The War against Black People

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We need to get young shaniqua to not have kids until she is with a man who not only afford to raise a kid but wants to raise the kid. And not a hustler drug dealer.

You are apparently referring to that statistic generated by the good White community indicating 75% of Black babies are born to unwed mothers. And you don'f miss a beat in suggesting that everyone of those births are fathered by drug dealers and irresponsible Black males. well, tell me this. How do you reconcile that with other studies that show 75% of Blacks are NOT impoverished? You don't seem to be aware that another study has shown conclusively that some Black fathers marry the mothers after the birth but most all support their offspring and pay their court ordered child support.

And these guys are right that it happens too much in the white community too. But in our communities we don't have young men ages 13-30 out robbing killing and raping people.

White males rape more than anyone else...don't evenTRY to go there! You should fear them more than Blacks as far as Crime goes in your community!

Want to know the perfect example? Mike Tyson. How many mime Tyson's are running around Detroit tonight?

Oh and it was custamato and that rooney guy who saved Tyson. Two white guys. And who ruined Mike? Don king

Pulling Mike out of your ass as an example is disingenuous. Who is committing all that White onWhite rape in your community?
We don't have a serial rapist running around but Detroit has serial murderers. Lots of them.

Are you happy with places like Detroit? Or are you saying it's all whites fault?
I don't really give a SHIT about Detroit because I don't live there and what I hear about it comes from the White media. If the stories I see and hear are true then it is a mess. But when White people ran it, was life in the ghetto any better?

1. Let me be clear here. Blacks came to Detroit decades ago because the White owned auto industry provided good paying jobs.. Whitey 1 Blacks 0.

2.The auto Industry failed , NOT because of Blacks, but because of a plethora of things including exorbitant pensions and poor quality cars. whitey 2 Black 0.

3. Middle class White people fled when the jobs started to dry up, taking their excellent tax BASE WITH THEM, leaving behind scores of unemployed Blacks AND WHITES who had depended on them and their managers for jobs. and a depleted tax base. Some suburban Whites commuted rather than live in a city they knew would decay without the lifeblood provided by a vibrant tax base. Whites 3 Black 0.... ADD it up...who is at fault?
Then poor blacks have kids they can't afford. Who's fault is that? Then they don't teach their kids how to speak or do good in school.

If I were black I wouldn't live in an all black city.

I would... .depending on the local income levels and the absence of subsidised housing and trailer parks.
Top 25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in America - 2015 - Neighborhood Scout
I see your problem. You see the Blacks running Detroit as typical of Blacks all over the nation.
Not typical of all blacks, just all ghettos.

But you guys don't want to look closely and you don't want to give black people any advice. If I show you what black people do wrong you look away and say "whites do it too".

Im just says maybe blacks are 51% at fault for the ghettos they live in.

Another problem with your world view is you don't see that there are different classes of Black people just as there are different classes of white people. You can't expect middle class and upwardly mobile Blacks to take responsibility for what Black criminals do. The majority of Blacks don't need "advice." They are just normal citizens like you. Please stop comparing apples to oranges. Compare lower class Whites with lower class Blacks and middle class Blacks with middle class Whites.

This is really far more complex than you suggest. For instance, the city of Detroit isn't run by poor Blacks, nor do those Blacks in power there represent the poor, the desperate and the criminal elements. They are simply a reflection of their White counterparts but with far less of a tax base with which to maintain their pensions and infrastructure. That is because in most places, Black entrepreneurship and individual enterprise has been devastated by integration and White Flight. Black businesses can hardly compete with White owned businesses when their own people have abandoned them for fancy White markets. Thus, Blacks have become a community or sub nation of consumers...still separate and unequal but all too willing to spend the dollars they earn making white people richer and then giving it back to them. If Blacks are still perceived as some monolithic group, as you insinuate, they should not have to depend on White people for private sector jobs. That gives White people too much power over their lives. Blacks can and should endeavor to migrate in large numbers to a state where they can become the majority and control the political spectrum therein.

An example of my vision already exists. It is the Nation of Islam. I am not a Muslim but Farrakhan and his NOI have long been models of Black independence and self sufficiency. I think he could lead any such endeavor since he appeals to Blacks of all faiths.
Except that every primarily all black city in America is a s******* hole.. my advice would be to assimilate better.

And my point is that the only blacks, and whites, who are poor and can't get out of poverty did it to themselves. Did they have kids before they got out of poverty? Did they take school seriously?

Let's be honest. There's no excuse you being poor in America. You may have been born poor but if you grew up and remain poor, it's probably your doing and your fault. You can get out but you have do do things differently moving forward.

Quit blaming whites for ghetto blacks. Or take my advice on how to get out

The poor have always been present in this country. Most Black people have risen to the task of overcoming poverty. Middle classed Blacks aren't responsible for poor Blacks anymore than you are responsible for poor Whites. Many of those you castigate for being poor are working poor. They have jobs but still need assistance. Many of the unemployed poor are mentally handicapped souls or ex felons whose lives were ruined by being railroaded into the justice system for non violent crimes vis a vis the war on drugs . But you don't see the White poor in the same light that you see the Black poor. Middle classed Blacks do.

I can't think of a poor white community in Michigan I'm afraid to walk through.

I'm strictly talking about cleaning up American ghettos. We've all seen the documentaries of black kids telling us how bad things are in their neighborhoods. What I don't hear is poor whites complaining. That's the reason for this conversation about BLACK poverty and crime. You guys claim it is whiteys fault. I don't completely disagree with you on that.

But what you REFUSE to talk about is what those poor black people could do to fix their own mess.

