The Wages of Trump-The DeSantis Recall Campaign

Well you obviously don't fact check a single thing you posted. DeSantis only vaxxed the rich white folks. Only 61% of the population has had even one dose, and it's hardly one of the "most vaccinated states" in the country.
Your niece probably does known anyone outside her own income strata so she everyone around her is probably rich and vaxxed. Those were never the people who were getting sick.

Leftists aren't "chagrined" about their inability to control things, they're disgusted with those who lack the common sense God gave a goose, to take precautions in a pandemic. Doctors, nurses and hospital staff are exhaused caring for those with advanced covid and they are losing patience with treating the unvaxxed. They're risking THEIR lives, to care for people unable to make smart decisions on their own behalf, because guys like DeSantis keep lying to them about the disease and making mitigation measures all about "rights and freedoms" instead of making it about sound public health practices.

You don't even realize the irony of DeSantis banning mask mandates because of "freedom", prevents those who want to protect their staff and customers from the spread, have no "freedom" to insist on those protections in their establishments. This is a form of tyranny against those who want to follow the science and don't want to be sued.
If the healthcare professionals have been vaccinated how are they risking their lives? From what I have read, once a person is vaccinated they may contact Covid-19 however it is a very mild case of it. So how exactly are they at high risk?

Do you have a link to back up your accusation that DeSantis only vaccinated rich white folks? The next sentence you then claim 61% of Florida has been vaxxed, does that mean that 61% of Florida are all rich whites? Just trying to make sense out of your posts.

Florida having 60.9% having at least one dose is higher than the national average 60.3% so again you lie.
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Once again, you make sweeping generalizations about other posters with NOTHING to back it up. Calling me a liar doesn't make it true. Then you project your hatred of yourself - which fairly oozes off the page with you self-loathing clowns, onto IM2.

What demonstrations would that be? There were a handful of people in Calgary demonstrating against mask mandates, in a province with NO MASK MANDATES. The entire Province if the most right wing province in the country. What is it about having massive oil reserves that makes a government think they are just that smart. Alberta is Texas North. Thinking they're all that and a bag of peanuts because oil made them wealthy.

We all hate the masks, but since it costs us NOTHING to wear the damn things, and I haven't had so much as a sniffle since this thing started and I usually get multiple colds and flu in a year, I'm going to keep on wearing the stupid thing. Cause I like not getting sick.

There you go, lying again. Actually you and he have much in common, you're both twisted up inside by hatred. Yes, that is true. He hates any "whitey" that disagrees with him and you hate every "Righty" who doesn't think as you do.
Once again, you make sweeping generalizations about other posters with NOTHING to back it up. Calling me a liar doesn't make it true. Then you project your hatred of yourself - which fairly oozes off the page with you self-loathing clowns, onto IM2.

What demonstrations would that be? There were a handful of people in Calgary demonstrating against mask mandates, in a province with NO MASK MANDATES. The entire Province if the most right wing province in the country. What is it about having massive oil reserves that makes a government think they are just that smart. Alberta is Texas North. Thinking they're all that and a bag of peanuts because oil made them wealthy.

We all hate the masks, but since it costs us NOTHING to wear the damn things, and I haven't had so much as a sniffle since this thing started and I usually get multiple colds and flu in a year, I'm going to keep on wearing the stupid thing. Cause I like not getting sick.

Yes, you are a liar.

Thousands in Canada and France Protest Vaccine Passports​

trump was Putins whore. Biden is not senile. But you might want to think about trumps mental stability. They have 35,000 votes in Florida and if kids start dyingbecause of DeSantis decisions, he could be gone.
Biden is a racist vegetable…..and you worship him.
Yes, you are a liar.

Thousands in Canada and France Protest Vaccine Passports​

She keeps lying and then will double down on her lies because she looks so stupid when she gets caught. The better solution would be for her to quit lying altogether but we know she can't help herself.
Well you obviously don't fact check a single thing you posted. DeSantis only vaxxed the rich white folks. Only 61% of the population has had even one dose, and it's hardly one of the "most vaccinated states" in the country.
Your niece probably does known anyone outside her own income strata so she everyone around her is probably rich and vaxxed. Those were never the people who were getting sick.

