The warrant may name violation of the espionage act....trump has not released the details

:itsok: There There....carry on with the MAGA-Republican victimhood.
My IQ is way too high for that.

Do you serve fries for a living?
I won't shame you, after all, everyone here already knows you're dumber than a doorknob.
Maybe because it says who trump was trying to sell top secret material to? He is already saying the FBI planted material at his Florida brothel. He knows they have the goods.
Without speculating, the Loser obviously prefers the crap his weird worshipers make up to the truth that he could easily reveal.

I discount the rumors of a ketchup smuggling ring.

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You'll believe anything dished out by the cult, won't you? :heehee:

Who supposedly signed that bogus warrant? Do you not know? I know you Moon Bats are stupid and uneducated and obviously low information. Did CNN not tell you supposedly signed that bogus warrant?
Trump is a manipulative liar.

In the field of psychology, what's a serial liar??
If Trump broke the law then he should face the consequences but I am so tired of one man being a bigger story than the corrupt capitalist system that we live under which puts the endless greed of corporations and billionaires over the basic needs of the people and planet.
Nope. Begin to embrace what a colossal FUBAR this was.

Watters asked about the warrant, and Habba said the attorneys on the ground weren’t given the warrant during the raid — they were only allowed to look at it.

Now, here’s Trump attorney Christina Bobb on Real America’s Voice. She was the attorney who was on site. She explains that they initially wouldn’t even let her see the warrant, but then did; they were reluctant to let them have it. It’s not clear from what she says if they ultimately were able to obtain it at some point. She also explained that the probable cause for the warrant was sealed, so that they can’t even know what it was unless they go to court to find out.

Trump’s lawyers have the search warrant – they’re at liberty to make it public.

The search was perfectly lawful and Constitutional.

The notion that the search was ‘political’ is a lie.

The notion that Trump is a ‘victim’ is a lie.

Trump has only himself to blame.
Trump’s lawyers have the search warrant – they’re at liberty to make it public.

The search was perfectly lawful and Constitutional.

The notion that the search was ‘political’ is a lie.

The notion that Trump is a ‘victim’ is a lie.

Trump has only himself to blame.
He released 15 boxes of material, much of which was classified, to the FBI earlier. Why did he hold on to these documents? Was he planning on selling them or giving them to Poootin? There is someone in trumpworld that knew what he was planning. Now the BFI has the goods on him. But the truth is:

If you or I had done what trump did, take classified documents into our private homes, we would be in jail right now. But trump will play the victim, so he can steal more money from his cult.
Who supposedly signed that bogus warrant? Do you not know?
I know who signed off on the entirely valid warrant.

However, since you'd use the info to send more death threats to that judge, I won't name him here.
I know who signed off on the entirely valid warrant.

However, since you'd use the info to send more death threats to that judge, I won't name him here.
It is amazing that, without any knowledge of the details, the trump cultists say that is was an illegal warrant. These people have never even met a federal judge.

trump has always been a national security risk. The DOJ would know if he tried to sell or share classified materials to adversaries.
You can put the word May in front of anything..
You "may" be a person who doesn't wear your coaches underware.
But it's nice to speculate what kind of terrible SOUNDING cliches they can come up with to manipulate the elections and in this case obstruct the on going Hunter and Joe Biden investigations while intimidating the opposition.
I know who signed off on the entirely valid warrant.

However, since you'd use the info to send more death threats to that judge, I won't name him here.

You are confused Moon Bat.

It was not valid because of the fact a stupid TDS afflicted Moon Bat Judge, a supporter of all the Democrat assholes like Crooked Hillary, The Worthless Negro, and Potatohead and was appointed by Potatohead signed it not for valid legal reasons but for partisan dirty tricks.

That means it was nor right nor legal. It means that the asshole Judge who defended that pedophile Jeffery Epstein was a lacky for the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department. The same anti American shitasses that arranged the scam of fraudulent unverified mail in and harvested ballots to steal the 2020 Presidential election from the American people.

Most destructive Leftest regimes resort to oppression like this to maintain power.
serial murderer...serial liar. But you are dead on right. He is a manipulative liar. His lips move...He lies.
I've studied psychology for over 20 years, I've never heard of a serial liar, doesn't seem to be a psychologist terminology. I was lazy and found you a quick link.

I researched Trump's lying technique and he firmly comes under Manipulative liar. There are various types of liars, often many people say "Pathological liar", because it's a term most have heard but have no clue to it's meaning. Then there's serial liar, that has no meaning at all.

Same as compulsive liar I guess.
No, not at all. The types of liar are different. A compulsive and manipulative liar are different.

You are technically saying, "A tractor is like a Formula One car", when discussing vehicles.
If Trump broke the law then he should face the consequences but I am so tired of one man being a bigger story than the corrupt capitalist system that we live under which puts the endless greed of corporations and billionaires over the basic needs of the people and planet.
Correct, under Capitalism and Socialism, and under any terminology anyone wants to spout, anyone who breaks the law should suffer the consequences.

From a starting point, I'm British so I'm not familiar with US law, so which specific Acts of Law has Trump broke? Is there a specific list anywhere or is it just some people are unhappy?

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