're all gonna die. :pinkygirly:
Yea but not tomorrow for most of us

You wanna commit suicide? That’s on you but don’t take your friends and family with you

Bad link last time

Texas tops one MILLION infections. They're resorting refrigerated trucks to hold the bodies

130,000 Americans catch this every day and 1200 die daily

And Trump isn't bothering being President anymore

We are so fucked

Pretty sure we're all gonna die. :pinkygirly:
Yea but not tomorrow for most of us

You wanna commit suicide? That’s on you but don’t take your friends and family with you
In fact 99.8% of all Americans will survive the wuflu just fine
Apparently the President should have a magic wand, wave it and presto it disappears. Only an uneducated gullible Dim and the media hack
believes In fairy tails. Get over it, time to put your big boy panties on and face the facts.
You folks have been claiming that the numbers were rigged to make Trump unelectable. Well he’s gone and the numbers are getting much worse very quickly.
That shoots THAT narrative to pieces.

Will you take this thing seriously now or are you so locked into denial that you will watch your friends and family die first?
I never claimed any such thing

Bad link last time

Texas tops one MILLION infections. They're resorting refrigerated trucks to hold the bodies

130,000 Americans catch this every day and 1200 die daily

And Trump isn't bothering being President anymore

We are so fucked

Look at germany and france

There is nothing to be done

It's a cold

If you think you're at risk stay the fuck away from people

Masks don't work. Soft quarantines don't work

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