The war horse continues; Trump now sending Troops to Somalia Seven countries in 5 yrs

I disagree...I think he has acquiesced to the deep state.

yeah i think you are right.I think he is the same as carter who was our last good president we had,at first in the beginning carter had god intentions of doing good things but once got in and found out the president doesnt run the country as we have been taught in school to believe,that it is actually the deep state,he gave in to them.Carter was the only other president other than JFK to try and do the right thing.Like JFK,he ALSO tried to get rid of the CIA but started too late,his last year in office so he did not have the time to implement the plans. I think Trump saw that he could not fight them as he was hoping to and has now given in to them and is willing to be their puppet as well same as carter eventually did.
The same can be said for Obama. Now, do I think he is a repugnant Communist who deserves to be thrown off a tall roof? Y-E-S
However, I do believe he was well intentioned during his initial campaign.
This is the thing L.A., everybody, and I mean everybody gets that talk. It takes a bit for some of them but usually within those first 100 days it sinks in real deep..."This is YOUR shit right here" "This is the REAL shit right here" "This is what we might be able to work with you on IF you want to be re-elected" "This is what you will be working on if you want to retire outside of a casket"

Dude dont even think about putting gayboy Obama in the same breath as carter.all you got to do is look at his past before he became president,the guy was evil and corrupt as hell.WHY do you think he resides in CHICAGO the king city of crime and mobsters?:haha:

you havent done your homework on him very
Well...I am not old enough to remember Carter. So he is my best example.
a lot of sheep have been brainwashed over the years that reagan was such a great president and that carter was the worst ever and that is because the CIA media has brainwashed americans about reagan leaving out the facts he got us on the path of destruction of america that he actually betrayed americans and the economy was horrible under him where it was actually good under carter,each president since reagan has expanded on what he got started and brainwashing americans carter was the worst ever because he was the last president we had that tried to do the right then same as JFK,to get rid of the CIA,that was why same as kennedy,he only served in office for one term cause he also tried to do the right thing,the good ones never serve more than one term.

Another mentally ill progtard.
yeah i think you are right.I think he is the same as carter who was our last good president we had,at first in the beginning carter had god intentions of doing good things but once got in and found out the president doesnt run the country as we have been taught in school to believe,that it is actually the deep state,he gave in to them.Carter was the only other president other than JFK to try and do the right thing.Like JFK,he ALSO tried to get rid of the CIA but started too late,his last year in office so he did not have the time to implement the plans. I think Trump saw that he could not fight them as he was hoping to and has now given in to them and is willing to be their puppet as well same as carter eventually did.
The same can be said for Obama. Now, do I think he is a repugnant Communist who deserves to be thrown off a tall roof? Y-E-S
However, I do believe he was well intentioned during his initial campaign.
This is the thing L.A., everybody, and I mean everybody gets that talk. It takes a bit for some of them but usually within those first 100 days it sinks in real deep..."This is YOUR shit right here" "This is the REAL shit right here" "This is what we might be able to work with you on IF you want to be re-elected" "This is what you will be working on if you want to retire outside of a casket"

Dude dont even think about putting gayboy Obama in the same breath as carter.all you got to do is look at his past before he became president,the guy was evil and corrupt as hell.WHY do you think he resides in CHICAGO the king city of crime and mobsters?:haha:

you havent done your homework on him very
Well...I am not old enough to remember Carter. So he is my best example.
a lot of sheep have been brainwashed over the years that reagan was such a great president and that carter was the worst ever and that is because the CIA media has brainwashed americans about reagan leaving out the facts he got us on the path of destruction of america that he actually betrayed americans and the economy was horrible under him where it was actually good under carter,each president since reagan has expanded on what he got started and brainwashing americans carter was the worst ever because he was the last president we had that tried to do the right then same as JFK,to get rid of the CIA,that was why same as kennedy,he only served in office for one term cause he also tried to do the right thing,the good ones never serve more than one term.

