The War On Marriage

I've seen no study that proves that possession of a Vagina increases your I.Q.

I believe it does increase common-sense much as possession of a penis decreases common-sense.

The birth control argument is intended to produce an emotional response from women, not a rational response, in effect leading women unknowingly by the nose to vote with anger against a false image represented by fat, balding, white Republicans.

34 years of marriage has taught me a lot about women but never admit to this outloud to the one I'm living with.

I've been married 31 years and still don't know shit about women

Putting your obvious patronizing aside I guess you never learned to pay attention to them.

I think not paying attention to them is how I survived 31 years
Talk to KG about birth control, some people really do have a war with birth control.

Thank god I recognize her opinions arent that of the GOP as a whole.

1)The Dems seem to have purposely taken a position that marginalizes the Catholic Church.

2) The fight over BC is Liberals trying to demonize people for their religious beliefs.

3) Why don't we make a law that everyone must eat pork and the government has to pay for it?

I'm up for some governmentally funded pork-chops.

1) I wouldn't trust the church to run a day care, so why on earth would I trust them with power in a secular government?

2) Yeah liberals are the one's doing the demonising... Do you know how many times I've seen religious fanatics calling a young woman a "slut" and a "whore" for using contraception?

3) No one is forcing anyone to use contraception.

No, I don't. And as I've been to many different churches thoughout the years, I'm betting it's very very few. Even my catholic friends have no problems with birth control.
Talk to KG about birth control, some people really do have a war with birth control.

Thank god I recognize her opinions arent that of the GOP as a whole.

The Dems seem to have purposely taken a position that marginalizes the Catholic Church.

The fight over BC is Liberals trying to demonize people for their religious beliefs.

Why don't we make a law that everyone must eat pork and the government has to pay for it?

I'm up for some governmentally funded pork-chops.

actually, the government already subsidizes pork, and just about everything else agricultural.

The Catholic Church's position is extreme, as 96% of Catholic women of child bearing years practice some kind of birth control. The Church was seeking to impose its view on birth control on their employees, even the ones who weren't Catholic.

No, they were simply refusing to pay for it based on their religious beliefs. Refusing to pay for something is not forcing it on you. Perhaps you'd like it if the Catholic church only hired Catholics, would that make you feel better?

The problem here is you don't understand the Constitution.

The threat isn't from crazy Christians running roughshod over your rights. It comes from secular agnostics trying to force Christians to adhere to their morals and their ideology. And nobody is being forced to use contraception, just forced to pay for it.

Oh, and those religious fanatics are just as much a pain in the ass to normal Christians.

But if you want to take it to the extreme, let's go there.

Let's say you are in a hospital, and they need to perform a blood transfusion to save your life. But they just checked your insurance policy, found out that your employer was a Jehovah's Witness, and they don't believe in Blood Transfusions.

Or your Employer is a Christian Scientist, and doesn't believe in medical technology at all.

Frankly, I don't believe I should die because my employer is a religious asshole. Nor should I be denied any medical treatment that my doctor and I have agreed is the best course of action.

If you aren't going to go single payer, then you have to set a standard of care.

I don't remember anyone dying from not having birth control. Would you mind posting an example? And if your employer doesn't believe in medical technology then you should get yourself another job or get your own health insurance.

The problem here is you don't understand the Constitution.

The threat isn't from crazy Christians running roughshod over your rights. It comes from secular agnostics trying to force Christians to adhere to their morals and their ideology. And nobody is being forced to use contraception, just forced to pay for it.

Oh, and those religious fanatics are just as much a pain in the ass to normal Christians.

But if you want to take it to the extreme, let's go there.

Let's say you are in a hospital, and they need to perform a blood transfusion to save your life. But they just checked your insurance policy, found out that your employer was a Jehovah's Witness, and they don't believe in Blood Transfusions.

Or your Employer is a Christian Scientist, and doesn't believe in medical technology at all.

Frankly, I don't believe I should die because my employer is a religious asshole. Nor should I be denied any medical treatment that my doctor and I have agreed is the best course of action.

