The War on Women Continues

Can anyone pro abortion explain why a man cannot relinquish his rights and responsibilities as a father, say first trimester, yet a woman can reject her rights and responsibilities with an abortion? Sounds like an attack on men's rights to me. Why the inconsistency?
It seems the women voters said enough on Nov 6th and the war on women has seen a counter attack on the Republican Party and it Pols.

The attacks on women who speak out against sexual battery has created a grass roots movement which remains a growing force as can be seen by the results of democracy in action.

Already a counter force has spoken out claiming the massive number of women who ran for office, and won, did so by fake voting. It seems the R's and its cadre of misogynists can't learn from experience - no surprise there.
Missouri Senate passes new restrictions on abortion in late-night vote

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant."
I don't really understand this, but Josh Hawley is a tool.

The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant.

Opponents of the law say it infringes on the religious rights of pregnancy resource centers, which are faith-based, anti-abortion organizations that provide free services to women who want to carry their pregnancies to term. But critics say pregnancy resource centers often pose as medical clinics while providing inaccurate information designed to scare women away from having an abortion.

Read more here: Missouri Senate passes new restrictions on abortion in late-night vote
It seems the women voters said enough on Nov 6th and the war on women has seen a counter attack on the Republican Party and it Pols.

The attacks on women who speak out against sexual battery has created a grass roots movement which remains a growing force as can be seen by the results of democracy in action.

Already a counter force has spoken out claiming the massive number of women who ran for office, and won, did so by fake voting. It seems the R's and its cadre of misogynists can't learn from experience - no surprise there.
so you think women are smarter than men? I thought we were all equal, right? they have more ideas? why don't they ever share their ideas. I've been waiting. give me an example of a woman's idea on how to solve healthcare.
It seems the women voters said enough on Nov 6th and the war on women has seen a counter attack on the Republican Party and it Pols.

The attacks on women who speak out against sexual battery has created a grass roots movement which remains a growing force as can be seen by the results of democracy in action.

Already a counter force has spoken out claiming the massive number of women who ran for office, and won, did so by fake voting. It seems the R's and its cadre of misogynists can't learn from experience - no surprise there.
so you think women are smarter than men? I thought we were all equal, right? they have more ideas? why don't they ever share their ideas. I've been waiting. give me an example of a woman's idea on how to solve healthcare.
we may need to get stuck on an asteroid in science future times.
It seems the women voters said enough on Nov 6th and the war on women has seen a counter attack on the Republican Party and it Pols.

The attacks on women who speak out against sexual battery has created a grass roots movement which remains a growing force as can be seen by the results of democracy in action.

Already a counter force has spoken out claiming the massive number of women who ran for office, and won, did so by fake voting. It seems the R's and its cadre of misogynists can't learn from experience - no surprise there.

so you think women are smarter than men? I thought we were all equal, right? they have more ideas? why don't they ever share their ideas. I've been waiting. give me an example of a woman's idea on how to solve healthcare.

LIAR: I do not believe women are smarter than men.

We are (or should be) equal before the law.

I don't speak for women. Nor can you.
If you do not want to be treated equally, there is something seriously wrong with you....
It seems the women voters said enough on Nov 6th and the war on women has seen a counter attack on the Republican Party and it Pols.

The attacks on women who speak out against sexual battery has created a grass roots movement which remains a growing force as can be seen by the results of democracy in action.

Already a counter force has spoken out claiming the massive number of women who ran for office, and won, did so by fake voting. It seems the R's and its cadre of misogynists can't learn from experience - no surprise there.

so you think women are smarter than men? I thought we were all equal, right? they have more ideas? why don't they ever share their ideas. I've been waiting. give me an example of a woman's idea on how to solve healthcare.

LIAR: I do not believe women are smarter than men.

We are (or should be) equal before the law.

I don't speak for women. Nor can you.
you don't think you are? how you figure? give me an example.

BTW, I only speak for me. as you can only speak for you. again, what is it you believe you don't have equally?
It seems the women voters said enough on Nov 6th and the war on women has seen a counter attack on the Republican Party and it Pols.

The attacks on women who speak out against sexual battery has created a grass roots movement which remains a growing force as can be seen by the results of democracy in action.

Already a counter force has spoken out claiming the massive number of women who ran for office, and won, did so by fake voting. It seems the R's and its cadre of misogynists can't learn from experience - no surprise there.
Acosta is a front line soldier in that war huh? CNN is the base he is stationed at.

But somehow you will tell me my hyperbole is different than yours right?
It seems the women voters said enough on Nov 6th and the war on women has seen a counter attack on the Republican Party and it Pols.

The attacks on women who speak out against sexual battery has created a grass roots movement which remains a growing force as can be seen by the results of democracy in action.

Already a counter force has spoken out claiming the massive number of women who ran for office, and won, did so by fake voting. It seems the R's and its cadre of misogynists can't learn from experience - no surprise there.
Acosta is a front line soldier in that war huh? CNN is the base he is stationed at.

But somehow you will tell me my hyperbole is different than yours right?
she argues that women are not allowed to think for themselves, that somehow they are all one. then says she doesn't speak for all women. how the fk is that so? Missouri Republicans now think that employers can now and should be able to discriminate against women who have had an abortion....are pregnant...or use birth control?

What century are those Republicans living in? Missouri Republicans now think that employers can now and should be able to discriminate against women who have had an abortion....are pregnant...or use birth control?

What century are those Republicans living in?
what the fk are you spewing?
From the OP

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant."
Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The Bill of Rights: Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

So as you can see progressives, our supreme court fucked-up because it was politicized. You justify your positions because "it's not a human being it's a fetus". Oh sure, it MAGICALLY becomes a human the instant the umbilical cord is cut. These are the same people who laugh at others who suggest the Earth is flat.
It seems the women voters said enough on Nov 6th and the war on women has seen a counter attack on the Republican Party and it Pols.

The attacks on women who speak out against sexual battery has created a grass roots movement which remains a growing force as can be seen by the results of democracy in action.

Already a counter force has spoken out claiming the massive number of women who ran for office, and won, did so by fake voting. It seems the R's and its cadre of misogynists can't learn from experience - no surprise there.

Acosta is a front line soldier in that war huh? CNN is the base he is stationed at.

But somehow you will tell me my hyperbole is different than yours right?

Apples and Antelopes ^^^

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