The War Machine----Ours Is NOT Ready

The USA has the most effective and best equipped military than the next dozen or so nations combined so the OP is yet another epic failure for baby huey.
You been reading up on China? Maybe you should BEFORE you run your mouth.


How exactly is China a threat to the USA, baby huey?

How is China going to invade mainland USA?

Please give us your detailed war plans as to the logistics that China will employ to overpower American defenses and deploy millions of Chinese troops across the continental USA.

Use both sides of the paper.
China can ALMOST beat us without firing a shot.
1, American spends to much.
2, China refuses to loan us money.
3, Democrats break the economy giving away "free stuff".
4, Free stuff runs out and tempers rise.

America has gotten fat lazy and stupid under democrats and one just has to look at Greece to see the results of national debt to another nation.

Iran we would fight on the ground. China could destroy us by shuffling some paperwork around.

In other words all you have is an extremist rightwing fantasy, baby huey.

Thanks for discrediting your own OP.
Piss off clown trash.
Our next problem is our VA care. A vet should have a card good for ANY pharmacy ANY hospital ANY clinic ANY mental health facility ANYWHERE in the United States. That IS what we OWE them.

We do,, I have a card that allows me that ability if needed.....had it since last year...It's called veterans choice card...
Our next problem is our VA care. A vet should have a card good for ANY pharmacy ANY hospital ANY clinic ANY mental health facility ANYWHERE in the United States. That IS what we OWE them.

We do,, I have a card that allows me that ability if needed.....had it since last year...It's called veterans choice card...
Well don't just stand there. Tell the other vets where to go to get one!
The USA has the most effective and best equipped military than the next dozen or so nations combined so the OP is yet another epic failure for baby huey.
You been reading up on China? Maybe you should BEFORE you run your mouth.


How exactly is China a threat to the USA, baby huey?

How is China going to invade mainland USA?

Please give us your detailed war plans as to the logistics that China will employ to overpower American defenses and deploy millions of Chinese troops across the continental USA.

Use both sides of the paper.
China can ALMOST beat us without firing a shot.
1, American spends to much.
2, China refuses to loan us money.
3, Democrats break the economy giving away "free stuff".
4, Free stuff runs out and tempers rise.

America has gotten fat lazy and stupid under democrats and one just has to look at Greece to see the results of national debt to another nation.

Iran we would fight on the ground. China could destroy us by shuffling some paperwork around.

In other words all you have is an extremist rightwing fantasy, baby huey.

Thanks for discrediting your own OP.
Piss off clown trash.


Poor widdle baby huey is upset that he ruined his own pointless OP topic.
Traditionally, America didn't have a 'war machine' always at the ready. The original idea of the country and the government was exactly the opposite (hence the much-repeated 2a). Now, some want a sword rattling strong man in power and a military ready to invade anywhere, anytime.
Instead of being ashamed of illegal invasion and preëmptive war, certain elements want more.
And they accuse those who disagree of being unpatriotic, 'leftists' and other supposed epithets.
The Iraq disaster happened because the Bush league had an overwhelming military at its disposal and the overwhelming, unnecessary desire to use it for their indecent ends.
We are ill-served by this fascination with sheer power to destroy. Building is much better, and building friends much better than creating enemies.
You been reading up on China? Maybe you should BEFORE you run your mouth.


How exactly is China a threat to the USA, baby huey?

How is China going to invade mainland USA?

Please give us your detailed war plans as to the logistics that China will employ to overpower American defenses and deploy millions of Chinese troops across the continental USA.

Use both sides of the paper.
China can ALMOST beat us without firing a shot.
1, American spends to much.
2, China refuses to loan us money.
3, Democrats break the economy giving away "free stuff".
4, Free stuff runs out and tempers rise.

America has gotten fat lazy and stupid under democrats and one just has to look at Greece to see the results of national debt to another nation.

Iran we would fight on the ground. China could destroy us by shuffling some paperwork around.

In other words all you have is an extremist rightwing fantasy, baby huey.

Thanks for discrediting your own OP.
Piss off clown trash.


Poor widdle baby huey is upset that he ruined his own pointless OP topic.
Plenty of points in that OP are valid. Tired of clown trash.

How exactly is China a threat to the USA, baby huey?

How is China going to invade mainland USA?

Please give us your detailed war plans as to the logistics that China will employ to overpower American defenses and deploy millions of Chinese troops across the continental USA.

Use both sides of the paper.
China can ALMOST beat us without firing a shot.
1, American spends to much.
2, China refuses to loan us money.
3, Democrats break the economy giving away "free stuff".
4, Free stuff runs out and tempers rise.

America has gotten fat lazy and stupid under democrats and one just has to look at Greece to see the results of national debt to another nation.

Iran we would fight on the ground. China could destroy us by shuffling some paperwork around.

In other words all you have is an extremist rightwing fantasy, baby huey.

Thanks for discrediting your own OP.
Piss off clown trash.


Poor widdle baby huey is upset that he ruined his own pointless OP topic.
Plenty of points in that OP are valid. Tired of clown trash.

You were given ample opportunity to prove the premise of your OP topic and you failed utterly and then threw a hissyfit, baby huey.
Our next problem is "Traitors for Terrorists". Do I need to say more?

Begdahl was not convicted of desertion...
Our next problem is our VA care. A vet should have a card good for ANY pharmacy ANY hospital ANY clinic ANY mental health facility ANYWHERE in the United States. That IS what we OWE them.

We do,, I have a card that allows me that ability if needed.....had it since last year...It's called veterans choice card...
Well don't just stand there. Tell the other vets where to go to get one!
The VA sends them out...I never ask for one they just send me two of them....a temporary and a permanent one....Call the Va they will send you one...
We have other problems like the replacement for the A-10 which SUCKS. Mine is just a short list. Feel free to add yours.

The DOD and the Pentagon make those decisions, not the president...
The problem lies in the idea to kill a fly you use a sledge hammer..The terrorist do not play stand and fight, they play guerrilla type warfare...which a large standing army of occupation will have little effect upon..As has been found special ops and drone strikes work better with infiltration of the enemy with intelligence sources......
Our next problem is ALLOWING the demeaning and degrading of our troops. Here we have the most skilled most highly trained troops in the world and we prevent them from having firearms while on duty on base or anywhere.

Thew DOD and the Pentagon thinks it is a bad idea..Two of those vets killed at the recruiting station were armed and did fire back, but to no effect...
The reason why Oblama and the military will not give the terrorist what they want, recognition....Is to not validate their existence, yet operations and training of coalition troops goes on...The general in charge has also put in US air traffic controllers to help coordinate attacks with Iraqi troops...Turkey did it first airstrike today...on ISIS locations...
0bama and Kerry punking Israel out IS leadership. I don't expect the hasbara agents or the shabbos goys to agree with me.

Kerry: If Congress rejects Iran deal, world will blame Israel

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told the Council on Foreign Relations think tank on Friday that should Congress rejects the nuclear deal with Iran, Israel might find itself more isolated and "more blamed by the international community."

Also on Friday, Kerry said in an interview with NBC that it would be a "huge mistake" for Israel to take unilateral military action against Iran.

Kerry If Congress rejects Iran deal world will blame Israel - Diplomacy and Defense - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

It goes without saying we will have the hasbara agents and shabbos goys nagging us 24/7/365.

The image of whats his name is true and correct. That boneheads been whining about Iran nukes being right around the corner for the last fifteen years or so.
The F-35 lacks a working oxygen system, so all of our F-35's should be sold to Israel.

Since all they are going to use them for is murdering helpless, innocent, Palestinian women and children, they don't need to fly higher than 10,000 feet to do that.​

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