If you aren't going to go single payer, then you have to set a standard of care.

I don't remember anyone dying from not having birth control. Would you mind posting an example? And if your employer doesn't believe in medical technology then you should get yourself another job or get your own health insurance.

Did you hear Sandra Flukes testimony?
Glad to see a thread about marriage has devolved into how stupid women are, least I forget and start thinking I'm equal to those who carry a penis.

This thread is about you being a baby factory to be fufilled
Seems to me that the people that are making war on marriage are married people;

Information on Divorce Rate and Statistics

And I have observed more conservatives commenting about people having more children than they can support than liberals.

Yep, the rw's want people to just keep cranking out those kids. But, once they're here, let 'em starve in the streets for all the rw's care.

The "war on marriage" doesn't exist. But the War on Basic Human Rights is alive and well - thanks to screwballs who thump their bibles and peek in our windows.

Get government out of our bedrooms.
But if you want to take it to the extreme, let's go there.

Let's say you are in a hospital, and they need to perform a blood transfusion to save your life. But they just checked your insurance policy, found out that your employer was a Jehovah's Witness, and they don't believe in Blood Transfusions.

Or your Employer is a Christian Scientist, and doesn't believe in medical technology at all.

Frankly, I don't believe I should die because my employer is a religious asshole. Nor should I be denied any medical treatment that my doctor and I have agreed is the best course of action.

If you aren't going to go single payer, then you have to set a standard of care.

I don't remember anyone dying from not having birth control. Would you mind posting an example? And if your employer doesn't believe in medical technology then you should get yourself another job or get your own health insurance.

Did you hear Sandra Flukes testimony?

No, did she die from not having birth control? How come she didn't go to planned parenthood?
Gay marriage affects no one and it nothing in The Constitution can be used to ban it as it reads now.
Amazing that anyone would support a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage.
Take a document founded in protecting rights of the individual and limit government and turn it upside on it's head and ban a certain group of people from doing something other groups of people are legally doing.
Ban gay marriage gives more power to government and for the first time ever takes rights away from citizens.
All for something that affects no one.
Only in America.

How can they take a right away that you never had?

And anyone who has studied law understands "Slippery-Slopes".

Once you change the law to accommodate one group another group is sure to demand their rights be accommodated.

So under your theory when The Constitution was passed in this great country where there were rural areas where it took months for that news to get to since those folks never had those rights they should continue NOT to have those rights. They never had those rights when the Constitution was passed and since they never had those rights because the news got to them 4 months later they should never have them.
Flawed logic and even you know it is.
Anyone that has studied the law knows that banning gay marriage would be the first time The United States Constitution, a document that is dedicated to the preservation of our inalienable rights, would tell a certain group of people, gay folk, what they CAN NOT do, rather than tell THE GOVERNMENT what it can not do which is what the Constitution WAS WRITTEN TO DO.
That is what anyone that has studied Constitutional Law will KNOW. No one has to tell them that. Ted Olson, REPUBLICAN CONSERVATIVE LAWYER calls you out on your "slippery slope" myth. True conservatives like him and Barry Goldwater KNOW that is false and support gay marriage.
But I respect your opinion and we know where you stand.
You do not care about tax reform, balancing the budget, ending pork barrell politics, immigration reform, controlled spending, ending the wars, smaller government and les taxes. What we need is a Constitutional Amendment to ban two gay people that happen to be in a committed relationship and love each other from marrying each other.
Banning gay marriage is your solution to all of our problems.
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I don't remember anyone dying from not having birth control. Would you mind posting an example? And if your employer doesn't believe in medical technology then you should get yourself another job or get your own health insurance.

Did you hear Sandra Flukes testimony?

No, did she die from not having birth control? How come she didn't go to planned parenthood?

PolitiFact | In Context: Sandra Fluke on contraceptives and women's health
Did you hear Sandra Flukes testimony?

No, did she die from not having birth control? How come she didn't go to planned parenthood?

