The warming of Antarctica


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
No place on the fringes of Antarctica has warmed with the swiftness of the Antarctic Peninsula, a crooked, 900-mile finger of land that juts toward the tip of South America. A 60-year temperature record on the northwestern Antarctic Peninsula, taken at a research base originally built by the British and now run by the Ukrainians, paints a stark picture: Winter temperatures have increased by 11 degrees F and annual average temperatures by 5 degrees F. Ninety percent of 244 glaciers along the western Antarctic Peninsula have retreated since 1940. Sea ice now blankets the Southern Ocean off the western Antarctic Peninsula three fewer months a year than in 1979, according to satellite data.

The Warming of Antarctica: A Citadel of Ice Begins to Melt | Reuters
Whaaaa? As Jon Stewart would say. How come there's so much extra ice in Antarctica then? Me thinks someone's fibbing here!:lol::lol::lol:


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No place on the fringes of Antarctica has warmed with the swiftness of the Antarctic Peninsula, a crooked, 900-mile finger of land that juts toward the tip of South America. A 60-year temperature record on the northwestern Antarctic Peninsula, taken at a research base originally built by the British and now run by the Ukrainians, paints a stark picture: Winter temperatures have increased by 11 degrees F and annual average temperatures by 5 degrees F. Ninety percent of 244 glaciers along the western Antarctic Peninsula have retreated since 1940. Sea ice now blankets the Southern Ocean off the western Antarctic Peninsula three fewer months a year than in 1979, according to satellite data.

The Warming of Antarctica: A Citadel of Ice Begins to Melt | Reuters

Great, more land to develop. Who was it that drew that map of Antarctica showing two land masses? the one everyone thought was bogus until RADAR mapping found the same thing?
No place on the fringes of Antarctica has warmed with the swiftness of the Antarctic Peninsula, a crooked, 900-mile finger of land that juts toward the tip of South America. A 60-year temperature record on the northwestern Antarctic Peninsula, taken at a research base originally built by the British and now run by the Ukrainians, paints a stark picture: Winter temperatures have increased by 11 degrees F and annual average temperatures by 5 degrees F. Ninety percent of 244 glaciers along the western Antarctic Peninsula have retreated since 1940. Sea ice now blankets the Southern Ocean off the western Antarctic Peninsula three fewer months a year than in 1979, according to satellite data.

The Warming of Antarctica: A Citadel of Ice Begins to Melt | Reuters

Great, more land to develop. Who was it that drew that map of Antarctica showing two land masses? the one everyone thought was bogus until RADAR mapping found the same thing?

The mans name was Piri Reis and he copied his map from an earlier source. And he did it in the mid 1500's.
Now, after flourishing for thousands of years in the harshest environment on earth, the Adélies in one part of Antarctica have encountered an obstacle they seem unable to overcome: Us. Thanks largely to our emissions of greenhouse gases, the western Antarctica Peninsula has warmed faster than virtually any place on the planet, rendering sea ice-dependent Adélies in some areas unfit to live in an ecosystem where all forms of ice, on land and in the Southern Ocean, are in retreat.

That parts of Antarctica have become too warm for Adélie penguins would surely have astounded earlier explorers who suffered so greatly from the cold, and who marveled at the resilience, and eccentricities, of these seabirds.

Heat Exhaustion: Has the Adelie Penguin Met Its Match?: Scientific American
Wow, sea ice dependent yet the Adelie Penguins nest on rocks.

Adelie Penguins - Wildlife of Antarctica - Antarctic Connection

Adelies vacate their winter quarters on the comparative warm Antarctic ice pack and arrive at the rookeries during September and October, often scampering several miles over the sea ice to reach their ancestral coastal homes. They typically establish dense colonies on the ice-free slopes of rocky coasts, headlands and islands. Competition for nesting sites can be fierce and the older more dominant birds tend to stake nests in the middle of the colony where they are better protected from marauding

Adelie Penguin: Pygoscelis adeliae

Another post describing that the Penguins need an Ice Free Breeding ground. Note that these researcher observe the Penguins build there nests where the ice is melting, where it has always melted during the breeding season, hence the Penguins adopted and roll stones to protect the nest from ice melt water run off.

Adelie Penguin: Pygoscelis adeliae

Adelie Penguins breed in colonies from a few dozen to many thousands. Within the colonies, distinct sub-colonies can be recognised. The nests, depressions on the ground, are lined with small stones, which help to keep the eggs free of any melt-water from snow. Stones for building nests are often in high demand. They are highly gregarious on land and at sea. The availability of accessible ice-free nesting habitats limits the distribution of this species in the high Antarctic

Seems that Penguins are not freezing cold dependent for survival.

