The voice of my moral


VIP Member
Jan 27, 2015
i got a voice in my head that tells me what to do

i think its me, my ethics and morals

my belives whats right and wrong

my voice in my head

does not need laws

i am not scared of breaking laws

but most of the laws

say what i belive

do you have a voice in your head

telling you what is right and wrong

or do you need laws ?

do you have ethics and moral ?
if this sounds crazy to you

you are amoral

you don t have a moral conciouseness

you are missing something
i got a voice in my head that tells me what to do

i think its me, my ethics and morals

my belives whats right and wrong

my voice in my head

does not need laws

i am not scared of breaking laws

but most of the laws

say what i belive

do you have a voice in your head

telling you what is right and wrong

or do you need laws ?

do you have ethics and moral ?

It sounds like you may need some deliverance. The Bible tells us to test the spirits to see if it is of God or not. Read 1st John, 2nd John and 3rd John in the bible. It's on the USMB thread Books of the Bible and you can find those books there too.

God will never tell you to break a law. That is NOT God. God does not tell people to harm other people, to break the laws of the land and so on. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. You need to do what all mankind must do to receive Christ. Repent of your sins. Admit to God you are a sinner and that you want to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior and be forgiven of your sins. Speak out loud - Lord Jesus, I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that you died on the cross for my sins and shed your blood for me. I believe you rose on the 3rd day and are seated at the right hand of the Father. Please come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior and I will follow you all the days of my life. I believe by faith that you are the way, the truth and the life and I am giving myself to you, Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

Then look up Luke 10:19. Bind that spirit that is talking to you and command it to leave you - In Jesus Name. Take authority over it and tell it to go. Submit yourself to God, resist the devil and he will flee. He has to. When you are born again - Luke 10:19 is yours. There are not many ways to God. Only one. Through the Blood of Jesus Christ and calling upon Him to save you. Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over your home and throw out anything of the occult. Clean house, spend time reading the bible and enjoy fellowship with the LORD, Hauke. He died on a cross so that you could have a restored relationship with God. God loves you. That is the truth! God knows your name - he knows every single hair on your head - God loves YOU.
i think the bible

can help find

moral and ethics

but allthough theres basicly the good line in it

the bible isn t perfect

so at the end of the line

i goto decide for myself

what is good what is evil

and it sucks

its so difficult
btw the voice in my head tells me what i decided

ok so its clear i decide then the voice repeatts it

its my voice

i can hear myself think
most psychologists are insane

they can t hear themselfs

ok thats a lie

i don t know

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