The War Machine----Ours Is NOT Ready


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Our first and largest problem is we lack leadership in the oval office. There has been nothing even close to looking like bravery, honesty or courage come out of that office.

Our next problem is combat leadership. We have thrown out a huge percentage or forced retirement on many of our most highly trained combat leaders. THAT has always been a mistake and will always be on.

Our next problem is ALLOWING the demeaning and degrading of our troops. Here we have the most skilled most highly trained troops in the world and we prevent them from having firearms while on duty on base or anywhere.

Our next problem also comes from the oval office. Poorly if not deadly choice to attack. This "duck and run" shit with "do not engage" is crap. The order SHOULD be you engage and you kill ALL of them.

Our next problem is our VA care. A vet should have a card good for ANY pharmacy ANY hospital ANY clinic ANY mental health facility ANYWHERE in the United States. That IS what we OWE them.

Our next problem is "Traitors for Terrorists". Do I need to say more?

We have other problems like the replacement for the A-10 which SUCKS. Mine is just a short list. Feel free to add yours.


The USA has the most effective and best equipped military than the next dozen or so nations combined so the OP is yet another epic failure for baby huey.
The USA has the most effective and best equipped military than the next dozen or so nations combined so the OP is yet another epic failure for baby huey.

which is why the USA military is abusing their power starting wars with other countries that have done nothing to us and will always continue as long as we have this corrupt two party system of demopublicans and reprocrats,a one party system designed to look like two.
0bama and Kerry punking Israel out IS leadership. I don't expect the hasbara agents or the shabbos goys to agree with me.

Kerry: If Congress rejects Iran deal, world will blame Israel

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told the Council on Foreign Relations think tank on Friday that should Congress rejects the nuclear deal with Iran, Israel might find itself more isolated and "more blamed by the international community."

Also on Friday, Kerry said in an interview with NBC that it would be a "huge mistake" for Israel to take unilateral military action against Iran.


It goes without saying we will have the hasbara agents and shabbos goys nagging us 24/7/365.
Veteran Care, do you realize if we would stay out of needless wars we would not have disabled vets, and the US has the most powerful military , spread throughout the world, and spends a lot more on defense, like 4 times more than say Russia. That is why this deal with Iran is a

WIN WIN deal.
0bama and Kerry punking Israel out IS leadership. I don't expect the hasbara agents or the shabbos goys to agree with me.

Kerry: If Congress rejects Iran deal, world will blame Israel

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told the Council on Foreign Relations think tank on Friday that should Congress rejects the nuclear deal with Iran, Israel might find itself more isolated and "more blamed by the international community."

Also on Friday, Kerry said in an interview with NBC that it would be a "huge mistake" for Israel to take unilateral military action against Iran.

Kerry If Congress rejects Iran deal world will blame Israel - Diplomacy and Defense - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

It goes without saying we will have the hasbara agents and shabbos goys nagging us 24/7/365.

Makes me doubly glad Kerry lost to Bush.

He keeps proving he's an idiot
The USA has the most effective and best equipped military than the next dozen or so nations combined so the OP is yet another epic failure for baby huey.

which is why the USA military is abusing their power starting wars with other countries that have done nothing to us and will always continue as long as we have this corrupt two party system of demopublicans and reprocrats,a one party system designed to look like two.
Agreed, except it isn't the military starting the wars.
The USA has the most effective and best equipped military than the next dozen or so nations combined so the OP is yet another epic failure for baby huey.

which is why the USA military is abusing their power starting wars with other countries that have done nothing to us and will always continue as long as we have this corrupt two party system of demopublicans and reprocrats,a one party system designed to look like two.
Agreed, except it isn't the military starting the wars.

true,its our corrupt government starting them.
Veteran Care, do you realize if we would stay out of needless wars we would not have disabled vets, and the US has the most powerful military , spread throughout the world, and spends a lot more on defense, like 4 times more than say Russia. That is why this deal with Iran is a

WIN WIN deal.

I havent been following the Iran situation so update me on this,how is it a win win deal by chance? everything else i totally agree with.
The USA has the most effective and best equipped military than the next dozen or so nations combined so the OP is yet another epic failure for baby huey.
You been reading up on China? Maybe you should BEFORE you run your mouth.


How exactly is China a threat to the USA, baby huey?

How is China going to invade mainland USA?

Please give us your detailed war plans as to the logistics that China will employ to overpower American defenses and deploy millions of Chinese troops across the continental USA.

Use both sides of the paper.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told the Council on Foreign Relations think tank on Friday that should Congress rejects the nuclear deal with Iran, Israel might find itself more isolated and "more blamed by the international community."

I doubt they give a rat's ass about the opinions of the "international community" that left them to the Germans 80 years ago.

Also on Friday, Kerry said in an interview with NBC that it would be a "huge mistake" for Israel to take unilateral military action against Iran.

Mistake how?

What do you think would happen?
0bama and Kerry punking Israel out IS leadership. I don't expect the hasbara agents or the shabbos goys to agree with me.

Kerry: If Congress rejects Iran deal, world will blame Israel

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told the Council on Foreign Relations think tank on Friday that should Congress rejects the nuclear deal with Iran, Israel might find itself more isolated and "more blamed by the international community."

Also on Friday, Kerry said in an interview with NBC that it would be a "huge mistake" for Israel to take unilateral military action against Iran.

Kerry If Congress rejects Iran deal world will blame Israel - Diplomacy and Defense - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

It goes without saying we will have the hasbara agents and shabbos goys nagging us 24/7/365.
Veteran Care, do you realize if we would stay out of needless wars we would not have disabled vets, and the US has the most powerful military , spread throughout the world, and spends a lot more on defense, like 4 times more than say Russia. That is why this deal with Iran is a

WIN WIN deal.