You work and you are still poor? Then don't have fucking kids!!! Go do something else. You act like this is India and we have a cast system. We don't.
You are seeing exactly what the media wants you to see. Erhlichman was right!... BTW white poor people need some attention too...go
advise them. I am not poor so I don't need your advice. Middle class Blacks just don't want cops shooting their unarmed kids on the slightest provocation or being treated more harshly by the justice system just because they are Black.
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Not typical of all blacks, just all ghettos.

But you guys don't want to look closely and you don't want to give black people any advice. If I show you what black people do wrong you look away and say "whites do it too".

Im just says maybe blacks are 51% at fault for the ghettos they live in.

Another problem with your world view is you don't see that there are different classes of Black people just as there are different classes of white people. You can't expect middle class and upwardly mobile Blacks to take responsibility for what Black criminals do. The majority of Blacks don't need "advice." They are just normal citizens like you. Please stop comparing apples to oranges. Compare lower class Whites with lower class Blacks and middle class Blacks with middle class Whites.

This is really far more complex than you suggest. For instance, the city of Detroit isn't run by poor Blacks, nor do those Blacks in power there represent the poor, the desperate and the criminal elements. They are simply a reflection of their White counterparts but with far less of a tax base with which to maintain their pensions and infrastructure. That is because in most places, Black entrepreneurship and individual enterprise has been devastated by integration and White Flight. Black businesses can hardly compete with White owned businesses when their own people have abandoned them for fancy White markets. Thus, Blacks have become a community or sub nation of consumers...still separate and unequal but all too willing to spend the dollars they earn making white people richer and then giving it back to them. If Blacks are still perceived as some monolithic group, as you insinuate, they should not have to depend on White people for private sector jobs. That gives White people too much power over their lives. Blacks can and should endeavor to migrate in large numbers to a state where they can become the majority and control the political spectrum therein.

An example of my vision already exists. It is the Nation of Islam. I am not a Muslim but Farrakhan and his NOI have long been models of Black independence and self sufficiency. I think he could lead any such endeavor since he appeals to Blacks of all faiths.
Except that every primarily all black city in America is a s******* hole.. my advice would be to assimilate better.

And my point is that the only blacks, and whites, who are poor and can't get out of poverty did it to themselves. Did they have kids before they got out of poverty? Did they take school seriously?

Let's be honest. There's no excuse you being poor in America. You may have been born poor but if you grew up and remain poor, it's probably your doing and your fault. You can get out but you have do do things differently moving forward.

Quit blaming whites for ghetto blacks. Or take my advice on how to get out

The poor have always been present in this country. Most Black people have risen to the task of overcoming poverty. Middle classed Blacks aren't responsible for poor Blacks anymore than you are responsible for poor Whites. Many of those you castigate for being poor are working poor. They have jobs but still need assistance. Many of the unemployed poor are mentally handicapped souls or ex felons whose lives were ruined by being railroaded into the justice system for non violent crimes vis a vis the war on drugs . But you don't see the White poor in the same light that you see the Black poor. Middle classed Blacks do.

I can't think of a poor white community in Michigan I'm afraid to walk through.

I'm strictly talking about cleaning up American ghettos. We've all seen the documentaries of black kids telling us how bad things are in their neighborhoods. What I don't hear is poor whites complaining. That's the reason for this conversation about BLACK poverty and crime. You guys claim it is whiteys fault. I don't completely disagree with you on that.

But what you REFUSE to talk about is what those poor black people could do to fix their own mess.

You work and you are still poor? Then don't have fucking kids!!! Go do something else. You act like this is India and we have a cast system. We don't.
You are seeing exactly what the media wants you to see. Erhlichman was right!... BTW white poor people need some attention too...go
advise them. I am not poor so I don't need your advice. Middle class Blacks just don't want cops shooting their unarmed kids on the slightest provocation or being treated more harshly by the justice system just because they are Black.
I don't suggest a person like you needs any advice from me. And I agree with you. Poor white trash neighborhoods need to take this advice too. But not because their violent crime levels are epidemic but because they will never get out of poverty if they keep doing what they are doing. For one thing, they don't blame whitey for the situation they are in. Funny thing is those poor whites probably blame jews, blacks and mexicans. LOL.

There are always going to be poor communities. Capitalism depends on it. The question is, are black people always going to be the ones who are poor?

I actually think it is great half of Detroit moved out of Detroit. Sure I complain that you can take the black out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the black, but I believe their kids or their grandkids will be much better off moving away from Detroit and going to a good school in a nice safe neighborhood.

Sure 90% of the blacks in poor cities are good hard working people, but the 10% that aren't are making the place unlivable.

  • Flint: 1 in 37 chance of being a victim of violence
  • Saginaw: 1 in 42 chance of being a victim of violence
  • Detroit: 1 in 47 chance of being a victim of violence
Interactive map shows your odds of becoming a violent crime victim by Michigan city

Interactive map shows your odds of becoming a violent crime victim by Michigan city

The map shows the volume of violent crime including murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault, as reported by city and town law enforcement agencies that contributed data to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting program.

The chance of being a victim of violence is calculated by dividing the population by the number of violent crimes.

No surprise all the most dangerous places are black cities.

We need to get young shaniqua to not have kids until she is with a man who not only afford to raise a kid but wants to raise the kid. And not a hustler drug dealer.

You are apparently referring to that statistic generated by the good White community indicating 75% of Black babies are born to unwed mothers. And you don'f miss a beat in suggesting that everyone of those births are fathered by drug dealers and irresponsible Black males. well, tell me this. How do you reconcile that with other studies that show 75% of Blacks are NOT impoverished? You don't seem to be aware that another study has shown conclusively that some Black fathers marry the mothers after the birth but most all support their offspring and pay their court ordered child support.

