The War Party proudly presents Iraq, The Sequel ......

Look folks-----Israel is fucking right next door and flies jets over Assad's presidential compound. They have bombed Syrian convoys and chemical plants. Why cruise missiles ?
US Set to Launch 'Iraq, The Sequel', in Syria

By Daniel McAdams

The Ron Paul Institute

August 26, 2013

If you liked the run up to the US attack on Iraq, with the lurid fictional tales o fmobile chemical weapons labs and Saddam’s nukes, you will love “Iraq, The Sequel”, currently unfolding in Syria. It is everything the interventionists have been hoping for: a heady brew of Kosovo, Iraq, and Libya all rolled into one. The possibility for an infinitely more toxic conflagration is exponentially higher, to boot, adding for the interventionists much excitement to the mix.

Here is the latest:

A fourth US warship capable of launching the type of cruise missiles that turned Libya to rubble and paved the way for al-Qaeda affiliates to take control of that country is now rushing to the waters off of Syria, ready to unleash destruction. Chuck Hagel, who some antiwar commentators foolishly believed would put an end to Washington’s military adventurism, is feverishly preparing plans for President Obama to attack. The media worldwide, interventionist to the core, is pushing willing leaders in the US, France, and the UK to finally treat Syria to another devastating “liberation.”


Its ignorant to simply lump any and all military action together. The United States invaded Iraq and re-designed the country.

A Cruise Missile Strike on Syria to deter the further use of Chemical weapons by the All-Assad regime is not even remotely similar.

Syria has not used Chemical Weapons much in the conflict and the Cruise Missile strike will deter them from using them again, as it will turn the cost/benefit ratio away from using the chemical weapons.

The war in Syria will then continue on with the United States NOT involved, but with Syria unlikely to cross the line of chemical weapons use ever again.

"[R]emoving the threat posed by Syria's chemical weapons stockpile by military force "is very, very complex."

"Even under international law, if you strike a chemical weapons base and there is collateral damage to civilians it is as if you, the attacker, used chemical weapons," he said.

Read more: Report Israeli Bombed Syrian Chemical Weapons - Business Insider

The Cruise Missiles won't be targeting chemical weapons so as not to spread the agents around. Other things that could really raise the price for Syria will be targeted like fuel, conventional ammo, transportation assets, electricity, communications sites, air defense assets etc.
US Set to Launch 'Iraq, The Sequel', in Syria

By Daniel McAdams

The Ron Paul Institute

August 26, 2013

If you liked the run up to the US attack on Iraq, with the lurid fictional tales o fmobile chemical weapons labs and Saddam’s nukes, you will love “Iraq, The Sequel”, currently unfolding in Syria. It is everything the interventionists have been hoping for: a heady brew of Kosovo, Iraq, and Libya all rolled into one. The possibility for an infinitely more toxic conflagration is exponentially higher, to boot, adding for the interventionists much excitement to the mix.

Here is the latest:

A fourth US warship capable of launching the type of cruise missiles that turned Libya to rubble and paved the way for al-Qaeda affiliates to take control of that country is now rushing to the waters off of Syria, ready to unleash destruction. Chuck Hagel, who some antiwar commentators foolishly believed would put an end to Washington’s military adventurism, is feverishly preparing plans for President Obama to attack. The media worldwide, interventionist to the core, is pushing willing leaders in the US, France, and the UK to finally treat Syria to another devastating “liberation.”


Iraq was entirely different. Please stop now.

I can hit them on Syria true but with truth damn it.


How so?

Its ignorant to simply lump any and all military action together. The United States invaded Iraq and re-designed the country.

A Cruise Missile Strike on Syria to deter the further use of Chemical weapons by the All-Assad regime is not even remotely similar.

Syria has not used Chemical Weapons much in the conflict and the Cruise Missile strike will deter them from using them again, as it will turn the cost/benefit ratio away from using the chemical weapons.

The war in Syria will then continue on with the United States NOT involved, but with Syria unlikely to cross the line of chemical weapons use ever again.

"[R]emoving the threat posed by Syria's chemical weapons stockpile by military force "is very, very complex."

"Even under international law, if you strike a chemical weapons base and there is collateral damage to civilians it is as if you, the attacker, used chemical weapons," he said.

Read more: Report Israeli Bombed Syrian Chemical Weapons - Business Insider

The Cruise Missiles won't be targeting chemical weapons so as not to spread the agents around. Other things that could really raise the price for Syria will be targeted like fuel, conventional ammo, transportation assets, electricity, communications sites, air defense assets etc.

Israel is right there---they can hit everything you mentioned.
Look folks-----Israel is fucking right next door and flies jets over Assad's presidential compound. They have bombed Syrian convoys and chemical plants. Why cruise missiles ?

