the wall with Mexico will be called Kate's Wall. Roy Moore will be the deciding vote. mark my words!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Doug Jones doesn’t want a Wall

He supported Hillary, who wanted to give amnesty to all illegal immigrants

clear choice on December 12
Doug Jones doesn’t want a Wall

He supported Hillary, who wanted to give amnesty to all illegal immigrants

clear choice on December 12
That would be ironic...having Molester Moore name a wall after a pretty young white girl.
Doug Jones doesn’t want a Wall

He supported Hillary, who wanted to give amnesty to all illegal immigrants

clear choice on December 12

Incorrect, a "pathway" to citizenship, Trump offers that by marrying him.
Doug Jones is a Pelosi liberal who cares more for illegals than he does Americans. Get angry, get motivated, get out and vote Roy Moore, Stop the hijacking of America, lets take our country back one election at a time. Build Kate's Wall...
Doug Jones doesn’t want a Wall

He supported Hillary, who wanted to give amnesty to all illegal immigrants

clear choice on December 12

Kate was killed because of irresponsible gun ownership.

that gun is known for random discharge - so is the Remington 700

so the owner may or may not have been acting irresponsible.

did I mention there wont be any walls built ? mark my words.
Liberals don't care how disreputable the illegal is, they would cheerfully see a dozen Americans killed to advance the desires of criminal aliens.
Doug Jones doesn’t want a Wall

He supported Hillary, who wanted to give amnesty to all illegal immigrants

clear choice on December 12
Not only are the working and middle classes going to pay for the wealthy to get a huge tax cut, but you are going to pay for the border wall, billions of dollars. And you are happy about it. What a bunch of utter fools.
Kate was killed because of irresponsible gun ownership.

You sick fuck, that illegal alien with a rap sheet would have killed her with a knife if he could have stolen it like he stole that pistol. Sure the douchebag he stole it from should be charged for leaving a pistol in a government vehicle. But that brings us to the insanity that government workers get free vehicles. But that has nothing to do with the savage behavior of criminals.
The wall will not be called Kate's Wall, and the law will not be called Kate's Law. First of all, neither one is going to happen. Second, her parents are not happy with the Trump administration amd others politicizing their daughter's death.

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