Leftists aren't "chagrined" about their inability to control things, they're disgusted with those who lack the common sense God gave a goose, to take precautions in a pandemic. Doctors, nurses and hospital staff are exhaused caring for those with advanced covid and they are losing patience with treating the unvaxxed. They're risking THEIR lives, to care for people unable to make smart decisions on their own behalf, because guys like DeSantis keep lying to them about the disease and making mitigation measures all about "rights and freedoms" instead of making it about sound public health practices.

You don't even realize the irony of DeSantis banning mask mandates because of "freedom", prevents those who want to protect their staff and customers from the spread, have no "freedom" to insist on those protections in their establishments. This is a form of tyranny against those who want to follow the science and don't want to be sued.

This is called freedom, something many of us in the US value. If you want to wear a mask, then wear a Fn mask. No law that says you can't. And why don't you learn how to read? Where did I say Florida was the most vaccinated state? Learn the difference between "vaccinated" and "vacationed." Maybe buy some reading glasses or something.

Now do tell, how did DeSantis only vaccinate rich white folks? Can you show us this policy; the law that was created? How about a link to support your claim? Yeah, I didn't think so.

For the last several months any American could get vaccinated including my niece that is a waitress. I got my first shot in May. No lines, it took about five minutes, and I had to wait there for 15 minutes and left. I didn't even need an appointment even though I made one to speed things up. Not all Americans not getting the vaccine is a problem, but the larger problem is Dementia ushering in tens of thousands more people from over 100 countries into ours with the virus. That's the problem.
You are entitled to your opinions no matter how stupid they are. I don't expect you to understand much about real politics but thanks for playing.

Why thank you so kindly for your generosity and good wishes, you misogynistic piece of steaming shit.

You seem to think "politics" is some sort of cage match where the guy who insults and browbeats the opposition best, is the winner. Those who impose their will on others so their "side" doesn't "compromise", has really shown those assholes. This is why men should be stripped of the vote. The Constitution requires that the government form a "more perfect union".

Everything about your government is supposed to "unite", not divide. You are the UNITED States. The Pilgrims fled the religious persecution and the endless wars in Europe, hoping to found a nation on peace and prosperity. But the USA is now the foremost arms dealer and promoter of war on the planet. And now you clowns want to go to war with China. Have you learned NOTHING in the past 20 years?

Politics is supposed to be about managing the nation's infrastructure to the benefit of everyone - corporations and the economy, as well as ALL of the people. In addition, the government has to protect property rights - real property and chattels, and intellectual property rights, and run the judicial system.

You've voted in the worst managers in the world. One would think that you would have stopped voting Republican after the first time they crashed the economy, but you're just so stupid that you let them do it three times more.

Go to your room little man. The grown ups are talking here.
This is called freedom, something many of us in the US value. If you want to wear a mask, then wear a Fn mask. No law that says you can't. And why don't you learn how to read? Where did I say Florida was the most vaccinated state? Learn the difference between "vaccinated" and "vacationed." Maybe buy some reading glasses or something.

Now do tell, how did DeSantis only vaccinate rich white folks? Can you show us this policy; the law that was created? How about a link to support your claim? Yeah, I didn't think so.

For the last several months any American could get vaccinated including my niece that is a waitress. I got my first shot in May. No lines, it took about five minutes, and I had to wait there for 15 minutes and left. I didn't even need an appointment even though I made one to speed things up. Not all Americans not getting the vaccine is a problem, but the larger problem is Dementia ushering in tens of thousands more people from over 100 countries into ours with the virus. That's the problem.

You snarling rabid cult member who regularly posts heresay, and anecdotal evidence as proof of his wisdom, none of it having any bearing on facts or reality. "There is no such thing as a "vacationed state". There are tourist states. There are tourist destinations. Why don't YOU learn proper English? Maybe buy a thesaurus or something.

As for DeSantis vaccination policies, residents from both parties wanted a federal investigation of how he handled it:

You snarling rabid cult member who regularly posts heresay, and anecdotal evidence as proof of his wisdom, none of it having any bearing on facts or reality. "There is no such thing as a "vacationed state". There are tourist states. There are tourist destinations. Why don't YOU learn proper English? Maybe buy a thesaurus or something.

As for DeSantis vaccination policies, residents from both parties wanted a federal investigation of how he handled it:

Yes, vacationed. It's an English word used often. "Our family vacationed in Hawaii this year." Don't blame me if you don't know how to read.