Cruise Missiles are stand off weapons that don't put US aircraft or air crews at risk.

Israel bombed Syrian convoys and they did bomb a nuclear reactor Syria was building, but they have not bombed chemical weapons sights or anything that would release chemical agents into the air.

The Cruise Missiles won't be targeting chemical weapons so as not to spread the agents around. Other things that could really raise the price for Syria will be targeted like fuel, conventional ammo, transportation assets, electricity, communications sites, air defense assets etc.

Israel is right there---they can hit everything you mentioned.

The United States and its allies want to send a message which is why the US military will be involved. Israely involvement would be a distraction from the message being sent.
Look folks-----Israel is fucking right next door and flies jets over Assad's presidential compound. They have bombed Syrian convoys and chemical plants. Why cruise missiles ?

Cruise Missiles are stand off weapons that don't put US aircraft or air crews at risk.

Israel bombed Syrian convoys and they did bomb a nuclear reactor Syria was building, but they have not bombed chemical weapons sights or anything that would release chemical agents into the air.

They fly unchallenged over Syria----they can bomb anything they choose.
On Wednesday U.S. officials — who said they were given forewarning of the strike — told The Wall Street Journal and other outlets that the Israelis were targeting a convoy of trucks allegedly carrying Russian-made SA-17 missiles to Hezbollah.

Syria insisted that the reports about the convoy attack were "baseless," and that the real target was a military research center in Jamraya, which lies about three miles from Damascus and eight miles from the Lebanese border.

Maj. Gen. Adnan Salo, a former head of the chemical weapons unit in the Syrian Army who defected and is now in Turkey, told The New York Times that the complex produces both conventional and chemical weapons.

The Azzaman source said that the complex is heavily fortified and houses experts from Russia and has been guarded for years by at least three thousand Iranian Revolutionary Guards, adding that the Guards suffered heavy casualties in the strike.

The Syrian rebel commander in the Damascus area told Reuters that rebels attacked the facility with "six 120 millimeter mortars" at about the same time that Israeli planes bombed the convoy.

Read more: Israel's Strike On Syria Is A Smart Move - Business Insider
Israel has decided that Assad needs to go.

So it has instructed the U.S. government to attack Syria.

Then after the fall of the Syrian government.

Israel will have clear air space to bomb Iran.

Which is the ultimate end game of this whole conflict. .. :cool:

Only one comment earlier today.

Do not fall for this shit. I may be hungover like to die for but I have been monitoring this all day long.

Don't fall for it.

The UN inspection team was in Damascus anyway, investigating previous claims of poison gas use: of course it’s just a coincidence that this latest claim is made about a site a few miles from where they’re staying. They are on their way to Ghouta even as I write: but how will they determine who used whatever chemical agents were unleashed, if indeed that is what happened? The answer is: they won’t. They have only to come up with "evidence" that some sort of "WMD" was used: in spite of rebel claims that they would "retaliate" in kind in response to previous alleged chemical attacks, it will simply be assumed by Western governments and media (or do I repeat myself) that the Syrian government is responsible."

US Set to Launch 'Iraq, The Sequel', in Syria

By Daniel McAdams

The Ron Paul Institute

August 26, 2013

If you liked the run up to the US attack on Iraq, with the lurid fictional tales o fmobile chemical weapons labs and Saddam’s nukes, you will love “Iraq, The Sequel”, currently unfolding in Syria. It is everything the interventionists have been hoping for: a heady brew of Kosovo, Iraq, and Libya all rolled into one. The possibility for an infinitely more toxic conflagration is exponentially higher, to boot, adding for the interventionists much excitement to the mix.

Here is the latest:

A fourth US warship capable of launching the type of cruise missiles that turned Libya to rubble and paved the way for al-Qaeda affiliates to take control of that country is now rushing to the waters off of Syria, ready to unleash destruction. Chuck Hagel, who some antiwar commentators foolishly believed would put an end to Washington’s military adventurism, is feverishly preparing plans for President Obama to attack. The media worldwide, interventionist to the core, is pushing willing leaders in the US, France, and the UK to finally treat Syria to another devastating “liberation.”


Iraq was entirely different. Please stop now.

I can hit them on Syria true but with truth damn it.

It's a war on a middle east country over dubious "evidence" of WMD. That similarity is undeniable, and enough to keep us out.

The new Pentagon papers

A high-ranking military officer reveals how Defense Department extremists suppressed information and twisted the truth to drive the country to war


Its ignorant to simply lump any and all military action together. The United States invaded Iraq and re-designed the country.

A Cruise Missile Strike on Syria to deter the further use of Chemical weapons by the All-Assad regime is not even remotely similar.

