The War Party proudly presents Iraq, The Sequel ......

Syria has been part of the destabilization of the region for many years, they need to go.

That way another bunch of fellows can do the same.

This way, the Dems will have to take a hit for War-Mongering themselves, for the first time in a while...

But we're not there just yet... so, maybe, just maybe, it won't get that bad, after all... but I'll grant you that it doesn't look good...

Watch McCain on this. He will be the litmus test. That old man is as crazy as a shit house rat and I don't want to hear any conservative give him a pass anymore.

He is Barry's bitch just so his daughter can have a tv show. Thank you for your service now fuck off old horrible man

Funny-as-hell (while being incredibly sad, simultaneously).

Somebody give TD some Rep for this one... I sent her some recently and can't at the moment, but this post was a good-un and deserves a little zoom-o...

Way-to-go, TD... :lol:
This way, the Dems will have to take a hit for War-Mongering themselves, for the first time in a while...

But we're not there just yet... so, maybe, just maybe, it won't get that bad, after all... but I'll grant you that it doesn't look good...

Watch McCain on this. He will be the litmus test. That old man is as crazy as a shit house rat and I don't want to hear any conservative give him a pass anymore.

He is Barry's bitch just so his daughter can have a tv show. Thank you for your service now fuck off old horrible man.

Funny-as-hell (while being incredibly sad, simultaneously).

Somebody give TD some Rep for this one... I sent her some recently and can't at the moment, but this post was a good-un and deserves a little zoom-o...

Way-to-go, TD... :lol:
I did in this thread...Taken care of.
US Set to Launch 'Iraq, The Sequel', in Syria

By Daniel McAdams

The Ron Paul Institute

August 26, 2013

If you liked the run up to the US attack on Iraq, with the lurid fictional tales o fmobile chemical weapons labs and Saddam’s nukes, you will love “Iraq, The Sequel”, currently unfolding in Syria. It is everything the interventionists have been hoping for: a heady brew of Kosovo, Iraq, and Libya all rolled into one. The possibility for an infinitely more toxic conflagration is exponentially higher, to boot, adding for the interventionists much excitement to the mix.

Here is the latest:

A fourth US warship capable of launching the type of cruise missiles that turned Libya to rubble and paved the way for al-Qaeda affiliates to take control of that country is now rushing to the waters off of Syria, ready to unleash destruction. Chuck Hagel, who some antiwar commentators foolishly believed would put an end to Washington’s military adventurism, is feverishly preparing plans for President Obama to attack. The media worldwide, interventionist to the core, is pushing willing leaders in the US, France, and the UK to finally treat Syria to another devastating “liberation.”


And your opinion (or solution to the mass murder by Assad) is what? For the record I don't want the US to attack Syria though I would like someone to put a bullet in Assad's head. I don't want another attack and occupation like George W. Bush fathered, but with real coalition of the willing (real, not like Iraq), including NATO and the UN as Clinton did in Balkans and Obama did in Libya maybe we can prevent further atrocities.

Nice try with your rewrite of history. Keep on working, someday you might make it as Winston Smith's Secretary.
US Set to Launch 'Iraq, The Sequel', in Syria

By Daniel McAdams

The Ron Paul Institute

August 26, 2013

If you liked the run up to the US attack on Iraq, with the lurid fictional tales o fmobile chemical weapons labs and Saddam’s nukes, you will love “Iraq, The Sequel”, currently unfolding in Syria. It is everything the interventionists have been hoping for: a heady brew of Kosovo, Iraq, and Libya all rolled into one. The possibility for an infinitely more toxic conflagration is exponentially higher, to boot, adding for the interventionists much excitement to the mix.

Here is the latest:

A fourth US warship capable of launching the type of cruise missiles that turned Libya to rubble and paved the way for al-Qaeda affiliates to take control of that country is now rushing to the waters off of Syria, ready to unleash destruction. Chuck Hagel, who some antiwar commentators foolishly believed would put an end to Washington’s military adventurism, is feverishly preparing plans for President Obama to attack. The media worldwide, interventionist to the core, is pushing willing leaders in the US, France, and the UK to finally treat Syria to another devastating “liberation.”