And these guys are right that it happens too much in the white community too. But in our communities we don't have young men ages 13-30 out robbing killing and raping people.

White males rape more than anyone else...don't evenTRY to go there! You should fear them more than Blacks as far as Crime goes in your community!

Want to know the perfect example? Mike Tyson. How many mime Tyson's are running around Detroit tonight?

Oh and it was custamato and that rooney guy who saved Tyson. Two white guys. And who ruined Mike? Don king

Pulling Mike out of your ass as an example is disingenuous. Who is committing all that White onWhite rape in your community?
We don't have a serial rapist running around but Detroit has serial murderers. Lots of them.

Are you happy with places like Detroit? Or are you saying it's all whites fault?
Of course Detroit is the fault of whites. They are the ones that shut down the plants and left it bereft of any jobs.
So move, start your own business' or don't have kids in that shit hole of a community.

You do realize blacks moved from the South to Detroit because of the auto jobs. Now they don't want to leave? What is keeping them? The place is a shit hole. Half of Detroiters left after the great recession and I don't think any of them regret it.
What is keeping them there? Familiarity. Humans develop habits and its hard to break them. You didnt ask why white trailer park trash stay in trailer parks did you? Broke people can only move to another broke area. In your wisdom you forgot there are only so many jobs in any area and white folks hate competing for jobs in the best of times so what difference does it make for all the broke Black people to move to another broke area? You may as well give up trying to keep any people from breeding.
Whats the point in talking with Sealy...Every suggestion he makes is one from someone who doesnt or wont have to do it so everything is super easy. Like, "Why dont they move where the jobs are?"

My goodness what a wonderful idea! Why arent people vagabonds and Nomads?
The only war is the war against the white race. I can't understand why any minority would not want a white majority. U have all the examples of what a non white majority country looks like. Most Blacks will never b happy, because they arnt willing to make a change within their own race.
You must be a white boy. No wonder you think non whites would really want a white majority. What a fucking idiot you are. :laugh:

And yet you are to stupid to put forth an example of a non white majority country that you would rather live in that this white majority country.
Yet you are too stupid to spell "too" correctly.

I can think of a number of non white majority countries I would love to live in. Most of them are in Africa where I am moving to.
I have business to run, u know what a job is right? Fuck my grammer, I'm not writing papers for college anymore. Hey get gone I wish u the best.
Dont get emotional because you tried to call someone stupid but you cant spell correctly. Stop trying to convince me you are intelligent enough to run a business. Its pretty obvious you have little business savvy.
Whats the point in talking with Sealy...Every suggestion he makes is one from someone who doesnt or wont have to do it so everything is super easy. Like, "Why dont they move where the jobs are?"

My goodness what a wonderful idea! Why arent people vagabonds and Nomads?
Sealy is a conflicted racist. I have met many white guys like him while in the military. They swear they arent racist but they have this blind spot to the issues and plight of their own people and a blind spot in regards to history and its effects on oppressed people. Sometimes he has moments where he is lucid and his brain functions correctly but most of the time cognitive dissonance renders those thought processes null and void.
We need to get young shaniqua to not have kids until she is with a man who not only afford to raise a kid but wants to raise the kid. And not a hustler drug dealer.

You are apparently referring to that statistic generated by the good White community indicating 75% of Black babies are born to unwed mothers. And you don'f miss a beat in suggesting that everyone of those births are fathered by drug dealers and irresponsible Black males. well, tell me this. How do you reconcile that with other studies that show 75% of Blacks are NOT impoverished? You don't seem to be aware that another study has shown conclusively that some Black fathers marry the mothers after the birth but most all support their offspring and pay their court ordered child support.

And these guys are right that it happens too much in the white community too. But in our communities we don't have young men ages 13-30 out robbing killing and raping people.

White males rape more than anyone else...don't evenTRY to go there! You should fear them more than Blacks as far as Crime goes in your community!

Want to know the perfect example? Mike Tyson. How many mime Tyson's are running around Detroit tonight?

Oh and it was custamato and that rooney guy who saved Tyson. Two white guys. And who ruined Mike? Don king

Pulling Mike out of your ass as an example is disingenuous. Who is committing all that White onWhite rape in your community?
We don't have a serial rapist running around but Detroit has serial murderers. Lots of them.

Are you happy with places like Detroit? Or are you saying it's all whites fault?
I don't really give a SHIT about Detroit because I don't live there and what I hear about it comes from the White media. If the stories I see and hear are true then it is a mess. But when White people ran it, was life in the ghetto any better?

1. Let me be clear here. Blacks came to Detroit decades ago because the White owned auto industry provided good paying jobs.. Whitey 1 Blacks 0.

2.The auto Industry failed , NOT because of Blacks, but because of a plethora of things including exorbitant pensions and poor quality cars. whitey 2 Black 0.

3. Middle class White people fled when the jobs started to dry up, taking their excellent tax BASE WITH THEM, leaving behind scores of unemployed Blacks AND WHITES who had depended on them and their managers for jobs. and a depleted tax base. Some suburban Whites commuted rather than live in a city they knew would decay without the lifeblood provided by a vibrant tax base. Whites 3 Black 0.... ADD it up...who is at fault?
Then poor blacks have kids they can't afford. Who's fault is that? Then they don't teach their kids how to speak or do good in school.

If I were black I wouldn't live in an all black city.
Thats natures fault. Why do poor white people have kids they cant afford?

I would love living in an all Black city. It would remind me of my trips to Africa and the Caribbean Islands.
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We need to get young shaniqua to not have kids until she is with a man who not only afford to raise a kid but wants to raise the kid. And not a hustler drug dealer.