As far as DeSantis and the vaccines go, his main target was senior citizens which Manatee county had quite a bit of. DeSantis said:

Asked about the report at a press conference in Lee County, DeSantis said Manatee was targeted because it was “one of the worst counties in the state” for senior vaccinations.

“They were like 20-some percent [of seniors vaccinated],” DeSantis said. “I had some counties that were 50% just a few weeks ago. So we said, ‘Where can we go to make an impact?’ So we did a senior pod at Lakewood Ranch, which is very successful, thousands of seniors got it. … So what we did worked in Manatee, we’re not done in Manatee, but that’s what it was about.”

DeSantis wanted to do the opposite of Cuomo who killed thousands of seniors by forcing nursing homes to accept covid infected patients. DeSantis said even before the vaccine came out seniors was his highest priority when the vaccines do come out.
There is no need for a recall in the White House, Trump wasn't re-elected. And it's "Putin's Puppet".

Here's the Helsinki Press Conference in case you need a reminder:
What specifically did Trump do for or give to Putin?

Putin's Whore gave him the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline and the cash to fund his military. Or how about a cool $3.5m to Hunter?

'Recall Ron DeSantis' Petition Hits 35,000 Target as Delta Variant Devastates Florida

A petition to recall and remove Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has reached its target of 35,000 signatures, with coronavirus cases continuing to climb in the Sunshine State.

The petition, which was started by Cameron White, criticizes the Republican governor's stance towards COVID-19, as well DeSantis making it difficult to file for unemployment benefits.

"Governor Ron DeSantis and former governor Rick Scott have made filing for unemployment in Florida impossible. They care more about showing low unemployment numbers than they do if Floridians have enough to eat," the petition reads.

"Aside from this sad fact DeSantis waited until the last minute to issue a stay-at-home order which without a doubt caused the Coronavirus to spread much faster than necessary. The governor has also went directly against CDC guidelines and allowed churches to still have large gatherings. He is not fit to be our governor and needs to be removed as quickly as the constitution allows."

Although the petition was started over a year ago, it has recently picked up steam, with thousands of people signing it in the last few days as Florida sees COVID-19 cases soar. By Sunday morning, the petition had 35,367 signatures

The wages of Trump is death. Poitical death or career death. This is what happens to everyone who he touches. DeSantis is in trouble and if you think he can win thepresidency when he has mishandled a stat, you're asking for more disaster.
You do know that Florida doesn't have recalls for elected officials? Oh're as clueless as the idiots that signed the petition? You go, go!!!
What specifically did Trump do for or give to Putin?

Putin's Whore gave him the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline and the cash to fund his military. Or how about a cool $3.5m to Hunter?

'Recall Ron DeSantis' Petition Hits 35,000 Target as Delta Variant Devastates Florida

A petition to recall and remove Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has reached its target of 35,000 signatures, with coronavirus cases continuing to climb in the Sunshine State.

The petition, which was started by Cameron White, criticizes the Republican governor's stance towards COVID-19, as well DeSantis making it difficult to file for unemployment benefits.

"Governor Ron DeSantis and former governor Rick Scott have made filing for unemployment in Florida impossible. They care more about showing low unemployment numbers than they do if Floridians have enough to eat," the petition reads.

"Aside from this sad fact DeSantis waited until the last minute to issue a stay-at-home order which without a doubt caused the Coronavirus to spread much faster than necessary. The governor has also went directly against CDC guidelines and allowed churches to still have large gatherings. He is not fit to be our governor and needs to be removed as quickly as the constitution allows."

Although the petition was started over a year ago, it has recently picked up steam, with thousands of people signing it in the last few days as Florida sees COVID-19 cases soar. By Sunday morning, the petition had 35,367 signatures

The wages of Trump is death. Poitical death or career death. This is what happens to everyone who he touches. DeSantis is in trouble and if you think he can win thepresidency when he has mishandled a stat, you're asking for more disaster.
So the mooches are upset that they have to go back to work?

We in Florida love DeSantis--fuck the stupid mooches.
Well let children start dying from DeSantis'decision on this variant and watch him go down.
Idiot this is FLORIDA--- Most aren't wearing masks, we still party, go out, have drinks etc. Locking down the children isn't going to stop them from socializing or make them wear masks. Florida is tired of not living while hiding in their homes. At some point, you gotta decide that life goes on..........and I say this knowing that the virus is going to be a lot worse come winter (which I have been screaming for months now.)

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