Syria has not used Chemical Weapons much in the conflict and the Cruise Missile strike will deter them from using them again, as it will turn the cost/benefit ratio away from using the chemical weapons.

The war in Syria will then continue on with the United States NOT involved, but with Syria unlikely to cross the line of chemical weapons use ever again.

"[R]emoving the threat posed by Syria's chemical weapons stockpile by military force "is very, very complex."

"Even under international law, if you strike a chemical weapons base and there is collateral damage to civilians it is as if you, the attacker, used chemical weapons," he said.

Read more: Report Israeli Bombed Syrian Chemical Weapons - Business Insider

The Cruise Missiles won't be targeting chemical weapons so as not to spread the agents around. Other things that could really raise the price for Syria will be targeted like fuel, conventional ammo, transportation assets, electricity, communications sites, air defense assets etc.

Get the fuck out of other countries lives. AQ is trying to get rid of Assad.

Hasn't America done enough fucking damage in the ME? America wants AQ to take over Syria as well?

Obama hasn't given AQ enough?

Stop your shit.
Saudis offer Russia secret oil deal if it drops Syria

Saudi Arabia has secretly offered Russian a sweeping deal to control the global oil market and safeguard Russia’s gas contracts, if the Kremlin backs away from the Assad regime in Syria. "


Russia will not give up their Navy Base in Tarsus.

Will Putin stop obama from helping terrorists take Syria over?

The Mossad has done a great job demonizing Bashar al-Assad.

The propaganda blames him for gassing his people and the world community is swallowing the bullshit.


Where in the world do you get your intel from? the Huffington Post!?!

The Cruise Missiles won't be targeting chemical weapons so as not to spread the agents around. Other things that could really raise the price for Syria will be targeted like fuel, conventional ammo, transportation assets, electricity, communications sites, air defense assets etc.

Get the fuck out of other countries lives. AQ is trying to get rid of Assad.

Hasn't America done enough fucking damage in the ME? America wants AQ to take over Syria as well?

Obama hasn't given AQ enough?

Stop your shit.
NOT to mention the MB as in Egypt.

Obama has NUKED the M.E.
Iraq was entirely different. Please stop now.

I can hit them on Syria true but with truth damn it.

It's a war on a middle east country over dubious "evidence" of WMD. That similarity is undeniable, and enough to keep us out.

The new Pentagon papers

A high-ranking military officer reveals how Defense Department extremists suppressed information and twisted the truth to drive the country to war



Oh cut it out. You're pulling an Alex Jones here. Quite simply put if you think about it rationally they had to take out Saddam because of his kids.

They were truly koo koo bye bye and uncontrollable and Saddam had cancer. No one in the mid east could allow those two whack jobs take over Iraq.
Syria has been part of the destabilization of the region for many years, they need to go.

That way another bunch of fellows can do the same.

This way, the Dems will have to take a hit for War-Mongering themselves, for the first time in a while...

But we're not there just yet... so, maybe, just maybe, it won't get that bad, after all... but I'll grant you that it doesn't look good...
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The Cruise Missiles won't be targeting chemical weapons so as not to spread the agents around. Other things that could really raise the price for Syria will be targeted like fuel, conventional ammo, transportation assets, electricity, communications sites, air defense assets etc.

Get the fuck out of other countries lives. AQ is trying to get rid of Assad.

Hasn't America done enough fucking damage in the ME? America wants AQ to take over Syria as well?

Obama hasn't given AQ enough?

Stop your shit.
NOT to mention the MB as in Egypt.

Obama has NUKED the M.E.

Well MB did spawn Hamas. And Obama's man Morsi just happened to teach in America for years in California.....
Syria has been part of the destabilization of the region for many years, they need to go.

That way another bunch of fellows can do the same.

This way, the Dems will have to take a hit for War-Mongering themselves, for the first time in a while...

But we're not there just yet... so, maybe, just maybe, it won't get that bad, after all... but I'll grant you that it doesn't look good...

Watch McCain on this. He will be the litmus test. That old man is as crazy as a shit house rat and I don't want to hear any conservative give him a pass anymore.

He is Barry's bitch just so his daughter can have a tv show. Thank you for your service now fuck off old horrible man.
The Cruise Missiles won't be targeting chemical weapons so as not to spread the agents around. Other things that could really raise the price for Syria will be targeted like fuel, conventional ammo, transportation assets, electricity, communications sites, air defense assets etc.

Israel is right there---they can hit everything you mentioned.

The United States and its allies want to send a message which is why the US military will be involved. Israely involvement would be a distraction from the message being sent.
ISRAEL has already been involved...
Did Israel Attack Syria?

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