You are apparently referring to that statistic generated by the good White community indicating 75% of Black babies are born to unwed mothers. And you don'f miss a beat in suggesting that everyone of those births are fathered by drug dealers and irresponsible Black males. well, tell me this. How do you reconcile that with other studies that show 75% of Blacks are NOT impoverished? You don't seem to be aware that another study has shown conclusively that some Black fathers marry the mothers after the birth but most all support their offspring and pay their court ordered child support.

And these guys are right that it happens too much in the white community too. But in our communities we don't have young men ages 13-30 out robbing killing and raping people.

White males rape more than anyone else...don't evenTRY to go there! You should fear them more than Blacks as far as Crime goes in your community!

Want to know the perfect example? Mike Tyson. How many mime Tyson's are running around Detroit tonight?

Oh and it was custamato and that rooney guy who saved Tyson. Two white guys. And who ruined Mike? Don king

Pulling Mike out of your ass as an example is disingenuous. Who is committing all that White onWhite rape in your community?
We don't have a serial rapist running around but Detroit has serial murderers. Lots of them.

Are you happy with places like Detroit? Or are you saying it's all whites fault?
Of course Detroit is the fault of whites. They are the ones that shut down the plants and left it bereft of any jobs.
So move, start your own business' or don't have kids in that shit hole of a community.

You do realize blacks moved from the South to Detroit because of the auto jobs. Now they don't want to leave? What is keeping them? The place is a shit hole. Half of Detroiters left after the great recession and I don't think any of them regret it.
What is keeping them there? Familiarity. Humans develop habits and its hard to break them. You didnt ask why white trailer park trash stay in trailer parks did you? Broke people can only move to another broke area. In your wisdom you forgot there are only so many jobs in any area and white folks hate competing for jobs in the best of times so what difference does it make for all the broke Black people to move to another broke area? You may as well give up trying to keep any people from breeding.
WRONG WRONG WRONG! If "familiarity" is keeping them there, that's on them. That's point one I want to make. Oh, and if "bad habits" are hard to break, who's fault is that?

2. I know why white trailer trash stay in trailer parks and why their kids turn out like they do. It isn't racism. It's bad parenting. Maybe their parents shouldn't have had kids before they had a plan to get them out of poverty.

3. And no, black people in Detroit didn't move to other poor neighborhoods. They moved to our neighborhoods. Now of course they didn't buy a $200,000 home. They live in the cheap apartments. But they have jobs, live in a safe neighborhood now and their kids are going to the good local schools. Just like immigrants come to America so that their kids can have a better life. Chances are the immigrant who comes here doesn't learn how to speak good English either and they never make much more than minimum wage but their kids do better. And they insist their kids do good in school and stay out of trouble.

4. You won't get an argument from me that American culture is fucked up. Us foreigners think white Americans are fucked up too. But not nearly as fucked up as the black communities.

5. All you have is arguments and excuses.
We need to get young shaniqua to not have kids until she is with a man who not only afford to raise a kid but wants to raise the kid. And not a hustler drug dealer.

You are apparently referring to that statistic generated by the good White community indicating 75% of Black babies are born to unwed mothers. And you don'f miss a beat in suggesting that everyone of those births are fathered by drug dealers and irresponsible Black males. well, tell me this. How do you reconcile that with other studies that show 75% of Blacks are NOT impoverished? You don't seem to be aware that another study has shown conclusively that some Black fathers marry the mothers after the birth but most all support their offspring and pay their court ordered child support.

And these guys are right that it happens too much in the white community too. But in our communities we don't have young men ages 13-30 out robbing killing and raping people.

White males rape more than anyone else...don't evenTRY to go there! You should fear them more than Blacks as far as Crime goes in your community!

Want to know the perfect example? Mike Tyson. How many mime Tyson's are running around Detroit tonight?

Oh and it was custamato and that rooney guy who saved Tyson. Two white guys. And who ruined Mike? Don king

Pulling Mike out of your ass as an example is disingenuous. Who is committing all that White onWhite rape in your community?
We don't have a serial rapist running around but Detroit has serial murderers. Lots of them.

Are you happy with places like Detroit? Or are you saying it's all whites fault?
I don't really give a SHIT about Detroit because I don't live there and what I hear about it comes from the White media. If the stories I see and hear are true then it is a mess. But when White people ran it, was life in the ghetto any better?

1. Let me be clear here. Blacks came to Detroit decades ago because the White owned auto industry provided good paying jobs.. Whitey 1 Blacks 0.

2.The auto Industry failed , NOT because of Blacks, but because of a plethora of things including exorbitant pensions and poor quality cars. whitey 2 Black 0.

3. Middle class White people fled when the jobs started to dry up, taking their excellent tax BASE WITH THEM, leaving behind scores of unemployed Blacks AND WHITES who had depended on them and their managers for jobs. and a depleted tax base. Some suburban Whites commuted rather than live in a city they knew would decay without the lifeblood provided by a vibrant tax base. Whites 3 Black 0.... ADD it up...who is at fault?
Then poor blacks have kids they can't afford. Who's fault is that? Then they don't teach their kids how to speak or do good in school.

If I were black I wouldn't live in an all black city.
Thats natures fault. Why do poor white people have kids they cant afford?

I would love living in an all Black city. It would remind me of my trips to Africa and the Caribbean Islands.

I remember my trip to Jamaica. The tourist areas were nice.

Or the Dominican Republic

The only war is the war against the white race. I can't understand why any minority would not want a white majority. U have all the examples of what a non white majority country looks like. Most Blacks will never b happy, because they arnt willing to make a change within their own race.
You must be a white boy. No wonder you think non whites would really want a white majority. What a fucking idiot you are. :laugh:

And yet you are to stupid to put forth an example of a non white majority country that you would rather live in that this white majority country.
Yet you are too stupid to spell "too" correctly.

