The Wages of Trump-The DeSantis Recall Campaign

Meanwhile more blacks and hispanics have been experimented on while whites haven't and whites are the main ones hollering anti vax shit. I'm vaccinated. So before you make another disingnuous comment remember that.
Disingenuous? It is fact MORE blacks and Hispanics are not getting the shots then whites. Moron.
IM2, you are currently deluded if you think that DeSantis would lose an election in Florida. Most of Florida's 22 million population is comprised of pro-Republican citizens and he's still popular.
No, your population is 50/50

in the governor's election
DeSantis 49.6%
Gillum 49.2%

And Gillum was not a strong Democratic candidate
Just watch the number increase as more Floridians die because of DeSantis.
All I know is that I feel more free right now then in other areas of the nation. This is truth. Outsiders from all ways push their views when talking about Florida. I care not for deep blue areas. I care not for cruisers as an example from deep blue areas coming here with their bull crap about Covid. If you have to sell people and/or force people to take vaccine shots then something is wrong. Spread HIV is okay. Spread sexual diseases is okay. With massive costs.
All I know is that I feel more free right now then in other areas of the nation. This is truth. Outsiders from all ways push their views when talking about Florida. I care not for deep blue areas. I care not for cruisers as an example from deep blue areas coming here with their bull crap about Covid. If you have to sell people and/or force people to take vaccine shots then something is wrong. Spread HIV is okay. Spread sexual diseases is okay. With massive costs.

You "feel more free right now", and isn't that what REALLY matters? How you "feel" is far more important than what is really happening in Florida. This is like Donald Trump not preparing for big negotiations and relying on his "gut instincts" and his read of the room when he sits down. Those "gut instincts" have lead to 7 bankruptcies and counting. And stupid shit like telling NATO leaders they owe the USA money.

Your "feelings" aren't worth jack shit when it comes to protecting yourself from covid. Quite frankly, your obsessions with "red states" and "blue states" is sickening.

My feelings of "freedom" come from having been vaxxed, and knowing that everyone is required to wear a mask out in public. I know that even if I get the crud now, I'm unlikely to be hospitalized or die from it. For someone with asthma and a heart condition, knowing I'm safe from the worst of the possible outcomes is very liberating.

No on cared about HIV. As a right wing acquaintance said at the time "Any disease that only kills queers and Haitians can't be all bad". Reagan never even mentioned AIDS until after Rock Hudson died.
Meanwhile more blacks and hispanics have been experimented on while whites haven't and whites are the main ones hollering anti vax shit. I'm vaccinated. So before you make another disingnuous comment remember that.

You are truly nothing than a petulant child.
You are truly nothing than a petulant child.

Well someone is certainly triggered. You respond to someone who makes a well reasoned and factually correct post, with a childish insult because you have no response to information posted.

What’s even funnier is that you call the poster who provided you with a well reasoned and fact based post “childish”.

Well you got your projection correct but it’s always wise to remember that when you point your finger at someone else, there are four more pointing back at you.
Well someone is certainly triggered. You respond to someone who makes a well reasoned and factually correct post, with a childish insult because you have no response to information posted.

What’s even funnier is that you call the poster who provided you with a well reasoned and fact based post “childish”.

Well you got your projection correct but it’s always wise to remember that when you point your finger at someone else, there are four more pointing back at you.

Says the biggest liar on this board? Sorry, nothing that po black child posts is well reasoned. He hates whitey period. IM2 is a coward, nothing more. You? Why aren't you talking about the demonstrations in the street of Canada?

'Recall Ron DeSantis' Petition Hits 35,000 Target as Delta Variant Devastates Florida

A petition to recall and remove Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has reached its target of 35,000 signatures, with coronavirus cases continuing to climb in the Sunshine State.

The petition, which was started by Cameron White, criticizes the Republican governor's stance towards COVID-19, as well DeSantis making it difficult to file for unemployment benefits.

"Governor Ron DeSantis and former governor Rick Scott have made filing for unemployment in Florida impossible. They care more about showing low unemployment numbers than they do if Floridians have enough to eat," the petition reads.

"Aside from this sad fact DeSantis waited until the last minute to issue a stay-at-home order which without a doubt caused the Coronavirus to spread much faster than necessary. The governor has also went directly against CDC guidelines and allowed churches to still have large gatherings. He is not fit to be our governor and needs to be removed as quickly as the constitution allows."

Although the petition was started over a year ago, it has recently picked up steam, with thousands of people signing it in the last few days as Florida sees COVID-19 cases soar. By Sunday morning, the petition had 35,367 signatures

The wages of Trump is death. Poitical death or career death. This is what happens to everyone who he touches. DeSantis is in trouble and if you think he can win thepresidency when he has mishandled a stat, you're asking for more disaster.
Want us to start laughing our asses off at this now or wait until it collapses like the defense of Kabul?
Yet, it is right-wingers who are anti-mask and anti-vax; go figure.

If immigrants were the reason for the mess in Florida why didn't desantis do anything to prevent this? Why didn't he implement measures to prevent all this?

Why did desantis just let this happen?