I havent been following the Iran situation so update me on this,how is it a win win deal by chance? everything else i totally agree with.

Why because if we didn't make a deal and relieve the sanctions they would go ahead and build nuclear weapons, they wanted to do a deal in 03 (and quit their enriching) but Bush and Cheney said no, they wanted a coup. When you want to deal with people and they don't what does one do, create a reason for dealing with us. We have been straggling them for far too long and I admire their patience. With or without our blessing they can get a nuke, so its best to have a mutual contract and both abide by it, they wanted the sanctions lifted and that is the main problem that Israel and SA are upset. Alienation just leads to anger, fear and then war.

I do not want war, but seems like a lot of people do. If we go to war with Iran, Russia and China will get involved. The whole world, and Latin America is not real happy with us now, but they are friends with Iran.
The USA has the most effective and best equipped military than the next dozen or so nations combined so the OP is yet another epic failure for baby huey.

which is why the USA military is abusing their power starting wars with other countries that have done nothing to us and will always continue as long as we have this corrupt two party system of demopublicans and reprocrats,a one party system designed to look like two.
Agreed, except it isn't the military starting the wars.

true,its our corrupt government starting them.
The biggest baddest dog in the pack is always the target of aggressors. It has always been that way and always will be. Whether dogs or big horn sheep, gorilla's or elk, the top alpha always has to be on guard and those that don't select and deal with the potential contenders go out before their time. Only way to avoid combat is to back away and let someone else take control. Most of the time that is an automatic invitation for destruction. That means the only choice is to fight or die once the mantle of top alpha is taken.
The USA has the most effective and best equipped military than the next dozen or so nations combined so the OP is yet another epic failure for baby huey.
You been reading up on China? Maybe you should BEFORE you run your mouth.


How exactly is China a threat to the USA, baby huey?

How is China going to invade mainland USA?

Please give us your detailed war plans as to the logistics that China will employ to overpower American defenses and deploy millions of Chinese troops across the continental USA.

Use both sides of the paper.
China can ALMOST beat us without firing a shot.
1, American spends to much.
2, China refuses to loan us money.
3, Democrats break the economy giving away "free stuff".
4, Free stuff runs out and tempers rise.

America has gotten fat lazy and stupid under democrats and one just has to look at Greece to see the results of national debt to another nation.

Iran we would fight on the ground. China could destroy us by shuffling some paperwork around.
The USA has the most effective and best equipped military than the next dozen or so nations combined so the OP is yet another epic failure for baby huey.
You been reading up on China? Maybe you should BEFORE you run your mouth.


How exactly is China a threat to the USA, baby huey?

How is China going to invade mainland USA?

Please give us your detailed war plans as to the logistics that China will employ to overpower American defenses and deploy millions of Chinese troops across the continental USA.

Use both sides of the paper.
China can ALMOST beat us without firing a shot.
1, American spends to much.
2, China refuses to loan us money.
3, Democrats break the economy giving away "free stuff".
4, Free stuff runs out and tempers rise.

America has gotten fat lazy and stupid under democrats and one just has to look at Greece to see the results of national debt to another nation.

Iran we would fight on the ground. China could destroy us by shuffling some paperwork around.

In other words all you have is an extremist rightwing fantasy, baby huey.

Thanks for discrediting your own OP.
I encourage everyone to watch Humanity from Space and then tell me how we are go to keep on rebuilding everything we bomb and cities we destroy, everything takes energy, we will run out of coal and oil they say has maybe 50 years, maybe they are exaggerating , maybe not, but we are a wasteful people, and like it or not all we have is this earth. If we got attacked by aliens you can bet your your know what we'd be pooling our resources, the point is our natural resources are drying up and are not going to last too much longer unless we quit our materialistic, live for today, warrior ways.

Video Full Episode Watch Humanity from Space Online PBS Video

Its on ON Demand.
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The USA has the most effective and best equipped military than the next dozen or so nations combined so the OP is yet another epic failure for baby huey.

which is why the USA military is abusing their power starting wars with other countries that have done nothing to us and will always continue as long as we have this corrupt two party system of demopublicans and reprocrats,a one party system designed to look like two.
Agreed, except it isn't the military starting the wars.

true,its our corrupt government starting them.
Mexico, Spain, Vietnam, Iraq...
Nothing's new.
The USA has the most effective and best equipped military than the next dozen or so nations combined so the OP is yet another epic failure for baby huey.
You been reading up on China? Maybe you should BEFORE you run your mouth.


How exactly is China a threat to the USA, baby huey?

How is China going to invade mainland USA?

Please give us your detailed war plans as to the logistics that China will employ to overpower American defenses and deploy millions of Chinese troops across the continental USA.

Use both sides of the paper.
China can ALMOST beat us without firing a shot.
1, American spends to much.
2, China refuses to loan us money.
3, Democrats break the economy giving away "free stuff".
4, Free stuff runs out and tempers rise.

America has gotten fat lazy and stupid under democrats and one just has to look at Greece to see the results of national debt to another nation.

Iran we would fight on the ground. China could destroy us by shuffling some paperwork around.
1. America spends to much so we stop buying crap from China and tell our friends to do the same. China goes broke, can't feed it's ant like masses. The ant like masses revolt and overpower the commies and beg America and it's friends for help.
2. China refuse to loan us money so we say fine, we will pay you back when we can afford it, maybe in a few years.
3. Democrats break economy, wait, Donald Trump says the economy does best under Democrats. Don't let Republicans get a hold on the economy.
4. Free stuff starts to runs out but before it does we tax the obscene rich and stock up like doomsday preppers.

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