I can think of a number of non white majority countries I would love to live in. Most of them are in Africa where I am moving to.
I have business to run, u know what a job is right? Fuck my grammer, I'm not writing papers for college anymore. Hey get gone I wish u the best.
Dont get emotional because you tried to call someone stupid but you cant spell correctly. Stop trying to convince me you are intelligent enough to run a business. Its pretty obvious you have little business savvy.

We need to get young shaniqua to not have kids until she is with a man who not only afford to raise a kid but wants to raise the kid. And not a hustler drug dealer.

You are apparently referring to that statistic generated by the good White community indicating 75% of Black babies are born to unwed mothers. And you don'f miss a beat in suggesting that everyone of those births are fathered by drug dealers and irresponsible Black males. well, tell me this. How do you reconcile that with other studies that show 75% of Blacks are NOT impoverished? You don't seem to be aware that another study has shown conclusively that some Black fathers marry the mothers after the birth but most all support their offspring and pay their court ordered child support.

And these guys are right that it happens too much in the white community too. But in our communities we don't have young men ages 13-30 out robbing killing and raping people.

White males rape more than anyone else...don't evenTRY to go there! You should fear them more than Blacks as far as Crime goes in your community!

Want to know the perfect example? Mike Tyson. How many mime Tyson's are running around Detroit tonight?

Oh and it was custamato and that rooney guy who saved Tyson. Two white guys. And who ruined Mike? Don king

Pulling Mike out of your ass as an example is disingenuous. Who is committing all that White onWhite rape in your community?
We don't have a serial rapist running around but Detroit has serial murderers. Lots of them.

Are you happy with places like Detroit? Or are you saying it's all whites fault?
I don't really give a SHIT about Detroit because I don't live there and what I hear about it comes from the White media. If the stories I see and hear are true then it is a mess. But when White people ran it, was life in the ghetto any better?

1. Let me be clear here. Blacks came to Detroit decades ago because the White owned auto industry provided good paying jobs.. Whitey 1 Blacks 0.

2.The auto Industry failed , NOT because of Blacks, but because of a plethora of things including exorbitant pensions and poor quality cars. whitey 2 Black 0.

3. Middle class White people fled when the jobs started to dry up, taking their excellent tax BASE WITH THEM, leaving behind scores of unemployed Blacks AND WHITES who had depended on them and their managers for jobs. and a depleted tax base. Some suburban Whites commuted rather than live in a city they knew would decay without the lifeblood provided by a vibrant tax base. Whites 3 Black 0.... ADD it up...who is at fault?
Not the whites, just because failures happen Dosent mean u roll over n quit or continue to pass the buck. So whites force blacks out of graduating high school, having babies out of wedlock, or even force them to commit violent crimes at an astonishing high percentage. Ur right all Blacks shouldn't b viewed as the same, I know many good black people that r hard-working family oriented people. I believe u r a Muslim. Faracan't is a joke, should n put on the terrorist list, he has threatened lives of all white people n one of the most racist men n America. U keep blaming ol whitey but I think the FBI already took care of his ass.
I like your post up until the I believe you are a muslim. From there you lost me. BUT you are right. They keep making excuses. We all know what white people did to black people from slavery until even today. But does that mean black people should teach their kids eubonics?

Are we so powerful and are blacks so stupid that they can't get themselves out of the shit hole we put them in? I suggest that things aren't nearly as bad as I and blacks once thought they were.

The fact that there are so many good blacks who live in the hood is proof that their crime and poverty is not our fault anymore. Like these guys say, PLENTY of blacks doing just fine, going to work, raising their families, etc. So why are places like Detroit so dangerous and poor? And why is it white people's fault when in 5 years some black 17 year old girl gets pregnant and goes on welfare? At what point do black people take responsibility for themselves?

And keep in mind there are no good black leaders to run Detroit. The last one was Kwami Kilpatrick and he's in federal prison. Do you know what Detroit needed? A white fucking mayor! Out of 1 million blacks they couldn't find one good one who could lead and not be a racist corrupt thug.

That's the major of Detroit
The Muslim post wasn't directed at u unless u promote Faracan't. Second I think my post was either misinterpreted or ur being sarcastic. So I make my self clear, n I apologize if I the one who is misinterpreting in advance. I believe some whites did some bad stuff no doubt. But blacks have had plenty of time to turn things around, for ex. do the Asians not flourish. I know very little about Detroit but what I do know is there r plenty of set backs n bad things happen to roll over n quit is not an option. To demand the gov. To make hard working citizens pay the debt for past sins is illogical. Blacks don't have it bad now because of whites they have it bad because they choose to not forgive. Be a human n take ownership.
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We need to get young shaniqua to not have kids until she is with a man who not only afford to raise a kid but wants to raise the kid. And not a hustler drug dealer.

You are apparently referring to that statistic generated by the good White community indicating 75% of Black babies are born to unwed mothers. And you don'f miss a beat in suggesting that everyone of those births are fathered by drug dealers and irresponsible Black males. well, tell me this. How do you reconcile that with other studies that show 75% of Blacks are NOT impoverished? You don't seem to be aware that another study has shown conclusively that some Black fathers marry the mothers after the birth but most all support their offspring and pay their court ordered child support.

And these guys are right that it happens too much in the white community too. But in our communities we don't have young men ages 13-30 out robbing killing and raping people.

White males rape more than anyone else...don't evenTRY to go there! You should fear them more than Blacks as far as Crime goes in your community!

Want to know the perfect example? Mike Tyson. How many mime Tyson's are running around Detroit tonight?

