The War against Women Continues

well I don't have any idea what you're agreeing with me on since the statement was made up by you! so you agree with yourself. Oh, and again, why are people put on life support?
You rarely have a strong grasp on what youre saying so I am not surprised you are lost and confused again.
so your interpretation of a post is much like what you post, more stupid. I see you still haven't answered the questions that were sent to you so we still have:

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I dont answer irrelevant questions from people caught in lies. I know they are just deflections. I already told you I am way smarter than you are and I'm about 10 moves ahead of you. Any deflection you use to try and disquise your stupidity wil be ignored. Thats why its so much fun making you look like a clown. Its just a bonus when you lie and get caught. You would be better off just admitting you didnt know what you were talking about.
I know you don't answer questions and you lie to set up the avoidance of it, but it is a shame when you do get caught like this one, so whatever, I knew you were a useless tool on a board.
But youre the only person to get busted lying on the thread not just once but twice.
good thing I'm not then.
And.....they also support adoption...right? Teach your kids about sex...if they don't then they have to deal with the consequences.....having a baby and giving it up for adoption or raising it.......right?
I really don't understand the mindset of the pro-abortion crowd. Unless we agree with them to abort our children, there must be something wrong with us. There's nothing wrong with being pro-life. Yet they insist we be pro-abortion.
A person in a coma that is taken off life support is NOTHING like killing babies via abortion.
So why did JC use it in comparison?

I thought you used it in comparison? :eusa_doh:
well see to be exact, pepe thought a newly conceived baby can live on its own without support. So I compared that to someone in a coma needing support. then old pepe brought up life support and the delusional killing comments and all, just so we're all playing from the same sandbox.
Where did anyone say they thought a newly conceived baby could live on their own? Do you have a quote? You dont have to lie to kick it JC. All you have to do is provide something intelligent to the thread. If you cant do that then maybe this one is above your head?
I speak the truth and no I am not going to go back and repost it for you again and again and again cause that's what you want.
You never speak the truth after I bust you saying something stupid. You just lie and say you didnt say it. Of course I want you to prove someone said what you claimed. I never trust you if I didnt see it said because I know you lie to deflect attention from your many stupid comments proving your lack of education.
hey pepeeeee, tell everyone again how you make shit up.
Thousands protest in Warsaw against proposed abortion ban

Unreal that this should be happening in a civilised country.
Funny how the OP is never concerned about what Islam does to women.
That isn't the topic. We're supposed to be superior to them, remember?

The "war" isn't against women, the war is against the Unborn, slumbering in the womb.

The war is against women being able to elect pregnancy termination.

Not your decision, not my decision. It's the woman's decision. It her body. Now when technology improves and we can put fetuses in incubators women can still elect to no longer be pregnant and no fetal life will be lost.

IF it was men who get pregnant this technology would already exist.

"Now when technology improves and we can put fetuses in incubators women can still elect to no longer be pregnant and no fetal life will be lost."

Okay so let's wait for that day.

If a woman gets drunk and/or no contraception is used and she becomes pregnant and has an abortion, that IS murder, she is consciously destroying a living thing.

If the same woman took the life of a BORN child, she'd be arrested for murder, but taking the life of an UNBORN child is it's murder.

Abortion should not be used as a means of contraception.

But doing so cannot be stopped. Any pregnant woman can self-abort if she is determined to do so.
Abstinence is an absurd concept. You might as well try and turn back the tides with harsh words.

There is a raft of unhealthy attitudes to sex on here combined with a fundamentalist need to control women.(not just christian)

I'm not preaching abstinance. I'm talking about responsibility. I'm not even sayin no sex before marriage; just be prepared to deal with the consequences of your actions.
Ok now I see why you have that frame of mind.

Because he's as batshit as you.
Funny how the OP is never concerned about what Islam does to women.
That isn't the topic. We're supposed to be superior to them, remember?

The "war" isn't against women, the war is against the Unborn, slumbering in the womb.

The war is against women being able to elect pregnancy termination.

Not your decision, not my decision. It's the woman's decision. It her body. Now when technology improves and we can put fetuses in incubators women can still elect to no longer be pregnant and no fetal life will be lost.

IF it was men who get pregnant this technology would already exist.

"Now when technology improves and we can put fetuses in incubators women can still elect to no longer be pregnant and no fetal life will be lost."

Okay so let's wait for that day.

If a woman gets drunk and/or no contraception is used and she becomes pregnant and has an abortion, that IS murder, she is consciously destroying a living thing.

If the same woman took the life of a BORN child, she'd be arrested for murder, but taking the life of an UNBORN child is it's murder.

Abortion should not be used as a means of contraception.

But doing so cannot be stopped. Any pregnant woman can self-abort if she is determined to do so.

Hopefully not involving coat hangers.
I suspect that it would not be all that hard to get an RU486 pill through the Internet.

No it wouldn't, but if it was through the Internet, well there are instances where medications aren't completely legitimate and are spliced with all sorts of crap....the pill might look legitimate, but unless you had it analysed by a laboratory, who knows what crap could be in it that shouldn't be.
How hard would it be to get it from a pharmacy...say, in Canada, Taiwan, Korea, India, Hong Kong, or Europe?

I don't know, I've never got one, so I had to look it up for Europa.

It's Mifepristone, it's not available in all nations without it being prescribed, so you need the prescription in many nations to get it from a pharmacy.
If men had babies there wouldnt even be a conversation.
That is a stupid thing to say, also, you are very unoriginal because this has been said before, by other people who are also stupid.

"by other people who are also stupid."

Like Gloria Steinem for example, Militant Feminist.

The Gloria Steinem who exposed FGM to public view in 1979? That Gloria Steinem?

She still a mixed-up man hater ogo :smoke:
If men had babies there wouldnt even be a conversation.
That is a stupid thing to say, also, you are very unoriginal because this has been said before, by other people who are also stupid.

"by other people who are also stupid."

Like Gloria Steinem for example, Militant Feminist.

The Gloria Steinem who exposed FGM to public view in 1979? That Gloria Steinem?

She still a mixed-up man hater ogo :smoke:

Oh snap out of it. You're not that bad. :smiliehug:

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