PolitiFact | In Context: Sandra Fluke on contraceptives and women's health

So, the answer is no.

No one has died from not having birth control. It is available and all planned parenthood clinics on an as needed and means tested basis. Most public health clinics also offer it free. Walmart will give you a 3 month's subscription for $10.00. So will Target, no means testing required, only a prescription.

Her friend was an idiot. She could have gone to any of the above to get her birth control pills.
Seems to me that the people that are making war on marriage are married people;

Information on Divorce Rate and Statistics

And I have observed more conservatives commenting about people having more children than they can support than liberals.

Yep, the rw's want people to just keep cranking out those kids. But, once they're here, let 'em starve in the streets for all the rw's care.

The "war on marriage" doesn't exist. But the War on Basic Human Rights is alive and well - thanks to screwballs who thump their bibles and peek in our windows.

Get government out of our bedrooms.

Yep, the rw's want people to just keep cranking out those kids. But, once they're here, let 'em starve in the streets for all the rw's care.

Woah! I am pretty certain my tax money pays for people who are not rightwingers but who have babies without the resources or Daddy in place.

I don't care how many children anyone has or does not have. Just be able to pay for all your own choices in life grown up.
No, did she die from not having birth control? How come she didn't go to planned parenthood?

PolitiFact | In Context: Sandra Fluke on contraceptives and women's health

So, the answer is no.

No one has died from not having birth control. It is available and all planned parenthood clinics on an as needed and means tested basis. Most public health clinics also offer it free. Walmart will give you a 3 month's subscription for $10.00. So will Target, no means testing required, only a prescription.

Her friend was an idiot. She could have gone to any of the above to get her birth control pills.

The answer is, it's a hell of a lot more complicated than the right likes to pretend it is.

I think women weren't the least bit confused when Limbaugh called them "Sluts" and Akin started talking about "Legitimate Rape".

Now you resort to hyperbole.

Rush said any woman who wants to be paid for sex is a slut. He was talking about one particular woman. The way he said it I don't agree with.

I won't defend that Bucket-head Akin's statement. He doesn't speak for me.

His statement implied all women who use birth control and think it should be covered as part of their medical plans were "sluts". ANd that's exactly how they took it.

As for Akin, the problem is, he openly says what the GOP's policy on rape is. Just because Ryan used the term "Forcible" rape instead of "Legitimate" rape, doesn't make it any better.

No, they were simply refusing to pay for it based on their religious beliefs. Refusing to pay for something is not forcing it on you. Perhaps you'd like it if the Catholic church only hired Catholics, would that make you feel better?

I think it would entirely depend on what part of the business.

Working in Church Offices? Maybe. Working in Hospitals owned by the Church, not really.

It should be pointed out that the Churches weren't paying for anything. Those employees WORKED for those benefits as part of their employment contract.
1)The problem here is you don't understand the Constitution.

The threat isn't from crazy Christians running roughshod over your rights. It comes from secular agnostics trying to force Christians to adhere to their morals and their ideology. And nobody is being forced to use contraception, just forced to pay for it.

2)Oh, and those religious fanatics are just as much a pain in the ass to normal Christians.

1)"Congres shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or preventing the free exercise thereof..."

What makes the Catholic Church so special in this arrangement that the founders have set up? It seems to me some view anything less than the establishment of their church in government as persecution. The point of a secular government is to ensure everyone has the right to worship or not worship according to their conscience. No one is forcing you to use contraception, no one is forcing you to respect the relationships of homosexuals. Your right to do as you please goes very far in America because we are a secular state. The only thing we are denying you the right to do is to make impositions on others.

2) I would sympathise with you if I didn't believe you were part of the problem.

Quit editing my quotes.

I added numbers to organise the points get over yourself and quit whining. Maybe you can deal with the substance of the post instead of dodging it...
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Yep, the rw's want people to just keep cranking out those kids. But, once they're here, let 'em starve in the streets for all the rw's care...

You mean for all YOU care. You're the only one here who has said stupid shit like that.

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