The War on Women Continues

Missouri Senate passes new restrictions on abortion in late-night vote

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant."

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant"

Um, how would they know this info?

"The ruling halted a state law requiring hospital admitting privileges for doctors who perform abortions and mandating that clinics that provide abortions meet the same standards as outpatient surgical centers."

Um, how exactly is this a bad thing?

a. It does not allow for the firing of men who use rubbers or have had a vasectomy.

b. What's good about it?
Missouri Senate passes new restrictions on abortion in late-night vote

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant."

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant"

Um, how would they know this info?

"The ruling halted a state law requiring hospital admitting privileges for doctors who perform abortions and mandating that clinics that provide abortions meet the same standards as outpatient surgical centers."

Um, how exactly is this a bad thing?

a. It does not allow for the firing of men who use rubbers or have had a vasectomy.

b. What's good about it?

Meaning of course you don't shit, it's just Leftwing kneejerk emotional response. I'll ask you again, HOW would any "prospective" employer or landlord know whether or not someone has had an abortion?

So making sure treatment is above standard is a bad thing. You aren't nearly as bright as you think you.
Missouri Senate passes new restrictions on abortion in late-night vote

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant."

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant"

Um, how would they know this info?

"The ruling halted a state law requiring hospital admitting privileges for doctors who perform abortions and mandating that clinics that provide abortions meet the same standards as outpatient surgical centers."

Um, how exactly is this a bad thing?

a. It does not allow for the firing of men who use rubbers or have had a vasectomy.

b. What's good about it?

Meaning of course you don't shit, it's just Leftwing kneejerk emotional response. I'll ask you again, HOW would any "prospective" employer or landlord know whether or not someone has had an abortion?

So making sure treatment is above standard is a bad thing. You aren't nearly as bright as you think you.

If pregnant they can be fired, the employer simply looks; if the women has sick leave, they can require a Dr's note for the reason sick leave was used. Any employer who offers sick leave can have policies which require a note from a doctor.

BTW, you first paragraph does provide some substance, it proves your are not very bright, a bigot and an asshole
Sounds like the good people of Missouri have curtailed the Liberal asshole war on children by making it more difficult for a mother to kill her child.

Good for them.
The dirty little secret is that men benefit the most from abortions. In the stroke of a scalpel their responsibilities disappear while women are left to suffer with mental problems something like PTSD and physical problems that liberal men never talk about. If you want to talk about the war on women you can ask yourself why in the world would the federal government try to force young girls to share a shower and a locker room with confused boys and why in the world would democrats threaten sanctions against an entire state because they refuse to allow confused men to use the ladies room to powder their noses. If the truth be known it seems that the sissie left cares more about pretend women while they feel threatened by strong genetic women. Look at how much money the sissie left coast liberals spent trying to smear and defeat a woman who was running for Congress in Georgia the other day.
If my intent was to troll for stupid people, this thread is a success.
The author insured that

It was not my intent bozo, my intent was to once again offer evidence that the neo fascists / Authoritarians now dominate the ranks of the Republican Party.

You would think differently ... umm ... believe differently if laws restricted the liberty of ex cons.
Missouri Senate passes new restrictions on abortion in late-night vote

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant."

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant"

Um, how would they know this info?

"The ruling halted a state law requiring hospital admitting privileges for doctors who perform abortions and mandating that clinics that provide abortions meet the same standards as outpatient surgical centers."

Um, how exactly is this a bad thing?

a. It does not allow for the firing of men who use rubbers or have had a vasectomy.

b. What's good about it?

Meaning of course you don't shit, it's just Leftwing kneejerk emotional response. I'll ask you again, HOW would any "prospective" employer or landlord know whether or not someone has had an abortion?

So making sure treatment is above standard is a bad thing. You aren't nearly as bright as you think you.

If pregnant they can be fired, the employer simply looks; if the women has sick leave, they can require a Dr's note for the reason sick leave was used. Any employer who offers sick leave can have policies which require a note from a doctor.

BTW, you first paragraph does provide some substance, it proves your are not very bright, a bigot and an asshole

HIPPA will not allow anyone to "require" such info. You truly need an education. NOBODY can be fired for being pregnant. You're a moron child.
Sounds like the good people of Missouri have curtailed the Liberal asshole war on children by making it more difficult for a mother to kill her child.

Good for them.

More proof that post #10 above was spot on.

The stupid people are the low life assholes that think it is a good thing that a woman has the state supported right to murder her child for the sake of convenience. Despicable!
Missouri Senate passes new restrictions on abortion in late-night vote

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant."

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant"

Um, how would they know this info?

"The ruling halted a state law requiring hospital admitting privileges for doctors who perform abortions and mandating that clinics that provide abortions meet the same standards as outpatient surgical centers."