Professor Penguin

While it is true that the suit of feathers that allows penguins to spend long periods immersed in water also allows them to exploit extremely cold places on land, such as the Antarctic, penguins can also be found breeding as far north as the equator (the Galapagos Islands) and living on the edge of deserts such as those in Peru and Chile.

This is a quote from the book by a reader commenting on a article, not sure that this is a great source so I feel I must tell you folks where this comes from.

Chris linked to Scientific America which printed part of a book written by a Journalist who used Fraser for some information. So this is from the same source the "Journalist", Fen used.

Nutty Story of the Day: “Global Warming” is Killing the Penguins in Antarctica | Watts Up With That?

But it’s not all bad news for the Adélies, said Fraser of the Polar Oceans Research Group. As the Antarctic Peninsula heats up, southern parts of Antarctica have become more hospitable homes for the species. Adélie populations in the far southern peninsula have tripled in previous decades, Fraser said.
“Pound for pound, an Adélie penguin can deal with just about anything,” Fraser said.
Now, after flourishing for thousands of years in the harshest environment on earth, the Adélies in one part of Antarctica have encountered an obstacle they seem unable to overcome: Us. Thanks largely to our emissions of greenhouse gases, the western Antarctica Peninsula has warmed faster than virtually any place on the planet, rendering sea ice-dependent Adélies in some areas unfit to live in an ecosystem where all forms of ice, on land and in the Southern Ocean, are in retreat.

That parts of Antarctica have become too warm for Adélie penguins would surely have astounded earlier explorers who suffered so greatly from the cold, and who marveled at the resilience, and eccentricities, of these seabirds.

Heat Exhaustion: Has the Adelie Penguin Met Its Match?: Scientific American

Chris, you are full of shit if you expect us to believe you make over a 100,000k a year, unless of course your a government employee. Seriously, you use wikipedia and scientific america, Chris, you have had to seen the threads where I rip apart Old Crock when he uses Scientific America.

Over a 100,000 $ a year, and this is the best post you got.
No place on the fringes of Antarctica has warmed with the swiftness of the Antarctic Peninsula, a crooked, 900-mile finger of land that juts toward the tip of South America. A 60-year temperature record on the northwestern Antarctic Peninsula, taken at a research base originally built by the British and now run by the Ukrainians, paints a stark picture: Winter temperatures have increased by 11 degrees F and annual average temperatures by 5 degrees F. Ninety percent of 244 glaciers along the western Antarctic Peninsula have retreated since 1940. Sea ice now blankets the Southern Ocean off the western Antarctic Peninsula three fewer months a year than in 1979, according to satellite data.

The Warming of Antarctica: A Citadel of Ice Begins to Melt | Reuters

Great, more land to develop. Who was it that drew that map of Antarctica showing two land masses? the one everyone thought was bogus until RADAR mapping found the same thing?

The mans name was Piri Reis and he copied his map from an earlier source. And he did it in the mid 1500's.

I wonder why the global warming alarmists never mention things like the Reis maps.
West Antarctica’s biggest glacier is melting 50 percent faster than in 1994, adding to a global increase in sea levels, U.S. and U.K. scientists found.

The Pine Island glacier is losing about 78 cubic kilometers (30 cubic miles) of ice per year, the researchers at Columbia University in New York and the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge, England, said today. That’s up from 53 cubic kilometers in 1994. The study in the journal Nature Geoscience is based on data from a 2009 expedition.

Scientists are grappling to understand how much Antarctica’s ice could contribute to higher sea-levels after the United Nations in 2007 predicted they’ll rise by 18 to 59 centimeters (7 to 23 inches) this century. Just how much of that will come from the southern continent remains uncertain.

West Antarctica
We're doomed....we're all doomed. I'd rather eat a bullet than spend my free time obsessing over this bullshit.:cuckoo:
Uncle Ferd says it's pro'bly stink from polar bear poo...
Melting Arctic ice releases banned toxins: scientists
Tue, Jul 26, 2011 - The warming of the Arctic is releasing toxic chemicals that had been trapped in the ice and cold water, scientists have discovered.
The researchers warn that the amount of the poisons in the polar region is unknown and their release could “undermine global efforts to reduce environmental and human exposure to them.” The chemicals seeping out as temperatures rise include the pesticides DDT, lindane and chlordane, as well as the industrial chemicals polychlorinated biphenyl and the fungicide hexachlorobenzene (HCB). All of these are known as persistent organics pollutants (POP) and are banned under the 2004 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants.