And your opinion (or solution to the mass murder by Assad) is what? For the record I don't want the US to attack Syria though I would like someone to put a bullet in Assad's head. I don't want another attack and occupation like George W. Bush fathered, but with real coalition of the willing (real, not like Iraq), including NATO and the UN as Clinton did in Balkans and Obama did in Libya maybe we can prevent further atrocities.

Nice try with your rewrite of history. Keep on working, someday you might make it as Winston Smith's Secretary.

In case you hadn't noticed Libya is an unstable mess, way to go Mr. President, what's next on the hit list, destabilization of Saudi Arabia?
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Saddam and Gaddafi made the same terminal mistake; they thought they could sell their oil without using US dollars. Iran has recently offered its oil for gold policy. Perhaps that explains why some are claiming a huge amount of US dollars was recently offered to a corporate defense contractor in exchange for framing the butcher Assad for using poison gas on his civilians.

"This time, they broke into a server of the private military organization Britam Defense (with headquarters in London), which specializes in the armed protection of oil production and transportation of oil.

"Among its partners are the American “Halliburton” which drills oil in the conquered Iraq and “British Petroleum”, which is ready to do exactly the same thing in the recently conquered Libya.

"Among the materials shared by hackers there are few documents which qualify as a war crime evidence.

"Thus, one of the letters contains a plan of using the chemical weapons against civilians in Syria, with the help of corporate mercenaries from Ukraine.

"And it’s about the real chemical weapon which is to be brought to Syria from Libya, or even has been brought already (since the letter was written a month ago). The document is signed by the company’s business development director David Goulding.

"Many things are interesting in this combination: agreement of the USA, full confidence that the British intelligence services will not interrogate Mr. Goulding for the preparation of war crimes, and the belief that our Ukrainian 'brothers' would be willing to take part in this show with the real corpses of Syrian civilians, killed by 'Assad’s chemical bombs.'”

Britam Defense Hack Reveals the Plot Against Russia and Syria

The US role of global policeman (or enforcer) is only possible because all oil sales must be conducted in US dollars. If that ever changes, Everything Changes for the Pentagon and Wall Street and their political puppets.
Wow, who knew that the progressives were such a blood thirsty, war mongering bunch. They just needed the right guy in office.
Wow, who knew that the progressives were such a blood thirsty, war mongering bunch. They just needed the right guy in office.

Are you kidding me? "progressives" on the right and the left are the biggest war mongers in history, these miscreants make Genghis Khan look downright dovish. They just don't seem to be happy unless they're gallivanting around the globe killing foreigners abroad and crushing individual liberty at home.

Progressivism isn't an ideology it's a plague on humankind.

Yes... you've already made this ridiculous assertion on another thread, and a couple of your colleagues have already served-up their opinion on the subject...
What qualifies you personally to judge this or any other assertion I make as "ridiculous?"
Do you know the Truth?

Yes... you've already made this ridiculous assertion on another thread, and a couple of your colleagues have already served-up their opinion on the subject...
What qualifies you personally to judge this or any other assertion I make as "ridiculous?"
Do you know the Truth?

US Set to Launch 'Iraq, The Sequel', in Syria

By Daniel McAdams

The Ron Paul Institute

August 26, 2013

If you liked the run up to the US attack on Iraq, with the lurid fictional tales o fmobile chemical weapons labs and Saddam’s nukes, you will love “Iraq, The Sequel”, currently unfolding in Syria. It is everything the interventionists have been hoping for: a heady brew of Kosovo, Iraq, and Libya all rolled into one. The possibility for an infinitely more toxic conflagration is exponentially higher, to boot, adding for the interventionists much excitement to the mix.