Oh and it was custamato and that rooney guy who saved Tyson. Two white guys. And who ruined Mike? Don king

Pulling Mike out of your ass as an example is disingenuous. Who is committing all that White onWhite rape in your community?
We don't have a serial rapist running around but Detroit has serial murderers. Lots of them.

Are you happy with places like Detroit? Or are you saying it's all whites fault?
I don't really give a SHIT about Detroit because I don't live there and what I hear about it comes from the White media. If the stories I see and hear are true then it is a mess. But when White people ran it, was life in the ghetto any better?

1. Let me be clear here. Blacks came to Detroit decades ago because the White owned auto industry provided good paying jobs.. Whitey 1 Blacks 0.

2.The auto Industry failed , NOT because of Blacks, but because of a plethora of things including exorbitant pensions and poor quality cars. whitey 2 Black 0.

3. Middle class White people fled when the jobs started to dry up, taking their excellent tax BASE WITH THEM, leaving behind scores of unemployed Blacks AND WHITES who had depended on them and their managers for jobs. and a depleted tax base. Some suburban Whites commuted rather than live in a city they knew would decay without the lifeblood provided by a vibrant tax base. Whites 3 Black 0.... ADD it up...who is at fault?
Then poor blacks have kids they can't afford. Who's fault is that? Then they don't teach their kids how to speak or do good in school.

If I were black I wouldn't live in an all black city.
Thats natures fault. Why do poor white people have kids they cant afford?

I would love living in an all Black city. It would remind me of my trips to Africa and the Caribbean Islands.
Because no one taught them right from wrong.
The only war is the war against the white race. I can't understand why any minority would not want a white majority. U have all the examples of what a non white majority country looks like. Most Blacks will never b happy, because they arnt willing to make a change within their own race.
You must be a white boy. No wonder you think non whites would really want a white majority. What a fucking idiot you are. :laugh:

And yet you are to stupid to put forth an example of a non white majority country that you would rather live in that this white majority country.
Yet you are too stupid to spell "too" correctly.

I can think of a number of non white majority countries I would love to live in. Most of them are in Africa where I am moving to.
I have business to run, u know what a job is right? Fuck my grammer, I'm not writing papers for college anymore. Hey get gone I wish u the best.
Dont get emotional because you tried to call someone stupid but you cant spell correctly. Stop trying to convince me you are intelligent enough to run a business. Its pretty obvious you have little business savvy.
No u can't have a job, but since u can detect emotion through internet dialog I think u found ur calling as physic. I can c it now "Asslips" internet physic, make sure u get permission from mommy, don't burn up all that gov. Provided internet data.
Whats the point in talking with Sealy...Every suggestion he makes is one from someone who doesnt or wont have to do it so everything is super easy. Like, "Why dont they move where the jobs are?"

My goodness what a wonderful idea! Why arent people vagabonds and Nomads?
Sealy is a conflicted racist. I have met many white guys like him while in the military. They swear they arent racist but they have this blind spot to the issues and plight of their own people and a blind spot in regards to history and its effects on oppressed people. Sometimes he has moments where he is lucid and his brain functions correctly but most of the time cognitive dissonance renders those thought processes null and void.
I could say the same thing about you. I don't disagree with 90% of what you say. But you deny that 10% of what I'm saying that is true. Why? Because it's insulting to you.

According to you it's not black people's fault. The poor black woman 10 years from now who has a baby she can't afford, that's not her fault. That's not her parents fault.

And you seem to not realize how much worse black ghettos are than white poor areas.

And the funny thing is, I can agree with you on the reasons why black communities are so much more violent. It's years of oppression, blablabla. All I'm saying Asclepias is that maybe its time to stop blaming whitey and start doing something to fix the problem. Oh yea, according to you there is no problem. What a joke.

And no one said it would be easy. It wasn't easy for my grandfather to move from Greece to America. Easy. That's all black people want. The easy way. Maybe that's why they don't own their own business'. Nothing easy about that.

Oh, and lazy blacks are a big reason why Ford moved to Mexico. Lazy whites too but guess what? We can go find other jobs. You think you guys would have really appreciated a great paying job at Ford. Instead black Ford workers proved to be very lazy and trifling.
You must be a white boy. No wonder you think non whites would really want a white majority. What a fucking idiot you are. :laugh:

And yet you are to stupid to put forth an example of a non white majority country that you would rather live in that this white majority country.
Yet you are too stupid to spell "too" correctly.

I can think of a number of non white majority countries I would love to live in. Most of them are in Africa where I am moving to.
I have business to run, u know what a job is right? Fuck my grammer, I'm not writing papers for college anymore. Hey get gone I wish u the best.
Dont get emotional because you tried to call someone stupid but you cant spell correctly. Stop trying to convince me you are intelligent enough to run a business. Its pretty obvious you have little business savvy.
I know ur looking for work
You are apparently referring to that statistic generated by the good White community indicating 75% of Black babies are born to unwed mothers. And you don'f miss a beat in suggesting that everyone of those births are fathered by drug dealers and irresponsible Black males. well, tell me this. How do you reconcile that with other studies that show 75% of Blacks are NOT impoverished? You don't seem to be aware that another study has shown conclusively that some Black fathers marry the mothers after the birth but most all support their offspring and pay their court ordered child support.

White males rape more than anyone else...don't evenTRY to go there! You should fear them more than Blacks as far as Crime goes in your community!

Pulling Mike out of your ass as an example is disingenuous. Who is committing all that White onWhite rape in your community?
We don't have a serial rapist running around but Detroit has serial murderers. Lots of them.