POPs can cause cancers and birth defects and take a long time to degrade. Over past decades, the low temperatures in the Arctic trapped volatile POPs in ice and cold water. However, scientists in Canada and Norway have discovered that global warming is freeing the POPs again. They examined measurements of POPs in the air between 1993 and 2009 at the Zeppelin research station on the Svalbard archipelago and the Alert weather station in Nunavut, Canada.

After allowing for the decline in global emissions of POPs, the team showed that the toxic chemicals are being remobilized by rising temperatures and the retreat of the sea ice, which exposes more water to the sun. The scientists’ work is published in the journal Nature Climate Change.

Hayley Hung, at the air quality research division of Environment Canada and a member of the team, said their work provided the first evidence of the remobilization of POPs in the Arctic. “But this is the beginning of a story,” she said. “The next step is to find out how much is in the Arctic, how much will leak out and how quickly.”

Melting Arctic ice releases banned toxins: scientists - Taipei Times
hang onto your wallet ...

have you ever froze a bottle of water in the freezer? and when you thaw it out there is no change in the evel of water in the bottle.. interesting
Are you going to put a glacier in your freezer?
No place on the fringes of Antarctica has warmed with the swiftness of the Antarctic Peninsula, a crooked, 900-mile finger of land that juts toward the tip of South America. A 60-year temperature record on the northwestern Antarctic Peninsula, taken at a research base originally built by the British and now run by the Ukrainians, paints a stark picture: Winter temperatures have increased by 11 degrees F and annual average temperatures by 5 degrees F. Ninety percent of 244 glaciers along the western Antarctic Peninsula have retreated since 1940. Sea ice now blankets the Southern Ocean off the western Antarctic Peninsula three fewer months a year than in 1979, according to satellite data.

The Warming of Antarctica: A Citadel of Ice Begins to Melt | Reuters

Great, more land to develop. Who was it that drew that map of Antarctica showing two land masses? the one everyone thought was bogus until RADAR mapping found the same thing?

The mans name was Piri Reis and he copied his map from an earlier source. And he did it in the mid 1500's.

Antarctica has had a ice sheet for 29 million years. The east ice sheet is close to 2 miles deep. Impossible to grow that in 500 years wouldn't you think?
Great, more land to develop. Who was it that drew that map of Antarctica showing two land masses? the one everyone thought was bogus until RADAR mapping found the same thing?

The mans name was Piri Reis and he copied his map from an earlier source. And he did it in the mid 1500's.

Antarctica has had a ice sheet for 29 million years. The east ice sheet is close to 2 miles deep. Impossible to grow that in 500 years wouldn't you think?

Don't know. We do know that Antarctic explorers were able to sail at least 300 miles further south in the 1820's and '30's then we are capable of now. We also know the Piri Reis map is pretty damned accurate.

"The Piri Reis map shows the western coast of Africa, the eastern coast of South America, and the northern coast of Antarctica ice free. The northern coastline of Antarctica is perfectly detailed. The most puzzling however is not so much how the Piri Reis Antarctica map managed to so accurate 300 years before it was discovered, but that the map shows the coastline under the ice. Geological evidence confirms that the latest date Queen Maud Land could have been charted in an ice-free state is 4000 BC.

On 6th July 1960 the U. S. Air Force responded to Prof. Charles H. Hapgood of Keene College, specifically to his request for an evaluation of the ancient Piri Reis Map:

6, July, 1960

Subject: Admiral Piri Reis Map

TO: Prof. Charles H. Hapgood

Keene College

Keene, New Hampshire

Dear Professor Hapgood,

Your request of evaluation of certain unusual features of the Piri Reis Antarctica map of 1513 by this organization has been reviewed.. The claim that the lower part of the map portrays the Princess Martha Coast of Queen Maud Land, Antarctic, and the Palmer Peninsular, is reasonable. We find that this is the most logical and in all probability the correct interpretation of the map. The geographical detail shown in the lower part of the map agrees very remarkably with the results of the seismic profile made across the top of the ice-cap by the Swedish-British Antarctic Expedition of 1949.This indicates the coastline had been mapped before it was covered by the ice-cap. This part of Antarctica ice free. The ice-cap in this region is now about a mile thick. We have no idea how the data on this map can be reconciled with the supposed state of geographical knowledge in 1513.

Harold Z. Ohlmeyer Lt. Colonel, USAF Commander"

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