Um, how exactly is this a bad thing?

a. It does not allow for the firing of men who use rubbers or have had a vasectomy.

b. What's good about it?

Meaning of course you don't shit, it's just Leftwing kneejerk emotional response. I'll ask you again, HOW would any "prospective" employer or landlord know whether or not someone has had an abortion?

So making sure treatment is above standard is a bad thing. You aren't nearly as bright as you think you.

If pregnant they can be fired, the employer simply looks; if the women has sick leave, they can require a Dr's note for the reason sick leave was used. Any employer who offers sick leave can have policies which require a note from a doctor.

BTW, you first paragraph does provide some substance, it proves your are not very bright, a bigot and an asshole

HIPPA will not allow anyone to "require" such info. You truly need an education. NOBODY cab be fired for being pregnant. You're a moron child.

Read the bill, then apologize for being a liar and a jerk. Don't pretend employers are as stupid as you seem to be. Think, if you can, and consider this, she brings a note or not, if not, she is fired.
Sounds like the good people of Missouri have curtailed the Liberal asshole war on children by making it more difficult for a mother to kill her child.

Good for them.

More proof that post #10 above was spot on.

The stupid people are the low life assholes that think it is a good thing that a woman has the state supported right to murder her child for the sake of convenience. Despicable!

No child is murdered. Your statements are all foolish as anyone who thinks about your use of words can comprehend.
  • Murder is an illegal act
  • R v. W. makes abortion legal
  • Using contraceptives is more convenient than an abortion
  • A child is independent of a mother's body

No child is murdered. Your statements are all foolish as anyone who thinks about your use of words can comprehend.

So when the Germans killed the Jews it was not murder because the law allowed it? Stop being an idiot.

When you kill a child because you don't want to be bother with changing its diapers then that is fucking murder. Your inability to understand that speaks volumes of your Moon Bat stupidity.
"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant"

Um, how would they know this info?

"The ruling halted a state law requiring hospital admitting privileges for doctors who perform abortions and mandating that clinics that provide abortions meet the same standards as outpatient surgical centers."

Um, how exactly is this a bad thing?

a. It does not allow for the firing of men who use rubbers or have had a vasectomy.

b. What's good about it?

Meaning of course you don't shit, it's just Leftwing kneejerk emotional response. I'll ask you again, HOW would any "prospective" employer or landlord know whether or not someone has had an abortion?

So making sure treatment is above standard is a bad thing. You aren't nearly as bright as you think you.

If pregnant they can be fired, the employer simply looks; if the women has sick leave, they can require a Dr's note for the reason sick leave was used. Any employer who offers sick leave can have policies which require a note from a doctor.

BTW, you first paragraph does provide some substance, it proves your are not very bright, a bigot and an asshole

HIPPA will not allow anyone to "require" such info. You truly need an education. NOBODY cab be fired for being pregnant. You're a moron child.

Read the bill, then apologize for being a liar and a jerk. Don't pretend employers are as stupid as you seem to be. Think, if you can, and consider this, she brings a note or not, if not, she is fired.

You've haven't a clue child. The employer CANNOT require info about any health related issues. You're an idiot.
If my intent was to troll for stupid people, this thread is a success.
The author insured that

It was not my intent bozo, my intent was to once again offer evidence that the neo fascists / Authoritarians now dominate the ranks of the Republican Party.

You would think differently ... umm ... believe differently if laws restricted the liberty of ex cons.

No...the fascists are in the democrat party.....they are the ones beating and shooting people simply for disagreeing with them......

No child is murdered. Your statements are all foolish as anyone who thinks about your use of words can comprehend.

So when the Germans killed the Jews it was not murder because the law allowed it? Stop being an idiot.

When you kill a child because you don't want to be bother with changing its diapers then that is fucking murder. Your inability to understand that speaks volumes of your Moon Bat stupidity.

When you kill a child, it is murder. When a women uses contraceptives or the morning after pill, there is no child to kill, yet the War on Women makes no distinction.

Thinking people comprehend that the anti contraceptive people are complicit in abortions, the anti age appropriate teaching of human sexuality in schools make them complicit in future abortions, and the anti PPACA and anti Planned Parenthood people will put children and women at risk.

If anyone is "stupid" it is them and you.
But Clinton, who has collected campaign donations from the people connected with the organization, also praised Planned Parenthood’s work, even as she distanced herself from the broader questions surrounding the use of fetal tissue.

Republican presidential candidates have called for Clinton to denounce the organization. At a Capitol Hill rally Tuesday organized by Students for Life of America, an anti-abortion group, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) called for Clinton to return any money she had received from people linked to Planned Parenthood. Hillary Clinton: Planned Parenthood videos 'disturbing'


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