Are you happy with places like Detroit? Or are you saying it's all whites fault?
I don't really give a SHIT about Detroit because I don't live there and what I hear about it comes from the White media. If the stories I see and hear are true then it is a mess. But when White people ran it, was life in the ghetto any better?

1. Let me be clear here. Blacks came to Detroit decades ago because the White owned auto industry provided good paying jobs.. Whitey 1 Blacks 0.

2.The auto Industry failed , NOT because of Blacks, but because of a plethora of things including exorbitant pensions and poor quality cars. whitey 2 Black 0.

3. Middle class White people fled when the jobs started to dry up, taking their excellent tax BASE WITH THEM, leaving behind scores of unemployed Blacks AND WHITES who had depended on them and their managers for jobs. and a depleted tax base. Some suburban Whites commuted rather than live in a city they knew would decay without the lifeblood provided by a vibrant tax base. Whites 3 Black 0.... ADD it up...who is at fault?
Not the whites, just because failures happen Dosent mean u roll over n quit or continue to pass the buck. So whites force blacks out of graduating high school, having babies out of wedlock, or even force them to commit violent crimes at an astonishing high percentage. Ur right all Blacks shouldn't b viewed as the same, I know many good black people that r hard-working family oriented people. I believe u r a Muslim. Faracan't is a joke, should n put on the terrorist list, he has threatened lives of all white people n one of the most racist men n America. U keep blaming ol whitey but I think the FBI already took care of his ass.
I like your post up until the I believe you are a muslim. From there you lost me. BUT you are right. They keep making excuses. We all know what white people did to black people from slavery until even today. But does that mean black people should teach their kids eubonics?

Are we so powerful and are blacks so stupid that they can't get themselves out of the shit hole we put them in? I suggest that things aren't nearly as bad as I and blacks once thought they were.

The fact that there are so many good blacks who live in the hood is proof that their crime and poverty is not our fault anymore. Like these guys say, PLENTY of blacks doing just fine, going to work, raising their families, etc. So why are places like Detroit so dangerous and poor? And why is it white people's fault when in 5 years some black 17 year old girl gets pregnant and goes on welfare? At what point do black people take responsibility for themselves?

And keep in mind there are no good black leaders to run Detroit. The last one was Kwami Kilpatrick and he's in federal prison. Do you know what Detroit needed? A white fucking mayor! Out of 1 million blacks they couldn't find one good one who could lead and not be a racist corrupt thug.

That's the major of Detroit
The Muslim post wasn't directed at u unless u promote Faracan't. Second I think my post was either misinterpreted or ur being sarcastic. So I make my self clear, n I apologize if I the one who is misinterpreting in advance. I believe some whites did some bad stuff no doubt. But blacks have had plenty of time to turn things around, for ex. do the Asians not flourish. I know very little about Detroit but what I do know is there r plenty of set backs n bad things happen to roll over n quit is not an option. To demand the gov. To make hard working citizens pay the debt for past sins is illogical. Blacks don't have it bad now because of whites they have it bad because they choose to not forgive. Be a human n take ownership.
And show up and fucking vote! Too many blacks don't vote. And so the saying goes, "if you don't vote you don't matter". So blacks wonder why Metro Detroit doesn't give a shit about Detroit. Why should a politician care about Detroit when they know nothing will get them to vote? Might as well cater to the white suburbs that are filled with responsible citizens.

In Dearborn Michigan Muslim Americans show up to vote in record numbers. So where blacks have given up, Arabs have not. Don't think that matters?

Maybe blacks will show up and vote the next time a black is the nominee for president. Until then, see you later black non existent voters.
Whats the point in talking with Sealy...Every suggestion he makes is one from someone who doesnt or wont have to do it so everything is super easy. Like, "Why dont they move where the jobs are?"

My goodness what a wonderful idea! Why arent people vagabonds and Nomads?
Sealy is a conflicted racist. I have met many white guys like him while in the military. They swear they arent racist but they have this blind spot to the issues and plight of their own people and a blind spot in regards to history and its effects on oppressed people. Sometimes he has moments where he is lucid and his brain functions correctly but most of the time cognitive dissonance renders those thought processes null and void.

We are all conflicted racists. I want what is best for all people including black and I empathize with their struggles but I'll be god damned if I'm going to agree with you 100% of the time for fear that any knock on the black community makes you a racist. Fuck that.
You are apparently referring to that statistic generated by the good White community indicating 75% of Black babies are born to unwed mothers. And you don'f miss a beat in suggesting that everyone of those births are fathered by drug dealers and irresponsible Black males. well, tell me this. How do you reconcile that with other studies that show 75% of Blacks are NOT impoverished? You don't seem to be aware that another study has shown conclusively that some Black fathers marry the mothers after the birth but most all support their offspring and pay their court ordered child support.

White males rape more than anyone else...don't evenTRY to go there! You should fear them more than Blacks as far as Crime goes in your community!

Pulling Mike out of your ass as an example is disingenuous. Who is committing all that White onWhite rape in your community?
We don't have a serial rapist running around but Detroit has serial murderers. Lots of them.

Are you happy with places like Detroit? Or are you saying it's all whites fault?
Of course Detroit is the fault of whites. They are the ones that shut down the plants and left it bereft of any jobs.
So move, start your own business' or don't have kids in that shit hole of a community.

You do realize blacks moved from the South to Detroit because of the auto jobs. Now they don't want to leave? What is keeping them? The place is a shit hole. Half of Detroiters left after the great recession and I don't think any of them regret it.
What is keeping them there? Familiarity. Humans develop habits and its hard to break them. You didnt ask why white trailer park trash stay in trailer parks did you? Broke people can only move to another broke area. In your wisdom you forgot there are only so many jobs in any area and white folks hate competing for jobs in the best of times so what difference does it make for all the broke Black people to move to another broke area? You may as well give up trying to keep any people from breeding.
WRONG WRONG WRONG! If "familiarity" is keeping them there, that's on them. That's point one I want to make. Oh, and if "bad habits" are hard to break, who's fault is that?