Here is the latest:

A fourth US warship capable of launching the type of cruise missiles that turned Libya to rubble and paved the way for al-Qaeda affiliates to take control of that country is now rushing to the waters off of Syria, ready to unleash destruction. Chuck Hagel, who some antiwar commentators foolishly believed would put an end to Washington’s military adventurism, is feverishly preparing plans for President Obama to attack. The media worldwide, interventionist to the core, is pushing willing leaders in the US, France, and the UK to finally treat Syria to another devastating “liberation.”


And your opinion (or solution to the mass murder by Assad) is what? For the record I don't want the US to attack Syria though I would like someone to put a bullet in Assad's head. I don't want another attack and occupation like George W. Bush fathered, but with real coalition of the willing (real, not like Iraq), including NATO and the UN as Clinton did in Balkans and Obama did in Libya maybe we can prevent further atrocities.

Nice try with your rewrite of history. Keep on working, someday you might make it as Winston Smith's Secretary.

I know how these son of guns do this shit Wry...

Chemical attack? Every body perfectly positioned? Not one person filming wearing a mask?

How far do you want me to take this shit?


It's a farce. It's all bullshit.
"'Our sense of basic humanity is offended not only by this cowardly crime, but also by the cynical attempt to cover it up,' Kerry said."

Washington warns Assad over 'undeniable' chemical weapons attack | Reuters

Kerry would certainly know all there is to know about cowardly crimes, like those he sanctioned and continues to defend in Fallujah:

"Dramatic increases in infant mortality, cancer and leukaemia in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which was bombarded by US Marines in 2004, exceed those reported by survivors of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to a new study.

"Iraqi doctors in Fallujah have complained since 2005 of being overwhelmed by the number of babies with serious birth defects, ranging from a girl born with two heads to paralysis of the lower limbs. They said they were also seeing far more cancers than they did before the battle for Fallujah between US troops and insurgents.

"Their claims have been supported by a survey showing a four-fold increase in all cancers and a 12-fold increase in childhood cancer in under-14s. Infant mortality in the city is more than four times higher than in neighbouring Jordan and eight times higher than in Kuwait."

Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah 'worse than Hiroshima' - Middle East - World - The Independent

Seven Muslim countries starting with Iraq have been selected for regime change.
Syrian necks are currently on the block with Persians scheduled to follow.
All for the greater glory of greed.
US Set to Launch 'Iraq, The Sequel', in Syria

By Daniel McAdams

The Ron Paul Institute

August 26, 2013

If you liked the run up to the US attack on Iraq, with the lurid fictional tales o fmobile chemical weapons labs and Saddam’s nukes, you will love “Iraq, The Sequel”, currently unfolding in Syria. It is everything the interventionists have been hoping for: a heady brew of Kosovo, Iraq, and Libya all rolled into one. The possibility for an infinitely more toxic conflagration is exponentially higher, to boot, adding for the interventionists much excitement to the mix.

Here is the latest:

A fourth US warship capable of launching the type of cruise missiles that turned Libya to rubble and paved the way for al-Qaeda affiliates to take control of that country is now rushing to the waters off of Syria, ready to unleash destruction. Chuck Hagel, who some antiwar commentators foolishly believed would put an end to Washington’s military adventurism, is feverishly preparing plans for President Obama to attack. The media worldwide, interventionist to the core, is pushing willing leaders in the US, France, and the UK to finally treat Syria to another devastating “liberation.”


And your opinion (or solution to the mass murder by Assad) is what? For the record I don't want the US to attack Syria though I would like someone to put a bullet in Assad's head. I don't want another attack and occupation like George W. Bush fathered, but with real coalition of the willing (real, not like Iraq), including NATO and the UN as Clinton did in Balkans and Obama did in Libya maybe we can prevent further atrocities.

Nice try with your rewrite of history. Keep on working, someday you might make it as Winston Smith's Secretary.

In case you hadn't noticed Libya is an unstable mess, way to go Mr. President, what's next on the hit list, destabilization of Saudi Arabia?

So. Libyan's get the government they deserve. Do you want to spend the blood and treasure to nation build?

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