Another mentally ill progtard.
Non sequitur here, but I love the brutality of your posts. You strike me as the type of girl who loves a good, non-filter Camel.
yeah i think you are right.I think he is the same as carter who was our last good president we had,at first in the beginning carter had god intentions of doing good things but once got in and found out the president doesnt run the country as we have been taught in school to believe,that it is actually the deep state,he gave in to them.Carter was the only other president other than JFK to try and do the right thing.Like JFK,he ALSO tried to get rid of the CIA but started too late,his last year in office so he did not have the time to implement the plans. I think Trump saw that he could not fight them as he was hoping to and has now given in to them and is willing to be their puppet as well same as carter eventually did.
The same can be said for Obama. Now, do I think he is a repugnant Communist who deserves to be thrown off a tall roof? Y-E-S
However, I do believe he was well intentioned during his initial campaign.
This is the thing L.A., everybody, and I mean everybody gets that talk. It takes a bit for some of them but usually within those first 100 days it sinks in real deep..."This is YOUR shit right here" "This is the REAL shit right here" "This is what we might be able to work with you on IF you want to be re-elected" "This is what you will be working on if you want to retire outside of a casket"

Dude dont even think about putting gayboy Obama in the same breath as carter.all you got to do is look at his past before he became president,the guy was evil and corrupt as hell.WHY do you think he resides in CHICAGO the king city of crime and mobsters?:haha:

you havent done your homework on him very
Well...I am not old enough to remember Carter. So he is my best example.
a lot of sheep have been brainwashed over the years that reagan was such a great president and that carter was the worst ever and that is because the CIA media has brainwashed americans about reagan leaving out the facts he got us on the path of destruction of america that he actually betrayed americans and the economy was horrible under him where it was actually good under carter,each president since reagan has expanded on what he got started and brainwashing americans carter was the worst ever because he was the last president we had that tried to do the right then same as JFK,to get rid of the CIA,that was why same as kennedy,he only served in office for one term cause he also tried to do the right thing,the good ones never serve more than one term.

Another mentally ill progtard.

typical troll post,when you cant refute pesky facts you go into one liner insults and yet you complain about Jillian doing that to people.can you say HYPOCRITE.:rolleyes:
The same can be said for Obama. Now, do I think he is a repugnant Communist who deserves to be thrown off a tall roof? Y-E-S
However, I do believe he was well intentioned during his initial campaign.
This is the thing L.A., everybody, and I mean everybody gets that talk. It takes a bit for some of them but usually within those first 100 days it sinks in real deep..."This is YOUR shit right here" "This is the REAL shit right here" "This is what we might be able to work with you on IF you want to be re-elected" "This is what you will be working on if you want to retire outside of a casket"

Dude dont even think about putting gayboy Obama in the same breath as carter.all you got to do is look at his past before he became president,the guy was evil and corrupt as hell.WHY do you think he resides in CHICAGO the king city of crime and mobsters?:haha:

you havent done your homework on him very
Well...I am not old enough to remember Carter. So he is my best example.
a lot of sheep have been brainwashed over the years that reagan was such a great president and that carter was the worst ever and that is because the CIA media has brainwashed americans about reagan leaving out the facts he got us on the path of destruction of america that he actually betrayed americans and the economy was horrible under him where it was actually good under carter,each president since reagan has expanded on what he got started and brainwashing americans carter was the worst ever because he was the last president we had that tried to do the right then same as JFK,to get rid of the CIA,that was why same as kennedy,he only served in office for one term cause he also tried to do the right thing,the good ones never serve more than one term.

Another mentally ill progtard.

typical troll post,when you cant refute pesky facts you go into one liner insults and yet you complain about Jillian doing that to people.can you say HYPOCRITE.:rolleyes:

Hello sock.

And yes, you are mentally ill. So there's no point in spending much time or effort *refuting* your nonsense. Because it's nutzo.

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