2. I know why white trailer trash stay in trailer parks and why their kids turn out like they do. It isn't racism. It's bad parenting. Maybe their parents shouldn't have had kids before they had a plan to get them out of poverty.

3. And no, black people in Detroit didn't move to other poor neighborhoods. They moved to our neighborhoods. Now of course they didn't buy a $200,000 home. They live in the cheap apartments. But they have jobs, live in a safe neighborhood now and their kids are going to the good local schools. Just like immigrants come to America so that their kids can have a better life. Chances are the immigrant who comes here doesn't learn how to speak good English either and they never make much more than minimum wage but their kids do better. And they insist their kids do good in school and stay out of trouble.

4. You won't get an argument from me that American culture is fucked up. Us foreigners think white Americans are fucked up too. But not nearly as fucked up as the black communities.

5. All you have is arguments and excuses.
What do you mean by wrong? Of course its on them for staying there. Bad habits being hard to break is natures fault. Its actually a self preservation instinct.

I never said racism had anything to do with whites staying in trailer parks. I said it was habit and familiarity. No doubt some of them are bad parents but you still never answered why they stay in trailer parks. Dont stall or deflect. Answer the question.

I dont know if you are intentionally lacking reading comprehension or if its your cognitive dissonance kicking in. You totally glossed over the point. You have this idea that all the broke Black people in Detroit can break human nature and find the funds to move into a nice white neighborhood. (while you ignore the law of supply and demand and racism) and suddenly their lives will be better and they will suddenly have the great life skills they never learned trying to survive in the ghetto. You also seem to forget immigrants are given loans to start new businesses while a Black american born here in the US would be laughed out of the bank.

Of course I have arguments and reasons. You calling it "excuses" is just a symptom of your cognitive dissonance. Typical white boy disease you guys seem to have pretty badly. When you wake up and accept the reasons I have outlined to you hopefully you will begin to focus on your people. Both you and your people need help with simply understanding reality apparently.
Whats the point in talking with Sealy...Every suggestion he makes is one from someone who doesnt or wont have to do it so everything is super easy. Like, "Why dont they move where the jobs are?"

My goodness what a wonderful idea! Why arent people vagabonds and Nomads?
Sealy is a conflicted racist. I have met many white guys like him while in the military. They swear they arent racist but they have this blind spot to the issues and plight of their own people and a blind spot in regards to history and its effects on oppressed people. Sometimes he has moments where he is lucid and his brain functions correctly but most of the time cognitive dissonance renders those thought processes null and void.

We are all conflicted racists. I want what is best for all people including black and I empathize with their struggles but I'll be god damned if I'm going to agree with you 100% of the time for fear that any knock on the black community makes you a racist. Fuck that.
No not all of us are conflicted racists. You want whats best as long as you can appear to be the sympathizing white savior. News flash. You white folks are pretty fucked up and thats where you need to concentrate your efforts if you want to help someone. You already have the system in your favor so I dont get why you guys have so many issues but I guess control doesnt buy you everything. You dont have to agree with me any of the time. Your agreement or disagreement is not something that motivates or inspires me. Speaking generally its rare that what a white person wants or says has any bearing on the decisions I make. You guys simply lack credibility and therefore only inspire amusement or boredom depending on the subject. Since I automatically consider white people racist its not that big a deal to me if one proves it. I already expected it. Does that make sense to you?
You are apparently referring to that statistic generated by the good White community indicating 75% of Black babies are born to unwed mothers. And you don'f miss a beat in suggesting that everyone of those births are fathered by drug dealers and irresponsible Black males. well, tell me this. How do you reconcile that with other studies that show 75% of Blacks are NOT impoverished? You don't seem to be aware that another study has shown conclusively that some Black fathers marry the mothers after the birth but most all support their offspring and pay their court ordered child support.

White males rape more than anyone else...don't evenTRY to go there! You should fear them more than Blacks as far as Crime goes in your community!

Pulling Mike out of your ass as an example is disingenuous. Who is committing all that White onWhite rape in your community?
We don't have a serial rapist running around but Detroit has serial murderers. Lots of them.

Are you happy with places like Detroit? Or are you saying it's all whites fault?
I don't really give a SHIT about Detroit because I don't live there and what I hear about it comes from the White media. If the stories I see and hear are true then it is a mess. But when White people ran it, was life in the ghetto any better?

1. Let me be clear here. Blacks came to Detroit decades ago because the White owned auto industry provided good paying jobs.. Whitey 1 Blacks 0.

2.The auto Industry failed , NOT because of Blacks, but because of a plethora of things including exorbitant pensions and poor quality cars. whitey 2 Black 0.

3. Middle class White people fled when the jobs started to dry up, taking their excellent tax BASE WITH THEM, leaving behind scores of unemployed Blacks AND WHITES who had depended on them and their managers for jobs. and a depleted tax base. Some suburban Whites commuted rather than live in a city they knew would decay without the lifeblood provided by a vibrant tax base. Whites 3 Black 0.... ADD it up...who is at fault?
Then poor blacks have kids they can't afford. Who's fault is that? Then they don't teach their kids how to speak or do good in school.

If I were black I wouldn't live in an all black city.
Thats natures fault. Why do poor white people have kids they cant afford?

I would love living in an all Black city. It would remind me of my trips to Africa and the Caribbean Islands.
Because no one taught them right from wrong.
Who told you it was wrong to have kids?
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