And why is he making it worse?
Says the biggest liar on this board? Sorry, nothing that po black child posts is well reasoned. He hates whitey period. IM2 is a coward, nothing more. You? Why aren't you talking about the demonstrations in the street of Canada?

Once again, you make sweeping generalizations about other posters with NOTHING to back it up. Calling me a liar doesn't make it true. Then you project your hatred of yourself - which fairly oozes off the page with you self-loathing clowns, onto IM2.

What demonstrations would that be? There were a handful of people in Calgary demonstrating against mask mandates, in a province with NO MASK MANDATES. The entire Province if the most right wing province in the country. What is it about having massive oil reserves that makes a government think they are just that smart. Alberta is Texas North. Thinking they're all that and a bag of peanuts because oil made them wealthy.

We all hate the masks, but since it costs us NOTHING to wear the damn things, and I haven't had so much as a sniffle since this thing started and I usually get multiple colds and flu in a year, I'm going to keep on wearing the stupid thing. Cause I like not getting sick.

We are to busy voting in people because of party affiliation, than checking to see if they have the skill set needed for good decisions.
We have always done that. Hell, look at past Presidents and nominees. Hillary, Trump, Biden, Romney, Obama, McCain, Bush, Kerry, Gore, Clinton, about those with no skill set in our White House.
I'd also add that DeSantis only won by 0.4%.

I doubt he'll be recalled and I'd give DeSantis the edge over any challenger. That being said there is no way I'd consider him a lock for any future elections.

From what I understand everybody in Florida loves the guy. My niece lives down there and said she can't find one person that doesn't. Besides the infected illegals being dumped there, Florida is the second most vacationed state in the country. To the chagrin of leftists, there are some things a politician can't control like microorganisms, but that doesn't mean they won't try to lay blame on them.
We have always done that. Hell, look at past Presidents and nominees. Hillary, Trump, Biden, Romney, Obama, McCain, Bush, Kerry, Gore, Clinton, about those with no skill set in our White House.

The ONLY one of those you listed with "no skill set in our White House" was Donald Trump. He accomplished the least of any President in modern history, which is probably a good thing, because everything he tried to "fix", he fucked it up so badly it will take generations to clean up his mess.

Biden, Hillary, McCain, Gore and Dole had the best "skill set" needed to effectively govern the country. 600,000 people would NOT have died with Hillary in office, that's for damn sure. She would NOT have sold PPE to China without keeping a good supply for Americans. Nor would some inexperienced clown have been in charge of the CDC to botch the testing roll out.

Just like if Gore had been in office, you would never have attacked Iraq.
From what I understand everybody in Florida loves the guy. My niece lives down there and said she can't find one person that doesn't. Besides the infected illegals being dumped there, Florida is the second most vacationed state in the country. To the chagrin of leftists, there are some things a politician can't control like microorganisms, but that doesn't mean they won't try to lay blame on them.
He's got about a 55% approval rating however it's currently on a downward trajectory.
He's got about a 55% approval rating however it's currently on a downward trajectory.

Very temporary as this variant is expected to be short lived. Then again it depends how many tens of thousands more immigrants the Democrats invite to our country that are infected.
The ONLY one of those you listed with "no skill set in our White House" was Donald Trump. He accomplished the least of any President in modern history, which is probably a good thing, because everything he tried to "fix", he fucked it up so badly it will take generations to clean up his mess.

Biden, Hillary, McCain, Gore and Dole had the best "skill set" needed to effectively govern the country. 600,000 people would NOT have died with Hillary in office, that's for damn sure. She would NOT have sold PPE to China without keeping a good supply for Americans. Nor would some inexperienced clown have been in charge of the CDC to botch the testing roll out.

Just like if Gore had been in office, you would never have attacked Iraq.
You are entitled to your opinions no matter how stupid they are. I don't expect you to understand much about real politics but thanks for playing.
From what I understand everybody in Florida loves the guy. My niece lives down there and said she can't find one person that doesn't. Besides the infected illegals being dumped there, Florida is the second most vacationed state in the country. To the chagrin of leftists, there are some things a politician can't control like microorganisms, but that doesn't mean they won't try to lay blame on them.

Well you obviously don't fact check a single thing you posted. DeSantis only vaxxed the rich white folks. Only 61% of the population has had even one dose, and it's hardly one of the "most vaccinated states" in the country.
Your niece probably does known anyone outside her own income strata so she everyone around her is probably rich and vaxxed. Those were never the people who were getting sick.

Leftists aren't "chagrined" about their inability to control things, they're disgusted with those who lack the common sense God gave a goose, to take precautions in a pandemic. Doctors, nurses and hospital staff are exhaused caring for those with advanced covid and they are losing patience with treating the unvaxxed. They're risking THEIR lives, to care for people unable to make smart decisions on their own behalf, because guys like DeSantis keep lying to them about the disease and making mitigation measures all about "rights and freedoms" instead of making it about sound public health practices.

You don't even realize the irony of DeSantis banning mask mandates because of "freedom", prevents those who want to protect their staff and customers from the spread, have no "freedom" to insist on those protections in their establishments. This is a form of tyranny against those who want to follow the science and don't want to be sued.

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